Before she finished speaking, Bibi Dong felt depressed in her heart, and felt dizzy for a moment as if she was lacking oxygen.

As soon as his body becomes weak, he will fall forward.

"What's going on?" Su Cheng quickly stretched out his arms to hug her, and his gentle words echoed deep in her soul, awakening her reason.

"I, I don't know..."

Accompanied by a weak and hoarse voice, Bibi Dong leaned closely into his arms, with a faint flush on her face.

Su Cheng had no intention of feeling the charming moment brought by the soft touch in his arms. He frowned and looked at the terrifying malice around him that was almost solidified, feeling a little solemn in his heart.

The dark red God of Death realm that acted as a barrier to the outside world and enveloped the three of them also began to show signs of changing to purple-black.

He has figured it out now.

No matter where Bibi Dong's realm began to change when she was on the road to hell, the root cause actually came from the blood pool at the bottom of the abyss beneath her feet.

That blood pool should be the large amount of human blood accumulated in the Killing City over the years. It is also the "Bloody Mary" that the fallen in the Killing City contribute and drink daily, and the sacrifice when opening the road to hell.

That is the energy source of the strange realm of the Killing City, but it is also the place that truly contains the power of Rakshasa.

Back then, from the moment Bibi Dong entered the road to hell, she was already marked by the Rakshasa power in the blood pool. It's just that it was not inspired at first, but settled deep in her soul and affected her.

Su Cheng's most puzzling question now is, why is there such a huge reaction in this blood pool at this time?

Even though Bibi Dong was the inheritor of the Rakshasa God, she was accepting the Rakshasa God test normally, and there were no accidents during the process.

The inheritance space of the Rakshasa God is not here either. To the Rakshasa God, the Road to Hell is nothing more than the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island to the Poseidon, or the Angel God Statue in the Douluo Temple to the Angel God. They are used to select places for successors to issue divine examinations.

Even if it really wants to have any influence on Bibi Dong, or be sensitive to her arrival, it must at least be in a place like the Poseidon Heritage Palace, right?

After thinking about it, he first lowered his head and whispered to Bibi Dong in his arms: "First put away your God of Killing Domain."

After saying that, he looked to the other side. The girl in black looked strange, as if she hadn't figured out the situation yet, "Zhuqing, use your talent area."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately nodded and looked away. Now was not the time to say more. The huge shadow of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit flashed behind him.

A light red breeze with a faint fishy smell was swirling around, replacing the purple-black dark red God of Death domain that had previously emitted from Bibi Dong.

"Su, Su Cheng..." Bibi Dong closed her eyes slightly and opened her mouth slightly to murmur.

There was no blood on her face, and extremely obvious light purple lines began to appear around the corners of her eyes.

Although he was under tremendous pressure from the powerful and ferocious energy from Hell Road, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but glance at the two of them in surprise.

At this time, the body of this aloof Pope was trembling slightly, visible to the naked eye. There was a watery color in the eyes that seemed to be open, and there was pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Su Cheng responded softly.

He glanced at the strong malice rising from under his feet and quickly gathering around him, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhuqing, can you hold on?"

However, in just a short moment, the strong wind gathering around Zhu Zhuqing was covered with a blood-colored shadow.


"Don't hold on, and understand more of the will to kill here."

Su Cheng looked at the field created by the other party and nodded secretly in his heart.

Her Fengshen domain is similar to her own swordsmanship domain, focusing on ultimate attack. The power displayed now is several times stronger than before before coming to the Slaughter City, and its essence has also been greatly enhanced.

Except for some impurities contained in it due to the special soul power environment in the Killing City, all other aspects are positive improvements, and it is extremely suitable for her Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, which can bring about a qualitative change in her combat power.

With this foundation, it will be much easier to practice innate skills in the future.

The malice that suddenly erupted in the blood pool at his feet was not without its benefits. It at least stimulated the relatively silent Shura powers nearby, triggering a counterattack of powerful murderous intent everywhere.

For Zhu Zhuqing, this is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The clearer and restless the killing intent is, the easier it is to feel and realize it.

However, the power of that ferocious aura has also become much greater.

Fortunately, although Zhu Zhuqing did not achieve 100 wins in the Hell Killing Fields, she had also won a large number of consecutive victories and accumulated a deep murderous aura. Otherwise, it would be difficult to withstand the impact of the murderous aura.

"Be careful not to be tainted by malicious intent. If you feel uneasy, tell me in time and I will take action when the time comes." Su Cheng said in a deep voice.

Now that things have come to this, I'm afraid he will inevitably take action sooner or later.

Bibi Dong's current condition was beyond imagination, and her God of Killing Domain was obviously not suitable for continued use.

But if you want to leave the hell road, you can't escape without the extremely powerful murderous body to absorb the will to kill, or with the protection of the already completed God of Death Domain.

So when he finally escapes from the hell road, Su Cheng needs to use his innate power to protect Zhu Zhuqing, so there is no need to force her to hold on for a long time.

Now, let her use her own domain to resist first, in order to help her gain more insights through external pressure.

After all, the opportunity is rare. After going out this time, it will be difficult for her to return to this hell road.

"I understand." Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly with serious eyes.

Su Cheng saw this and stopped talking to her, so as not to distract her.

What worries him most now is Bibi Dong's condition.

Bibi Dong, who had just said that she was "fine", was already a little delirious at this time.

His body was almost completely hung on Su Cheng. If he hadn't stretched out his arms to hold Su Cheng's body, Bibi Dong would have fallen to the ground and passed out.

The delicate body in her arms was suddenly hot and cold, and her breath was extremely restless and chaotic.

Murderous aura and evil thoughts surged in turn, and in addition, there was a slightly familiar pure aura that appeared and disappeared.

At the moment, those forces seemed to be using her body as a battlefield, constantly entangled and strangled with each other.

However, as time passed, the endless evil thoughts clearly began to gain the upper hand, and dark green light flashed in his eyes from time to time.

If Su Cheng could observe the state of her soul, he would find that the starlight hidden deep in Bibi Dong's soul was flickering and crumbling.

But at the same time, layers of malicious packages from the outside world are still squeezing and penetrating into the depths of the soul.

In fact, it was precisely because Bibi Dong, as the inheritor of the Rakshasa God, that the progress of the Divine Examination was slowed down and suppressed by this starlight, stimulated the Rakshasa divine power on the hell road, causing the divine power hidden in the blood pool under his feet to show such a strong reaction.

In her mind, various memories and illusions about the past flashed alternately, making her extremely painful.

After getting along for many years, the hint of affection forced the other party to leave alone, and never dared to approach easily again...

On Poseidon Island, the person you love is dying in front of you, but there is nothing you can do...

What's more, that person is just a bubble that exists in my memory. In fact, he and I are only two generations apart, and there is no chance to save him. Or, this person does not exist at all, and I can only face it alone. To all the pain and suffering...

Even the scene of living together with Qian Renxue in Wuhun Palace City for many years...

It's hard for her not to hate Qian Renxue.

Although the blood between the two is thicker than water, the blood of the Qianjia family flowing in the other person comes from the sacred aura of the angel family, and every time I see this child, I can think of the person who personally pushed her into the abyss. Teacher, and the scene that made her resentful and fearful for the rest of her life...

For people with stronger desires and deeper obsessions, when they experience separation and loss, the pain will be heavier.

As the current Pope of Wuhun Palace, although he can be said to be a figure who stands at the pinnacle of power in the world today, Bibi Dong's obsession is not with power.

Because she has been in a high position in Wuhun Palace since she was a child, she has never lacked power and status, so naturally she is not that eager for these things.

What she lacks is emotion, so she cherishes emotion more.

But the saddest part is also here.

All kinds of opportunities that people regard as treasures and covet are within easy reach for her.

This has been the case since childhood.

Her talent as a soul master far exceeds that of the world, and she has a status as a saint that no one else can envy. After the death of the previous pope, she became the youngest and only female pope in the history of Wuhun Palace.

But these things, for Bibi Dong, are just dispensable.

And who had ever really cared about what she desperately longed for?

Qian Xunji didn't care, Yu Xiaogang didn't care, and even Su Cheng, who brought her hope and warmth in another world, actually didn't care either.

Everyone has different standards for measuring different things.

For her, the things she cherishes and desires most are ordinary in the eyes of others.

What you want cannot be obtained, and all the situations in your memory are just illusions; it is difficult to get close to the one you love, and even your thoughts can only be buried deep in your heart; they are obviously blood relatives, but they look at each other with hatred and disgust, and the painful memories are always with you. Leave...

Logically speaking, as the god of evil thoughts, Rakshasa God usually arouses evil thoughts and desires in people's hearts. This is originally the easiest negative emotion in human nature to tap and exploit.

In the past, this Rakshasa spiritual thought hidden in the Killing City was indeed caused by the evil nature of Bibi Dong’s second martial soul, Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, as well as the seeds of greed and paranoia deep in her heart, coupled with her own extreme Because of her strong natural talent, she was chosen to mark her, select her as the inheritor of the divine throne, and start the Rakshasa test for her.

But at this time, what was triggered by Rakshasa's divine power was another extremely powerful negative emotion that was the deepest and most powerful in Bibi Dong's heart - pain.

This emotion can also be transformed as the source of the power of the Rakshasa god.

It's just that for ordinary people, it's difficult to draw on its power.

Because when a person is like Bibi Dong, suffering from extreme depression and pain and being haunted by countless nightmares and fears, there are only two choices for the future.

Or choose to devour the world and destroy the world, which means returning to the path that the Rakshasa God should have taken.

But this path is difficult to achieve.

The greater possibility is to choose self-destruction.

The pain is so deep that it would be difficult for anyone else to continue walking step by step.

"You have to leave this place first."

Su Cheng raised his eyes and looked around, looking at the layers of blood mist gathering around him, and no longer hesitated in his heart.

Bibi Dong's current state will obviously not be restored for a while. And as time goes by, I'm afraid the problem will become more serious.

Although he had already activated his Five Elements Domain, which was integrated with innate power, to block Bibi Dong from the Rakshasa power that was constantly coming from the outside world, he was unable to completely stop it.

As the inheritor of the Rakshasa divine throne, Bibi Dong has a deep connection with the Rakshasa divine power.

Moreover, the Rakshasa God is the god of evil thoughts. The most terrifying thing about his divine power is that it can infect people's minds and arouse negative emotions in their hearts. This cannot be solved by simply blocking the divine energy.

Unless Su Cheng used the second stage of the Immortal Real Body and used his absolute strength advantage to disperse and annihilate all the Rakshasa power here, it would be impossible to completely cure the opponent.

But he obviously wouldn't do anything stupid like that.

Although the rule here that he cannot use soul skills cannot restrict him, the weapon soul's true form cannot last long. Once used, it means that he has exhausted all his cards. If any danger occurs later, the situation will become very troublesome.

It's not that Su Cheng is arrogant. He really didn't think that Bibi Dong, who had returned to his normal state, would be more effective when encountering danger than he was in his full state.

"Zhu Qing, walk ahead." Su Cheng pointed to the dark direction the narrow road led to, turned to Zhu Zhuqing and said in a deep voice.

If two people have the same strength, the person in front will obviously face greater danger.

But his soul power is much stronger, his perception far exceeds that of Zhu Zhuqing, and he can predict risks in advance.

Moreover, his shooting speed is faster, and it is easier to pay attention to the surrounding movements at any time when walking behind, and then give corresponding instructions.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, glanced at Bibi Dong who was leaning in Su Cheng's arms, and opened his mouth hesitantly, but still didn't say anything more.

Then he continued to maintain the operation of his talent field, turned around, and walked towards the half-foot-wide narrow road ahead.

Of course, she did not blindly open the way in front, but as Su Cheng had previously pointed out, she constantly adjusted the field of Fengshen. At the same time, she felt the deep and fierce domineering murderousness on the road to hell, and further integrated it with her own talent field to learn from each other's strengths.

Only then did Su Cheng stretch out his arms and pick up Bibi Dong, who was already unconscious, like a princess.

Following his movements, Bibi Dong subconsciously stretched out her arms and put them around his neck.

Then she opened her slightly hazy eyes and stared at him with a dazed expression. The fragrant fragrance like orchid and musk sprayed out between her lips and teeth.

"Su Cheng, help me..."

Su Cheng sighed secretly in his heart.

He glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who was walking in front and whispered: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will go wrong."

After saying that, he stretched out his fingers and gently brushed the corners of her eyes, wiping away the tears that were rolling down there.

At the same time, the feeling containing powerful soul power reached into his arms.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's soul was extremely restless, and he could finally feel a trace of the other party's soul state.

However, as soon as they made contact, Su Cheng's expression changed slightly.


It was obviously just a rough feeling coming from his soul, but it was like substance, melting into his heart.

At this moment, it was as if tens of thousands of Coptis chinensis were condensed into a drop of extremely bitter liquid, blooming on the taste buds of his tongue.

The extremely bitter feeling is transmitted from the other party's soul.

It even stung Su Cheng's heart to tingle slightly.

This is completely different from what I imagined.

He originally thought that under the attack of the Rakshasa God's evil thoughts, Bibi Dong's heart at this time was either filled with the fear of being betrayed by her loved ones, or filled with hatred and hatred for an unfair fate. Regret and even regret, and even some crazy impulse to destroy and kill.

But he never expected that it would be such a pure and extreme bitter feeling.

Loneliness, helplessness, fear, darkness...

In addition, there is only a faint glimmer of light in the very distance, which cannot be clearly seen.

There is indeed a vague will to destroy in it.

But it's not about destroying the world, it's about destroying yourself.

Of course, that thought was not strong, at least it hadn't prompted her to do anything yet.

Su Cheng stared blankly at Bibi Dong's pale cheek in his arms.

You can't tell it at all on weekdays. Even in the past year, her words and deeds have become much more rational, and she is not as paranoid as before.

What's more, it's a strange kind of peace and indifference.

Moreover, Bibi Dong's desire for power and purpose in doing things don't seem to be that strong anymore. At least when it comes to ruling the continent and improving her own strength, her actions are not particularly radical, and her methods are much gentler than in the past.

"I see……"

Su Cheng looked a little complicated.

Everything you seek and love is hopeless. Looking back at the past, it was full of suffering.

For her, the world is like a prison, and every spark of hope has become the deepest obsession in her heart.

Or, that was her motivation to continue to persevere and not be completely swallowed by the darkness.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to help you."

Although this trip to Hell Road deviated slightly from the expected situation, it was not completely fruitless.

At least at this moment, Su Cheng has roughly figured out the main reason why Rakshasa power can be so deeply rooted in Bibi Dong's soul.

The root cause is not in the power of Rakshasa, but in Bibi Dong herself, in her dim memories of the past.

In this way, there will be a direction to prescribe the right medicine.

However, the old wounds had long since rotted and grown maggots, staining his entire body.

If the carrion is cut off, can Bibi Dong regain a new life in the mud-like depths of her heart like a lotus growing in the mud?

Or has it completely rotted into mud, and no real lotus seed remains?

Dear readers, I am a little busy at the end of the year and have a lot of social activities, so that’s all for today.

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