After Su Cheng came out of Qian Renxue's room, he gently rubbed his fingers with some unfinished thoughts.

Although the current time and place are not suitable and there is no time to do more other things, it is still possible to simply satisfy the desire of the tongue.

After dealing with Qian Renxue's matter regarding the angel suit, he was ready to leave the Elder's Palace and go to the Pope's Palace.

As expected, Zhu Zhuqing and Bibi Dong should be waiting there now.

But unexpectedly, at this moment there happened to be a slim figure wearing a blue and gold palace dress, walking lightly towards her.

The jade belt around her waist is also engraved with complex gold patterns, tightening her slender waist and perfectly highlighting her soft figure.

Her appearance is extremely beautiful, especially her eyes, which look extremely clear and pure, giving her a unique and otherworldly temperament.

Su Cheng glanced at Ah Yin, but didn't care too much.

This is not the first time they have met.

Although the other party does not have the status of an elder, he has been living in the Elder's Hall for more than a year. It seems to be a charter of Pope Bibi Dong, and Qiandaoliu has no objection.

However, with her current qualifications, there is nothing to criticize in such an arrangement.

It is not necessary for an elder to stay in the Elder Hall.

What's more, her foundation is different. She has the Soul Saint cultivation level at such a young age, and it is almost certain that she will become a titled Douluo in the future.

Wait, cultivation base...


Su Cheng's steps suddenly stopped, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes as he looked at the other party, "Contra?"

Just over a year has passed.

After Ah Yin was reborn and reshaped his body, he directly returned to Soul Saint cultivation and condensed the seventh soul ring, but it was only at the early stage of Soul Saint.

After her rebirth, her talent was certainly extraordinary, but there was no reason to reach level 80 in such a short period of time?

Moreover, where did she get her soul ring?

This breath...

"Have you been to the Blue Silver Grass Forest?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, stopped and asked proactively.

In fact, this was the first time Su Cheng had spoken to Ah Yin since she joined Wuhun Hall. Before that, he had basically ignored her.

But he didn't look unfamiliar, not much different from usual.

In other words, except for those close to him, he basically has this attitude towards all strangers.

After a long time, Ah Yin felt a little flattered when he heard Su Cheng take the initiative to talk to him again, and he felt a little nervous inexplicably.

Then he nodded slightly and said, "Well, I went there some time ago."

"Your eighth soul ring was also condensed and generated there?"


"You do have some understanding." Su Cheng became more and more surprised.

Logically speaking, transformed soul beasts can only generate soul rings on their own before level seventy.

When they reach level 70 and enter the mature stage, they will gather soul rings by killing soul beasts like human soul masters.

Ah Yin's seventy-level soul ring was directly condensed with the help of the Blue Silver King and countless Blue Silver Grasses at that time.

But this kind of opportunity can only exist once.

The Blue Silver King has limited strength and can never help Ah Yin, who is the Blue Silver King, to further explore the potential of his bloodline.

He didn't expect that the other party would actually do this without saying a word.

In addition to seeing and feeling the scene of his condensed soul ring, there should be other reasons.

In that case...

The golden light flashed across Su Cheng's eyes.

Sure enough, in the real field of vision, Ah Yin's foundation was extremely pure, and her understanding of the second volume of Xiantian Kung was even deeper than anyone else, including Qian Renxue.

If her soul were not strong enough, she would not be able to deeply activate the power of blood in her body.

Not only that, her use of soul power is also quite impressive.

The reason for this situation may be her current unique life form, her long-term living in the form of a spirit body, or her unusually pure physical quality, or a combination of multiple factors.

But no matter what, it seems that Ah Yin's potential does exceed his initial expectations.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng took out two manuscripts from the soul guide and handed them over, "Here are these for you."

"What is this?" Ah Yin looked at him with a strange expression.

"The complete first volume of Xiantian Kung and the cultivation methods of the third volume of Xiantian Kung." Su Cheng said lightly.

"In addition to the two volumes of techniques I announced, there are some contents on purifying blood in the first volume that I have not taught in full. This part may or may not be useful to you. You can give it a try.

"The key point is the third volume. It contains the cultivation method to condense all the alien energy in the body. I call this power the innate power. You may be able to cultivate it successfully."

As he spoke, a layer of transparent arrogance filled his body.

At the same time, there was also a strong and terrifying pressure.

This is the pressure brought about by the gap in power levels, just like the absolute suppression of ordinary energy by divine power.

If it were soul power, even if it was exerted by a titled Douluo, it would not have such an effect.

There was no war on weekdays, so Su Cheng certainly wouldn't show off this power everywhere.

In fact, there are only a few people in Wuhun Palace who know his special power.

Ah Yin looked at the layer of transparent energy in surprise, and then took the two volumes of manuscripts.

" just believe me so much?" She gently rubbed the cover page with her slender fingers, and whispered with her eyes slightly lowered, covering the look of surprise in her eyes.

That kind of power is extraordinary. The other party had only disclosed the cultivation method of using soul power to feed the physical soul in the Wuhun Palace before.

"I don't believe it." Su Cheng said bluntly, "I just don't care."


Upon hearing this, Ah Yin's slowly sliding fingers paused for an instant, lowering his head and saying nothing.

What I originally wanted to say could no longer be said.

"Practice well, for your own sake."

Su Cheng glanced at her, then walked directly out of the Elder Hall.

He really doesn't care.

These volumes of innate skills will be made public sooner or later. The reason why I haven't done this yet is because these exercises have too great impact and the operation process requires careful consideration.

But it is definitely not that easy to truly develop innate power.

Even if they had all the techniques, the number of cultivators who could really achieve anything in the world, including people like them, would probably not exceed ten.

It is extremely difficult to achieve this, and talent, opportunity, understanding, and early foundation accumulation are all indispensable.

At least people like Tang Hao and Tang San had no chance of succeeding.

Because they obtained the realm of the God of Death.

The path of spiritual practice is like this. Every step and every choice is crucial and will determine the future destination.

Many times, the future is already decided from the moment you start.

Of course, even if the father and son really cultivated innate power, Su Cheng would not be worried, but would be happy about it.

Every additional person who successfully cultivates innate power is a further qualification for him.

In addition to receiving worldly rewards, learning from the reasons for the success of these people is also of great help to his research on spiritual practice.

"Miss Ah Yin, are you free now? Can you come with me to the garden in the back mountain?"

Just when Su Cheng was about to leave, and Ah Yin was still feeling a little upset, a soft and sharp voice suddenly came.

She came back to her senses, looked at Ju Douluo Yueguan who appeared at the door of the Elder Hall, nodded and responded softly: "Okay, I will go there later."

Even she herself did not expect that since she joined Wuhun Hall more than a year ago, the person closest to her would be the former life and death enemy Ju Douluo.

When Qianxunji came to capture her when she was still a transformed soul beast, he was accompanied by the two elders Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. It is said that Qianxunji was seriously injured and died due to that battle.

Although when she joined Wuhun Palace, she had already had the intention to let go of that hatred and start a new life.

But when Ju Douluo first came to visit me, I still felt a little awkward.

On the contrary, Ju Douluo, who was the defeated party at the time, showed no grudges and even took the initiative to ask her for various knowledge about plant care and cultivation.

After spending time together, she also understood why the other party behaved this way.

For Elder Ju, there are only two things that are most important in life.

One is Ghost Douluo, his life and death partner for many years, and the other is growing flowers.

Anything but those two seems to take a back seat.

"Okay, I'll go there first, that old poisoner is still waiting for me."


After Ju Douluo also left, the door to Qian Renxue's room upstairs in the Elder Hall opened with a "clang".

The figure of a woman with blond hair in white clothes appeared in the corridor on the third floor. Her cold and sharp eyes swept across the hall of the Elder Hall below, and finally stopped on the beautiful figure wearing a blue and gold palace dress and holding two manuscripts in her arms.

"Hey, what's that in your hand?" she said coldly.

"..." Ah Yin heard the sound and glanced upwards.

Then his expression returned to calmness, and he turned around and left here silently, without any intention of paying attention.

Seeing her attitude again, Qian Renxue's eyes became a little gloomy.

"What a disgusting guy..."

Ah Yin returned to the room, gently opened the manuscript, and started reading it carefully.

In this set of exercises, she saw other possibilities.

Although theoretically speaking, the content in the first volume of Xiantian Kung about purifying the bloodline and allowing ordinary people who would not otherwise be able to become qualified to practice is definitely not a good thing for the soul beast clan.

After all, the more people who can become soul masters, the more people will hunt soul beasts and absorb soul rings, which will further squeeze the limited living space of the soul beasts.

But Ah Yin has followed Su Cheng for a long time and knows a lot about it.

She knew that the other party had many other ideas and didn't like this method of using the soul beast's energy to increase.

These exercises are just the way to the end, and there will definitely be room for further improvement in the future.

Even she herself learned from Su Cheng's methods to help her successfully advance to Contra without hunting soul beasts.

As she watched, she became distracted without realizing it.

In fact, Ah Yin couldn't understand why he continued to live in this Wuhun City.

Except for Ju Douluo, the most tolerated by others was to turn a blind eye to her.

Even this attitude may be for the sake of Su Cheng or Pope Bibi Dong.

And someone with a special status and no scruples like Qian Renxue would obviously not give her this face.

But Ah Yin has long been used to it.

Maybe it was because he wanted to see how far Su Cheng could go, or for some other reason.

Although she was not happy here, she never left.

And I don’t plan to leave in the future.

After a long time, Ah Yin's somewhat scattered eyes refocused, and then he stretched slightly.

The sleeves of the palace dress slipped down, revealing the soft and beautiful wrists hidden underneath and the equally fair and slender arms.

Her arms were raised high, forming a perfect curve together with the bulging chest line under the long neck and the stretched waist.

Like a flexible long bow that was fully stretched out, the whole person was gilded with a layer of gold by the sunlight shining in from the window, revealing an astonishing charm that was completely different from before.

Then he stood up and looked out the window.

The dazzling sunlight was a little dazzling, causing her to subconsciously squint her eyes slightly and use her long eyelashes to partially cover them.

"The weather is nice. We can use more of our field power today to help those children get through their fragile infancy as soon as possible..."

Ah Yin turned around and walked out of the door.

Thinking of the precious plants and trees that Dugu Bo had recently transplanted, her steps became brisk again.

On the other side, after Su Cheng left the Elder's Hall, he went directly to the Pope's Hall not far away.

Just as he walked not far outside the meeting hall, he saw Zhu Zhuqing walking out of it with a flushed face.

Su Cheng suddenly felt a little strange.

He immediately stopped in front of her calmly.

What surprised him was that the other party walked straight towards him without noticing.

It wasn't until the two of them were about to collide that she reacted. She seemed frightened and jumped back several meters away.

After seeing the person clearly, the whole person suddenly shouted angrily like a kitten with exploded fur: "Don't you have eyes? Why are you standing in front of me?!"

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully: "You took the wrong medicine, why are you so angry?"

Zhu Zhuqing was too lazy to say anything, and it was impossible to explain to him what he had just talked about with Bibi Dong. He snorted and tried to bypass him and leave.

"Hey, wait a minute." Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly stretched out his hand to hold her shoulders, "What happened?"

Judging from her expression, it didn't look like she was being targeted by Bibi Dong. Besides, Bibi Dong had no reason to target Zhu Zhuqing.

There is no conflict between the two of them, and they have just recognized their master and apprentice. On the way back to Wuhun City, he showed his kindness to his master and his filial piety to his disciples.

Are you angry with yourself?

Because he just went to the Elder Hall?

"none of your business."

Before he could think deeply about the problem, Zhu Zhuqing threw his arm away impatiently, but still refused to look at him.

He just said forcefully: "Don't waste time here. Go in quickly. The teacher is waiting for you."

After saying that, he quickly walked away.


Su Cheng shouted, but when he saw that the other party ignored him, he felt helpless.

Then I thought about it, Zhu Zhuqing's temperament has always been like this, but she is calm-minded, so she doesn't want to do anything. She can just ask her later.

Shaking his head, he turned around and continued walking towards the hall...

In the meeting hall, Bibi Dong stared blankly at Zhu Zhuqing's leaving figure, her mind a little confused.

The sharp nails behind her had penetrated into the flesh of her palms, and the blood slid along her finger bones and then dripped to the ground, but she was completely unaware of it.

At this time, Su Cheng pushed the door open and walked in. His nose twitched slightly and he smelled a faint smell of blood. He asked in surprise: "Are you injured?"

"Huh? No." Bibi Dong was shocked when he heard this, and then realized his gaffe.

He quickly released his fist, and the wound healed quickly.

Su Cheng looked a little strange and frowned, realizing that something seemed wrong. Why were these two people so weird?

Then he tentatively asked, "I just happened to bump into Zhuqing outside. She seemed to be in a bad mood?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong felt a little unhappy, but there was no change on her face. She just chuckled and said, "Why, are you still afraid that I will bully her?"

"That's not true." Su Cheng felt a little embarrassed when he heard this and explained, "She seems to be here for me."

"Oh, then I don't know. You should think more about what you have done."

"..." He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Bibi Dong said this with a sense of ridicule.

Su Cheng coughed lightly and didn't want to say more about this kind of thing.

He quickly changed the subject and said: "His Majesty the Pope, the Rakshasa power in your body should no longer have much impact on your soul. Next, you can try to practice the third volume of Xiantian Kung Fu.

"Whether it succeeds or not, it can help me find the problem and find ways to resolve it in time."

As he mentioned this matter, their eyes became a little dodgey for a while, and the scene became silent.

The scenes that happened in the lotus pond deep in the sea of ​​consciousness are still before my eyes until this moment.

After a while, Bibi Dong nodded and spoke first to break the calm.

"I will. I can just practice on my own these days. When I encounter a bottleneck that I can't break through, you can just find a way to help me solve it."

"That's fine." Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, but for some reason he was secretly relieved.

In fact, this was a decision Bibi Dong made after thinking for a long time since leaving Hell Road.

She really wanted to spend some time alone first.

She still has a lot to do. The idea of ​​the Wuhun Empire, his own cultivation matters, and the layout of Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing.

At this time, it is even more important to calm down, observe and think more, and make clearer judgments and plans for the future.

In comparison, Su Cheng's idea is much simpler.

One is that it is a bit awkward to get along with Bibi Dong now. If coupled with the relationship with Qian Renxue, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong really needs to settle down first.

Whether it is the lotus pond deep in her soul or the remnants of her own Rakshasa power, it takes time to cultivate and dissolve it.

If any problems arise during this period, it is best to find solutions in time.

Even if you want to use her "water soul" to practice, it's not now.

That place has just taken shape, and there are still many hidden dangers that have not been eliminated.

Bibi Dong's obsession was too deep in her heart, she was possessed by the three poisons of greed, anger and ignorance, and her soul foundation was far worse than her own.

If she really wanted to develop it now, it would be tantamount to destroying her foundation. Su Cheng would definitely not do such a deed.

"By the way, Your Majesty the Pope. We have to go to the City of Slaughter in a while. In addition to picking up Xie Yue and others, we mainly need to meet the King of Slaughter."

"Why are you meeting him?" Bibi Dong was a little confused after hearing this.

She didn't have any objections to taking over the young soul masters from Wuhun Palace, but thinking about it, Su Cheng probably didn't care too much about them, so most of the time he went there mainly for the "King of Slaughter" he called them.

"That King of Slaughter has a close relationship with the Rakshasa God. We must get rid of him first, otherwise he will be a hidden danger."

"He is involved with the Rakshasa God?!" Bibi Dong was shocked when he heard this.

As the heir chosen by the Rakshasa God, she knew nothing about this matter.

"It's very scary, isn't it?" Su Cheng glanced at her, "This Rakshasa God is really a weirdo who is afraid of the world being in chaos. To be honest, I think it's not so much that she regards you as her successor, but rather treats you as her successor." It’s more appropriate to think of it as an interesting toy.”

"..." Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly darkened.

"You don't have to be so angry." Su Cheng said calmly.

“In the final analysis, the so-called gods in this world are just more powerful creatures.

"Their thinking patterns are not necessarily much different from ordinary people. The strong naturally have privileges. This has always been the truth.

"When you are stronger than them, their identities will be reversed."

Bibi Dong nodded silently when he heard this, but there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, your look..." Su Cheng smacked his lips, speechless.

I feel that Rakshasa God did not choose the wrong person.

Even though she had just experienced a baptism of soul, her nature was still quite cruel.

However, perhaps it was precisely because of the effect of that "star light" that the various desires in her nature were further amplified.

While it was amplified, it also helped her temper her character and soul foundation.

Under the white, pure and fragrant beautiful lotus pond, the layers of mud for rooting have always been an indispensable part.

"..." Bibi Dong, on the other hand, after hearing his emotion, quickly corrected her expression, restrained all the dangerous aura that was subconsciously revealed, and restored her previous calm posture.

Su Cheng didn't say anything more, but instead said: "When the time comes, you can find a way to bring that killing city directly under the Wuhun Palace. But don't be too direct. That place is involved with more than one god, and we can't directly Come forward.”

"This is a good idea. The Killing City is very suitable as a subordinate organization of Wuhun Palace." Bibi Dong said thoughtfully.

"There's one more thing." Su Cheng said thoughtfully, "Do you have some plans for the two empires?"

"There are indeed some arrangements." Bibi Dong admitted frankly, her eyes moving slightly, "Are you also interested in this kind of thing?"

Su Cheng nodded lightly, "I'm interested. If you can complete the cause of reunification, I can also follow suit."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with surprise, and she murmured in a low voice: "I knew it..."

"What?" Her words were a little vague, and Su Cheng didn't hear the specific content clearly.

"It's nothing." Bibi Dong shook her head, "Before I talk about this, I have a suggestion. Let's see if you are interested."


"What do you think about letting that girl Zhuqing go out with you to practice together?"

"This...that's okay." Su Cheng's eyes flickered and he said with a slight hesitation.

He originally planned to give Zhu Zhuqing some pointers, as he would have a great chance of achieving innate power.

But considering Qian Renxue's attitude, he was originally prepared to think carefully about the specific methods to achieve this goal.

But he didn't expect Bibi Dong to be so considerate and willing to take the blame, so of course he wouldn't refuse.

"You seem a little hesitant? Then forget it, let me personally guide this apprentice."

"What? Wait, that's not what I meant. I think what you said makes sense."

"Haha." Bibi Dong sneered, "Su Cheng, I have never seen anyone who can pretend better than you."

"I think you may have misunderstood me a little." Su Cheng said dryly.

He just wants to do his best to avoid hurting the people around him. How can he say he is pretending?

Let me briefly talk about the issue of soul power, because some readers seemed to have doubts about the lotus pond in Bibi Dong’s soul.

The original work also briefly talked about the issue of soul power. This is an extended setting, not something I made up. In the original book, during the Soul Master Competition, Tang San and the others used the Seven Monsters Fusion Technique to defeat Shenfeng Academy, which caused Tang San to use Haotian's incarnation. At that time, Tang San had a large amount of soul power drained away. The soul saint also needs the power of the soul to use his martial soul avatar.

In addition, the previous article of this article has also made relevant preparations. The soul masters in Douluo World do not study the soul deeply and do not have relevant books. The protagonist is in his third simulation and started researching from scratch, so the progress is slow and far less efficient than the research on blood and flesh.

The trigger for studying soul power was Xiaoxue's soul mutation, and then she simulated it for the third time and studied it on her own.

I originally wanted to talk about this yesterday, but ended up forgetting it.

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