Zhu Zhuqing walked in front. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’ constantly adjusts its own talent field to confront the powerful will to kill on the road to hell.

Staring at the boundless darkness in the distance and the thick red mist rolling in all around. She soon discovered that the appearance of the red mist was actually traceable.

Just like a wave, it is not endless, but its intensity is constantly changing.

Moreover, the cold and cold will to kill in the red mist and the chaotic and filthy evil spirit and malice are not in the same camp, and they are also killing each other.

It's just that compared to the unpredictable layers of malice, the killing intent is obviously much more domineering, suppressing all alien energies at the same time with a repressive attitude.

The target of the malicious attack was very clear and single, and it was aimed at Bibi Dong, who was curled up in Su Cheng's arms.

Zhu Zhuqing has rich combat experience and is extremely knowledgeable about field development. He quickly responded to this situation.

The characteristics of wind are inherently unpredictable, whether it is strong or soft.

In the past, in order to maximize her attack power, shots, and movement speed, she never put much thought into changes. Instead, all the energy was focused on how to improve its power and sharpness.

But at this moment, she began to change her mind.

As time passes, the airflow surrounding the field also changes.

It is no longer as sharp as before, but soft and winding, often interspersed between the red mist, trying its best to guide the different breaths in the red mist and let them consume each other.

"Zhuqing, feel it with your whole body. Instead of just seeing it with your eyes, just relying on your soul power. Try your best to feel the instinct coming from your blood, then trust the instinct, obey it, and integrate it."

At this time, Su Cheng's voice suddenly came from behind.

Zhu Zhuqing's expression moved slightly, and he quickly understood what the other party meant.

Without asking any more questions, he just focused his mind on Wuhun.

She understood in her heart that the "instinct in the blood" that Su Cheng mentioned was actually the fighting instinct derived from the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit.

This powerful martial soul bloodline that surpasses the super martial soul has also been her real confidence all along.

When she calmed down and handed over the control to her body bit by bit, she instantly found that the difficulty of controlling the field dropped sharply.

The flow of wind is inherently difficult to control. In other words, it is difficult to predict its subsequent evolution.

She could continuously fine-tune it in the process, and even condense it into a powerfully lethal blade or a solid shield, but it was difficult to fully control it from start to finish.

However, when she started to use instinct and soul power as an aid, she soon noticed a difference.

Those air currents were no longer weapons in her hands, but extensions of her body.

Even subsequent changes can be known in advance from the moment the move is made.

Compared with the previous guidance, it now requires significantly less effort, and the effect is better and more efficient.

Zhu Zhuqing felt a hint of joy in his heart.

It's not just the control of the domain and wind attributes. The killing instinct and fighting instinct were also gradually mastered by her in the process.

Su Cheng was right what he said before, this place is really suitable for him.

The previous experience in the Killing City had really improved her a lot.

But in addition to the murderous soul power, there is more filth and malice there, which requires a lot of energy to resist in order to ensure the purity of one's own spiritual level.

On this road to hell, she was able to completely let go and experience everything to her heart's content.

Because the will to kill here is stronger and purer, and has not been merged with the endless stream of filthy malice. Now it has become a whetstone for her to improve her will and fighting skills.

However, as the group of people continued to move forward, Zhu Zhu, in addition to being constantly vigilant about the dangers that might appear at any time in the darkness ahead, as well as the hostility and malice that constantly invaded from all around, began to focus a small part of his mind on what was behind him. The situation of two people.

She had some doubts in her heart.

Bibi Dong was a little too indulgent and too trusting of Su Cheng.

Although she had not had much contact with this current female pope who was more than ten thousand people before, she could feel from her brief observation in those few days more than a year ago that this person was ambitious and narrow-minded.

His mind is definitely not as glorious and majestic as it seems on the surface, and the vicious light that occasionally flashes in his eyes is even more chilling.

Not to mention the foreign soul masters like Su Cheng who joined the Wuhun Hall halfway, I am afraid that even for the elders who were also born and raised in the Wuhun Hall, they are mostly interested in taking advantage of them and have no real friendship.

Of course, Zhu Zhuqing just felt strange and thought about how he should stand in Wuhun City after entering Wuhun City in the future. He had no doubts in his heart.

No matter how you look at it, with their identities, positions, and camps, those two people shouldn't be so close to each other.

It was only because Su Cheng was so powerful and Bibi Dong seemed to be affected by the environment here that his condition was so bad that he acted extremely abnormally.

After all, before entering this hell road, the other party was still normal.

Seeing the changes in Zhu Zhuqing's domain, Su Cheng, who was walking behind, nodded secretly in his heart.

There is no doubt that she has extremely rich combat experience in the past.

After all, in that memory, the other party had truly reached the peak Douluo realm.

But he is not very familiar with the martial spirit of Netherworld White Tiger.

With the title Douluo's cultivation, the number of real battles he has fought is also very few.

The talent field derived from the Netherworld White Tiger, as well as the martial spirit itself, are undoubtedly extremely powerful.

At least the level far exceeds Zhu Zhuqing's cognition.

So at this stage, what she needs to do is not to rush to find her own path, but to integrate, learn, and constantly explore the potential of her bloodline.

Su Cheng also knew the Netherworld White Tiger.

In fact, this was the first martial soul that he had delved deeply into the essence of bloodline.

He was very clear about the potential of this martial spirit.

This is simply a ferocious beast born for fighting and killing, conquering everything and transcending everything until it breaks through all shackles and gains true freedom.

At least until Zhu Zhuqing reaches the level of Peerless Douluo, there is no need to abandon the basics and pursue the weak.

Only after she truly masters the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit will she need to try to transcend instinct and reach a higher level.

The field of wind god derived from the Nether White Tiger is also different from the ordinary talent field.

For ordinary soul masters, what are the most valuable aspects of domain skills?

It is to provide users with the best environment to adapt to their own fighting style.

This is not the case in the Aeolian realm.

It does not create a combat environment, or that environment is just incidental.

Its essence is to enhance the user's strength and speed.

It is the ultimate offensive field similar to Su Cheng's sword field.

Including the pair of wind god wings that Zhu Zhuqing had used before, they were not soul skills, but domain characteristics, which helped her to kill and fight more flexibly.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing had understood something, Su Cheng felt relieved and followed silently.

In his arms, Bibi Dong's soft and delicate body was still trembling slightly, her eyebrows were furrowed, indistinct murmurs came from her mouth from time to time, and a purple-black light flashed across her face.

Su Cheng circulated the technique, continuously delivering diluted innate power into her body, trying to dissipate the Rakshasa power that was constantly being stimulated.

At the same time, her lips moved slightly, and the words containing the power of the soul echoed in her mind.

As he continued to send messages of comfort, Bibi Dong's condition in his arms seemed to get a little better.

But Su Cheng didn't dare to be careless.

Right now we have just entered Hell Road, and when we get closer to the exit, we don’t know if there will be other changes on the other side.

Since the Rakshasa divine power is entrenched in the underground blood pool and can be continuously tracked as the blood pool flows, it may be difficult to escape the continuous intrusion of this thing before leaving here.

Before a few people had gone too far, a red cloud suddenly drifted closer from a distance.

Hongyun was very fast. He was only about the size of a palm when he first saw it. In the blink of an eye, he was approaching like an overwhelming force.

They were blood-red bats, just like a smaller version of the blood-red bat pattern left on the ground of the Hell Killing Fields before.

Each blood bat is about a foot long, but its huge wings extend over one meter.

Thousands of bats gathered together and swooped towards a few people quickly.

The red light flashed in the blood bat's eyes, revealing its sharp fangs, and it made a strange "quacking" sound from its mouth.

After getting closer, they flapped their wings at the same time, bringing a gust of fishy wind that blew towards several people.

Su Cheng didn't take action, and there was no need for him to take action.

Wind is the power of the Netherworld White Tiger.

The huge white tiger's shadow flickered, its bloody mouth suddenly opened, and its fangs criss-crossed like swords.

In front of the shadow, Zhu Zhuqing also opened his mouth slightly at the same time, then took a deep breath, and then blew forward.

"call out--"

An extremely condensed stream of air shot out from her red lips like a sharp arrow.

At first it was no more than the thickness of a little finger, but in an instant it turned into a fierce hurricane, rushing into the fishy wind that swept towards my face.

As the strong wind swept through, the formation of thousands of bats was completely disrupted in an instant.

The next moment, the chaotic air flow turned into sharp wind blades that wreaked havoc in all directions. Amid the squeaking sounds of the bats, they turned into large pieces of blood mist and fell into the cliff below.

Under Zhu Zhuqing's powerful field offensive, this group of bats soon suffered heavy losses.

However, the number of thousands is still too many, and it is obviously not possible to clear them all in a short time.

"Ignore them, let's speed up." Su Cheng glanced at the bats and said casually.

Even the first half of the Hell Road does not pose much threat to Zhu Zhuqing, so there is no need to waste time here.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly when he heard the words.

Then the field turned, and the surrounding airflow was instantly disrupted, further blowing the bat group away. The two of them didn't waste any time and rushed forward quickly.

But before they could advance too far, another huge soul beast appeared blocking the front.

It was a huge dark golden bat with a length of four meters.

Two huge claws were clasped on the narrow road. Each claw was more than one meter in diameter and pierced directly into the stone.

Amidst the screams of a large number of blood bats behind them, the dark golden big bat king slowly opened a pair of huge wings with a wingspan of more than ten meters. The whole body shone with dark golden light, and the three heads looked extremely ferocious.

Su Cheng could tell at a glance that the cultivation level of this dark gold three-headed bat was about 20,000 years old.

"A quick fight, just blow up all three of its heads."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, the red light on his left arm lit up, and then his figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment he appeared directly in front of the dark golden bat.

One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Bone Skill - Teleportation!

One of the skills of Zhu Zhuqing's 100,000-year-old left arm bone, which he obtained from Xiao Wu, is teleportation.

It allows the owner to move freely within a range of 100 meters without any buffer time and can be used continuously.

However, every time she uses it, it will consume one percent of her total soul power.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who suddenly appeared in front of them, the three-headed bats seemed to be stunned for a moment. They did not expect that the other party would suddenly come here from a distance of more than ten meters in front.

Zhu Zhuqing looked indifferent and slashed forward like a knife.

The extremely condensed and powerful wind blade flashed across instantly.

Three bat heads that looked extremely ferocious were cut in half in the blink of an eye.

Golden blood flew in all directions, and Zhu Zhuqing's figure flashed back to his original position.

As the huge bat died instantly, hundreds of blood bats in the air suddenly lost their backbone and fled in all directions, screaming.

"Let's go."

Su Cheng looked up and didn't mean to pay much attention. He looked at Zhu Zhuqing and nodded, signaling to move on.

After passing the dark golden three-headed bat king, their path was almost smooth.

Apart from the red mist that continues to spread and intensify, there is no other obstacle.

After walking like this for a long time, their position has obviously dropped a lot compared to the initial position, and it seems that they have passed half of the distance.


Su Cheng had some doubts in his heart.

If I remember correctly, there should be a ten-headed blazing sun snake on the road.

Is it because that guy doesn't happen to be here at the moment, or is that beast reserved for a designated person?

Or maybe, because of the strong malice that I encountered at the beginning, it has been counted as a level one by default?

This guess is entirely reasonable.

The Hell Road test consists of three levels, and this kind of place created by the gods is specifically used to select successors who are qualified to accept the divine test, and usually has some mechanical judgment rules.

Just like the Seven Sacred Pillars, the tests initially released were extremely mechanical.

Unless the heir to the throne of God is determined who can truly take the test, everything will be done in accordance with the rules.

Therefore, it is entirely possible that Hell Road regarded the dangerous situation that initially targeted Bibi Dong as a checkpoint.

In this way, killing the Bat King will count as passing two levels.

Coupled with the strong murderous intent and malice at the last exit, it is enough to pass the hell road test.

Of course, there is another possibility that because Bibi Dong, a person who has passed through the Hell Road, is in the team, this place simply ignores them by default.

Su Cheng just changed his mind and put the problem aside.

Whether he touches the ten-headed blazing sun snake or not, it actually doesn't matter much, and he doesn't need the inner elixir.

On the one hand, I came to this place to observe the situation of Rakshasa's divine power and find a solution to the hidden dangers in Bibi Dong's soul. On the other hand, I came to this place to sharpen Zhu Zhuqing and improve her perception.

One less obstacle can save a lot of trouble, which is not a bad thing.

As several people got closer and closer to the bottom of the abyss, the surrounding temperature began to get higher and higher.

The murderous intent and hostility around them are rapidly increasing all the time, becoming more domineering and manic.

"Su Cheng..."

At this time, Bibi Dong, who was curled up in Su Cheng's arms, suddenly began to breathe a little faster.

Su Cheng looked down at her.

By now, Bibi Dong's body was already dripping with sweat, her hair was stuck to her long white neck, looking a bit messy, and even her body-covering clothes were stuck to her fair skin.

The papal dress on her body was extremely delicate and luxurious. As it was soaked with fragrant sweat, it looked almost transparent, and even the snowy texture inside could be clearly seen.

Holding her in your arms and touching her is not much different from direct skin-to-skin contact.

"Is...is she okay?"

Until now, Zhu Zhuqing finally couldn't bear it anymore.

She looked at Bibi Dong with a strange expression, and then looked at Su Cheng who was hugging her.

His face was hesitant, and he hesitated to speak.

"Huh?" Su Cheng came back to his senses and said calmly: "Oh, it's okay. Let's keep walking and leave here first. There is something wrong with her. I will explain it to you later."

Having said this, he looked at Zhu Zhuqing's red eyes again and said in a deep voice: "What about you, can you still hold on?"

"No problem." Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

Although her eyes began to glow with a rich red light at this time, she was stirred by the intention to kill, her mind was not disturbed, and the flow of soul power in her body was extremely normal.

Su Cheng could see her situation and knew she wasn't trying to show off, but he still reminded her: "Keep your balance and don't rush for quick success. The power that can be controlled by yourself is your own power. There is no point in forcing external things."

"I see."

After walking for nearly an hour, they finally reached the exit.

In the abyss on both sides of the narrow road, dark red liquid rolled and flowed. It was obviously blood, but it had a temperature like magma.

At this time, dark red liquid exuding a strong bloody smell on both sides was only a few dozen meters away from the narrow road where they were. The air was so hot that Zhu Zhuqing's clothes began to emit a faint burnt smell.

However, this kind of temperature cannot have much impact on a few people.

Needless to say, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong's physical fitness. The sweat on Bibi Dong's body had nothing to do with the temperature. She was too confused, which caused her body to break out into sweat.

Even Zhu Zhuqing is not afraid of this kind of temperature because he has taken fairy grass and is protected from cold and heat.

The exit about a kilometer away looked pretty obvious.

The white light condensed into an oval light curtain, where the end of the trip for several people was.

But before that exit, there was a blood-red lake blocking the way.

The lake, which is a thousand meters in diameter, is filled with plasma and bubbles are surging.

The solid evil spirit and malice lingered among them, and an even stronger will to kill rose into the sky.

Cold, gloomy, filthy, evil...

All kinds of malicious murderous intentions were dozens of times stronger than the red mist when they first entered the hell road.

At this moment, let alone Bibi Dong, who was in a state of confusion and with a bruised face.

Even Zhu Zhuqing's blood was surging around his body, and the uncontrollable murderous intent came out of his body. The bloody light in his eyes was fierce, and the surrounding Fengshen Domain almost completely turned into a dark red.

At this point, Su Cheng had to take action.

Even if Zhu Zhuqing had the wings of the God of Wind and could fly across the lake, she would never be allowed to continue.

Not to mention whether she can successfully overcome the murderous aura accumulated in the past, even if she can survive the impact of the murderous aura, she will be attached to the realm of the God of Death after leaving. This is a result that Su Cheng does not want to see. .

He just hoped that with the battle in the Killing City and the will to kill on the Hell Road, he could fully stimulate the fighting potential of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, but he did not want the nature of Zhu Zhuqing's talent field to change.

To be honest, if he did not inherit the Shura God's throne, he felt that the Killing God Domain was far inferior to the Wind God Domain owned by Zhu Zhuqing himself.

"Zhuqing, follow me."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak when he heard this and walked over silently.

It's not that she doesn't want to talk, but she needs to resist the powerful killing intent in this place with all her strength.

"hug me."

As he finished speaking, a pair of arms silently wrapped around his waist.

The next moment, an extremely plump and soft feeling appeared on the back.

Su Cheng let out a sigh of enjoyment and praised: "Zhuqing, your figure has improved a lot."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt the aura behind him suddenly surge, the clothes around his waist were torn, and five sharp claws pressed against his skin, and the cold murderous intention was looming.

Su Cheng quickly shut up when he saw this.

Then his expression straightened, and the Five Elements Domain superimposed on the Sword Dao Domain simultaneously surrounded him.

The rich innate energy rises and emerges, and the divine power here collides with each other, making a "chichi" sound.

After exerting his innate power, things would change sooner or later, and Su Cheng didn't dare to delay at all.

Wrapped in the transparent sword energy, the whole person turned into a sword light and rushed away in the air.

In the sound of the fierce sword energy breaking through the air, the bloody amber below instantly set off huge waves, arousing an extremely strong will to kill and boiling.

However, as he left, the dark red Shura divine power seemed to have lost its target. It did not cling to him and condense into the realm of the God of Death like it did in the past for those who passed the hell road.

Instead, it gradually subsided and the previous tranquility was restored.

But at the same time, there was another large wave of solid purple-black malicious evil energy, following behind as if unwilling to give in.

The next moment, sword light and purple mist rushed into the white light curtain at the exit at the same time.

Bibi Dong stood alone in a muddy swamp, with countless dead flowers, willows, branches and leaves scattered among them.

No matter how colorful those flowers once were, they have long since turned into carrion, and their true colors can no longer be seen clearly.

The endless black clouds above blocked the clear sky and made the sky invisible.

A deep thick fog shrouded the surroundings, and the pungent rotting stench made people almost nauseous.

Bibi Dong looked around blankly.

The poisonous snake neighed happily, spitting out red letters, and its dark eyes shone with a cunning and cunning light.

Spiders scurry around, the colorful textures on their bodies are magnificent and bright, and they are the only colors in this dead place.

In this quagmire filled with putrid poisonous gas and broken flowers and branches, it seems that the only way to survive is to become one of them.

The dirtier the environment, the more gorgeous they grow, and the more vitality is withered, the happier they are.

Bibi Dong raised her arms and looked at her body.

The originally gorgeous and precious papal robes were now in dilapidated condition.

On the fair arms, there were also little purple and black spots, which looked extremely ugly.

Then she put her hands down unconsciously and stepped forward, her heart slowly falling into silence.

This place was probably originally a vast sea of ​​flowers.

From the dead branches that occasionally stand up here and there, we can also slightly guess the prosperous scenery in the past.

It's just that spring and summer are short, autumn and winter are long, and after the flowers and leaves wither and wither, there will never be another day to bloom again.

As time went by, it gradually turned into a lifeless and putrid quagmire, until it became a paradise for poisonous insects, snakes and ants.

Gradually, the deathly tranquility seemed to permeate her body.

Even the pain that had penetrated deep into the bone marrow in the past gradually became numb.

Not just those painful memories.

Even jealousy and hatred, desires and delusions seemed to have been calmed down.

Occasionally, there will be a slight tingling sensation, which seems to be there but not at all, making little waves in the sea of ​​​​my heart.

She stood helplessly in the middle of the mire, and the screams of snakes and insects had gradually faded away.

And she herself seemed to be withering and sinking a little like those once gorgeous flowers.

Then sink into the mire and become stinky and corrupt...

"Hey, is this yours?"

At this time, a gentle man's voice, with bursts of warmth, reached her ears.

This voice is so familiar...

Memories from the past come flooding back.

In the desperate darkness of the underground chamber, someone once stood up and waved a sword for her...

In the beautiful valley full of rare and rare grasses, I once happily picked a flower soaked with my own efforts...

Who is that person?

Why was I despairing at that time, and why was I so happy?

Has anything ever happened between you and him?

But why have they all been forgotten?

Bibi Dong looked up blankly and saw a young man standing in front of her, extending a palm to her.

On the palm of the hand, a starry circular light spot shines like a lotus seed.

The lotus seeds are clear and pure, which is incompatible with the dead and dilapidated scene here.


Bibi Dong's eyes were a little confused, but also a little longing.

She held out her palm hesitantly.

But when she saw the mud and dirt on her arms, she felt a little ashamed of herself, and she shrank and didn't dare to look up.

The man standing in front of her didn't speak, but looked at her encouragingly with a smile on his lips.

Escape from suffering and sorrow and pursue happiness and joy are the instincts of all life.

Even in darkness, we always long for hope and light.

Biting her lip, Bibi Dong mustered up her courage, stretched out her trembling palm, and touched the lotus seed.

The moment they touched each other, her whole body suddenly shook, and her pupils suddenly dilated.

The lotus seed-like starlight was also bright and bright at the same time, illuminating the entire mire.

The next moment, flower stems emerged from the mud, then stretched and grew rapidly, blooming into lotus flowers.

The filth and mud gradually faded away, turning into a large lake.

The fragrance of flowers overflowed, permeating her heart.

Soon, the lotus flowers withered again and turned into lotus pods and fell into the clear and deep lake.

Then the stars twinkled, and new lotuses grew out of the water, stretching and blooming.

The lotus flowers and seeds alternated back and forth, turning from one into ten, and from ten into a hundred. They spread over the entire clear water in layers, completely submerging Su Cheng and Bibi Dong.

In the sea of ​​flowers, a faint sound of sobbing could be heard, and then gradually turned into hysterical crying.

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