"Cough. [🆆🆆🆆🆂🆃♦♦♦♦🅲♦🅼]" Zhu Zhuqing was about to speak when Su Cheng patted him on the shoulder.

Then he took the initiative to step forward, took Qian Renxue's shoulders and walked to the side.

Still smiling, he said: "How can someone who has defeated generals under his command be so ugly?

"I am only in my early sixteenth year, but with such strength, I am already a genius that is hard to find in the world.

“When you were her age, you might not be better than her.

"What's more, it was just a competition at that time. From now on, everyone will be comrades in the same camp, so why bother judging the past victory or defeat..."

As he spoke, he also winked at the other two people.

When Bibi Dong saw this, she sighed inwardly.

She turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing and said calmly: "Don't pay attention to them. That guy has always been arrogant and has been like this since he was a child. You don't have to take it to heart. Come with me."

"..." The girl in black pursed her lips, nodded gently with an expressionless face, and followed Bibi Dong into Wuhun City.

But the hands behind his back were clenched silently, obviously not as calm as they seemed on the surface.

"How did you know we would be back today and why were you waiting here?"

On the other side, Su Cheng forcibly took Qian Renxue to the shadows of the forest outside Wuhun City, and then asked calmly.

"I've been waiting here for half a month." Qian Renxue said lightly.

Then he turned to look at Su Cheng.

Even though the sunlight was blocked by the leaves, her pupils still shone with a bright golden light, "What happened to her?"

"She is Bibi Dong's new disciple."

"Bibi Dong's new disciple?" Qian Renxue masked her face with frost, "I was still wondering before, how could that woman suddenly accept a disciple with her character?"

At this point, there was a hint of coldness in her voice, "Did Bibi Dong want to take it, or did you suggest her to take it?"

"How is that possible?! You think too highly of me. Do you think Bibi Dong will listen to my advice?" Su Cheng quickly and categorically denied it.

"This matter has nothing to do with me. In fact, I am also very surprised how the two of them suddenly became master and disciple."

Seeing that he didn't look fake, Qian Renxue's expression softened slightly.

But he still felt very uncomfortable, so he hesitated and said, "That guy will stay in Wuhun City from now on? Isn't she a noble from the Star Luo Empire?"

"That's probably it." Su Cheng gently rubbed his chin with his fingers, pretending to be thoughtful and analyzing.

"You also know that Bibi Dong's ambitions are not small. The layout of the Tiandou Empire has basically been completely disrupted. So I guess she might want to use Zhuqing's Netherworld White Tiger Spirit to do something."

"Zhuqing?" Qian Renxue squinted at him, "What you called was very affectionate."

"Of course there's no need to be so distant between friends." Su Cheng said calmly.

"...Okay, I believe what you say."

Qian Renxue stretched out her palm and gently stroked his cheek.

The cold fingertips slid down along the jawbone, and finally stopped at the neck to hug him, burying her whole body in his arms, listening to the steady beating heartbeat.

"Teacher, please don't lie to me..."

Su Cheng put his arms around her waist.

At an angle that Qian Renxue couldn't see, the corner of his eye twitched slightly and undetectably.

Although compared to her carefree alter ego, she is much gentler now.

But in some ways, the two are still surprisingly similar.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng took the initiative and said, "I'm going to help the Pope and Zhu Qing cultivate their innate power."

Qian Renxue raised her head and waited quietly for his next words.

"Not just them, I will also try to teach others in Wuhun Hall, including the elders." Su Cheng continued to explain, "You also know that my seventh soul ring is very special. For me, mastering The more people with this power, the greater my improvement will be.”

"Oh." Qian Renxue nodded and put her head on Su Cheng's neck again. The soft blond hair on the top of her head rubbed against his skin, making him itchy.

Sniffing his scent, she whispered: "Just make your own decision about this kind of thing, and I will support you."

After a moment of warmth outside the city, the two returned to Wuhun City.

However, Su Cheng did not go to the Pope's Palace immediately, but followed Qian Renxue to her room in the Elder's Palace.

Entering the house, five huge lead boxes were neatly arranged on the table.

Su Cheng stepped forward and opened one of the box lids casually.

As he moved, a dazzling golden light shone out from the lead box, and the golden arm bones were placed quietly inside the box.

What is blooming among them is the treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years by Wuhun Palace. It is Wuhun Palace’s most sacred angel costume.

The angelic armor is composed of six soul bones. Except for the five on the table, the remaining one is currently in Qian Renxue's body.

As early as when she went to hide in the Tiandou Empire, she had already absorbed the left arm bone in her angel costume.

It was precisely thanks to the disguise soul skill provided by that soul bone that she successfully pretended to be the identity and martial spirit of Xue Qinghe, the eldest prince of the Tiandou Empire, and she could do so for more than ten years without being discovered. .

"Angel costume..." Su Cheng casually picked up the right arm bone and looked at it silently, with a faint dark golden light flashing in his eyes.

After a while, he walked to the other side and opened the lead box in the center.

An even larger golden torso bone was revealed in Su Cheng's field of vision, exuding a pure and bright sacred aura, which was extremely powerful.

"Can I absorb these soul bones?"

At this time, Qian Renxue's voice also sounded beside him, and he also looked at the strong golden torso bone in the box.

Before that, when she rejected the inheritance of the angelic throne mentioned by Qiandaoliu, Qiandaoliu gave all the remaining five soul bones to her.

In fact, logically speaking, since Qian Renxue is not willing to try to take the angel god test, she should not get involved in this angel god costume anymore.

As the guardian of the gods, Qiandaoliu should wait patiently and hand over these soul bones to the next successor of the Qianjia.

There were two reasons that prompted him to make this decision.

One is that the possibility of successfully activating the Angel Divine Test is too small. Even Qian Xunji, who became a titled Douluo, only successfully absorbed two of them.

And if you want to truly activate it, you theoretically need to wait until the soul master reaches level 100 to become a god.

The Angel God has been inherited for nearly ten thousand years, and countless generations of descendants of the Angel family have been passed down by blood. No one has ever been qualified to inherit the throne of God before.

From ancient times to the present, the only Qianjia bloodline whose innate soul power has reached level 20 is Qian Renxue.

From now on, what are the chances that someone with this kind of talent will appear again?

Taking a step back, is it possible for someone like her to appear in Qian Renxue's lifetime?

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible.

And after she dies, if a similar genius appears in Qianjia, there will be no problem. Soul bones will not be buried with their owners, so they can naturally be passed down in the future.

As for Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu has completely given up now.

Such things as the inheritance of the divine throne cannot be done reluctantly.

Having gone through the Eight Angel Exams, he clearly understands how difficult it is to go through the various tests in the process of passing the Divine Examination.

If my granddaughter rejects her from her own heart, there is no possibility of success at all, and she will definitely die in the end.

Moreover, the two alien attributes in Qian Renxue's body are also a stumbling block.

Her second soul has a dark attribute that is completely different from that of the angel god. Although it is equally majestic, its nature is fierce and domineering, and its power is the same as that of the angel god.

If we really want to inherit the divine throne, it is hard to say that no accidents will happen.

Not to mention that Qian Renxue now has the unpredictable Su Cheng taking care of her. She is his closest and beloved granddaughter and the only blood heir. He is not willing to force her, let alone let her take risks.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason, and that is the innate power Qian Renxue showed him.

After seeing that extremely mysterious power, Qian Daoliu was greatly shocked.

As the guardian of the angel god, he can already use part of the angel's divine power in the Douluo Palace, and of course he has some understanding of the nature of the divine power.

In his senses, this power was no weaker than the small amount of angelic power he exerted himself.

According to Qian Renxue, this is only the initial stage. After completing this part of training, her innate power will be comparable to real divine power.

Under the influence of various factors, Qian Daoliu made the decision to deliver the angel costume to her in advance.

"...The great worshiper asked you to ask me?" Su Cheng stared at the golden torso bones in the box, stretched out his fingertips wrapped with a thin layer of innate power, and lightly traced them.

"He is the ancestor of the Qian family. Why would he take out his own things and ask an outsider for advice?"

"What ancestor, he is my grandfather." Qian Renxue rolled her eyes.

There was some pride in his voice as he spoke.

"Grandpa said that he didn't expect that you could perfectly reconcile these two incompatible attributes in my body. In this case, you should be able to think of a way to help me absorb these six soul bones."

"He thinks highly of me." Su Cheng said calmly, "That's because you are gifted. I just gave it a little nudge."

"Why are you so good at coaxing people now?" Qian Renxue couldn't hide the smile in her voice, and her eyebrows softened into a crescent moon.

"Just tell the truth."

Su Cheng retracted his fingers, returned to the left arm bone, took it out of the box, and placed it near the torso bone for comparison.

He said: "What do you mean by your grandfather, this trunk bone must wait until it is finally absorbed? And if you want to truly complete the angel costume, in theory you need to become a god at level 100 to do it?"

"Yes." Qian Renxue nodded.

This is what the two people talked about before coming to the Elder's Hall.

That's why Su Cheng didn't go back to the Pope's Palace immediately, but followed her here.

Su Cheng held the left arm bone in his hand, but his eyes were still on the torso bone.

As the rarest and most powerful soul bone among soul bones, there is a certain difference in the aura between the two.

"You can't absorb the trunk bone last. You have to absorb this trunk bone first." After a long silence, Su Cheng suddenly asserted.

"Ah?" Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment.

She didn't doubt Su Cheng's intention, she was just surprised.

Qian Daoliu's original idea was for her to ask Su Cheng if there was any way to help her form a divine outfit without becoming a god, but she didn't expect that he would even change the order of absorption.

"The divine power in this torso bone is too strong." Su Cheng also took the initiative to explain at this time.

After studying for such a long time, he has roughly figured out the principle of this so-called soul bone suit.

“Actually, these six soul bones are essentially 100,000-year-old soul bones.

“It’s just that there was a certain degree of confusion in each other’s energy, which caused them to degrade.

“Only after you have truly absorbed it all can you integrate it all again.

"As for why this was done, I have some guesses."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng glanced at Qian Renxue.

"The ancestor of your family who became a god has taken great pains for you descendants.

"The energy between these six soul bones is originally blended with each other. Let alone six, even if two or three are absorbed, the energy intensity will be greatly enhanced.

"This also means that if she leaves behind six complete hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones, it will almost become a decoration to your family.

"Before you become a god, even with your qualifications, you can only absorb two soul bones at most, and you can't withstand the energy impact of three soul bones, let alone other people.

"In fact, neither one of them may work. These soul bones contain the shadow of divine power.

"In addition, if someone can inherit the divine position, when he first becomes a god, he will have to absorb the remaining four soul bones at once, which is a huge load.

"So the first-generation angel god cut off the energy of some of the soul bones and integrated them into the trunk bones using divine means."

Calling it a guess, Su Cheng was actually quite certain.

In his real field of vision, the left arm bone in his hand obviously lacked a small amount of energy.

In the torso bone in the lead box, there are also many channels of soul bone energy that are not running smoothly.

It is inevitable that the five soul bones that have lost a small amount of energy will be downgraded from the 100,000-year-old soul bone level.

As for the trunk bone, the extra uncoordinated energy also causes it to no longer be perfect.

"But why do we need to absorb the trunk bone first?" Qian Renxue still didn't understand. "Shouldn't we absorb other soul bones first to let the body adapt to the energy in them?"

"No, you are wrong." Su Cheng shook his head.

"Since you don't inherit the divine position, you must not let the angelic divine power in it form a cycle, otherwise it will greatly affect the attribute balance between your two souls. Your current strength is not enough to compete with this level of divine power.

"If the trunk bone is absorbed in the end, even if you have completely digested the first five soul bones, it is difficult to say whether those divine powers will be activated again.

"Because this torso bone is both the core and the hub of the angel's armor. With the energy in it as a link, it is very likely that other soul bones will be resurrected."

"I see." Qian Renxue nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Then, with my strength, can I absorb this torso bone?"

"After you become proficient in using your innate power and master the techniques, it shouldn't be a big problem if you prepare in advance. Moreover, when you absorb this soul bone, you may be able to take advantage of this opportunity to greatly enhance your energy and blood. Power. When the time comes, if you two want to appear at the same time, you don't have to appear in the form of a 'spirit body'."

Su Cheng stared at the torso bone in his hand, "It is indeed the so-called 'divine costume'. It is really amazing."

In his field of vision, the energy contained in this soul bone was far more than ten times stronger than the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor that he absorbed.

"Before that, we need to make some other preparations."


"Remove the left arm bone in your body."

"Melt, melt away?!" Qian Renxue looked at Su Cheng dumbfounded, "What does melt away mean?"

"Integrate it completely into your body." Su Cheng continued to observe the soul bone in front of him and explained without looking back, "Turn it completely into a pure energy body. There is no need to retain such things as soul bones."

"Isn't this bad..."

"What's wrong? It's just a bone. When the time comes, just admit it to your grandfather directly. If he has any objections, let him come to me."

At this moment, Su Cheng exhaled softly, raised his head and said seriously: "Okay, take off your clothes."

"Huh?" Qian Renxue was stunned when she heard this, and her pretty face immediately turned red. She hesitated and said: "This, this is still during the day..."

"Oh, if you want to, I'll come to you in the evening, but it has nothing to do with those things now." Su Cheng said lightly, "I want to remove that soul bone for you. You don't have to take it off if you don't want to, but your precious body I’m afraid I can’t keep my soul guide dress.”

The energy contained in that soul bone is extremely strong.

Although Qian Renxue seems to have absorbed it now, in fact it has not really been integrated at all.

It contains divine power.

And when Su Cheng helps her melt the soul bone later, there will inevitably be energy overflow.

Qian Renxue would never be able to master that kind of sacred fire that contained divine power right away.

It only takes a moment to burn her clothes to pieces.

"Oh." Qian Renxue touched the collar area with trembling fingers.

Obviously, in this matter, her behavior is far less calm than that of her second personality.

She lowered her head and glanced at Su Cheng from the corner of her eye, only to find that the other person was looking at her with interest, without any intention of avoiding anything.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and unbuttoned the first button on the collar.

Although I was nervous, my speed was not slow.

This outfit looks luxurious and complicated, but in fact it is integrated inside and out, making it quite easy to take off.


Then, Su Cheng began to admire it silently.

After waiting for a while, he found no movement.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and finally couldn't help but asked: "H-why don't you start yet?!"

The sweet voice with a hint of coquettishness trembled slightly.

It was clearly a question, but it had no deterrent effect at all.

However, Su Cheng stopped inking, stretched out his left hand and placed it on the white and smooth back.

With the touch of his palm, Qian Renxue's jade-like skin suddenly glowed with a large amount of pink, and she couldn't help but let out a soft moan from her red lips.

Immediately he realized his gaffe, and his pretty face, which was already rosy, seemed to be bleeding.

"Okay." Su Cheng's voice, suppressing a smile, rang in his ears, "Don't think too much, it might hurt a little later, just bear with it."

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth when she heard this, feeling that the other party was obviously teasing her, but now he was biting back.

However, she had always accepted Su Cheng's similar behavior without saying anything.

Su Cheng already had experience in how to dissolve soul bones.

Although the melting of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone was due to an accident, he also understood the principle.

In addition, now that I have innate strength at my side, it is natural to do it with ease.

Holding the smooth jade back with his right hand, the sword finger of his left hand glowed with a transparent luster, then he touched Qian Renxue's shoulder and slowly slid down his slender arm.

In this process, the extremely condensed but gentle innate power was gradually integrated into the golden bones.

At the same time, the left arm soul bone also began to undergo strange changes under the continuous infiltration and integration of innate power.

It no longer showed a skeletal shape, but gradually softened, and finally turned into a golden liquid flowing between the arm bones.

This is not over yet.

Soon, the golden liquid turned into light patterns and spread all over her left arm. Then it broke away from the restraints of her arm and began to flow up and down her body.


The extremely clear pain continued to hit her like a wave, causing her to frown slightly and moan softly from between her teeth.

However, the burning palm pressed tightly against her back made her feel at peace in her heart, allowing her to continue to endure it.

About half a moment passed——


There seemed to be an explosion in my mind.

The left arm bone was completely gone.

Then, flowing golden flames ignited all over Qian Renxue's body.

After flowing throughout the body, a thin layer of golden armor was formed on the arms.

But a moment later, it began to tremble violently, and then exploded into pieces and completely dissipated.

"It doesn't matter." Su Cheng said lightly, "The energy in this soul bone is still incomplete. Once you absorb the torso bone, it will be able to make up for it. And this set of angelic armor cannot be determined by its nature. Make it about yourself.”

As the left arm bone was completely removed, Qian Renxue's body seemed to have undergone some strange changes.

The figure seems to be plumper.

The waist is slender and flexible, but does not appear delicate, but exudes a strange sense of strength. The chest is so tall that it can no longer be fully grasped with just one hand.

The arc at the waist and hips is even more perfect, the round hips continue to extend downward, and a pair of white jade legs are slender and straight, looking smooth and transparent under the remaining golden light in the room.

Qian Renxue was a little shy.

Although they had seen each other naked before, it was still daytime after all, and the look from the other side was a bit too hot.

"Ahem." In the silence, it was Su Cheng who took the initiative to break the silence in the room.

"The sacred attributes in this soul bone are too strong and may affect the energy balance in your body and soul to a certain extent. You must step up your practice recently and strive to digest and absorb all these abilities first and completely control them."

Just as Su Cheng and Qian Renxue were going to the Elder's Hall, Bibi Dong also brought Zhu Zhuqing to the Pope's Hall.

To Zhu Zhuqing's surprise, not long after the two entered the palace, Bibi Dong asked her bluntly: "You like Su Cheng very much, right?"

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this.

But after hesitating for a moment, he nodded and admitted frankly, "That's right."

"You are very honest." Bibi Dong's voice was extremely calm, and there was no hint of emotion or anger.

She continued: "But there's something you don't know yet, Qian Renxue is my daughter."

"?!" Zhu Zhuqing suddenly looked up, completely shocked by this unexpected information.

This was different from what she expected.

No matter how you look at it, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue should not be mother and daughter.

The two of them are both beauties of heaven, but apart from having the same astonishing talents, there is absolutely no similarity in appearance, temperament, martial arts, or behavior.

The most important thing is that the weird atmosphere between the two of them is absolutely not deceiving.

And if the information is correct, Bibi Dong's previous identity was the saint of Wuhun Palace and the disciple of the former Pope Qian Xunji, right?

And Qian Renxue, if she guessed correctly, should be the biological daughter of the former pope.

"...Is this true?" After a long time, Zhu Zhuqing just asked such a question in a dry voice.

"Although I really don't want to admit this, it is indeed a fact." Bibi Dong sighed softly.

If it had been before, she would never have confessed this identity to Zhu Zhuqing.

It's not about hiding something from someone, but about escaping yourself, not mentioning it to anyone, and pretending that those things don't exist at all.

But after her trip to Hell Road, she also wanted to try to face some things and strive for something.

"So...you want to persuade me to give up?"

Zhu Zhuqing's voice was very soft, and he seemed a little at a loss.

It never occurred to her.

Everything was obviously going according to plan, but here, it was suddenly interrupted for some inexplicable reason.

"No, you're wrong."

In Zhu Zhuqing's surprised look, she heard Bibi Dong say: "On the contrary, I will find a way to bring you together. Qian Renxue and Su Cheng are not suitable for each other."

Bibi Dong walked up to her and patted her shoulder.

"You are a smart child. You should be able to tell that Qian Renxue is very ambitious and will never tolerate Su Cheng's messy thoughts. So as long as you find a way to crawl into Su Cheng's bed, everything will happen to you. direction of development.”

"W-what?!" Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks suddenly turned red.

She didn't expect to hear such ridiculous words from this noble and majestic Pope.

"Is this strange? You don't think Su Cheng is a gentleman, do you?"

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