The architectural layout of the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City is very different from that of the Elder's Palace.

The Hall of Elders is the real core internal decision-making body of Wuhun Hall.

Meetings between elders and the implementation of various specific policies are basically discussed in the elders' hall.

In addition, in addition to the place where meetings are held, it is also the residence of the elders of Wuhun Palace.

Depending on each other's strength and status, the rooms and floors they are on are also different.

The master of the palace, Qian Daoliu, lives in the innermost room on the third floor. Qian Renxue and other worshiping elders also live on this floor.

The rooms of Su Cheng, Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo and other powerful elders were on the second floor.

However, as direct subordinates of the Pope, they rarely stay in the Presbyterian Palace for a long time. They basically live in the rooms of the Pope's Palace to facilitate the Pope's timely summons.

The Pope's Palace is more of a symbol of identity and power.

This is the residence of the Pope of Wuhun Palace. It is also the place where the Pope conducts official business and meets with dignitaries from all walks of life.

When honorary elders like Ning Fengzhi come to Wuhun City, they usually stay in the Pope's Palace.

There are not as many houses here as the Elder Hall. The first floor is composed of several meeting halls.

At this time, Bibi Donglian moved lightly and walked to the side of the hall, where a huge and exquisite cabinet stood.

She opened the cabinet door and rummaged around for something while whispering: "Where is the misunderstanding?"

"What are you looking for?" Su Cheng did not answer the question, and his eyes followed her back to the direction of the cabinet.

"This." Bibi Dong didn't care about his words to change the subject. She took out an exquisite tea can from the cabinet, shook it gently at him, and then walked back.

"Sit down and talk."

As she spoke, she came to the tea table and seats first, and took the teacup and teapot from the table.

"This is a precious tea plant cultivated by Elder Ju, Elder Du, and Miss Yin. According to them, it's called Ambergris Tianxiang.

"Elder Ju told me that logically speaking, the environment of the Wuhun Mountains cannot cultivate this kind of plant. This plant is very delicate and needs to grow in cloud and mist mountainous areas with abundant water vapor, but little light and cold climate."

She stretched out her long fingers and pinched a handful of tea leaves from the tea can.

Each tea leaf is curled into a pinpoint shape, looks crystal clear, and is exactly the same length and size.

The strange thing is that the tea leaves that look so beautiful have no smell at all, as if they are completely locked in the leaves.

Then Bibi Dong put the tea leaves into the water and closed the lid.

Under the breath of soul power, the temperature of the water rose rapidly. Before it boiled, she stopped her actions one step ahead.

After waiting for a moment, she reached out and opened the lid of the pot.

As the lid of the pot is opened, a strange fragrance rises and lingers.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly with enjoyment.

Just the smell is so moving, you can imagine how it tastes, and for a while I couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

Cooking tea with bare hands adds fragrance to the red sleeves.

In fact, this is not the first time the two of them have experienced this situation.

It's just that time has changed, and their identity ties and the environment and location they live in are completely different from those back then.

Bibi Dong poured tea into two teacups and pushed them in front of Su Cheng, "Here, here you go."

Su Cheng picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking it, he opened his mouth slightly, blew out a cloud of hot air, and exclaimed: "It's really good tea."

Although he couldn't taste it at all.

But Bibi Dong chuckled, "How can you drink like this? Do you think you are drinking?"

"Really? Haha." Su Cheng smiled, "I don't know much about these things, but it tastes really good."

What he usually thinks about is basically practicing to become stronger and making plans. He really doesn't study much about this kind of verbal enjoyment.

Except for a very special taste.

"Speaking of which, it's thanks to you that I can drink this." Bibi Dong laughed softly while taking a sip.

"What do you mean?" Su Cheng didn't wait for her to pour him tea this time, and took the initiative to pour another cup.

"Although picking some young leaves will not damage the roots of those plants and trees, the silver girl is very reluctant to part with them. She almost takes care of those flowers and plants as her own children, and she is more attentive than Elder Ju.

"It wasn't until I heard that I was going to use it to entertain you that I agreed to make it into tea and donate it. So when I was here, I was embarrassed to take it out and enjoy it alone."

Bibi Dong's voice seemed to have some inexplicable meaning.

Hearing this, Su Cheng paused slightly in pouring the tea, and then continued to drink it nonchalantly.

"Su Cheng, I'm really surprised. What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into that 100,000-year-old soul beast? Not to mention the hatred in life, you didn't even care about your husband and son, and you just stayed in this martial soul city as if you were determined."

"..." Su Cheng glanced at her silently, feeling a little weird in his heart.

I don’t know if Bibi Dong is letting herself go or something.

In the past, she probably wouldn't have said such a thing.

"What do you want to do with that silver girl?"

"You didn't keep her here? Why are you asking me?"

"You are really shameless with your words..." Bibi Dong said with a sigh.

"That girl Zhuqing, I asked her to go and train with you. That girl Yin stayed in Wuhun Hall because of me.

"All in all, the reason these people are still here is all my problem. It has nothing to do with you, Elder Su, right?"

Su Cheng was a little embarrassed and explained: "To be honest, I really don't want Ah Yin to stay in Wuhun City. This place is not suitable for her. Although she is no longer a soul beast, the soul beast forest is her Where you should be."

Today's Ah Yin is neither a soul beast nor a human being. In essence, he is somewhat similar to a plant elf.

As long as they are in the forest, all plant spirit beasts are her subjects.

There, unless you encounter a powerful ferocious beast with hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, there is absolutely no danger.

Even if she encounters a powerful beast, it will hardly pose a threat to her life.

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid here." Bibi Dong said calmly, "You can fool others, but you can't fool yourself. You'd better know what to do in the future."

Su Cheng lowered his eyes. After taking a sip of tea, he changed the subject and asked, "What are your plans for the two empires now?"


Seeing that he was avoiding talking, Bibi Dong sighed inwardly.

Then he straightened up his expression and said: "The Star Luo Empire has no layout. The major families there are at the core, and blood ties are used as ties between them. It is difficult for the power of the Spirit Palace to penetrate.

"Furthermore, the political situation in Xingluo is complicated and much more powerful than that of the Tiandou Empire. So I originally planned to use Tiandou as the entry point, but all my plans were disrupted by you."

"That's because there's something wrong with your plan." Su Cheng didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did before.

"Xiaoxue's talent is unique. You left her in Tiandou City to do such sneaky things. You are completely overusing her talents. The royal family of the Tiandou Empire is already fragile, and there is no need to spend so much thought on it.

"The foundation of the Tiandou Empire is not in the royal family, but in the divided soul master forces in various places. As long as we win over the sect forces and academy forces in Tiandou, the rule of the Tiandou royal family will naturally collapse."

Bibi Dong pursed her lips after hearing this, not wanting to argue with him, and said bluntly: "Then what do you want to do?"

"I will personally negotiate with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Have the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family, Tiandou Royal Academy, and the other elemental academies and Wuhun Palace deployed people or recruited people?"

There are no subordinates of Wuhun Palace in the Qibao Glazed Sect, and Su Cheng knows this.

But he didn't know much about the situation of other forces.

In fact, with the current strength of Wuhun Palace.

Not counting Qian Daoliu's old trick, the other Wuhun Palace elders, plus Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, and himself, whose powers far exceeded their actual levels, wouldn't be able to wait for a while and directly use force to equalize. Can't do it.

But what Su Cheng wants is to minimize the turbulence caused by the conflict of forces, and it is best to solve these problems with the least casualties.

What he needs is peaceful reunification, not the Douluo Continent riddled with holes.

In this case, you have to put a little more thought into it.

Fortunately, the upper-level divisions in this world are already deformed, so it’s not really that troublesome to do.

"The Elephant Armor Sect has taken refuge in the Wuhun Palace, you also know this. Several educational committee members of the Tiandou Royal Academy are also from the Wuhun Palace, but their contact with the palace has become less and less. Some other thoughts. As for the other element schools, they have not made a clear statement."

"……I see."

Su Cheng couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

After so many years of co-writing, Bibi Dong has never done anything practical at all.

The biggest result was to steal the crown prince position of the Tiandou Empire.

That was all done through Qian Renxue, and it had little to do with her being the Pope.

Seeing that he was speechless and a little worried, Bibi Dong quickly added: "The Xingluo Empire did not have any arrangements before, but it is different now. Since I have accepted Zhuqing as my direct disciple, with the special nature of her status, I think it can play a big role.”

"I see, no wonder you guys got together." Su Cheng suddenly realized.

He was still wondering how these two people could achieve a master-disciple relationship with their personalities.

Unexpectedly, the girl actually used the Star Luo Empire where she was born as a bargaining chip to exchange with Bibi Dong.

With the unique Netherworld White Tiger martial spirit, Zhu Zhuqing can indeed be regarded as a flag.

Thinking of this, he pondered and said: "I know the situation in the Star Luo Empire very well, and it's actually not particularly complicated. Although the nobles there are quite powerful, they all have their own agendas, and the situation is not necessarily any better than that in the Tiandou Empire. go.

"The positions of emperors of these two empires are not very secure, and each has its own difficulties. Therefore, in this world, everything else is empty, and only one's own strength is the last word."

"You're right." Bibi Dong chuckled and nodded.

Regardless of anything else, as far as strength is concerned, no one in the world can steadily beat her now.

Even with the person in front of you, you have to fight to know who is strong and who is weak.

Su Cheng didn't know what she was thinking, so he continued: "It's better for me to go check out the situation in the elemental academies in the Tiandou Empire first. I am familiar with the young leaders in those academies, and there is still some friendship between them. .

"As for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, it is only strong on the outside and weak on the inside, with serious internal strife. You can arrange a few elders and use some methods to divide it. I guess it won't be too difficult. But I heard that there has always been a bad relationship between their clan leader's lineage and the side branches. It’s not easy to deal with.”

Bibi Dong nodded lightly, "No problem."

"Then I wish you success, Your Majesty the future Queen."

"It's us." Bibi Dong corrected.

When Su Cheng heard this, he smiled noncommittally.

He has little interest in this kind of power struggle.

Even if he becomes the supreme emperor of the entire continent and mobilizes the power of all humans and soul masters, can he withstand a random attack from any first-level god?

At this time, Bibi Dong stared at him with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Su Cheng, what exactly do you want to do?

"With your talent, as long as you continue to practice step by step, even if you don't inherit the throne, it will only be a matter of time before you surpass the gods in power, right?

"So you want to change the world? Or fulfill the wishes of ordinary people?"

When Su Cheng heard this question, his eyes were a little surprised, as if he didn't expect that the other party would ask such a question.

After a moment of silence, he chuckled softly: "You said everything wrong."

Bibi Dong looked slightly sluggish.

But he continued to talk to himself: "First of all, whatever the people in the world want, it is up to them to fight for it. It has nothing to do with me. I only do what I want to do. Whether it is spreading the exercises or helping you achieve unification, It's all just because I want to do it, so there's no need to hold me up so high.

"And promoting the practice is not without benefit to me. I just discovered this some time ago, and I won't hide it from you. The reason why I hope you can succeed is because I want to use your strength to help me practice. .”

When he said this, Su Cheng looked calm.

It is true that before he received the world award, he had the intention to promote the innate skills, but at that time he only had this intention and did not take too much precautions. Whether he succeeded or not did not matter.

It wasn't until Qian Renxue cultivated his innate power and gained more original power that he took this matter seriously.

Speaking bluntly at this time, I don't want Bibi Dong to really treat him in her heart as a saint who saves the world and the people.

Because he is not a saint to begin with, nor can he be a saint.

"Secondly, you have underestimated the power of the gods. Gods are also divided into levels. At least so far, I don't know if I can surpass them.

"However, I have to be wary of them. Since the soul beast clan was suppressed by the God Realm, it has not raised its head for countless years from ancient times to the present. How do you know if we take another path of cultivation, will we touch those people? The interests of the gods.

"Even if these have no impact on their interests, will they touch their sensitive nerves? It is an extremely stupid idea to leave the final decision to someone else's benevolence.

"As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, you should understand that for those with vested interests, maintaining the original situation is always the simplest and safest way to deal with things."

"You said soul beast..." Bibi Dong was a little confused.

"I'm not completely clear about what's going on here. It's too early to think about those things now." Su Cheng said casually.

"..." After a long silence, a smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face again, and she nodded: "Okay, then I will play another bet with you, but the premise is that you don't always think about taking risks on your own."

She emphasized the sound of each word as if pointing out something.

"Don't worry, I'm not as fearless as you think."

After saying that, Su Cheng put down the teacup in his hand and stood up, "Then I'll take my leave first."

"Go ahead."

After leaving the meeting hall, Su Cheng originally wanted to see what was going on with Zhu Zhuqing, but found that he was not in the Pope's Palace at the moment.

There are many masters in Wuhun City, and it is not convenient for him to directly spread his senses and search without any scruples.

Especially Qian Daoliu is here, so he must be respected no matter what.

After thinking about it, he turned around and headed directly to the Elder's Hall.

You still have to tell Qian Renxue in advance about your upcoming trip to avoid other accidents later.

And it's getting late now, so we can leave other things until tomorrow.

After Su Cheng left the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong stared blankly at the still warm tea cup in front of her.

Then he stood up, smiled softly, and said to himself: "Su Cheng, you finally understand. After all, only I can really help you."

What was Su Cheng thinking? Is the ultimate goal of this action to benefit the people or herself? In fact, she didn't care at all, because she herself was not a selfless person.

After leaving the meeting hall, Bibi Dong did not stay in the Pope's Palace, but went out and walked slowly towards the back mountain of Wuhun City.

It didn't take long before we arrived at a large flower garden.

Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo and Ah Yin were busy in the garden at this time.

The soft field of blue and gold exudes vitality and envelopes the main flower garden.

The graceful woman in the palace skirt stood in the center, and with just a few movements of her hands and feet, she unleashed her soul power, and the flowers and trees on all sides swayed gently around her.

In comparison, the movements of the other two titled Douluo masters seemed a bit clumsy. They could only fiddle with the delicate leaves with their hands, and quarreled from time to time due to differences of opinion.

Even though they were both women, Bibi Dong couldn't help but secretly admire A Yin's grace at this moment.

Su Cheng was right, she was born to live among forests and vegetation. Only in this kind of place could her temperament be perfectly displayed.

Just like this, a beautiful picture of perfect harmony between man and nature is formed.

Of course, it would be better if those two men were not in the picture.

"Miss A Yin, come here with me."

"..." Ah Yin heard the voice and paused slightly in his movement to exert his soul power.

Then he put away his field silently and walked out of the flower garden.

The other two people obviously did not expect that Bibi Dong would come here suddenly and silently, and they quickly saluted and said, "I have seen His Majesty the Pope."

"No need to be polite." Bibi Dong nodded, turned around and left the place with A Yin.

Following her, Ah Yin felt a little strange.

Since arranging for her to live in the Elder's Hall, the other party has never taken the initiative to find her again.

She had been worried about this for quite some time before, wondering what Bibi Dong's purpose was.

"Are you still used to living here?"


This is obviously a lie.

She was not happy here.

"You also know about Su Cheng and I leaving Wuhun City before, right?" Bibi Dong asked after the two of them walked to a deserted place and stood there.

Ah Yin nodded and said nothing. He was just a little confused and didn't understand why the other party suddenly mentioned this matter.

"Do you know who we met on the road?"

"Who?" For some reason, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Tang Hao."


"Su Cheng killed him."


Upon hearing this, Ah Yin's eyes widened instantly, and his pupils trembled slightly involuntarily.

For a moment, she didn't know what she was thinking, she just felt a little dizzy and her mind was in chaos.

All kinds of scenes from the past suddenly flashed before my eyes, but they were blurry.

In the end, for some unknown reason, the scene was fixed on the square in front of the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, the moment when he stopped in front of Su Cheng.

Bibi Dong watched her quietly, observing the changes in her expression.

Suddenly he asked again: "Do you want to avenge him?"


She suddenly woke up and looked at Bibi Dong with a pale face.

"I ask you, do you want to avenge Tang Hao?"

"..." Ah Yin pursed her lips and didn't make a sound for a while.

Bibi Dong didn't say anything, just waiting silently.

After a long time, Ah Yin said in a weak voice: "I can't do it..."

"Why can't you do it? Because you're not strong enough? It doesn't matter. I'm just asking you if you want to, not if you can."

Bibi Dong's tone remained calm.

But when it fell into A Xin'er, it was like a huge poisonous spider was spitting out webs, covering her little by little, and then eating away at her...

She lowered her head, not daring to look directly into the other person's searching eyes.

The figure that was once unforgettable has now faded away little by little.

Like a blurry silhouette reflected in the back of my mind.

But when she heard the bad news and wanted to take a closer look, only vague marks emerged.

Perhaps this indifference frightened her more than that person's death.

She has indeed stepped out of her previous shadows and experienced a richer life.

But no matter what, the past should not be forgotten.

She instinctively felt that this behavior was shameful and wrong...

"I'm just kidding." After a long time, Bibi Dong suddenly said again, "He's not dead. Su Cheng let him go."


Ah Yin suddenly raised his head and glared at Bibi Dong, his lips still trembling slightly.

She wanted to yell angrily, but she didn't know how to speak.

"Miss A Yin, what kind of mentality do you have to stay in this city that you once regarded as an enemy?"

Ah Yin remained silent.

She knew what she wanted, but she didn't want to tell Bibi Dong.

"Do you know why Su Cheng has been ignoring you all this time?" Bibi Dong asked softly.

But before Ah Yin could answer, she took the initiative to give the answer, "Because of betrayal."

"I didn't!" Ah Yin retorted loudly.

"It's meaningless whether you say there is or not. The key is whether Su Cheng thinks there is or not." Bibi Dong looked at her, "But there is no remedy."


"Are you willing to die for him once?" Bibi Dong's voice was as steady as ever.

Ah Yin was stunned.

She looked at the powerful and beautiful female pope of Wuhun Palace in front of her.

The beauty in front of her was clearly unparalleled in beauty and grace, but it made her feel an inexplicable chill from the bottom of her heart.

It was as if a venomous snake that had been dormant for a long time was coiled beside him. It suddenly opened its jaws, revealing the sharp fangs hidden deep under the skin.

At night, in a luxurious room at the July Starry Sky Couple Hotel in the main city of the kingdom not far from Wuhun City.

The two people who had just finished exercising were lying half naked on the bed.

Qian Renxue's pretty face turned crimson.

The two pairs of white wings on his back were spread wetly under his body.

Just like last time, when her mood reached its peak, she couldn't control herself and subconsciously stretched out her angel wings.

Until this moment, her snow-white body was still trembling slightly in a way that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"I'm leaving Wuhun City in a few days."

Su Cheng wrapped his arms around the wings and shoulders, reached down from the long neck, played with the pair of plump breasts that were now difficult to fully grasp, and then gently kneaded the red beans at the peak.

The feathers on the wings are white and delicate, and feel great to the touch.

Under the feathers, it is just like normal human skin. Under the skin are tight muscle fibers and a hollow and light skeletal frame.

This structure of the angel clan is indeed somewhat unique. Its nature is similar to that of external soul bones, but it can be passed on to future generations, and as the cultivation level increases, the number of wings will increase.

"Where are you going?"

Qian Renxue's voice was lazy and slightly hoarse.

Obviously, the shouting just now put a lot of load on her vocal cords.

Fortunately, this time Su Cheng didn't ask her to call her some weird names like last time.

Otherwise, I would probably have to hide in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness now, not daring to show up again.

"Go to the colleges in the Tiandou Empire and see if you can win them over to the Spirit Hall camp."

"Oh, then you can go, I can also accompany you."

The tingling feeling in Qian Renxue's heart has not completely faded away, and patches of pink appear on her body from time to time. She seems to be still immersed in the afterglow just now, and has not completely recovered.

"Ahem, no need, I'm not going by myself."

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and continued, "Bibi Dong's new apprentice is also going to go out with me to practice."

Taking advantage of Qian Renxue's good mood at the moment, he planned to strike while the iron was hot and get this matter out of the way first.

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