At some point, the dark clouds in the sky were broken into a huge hole by the morning sun and shone down.

The sun shines through the gaps between the lotus flowers and onto the clear lake, forming golden patterns.

The breeze blows, and the light and shadow jump and flicker, gorgeous and agile.

Su Cheng stood in the lotus pond, looking at the figure crying on the ground in front of him, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

The beautiful lotus lake where they were, like a picture scroll, was where Bibi Dong's soul was reflected.

Of course, the filthy quagmire just now was also a reflection of her mind.

Before that, when leaving the Hell Road, the killing will derived from Shura's divine power, after being shielded by the innate power emanating from Su Cheng, returned to silence and stopped entangled with a few people.

But the evil thoughts of Rakshasa are not so easy to get rid of.

As the inheritor of the Rakshasa God, Bibi Dong has the mark of the Rakshasa God's divine power on her body. The nature of the Rakshasa God's power itself is extremely weird and difficult to deal with, and it is obviously difficult to erase it with ordinary innate power alone.

Originally, Su Cheng was planning to directly use the second stage martial spirit avatar to completely annihilate it with the absolute power level gap.

Anyway, now that we are off the road to hell, we have nothing to worry about.

But when the huge Rakshasa evil thoughts invaded, Su Cheng clearly felt something strange in Bibi Dong's soul.

The familiar fluctuations that he could never truly understand in the past, as well as Bibi Dong's soul, were all clearly revealed within his range of perception under the stimulation of the strong evil divine power.

With almost no hesitation, he gave up his original idea and directly separated part of his soul power to follow him into Bibi Dong's spiritual world.

Then, he saw a sight that made him silent.

Decline, desolation, death...

This is simply not the spiritual world that living people should have.

The sense of decay may not be so exaggerated even by people who have just died and whose souls have not yet completely dissipated.

Even the fire of hope in his heart was gradually drowned due to the crazy erosion of Rakshasa's divine power during this trip to hell.

After that, Su Cheng discovered the source of the familiar aura.

It was a bit of starlight, and the starlight contained aura fluctuations similar to his own.

Or to be precise, it is the aura belonging to another world "Cheng Xue", which is also Bibi Dong's spiritual guide.

Only when he really touched the lotus seed-like starlight did Su Cheng understand why the "Star Water Soul" as a reward appeared in Bibi Dong's soul instead of falling directly into his hands.

Because the starlight formed after the previous simulation was incomplete.

It can only be called "Starlight".

If you want to truly transform into the so-called "Star Water Soul", you need to cultivate it with extremely full emotions before it can be formed. 6̾̾

As the spirit of all things, human beings are naturally far more emotionally rich than other creatures.

But there are differences between people.

This so-called "emotion" is not just love, happiness, anger, sorrow and joy are all emotions.

Some people may be extremely emotional in one area, but very limited in other areas.

For example, Qian Renxue's emotions are actually quite weak.

Whether you are happy or sad, they are not very extreme.

Sometimes they will give up past hatred for the sake of profit or other demands. They are rarely swayed by joy and anger.

But if it were Bibi Dong, that wouldn't be the case.

Whether she loves or hates her, she can push herself to the extreme, often giving up more favorable situations and further opportunities for those emotions.

You may even drag the whole world with you to be buried with you because of the hatred and resentment in your heart.

Status, wealth, and even life are not as important to her as emotional catharsis.

She may or may not know about her own problems, but when the time comes, she still makes the same choice.

The effect of that starlight on her was not to wash away the dirt and purify the past, to wipe out everything in the past.

Rather, it is to settle and accommodate them.

Contained in the image of this "lotus pond".

The lotus flower is born in the mud. The past is both suffering and nourishment. It needs her to dissolve and let go of it little by little.

Although the memories of the past are painful, if she can face the past head-on, it will also be the accumulation of the future for her.

All the good memories of the past have long since withered and rotted into mud, but with new seeds, a more gorgeous lotus can be cultivated.

For Bibi Dong, perhaps she can have a stronger will and a more tolerant mind.

In terms of cultivation and behavior, things will be very different from the past.

From now on, she will be reborn.

However, it is obviously impossible for her to do this on her own.

Because she couldn't let go of the past and didn't even dare to face it.

The role of Xinghui is to catalyze and help her take this step.

Today, after Su Cheng appeared and personally handed her the lotus seed condensed with starlight.

Bibi Dong finally gained initial relief and completed her first self-examination and transformation.

For Su Cheng, Bibi Dong's current soul world is also of great help.

The several kendo wills he has now comprehended are too terrifying and profound.

Even though his heart is firm and he always pays attention to it, these artistic conceptions are still very loaded, and it is very likely that they will invisibly drain away his emotions without even realizing it.

This is obviously not a situation he wants to see.

He hopes that he will always be a "human" with flesh and blood, rather than a "god" who is indifferent to everything.

Fortunately, Su Cheng's understanding of the sword when he first created his own soul skills came from emotional guidance, so the problem was not obvious.

But as his cultivation deepens, the true meaning of annihilation and eternity will also obliterate the "human" side of himself.

Bibi Dong is different.

She is different from many people in this world.

The abundance of emotions and the depth of obsession are simply beyond imagination.

This endless lotus pond is the embodiment.

The mud at the bottom of the pool also reflects the extremes of her other emotions.

As the fragrance of lotus flows down the nose and mouth into the lungs, the surrounding light air soaks into the skin.

Su Cheng clearly felt that the part of his soul power that entered the other party's body was nourished to a great extent.

The harmony of yin and yang has always been an eternal truth.

Just past it and easy to fold.

The water soul formed deep in Bibi Dong's soul has an extraordinary effect on improving him.

Among the different energies that make up innate power, which aspect is the most difficult to improve?

There is no doubt that it is the power of the soul.

Needless to say, soul power can be accumulated continuously as long as it absorbs free soul power from the outside world and then continuously adds soul rings.

The power of qi and blood is not difficult. He condensed his foundation with the five elements and integrated it with the 100,000-year-old soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor. His physical qualifications are extraordinary.

The only improvement in soul power can only rely on hard work. In the past, there was no other shortcut.

The comprehension of sword intention cannot help him improve his soul power.

On the contrary, he needs a strong enough soul to support his will of swordsmanship.

Otherwise, after the first simulation, the experience of almost tearing apart the sea of ​​consciousness by the powerful sword spirit brought out would be a lesson.

But, how should we use the "water soul" deep in Bibi Dong's soul to practice again in the future?

Su Cheng was a little embarrassed for a moment.

As time passed by, Bibi Dong's crying gradually stopped.

The scene became silent.

After a while, Bibi Dong stood up, her skin as white as snow and her brows as picturesque as before, and she no longer looked embarrassed as before.

"Hey, who are you and why are you here?"

She looked at Su Cheng in front of her with a look of surprise on her face.

"..." Su Cheng's eyes showed a moment of confusion, "I..."

Then he noticed the faint smile in the other person's eyes and understood immediately.

He shook his head in confusion and said, "It seems that you are fine, so just adjust and come out quickly."

After saying that, his figure disappeared in a flash.

Bibi Dong stared blankly at the place where he disappeared.

Before I could say what I really wanted to say, the other party had already left.

He let out a sigh of regret and blushed again on his face.

I just said that mainly to ease the embarrassment.

She was not unaware of the scenes that happened after entering the Hell Road.

Although her body was out of control and her mind was confused, she did not completely lose consciousness at the time, and she still had a general impression.

He had obviously promised to protect them in the Killing City, but in the end he couldn't hold on anymore and had to rely on Zhu Zhuqing for protection, which made him feel ashamed.

Of course, the thing that made her feel most ashamed was her uncontrollable behavior just now, which caused her to burst into tears.

After Su Cheng opened his eyes, a murderous aura came from beside him.

It's Zhu Zhuqing.

At this time, she had already woken up first. Except for the faint red light in her eyes, there was nothing serious. She was obviously under good control.

The layer of murderous aura floating around her was also extremely pure, and it probably wouldn't take long for her to easily resolve it.

Although he seemed to have stayed in Bibi Dong's soul world for a long time, in fact, the outside world only lasted a moment.

The perception of time scale in the sea of ​​consciousness is completely different from reality.

After noticing Su Cheng's gaze, Zhu Zhuqing nodded, but felt a little confused.

No matter how you look at it, there is no reason for the other party to wake up later than you.

There shouldn't even be any loss of consciousness.

After all, the layer of mysterious energy that Su Cheng used to envelope several people before could completely block even the thick murderous intent at the end of Hell Road.

Even she herself, because her murderous aura was too strong, was stunned for a moment when she was shocked during the teleportation.

How could Su Cheng wake up later than her?

Just as he was about to ask, Bibi Dong on the other side also opened his eyes at this moment.

Zhu Zhuqing looked sideways and was surprised to find that the other party seemed to have changed greatly at this moment.

Although his demeanor is still a little embarrassed, his long hair is loose and his clothes are messy, his eyes and expression are completely gone from the sinister and fierce look in the past, and are more calm and graceful.

Compared with the slightly false sense of majesty in the past, now it seems truly otherworldly.

Su Cheng also looked over, his eyes moving slightly, "His Majesty the Pope, you look like you have changed a lot."

"No one stays the same forever." Bibi Dong said calmly, "However, I am still the same person I used to be."

The two already understood each other's situation and situation.

But for one reason or another, he maintained a tacit silence and did not pierce the window paper.

"Maybe this is good." Su Cheng was silent for a while and didn't say anything more.

"It won't be like this forever." Bibi Dong thought to himself.

Different from when they came, Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Yan were left in the Killing City for training.

When he returned, there was an extra Zhu Zhuqing.

In the complex mood of the three people, who were either silent, expecting, or confused, they quickly rushed towards Wuhun City.

However, despite their different moods, none of them showed anything on the surface.

But compared to before, Bibi Dong has undergone a lot of changes.

Even while walking on the road, under Su Cheng's surprised gaze, she took the initiative to get close to Zhu Zhuqing, the newly accepted direct disciple, and explained various details of cultivation to her.

Even the current division of powers in Wuhun Palace and various details of life in Wuhun City were taught and introduced to her.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was confused, with her intelligence and keenness, she obviously would not give up this opportunity to get closer, let alone talk about what happened on the road to hell.

He didn't say anything he shouldn't have said, and acted very well-behaved.

In addition to the exchanges between their teachers and students, Su Cheng was not idle either. He took the time to give Zhu Zhuqing pointers on changes in the field and the direction in which she should focus on her next practice.

He also taught her the cultivation method of the second volume of Xiantian Gong.

As for the first volume, there is no need to teach it anymore.

The technique that Zhu Zhuqing is practicing now is originally the Nirvana Sutra that specializes in the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, and its effect is obviously much stronger than the universal technique in the first volume of Xiantian Kung Fu.

All three of them are very powerful.

Even Zhu Zhuqing, who has the weakest cultivation level among them, has the strength level of the peak soul king after going through the experience of the Killing City. He can be promoted to the soul emperor at any time, and his traveling speed is naturally extremely fast.

In less than a week, Su Cheng and others returned to the Wuhun Mountains and arrived near Wuhun City.

As soon as he walked outside the city gate, Zhu Zhuqing immediately felt a gaze falling on him.

She silently raised her head and looked at the tall figure standing proudly on the city wall.

Zhu Zhuqing had never seen Qian Renxue in this state.

He is no longer wearing black clothes, and he no longer has the gloomy and fierce temperament he had before.

Although the two look exactly the same. But she was certain that this was definitely not the woman in her memory.

She was dressed in white like snow, and her long golden hair shone in the sunlight, making it difficult to see the look in her eyes.

The strong wind blew past the high wall, ruffling her clothes and long hair.

Even if Zhu Zhuqing didn't like her, he couldn't help but be moved by her grace at this moment.

The next moment, the figure appeared in front of several people in a flash.

Those golden eyes stared at her.

His eyes were stern and arrogant, like a lion looking at his people, looking extremely majestic and indifferent.

"I wonder who has such a great reputation that the Pope and elders of Wuhun Palace can personally invite him."

Qian Renxue's voice was clear and clear, and no emotion or anger could be heard.

"It turns out it was you who was defeated."

Today is the first update, sorting out the details and getting ready to start the next plot.

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