Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 242 Bibi Dongโ€™s strangeness

Several people were walking on the road in the inner city of the killing capital. ๐†๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฅ๐ž Search for ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐œ๐จ๐ฆReadโ—†

With the King of Slaughter personally leading the way, even if there was more than one stunning beauty in the team, no one would dare to step forward to provoke them.

The degenerates in the city either shouted enthusiastically or followed silently from a distance. Occasionally, a few bold people would cast curious eyes on the figure behind.

At this time, Bibi Dong's sweet voice sounded in Su Cheng's mind.

"The entrance to Hell Road is in the Killing Fields of Hell, where those people fight every day. The blood and soul of everyone who dies there will be swallowed up by Hell Road.

"For ordinary soul masters, if they want to enter it, strong murderous aura is the basis. If there is no protection from the murderous aura accumulated day by day in the killing city, they will immediately be killed by the fierce aura on the road to hell.

"But with my domain covering you, neither you nor that little girl will be in any danger."

"Integrated into the realm of the God of Death of your second martial soul?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

"That's right." Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

She also knows now that the God of Killing Realm in Soul-Eating Spider Emperor has very problematic characteristics. It is filthy and evil, and its killing intent is extremely impure.

He was plotted by the Rakshasa God, or in other words, he was specifically chosen by her.

"For soul masters who normally pass the test and successfully pass the road to hell, they will condense their own murderous aura into the God of Killing Domain. The God of Killing Domain is also different from ordinary domain skills. It will be attributed to the martial soul and become A true area of โ€‹โ€‹talent.

"If there is no deep accumulation of murderous intent, that kind of killing will will have no target to absorb, and it will not be able to form real domain skills. This is why the King of Killing just did not stop it firmly when negotiating the conditions, because with that small With the number of wins this girl has, it is indeed difficult to obtain the Killing God Realm."

"Well, I understand." Su Cheng nodded, "I need you to take more care of me when I enter Hell Road later. It's not convenient for me to take action easily in that place."

Hell Road is different from the Killing City. It is relatively close to the core of the inheritance, and the concentration of divine power entrenched there is also higher.

He was worried that taking action rashly would attract the attention of the God Realm.

Although it is unlikely, otherwise the Rakshasa God would not have laid out the plan without being discovered by the Shura God for so many years, but it is better to be cautious.

"Don't worry." Bibi Dong said with a slight smile in her voice, "Your strength is indeed not weak, but don't underestimate me. ฦกษฑ"

"Of course not."

After several people arrived at the Hell Killing Fields, the surrounding stands were already filled with spectators.

Those were the fallen ones summoned in advance by messengers arranged by the King of Slaughter, or they could be called "sacrifice".

However, they still don't know the fate they are about to face.

"Please invite some distinguished guests."

After saying that, the King of Slaughter looked at the surrounding audience with a sneer, and circles of light red halo were released from his body.

Thick red mist billows, and the huge aura escapes in all directions.

Except for Bibi Dong, Su Cheng, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was protected by Bibi Dong's aura, Xie Yue and the other three people who were not prepared to enter the hell road quickly withdrew to dozens of meters away before regaining their feet.

The rolling red mist is not a murderous aura, but an extremely evil and chaotic aura. Ordinary people will fall into complete madness even if it is touched even slightly.

The evil cold red ripples spread out quickly, and after a few breaths, they had spread to the entire place.

The fallen who were still in the stands were all extremely excited, and they were shouting the name of "King of Slaughter". Obviously he didn't know that his life was coming to an end.

In the eyes of Su Cheng and others who were either calm, surprised or horrified, red light completely enveloped the surrounding stands.

As the red mist descended, the fallen who were cheering wildly gradually became quiet, their eyes became dull and bloodshot, and screams began to sound...

Afterwards, they scratched their faces, bodies, and skin crazily, and their roars changed from the initial pain to pleasure. They seemed to feel endless pleasure and enjoyment in the brutal self-abuse.

The skin was torn, blood flowed, and even the internal organs were taken out and torn into pieces, as if a crazy feast or a terrifying ritual was going on...

They are no longer humans, but animals placed on the altar to open the way to hell.

And the object of this sacrifice presided over by the King of Slaughter is the high god.

"God Rakshasa..."

Su Cheng stared at the scene in front of him with gloomy eyes.

He had no mercy on these people.

Paying the price for your choice is natural.

But things fall into their own kind, and seeing living people turn into irrational beasts before his eyes still made him very unhappy.

At this time, there was a sound of wind beside me.

Su Cheng looked sideways, and Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed red, and there were signs of faint restlessness in his murderous aura.

He raised his hand and put it on the other person's shoulder, silently relieving her mental pressure.

With a thought in his heart, Su Cheng's eyes flashed with dark golden light as he looked at Bibi Dong, who was standing in front of him.

That familiar wave appeared again.

But at the same time, her fair and beautiful cheeks were slightly distorted, dark purple lines appeared in the corners of her eyes, and there was a hint of madness and excitement in her eyes.

"Hey!" The shouting voice filled with soul power resounded deep in Bibi Dong's soul.

Then a warm palm also pressed on her shoulder.

Her body trembled slightly, and a trace of confusion flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Su Cheng frowned, a little worried.

A blush flashed across Bibi Dong's face, she took a deep breath and said, "No problem."

"It won't be convenient for me to take action later, so you'd better wake up!"

"Feel sorry."

Su Cheng nodded and did not continue talking.

The palms of his hands continued to rest on their shoulders, and the diluted innate power continued to pour into their bodies.

Fortunately, this sacrifice has only triggered a response from Rakshasa's divine power so far.

If it was Shura's divine power, he would really have to seriously consider whether to continue.

Time passed quickly, and a large amount of blood scattered on the ground, and then condensed together, like blood-red streams, flowing along the small and inconspicuous pipes under the auditorium toward the center of the killing field.

"It is their honor to be the sacrifice that opens the Hell Road." The deep voice of the Slaughter King sounded.

At this time, the screams had gradually stopped, and except for Su Cheng and his party, there was no one alive here.

After the blood flowed into the field, it did not spread in a straight line. Grooves appeared on the ground at some point.

The blood poured into it and gradually gathered into a huge blood-red bat pattern on it.

The next moment, the bat's scarlet eyes lit up, and a huge red light rose into the sky, sweeping towards the bodies of Su Cheng, Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing.

A large amount of blood of the fallen is the real condition for opening the road to hell.

As for the bloody carnival before, it was just the evil taste of the Rakshasa God.

"I wish you good luck." The King of Slaughter's sharp voice sounded with deep malice.

Bibi Dong looked back at Hu Liena, then swept her eyes over Xieyue and Yan. She immediately looked at Su Cheng and let the cold and evil blood-red light envelope the package.

Swallowed by the blood-red light, Su Cheng and others felt their feet empty, and everything around them quickly became illusory.

In his senses, in addition to the cold and evil murderous aura in the outside world, there are also strong spatial fluctuations.

"The place of inheritance?" Su Cheng's heart moved, "No, it's not the inheritance space. It's still different from the Poseidon's palace, but it's just a secondary space. It's far less independent and stable than the deep sea in the last simulation."

He could clearly feel the connection between this place and the Killing City.

As expected, the place they were about to teleport to now was mutually exclusive with the Killing City, and was not an independent space.

You know, from ancient times to the present, many people have entered the hell path, and many people have obtained the realm of the God of Death.

As the inheritance space of gods, how could it be possible for ordinary people to enter it so easily.

Of course, even if it is a secondary space, it is built by gods after all. Without the use of innate power, the physical body alone is obviously unable to resist the huge pressure from the outside world.

But Su Cheng was not alone at this time.

The next moment, a dark red light shrouded the outside, and the God of Death domain containing deep malice spread out from Bibi Dong's body and enveloped the three of them, blocking out the pressure from the outside world.

Not long after, there was a violent shock, the blood around them faded, and the three of them landed on a circular platform.

The platform under their feet was only about five meters in diameter, which was not too big. The three of them stood side by side.

Seeing that Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing were fine, Su Cheng immediately expanded his senses and looked around.

The entire air here is a faint blood-red color, and outside the five-meter-diameter circular platform beneath your feet is an unfathomable abyss.

There was a glimmer in his eyes as he looked down, and all he could see was an endless pool of dark red blood.

The blood in the blood pool is dirty and filthy, exuding an evil and ominous dark atmosphere.

In front, there is a slender path less than half a foot wide, only able to accommodate two feet standing at the same time, leading to unknown darkness.

And this is also the only way to the outside world on their platform.

"Zhuqing, you can try using your self-created soul skill to feel the aura fluctuations of this place."


When Zhu Zhuqing heard the words, the breeze floated around her body, and she used the special techniques she had learned after advancing in her field.

Su Cheng nodded secretly when he saw this.

The reason why she brought Zhu Zhuqing in with her was to let her have a deeper understanding of Shura's murderous intention here.

Compared to the chaotic aura contaminated by Rakshasa's divine power in the Killing City, the will to kill here is purer, and the benefits it brings to her should be much greater.

The reason is also very simple. The power of Shura in this place is several times stronger than that in the Killing City.

Under the suppression of this Shura divine power, it is difficult for the Rakshasa divine power to have much impact.

In fact, in his perception, there is almost no Rakshasa power in this place.

It is obvious that although the pollution power of Rakshasa's divine power is extremely strong, the level gap between it and Shura's divine power is still too huge.

In a place like the Killing City, you can still cling to each other, but here, you can only huddle in a certain place and stick to it.

And that place should be the real place where Bibi Dong obtained the Rakshasa inheritance.

At this time, Su Cheng was slightly startled. He seemed to see Bibi Dong on the other side, and a sultry purple halo had just flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" After noticing his gaze, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, then turned her head strangely, her expression as clear as ever.

"Is it an illusion? Or is it just reflection?" Su Cheng was a little unsure.

Logically speaking, his eyesight should not be wrong, but except for the fleeting glimmer, there was nothing strange about the other person he perceived, and his breath was still stable.

After thinking about it, dark golden light flashed in his eyes again, and the Rakshasa power in his martial soul was still firmly blocked.

"The source of changes in your domain is starting to appear. Where is it roughly? Let's get closer and take a look." Su Cheng said thoughtfully, "Go slowly and don't get too close yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and for some unknown reason, the blood pool below began to boil violently.

Strong malice steamed up from below, and the bloody halo around the people instantly became dozens of times stronger.

At the same time, an arm suddenly rested on his shoulder, and Bibi Dong stood beside him, her body trembling slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Cheng was shocked and turned around again.

"It's okay." Bibi Dong gasped.

Her soft voice was slightly hoarse, with a strange charm that stirred the flames in the hearts of others.

Even a woman like Zhu Zhuqing would feel her heart skip a beat, let alone a man like Su Cheng.

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