"Oh..." Qian Renxue gasped softly and replied feebly.

Those two fingers on my chest seemed to have magic power.

As her fingertips gently rubbed and slowly twisted, and then traced along the full arc below, it seemed as if weak electric currents were emitted from the breast glands and then spread throughout her body, making her tremble and even her consciousness became dull...


Suddenly, she straightened up.

The thin quilt hanging on the waist also slipped off, revealing the round navel and flat belly hidden underneath.

The porcelain-like smooth skin glowed with a lustrous glow under the light of the room, making it dazzlingly white.

As if she didn't realize it, she grabbed the mischievous hand and stared back at Su Cheng, her delicate brows furrowed tightly.

"Are you talking about that Zhu Zhuqing?"

"Yes, it's her." Su Cheng looked at her calmly.

"No, I don't agree."

"Actually...Oh, forget it, let's just leave it like this."

Su Cheng sighed after hearing this, then took back his arms and put them on the back of his head, closed his eyes and lay down on his back.

"?" Noticing that his mood seemed a little low, Qian Renxue was stunned.

After hesitating for a moment, he said calmly: "What's wrong? Forget it?"

"It's okay, go to sleep first and talk about it tomorrow."

"No, you need to speak clearly before you sleep."

"I also know that you will be very unhappy with this arrangement." Su Cheng reopened his eyes, looked at her and said softly, "Although this is Bibi Dong's intention, I agree with it in my heart."

"Do you agree?!" Qian Renxue's voice suddenly became much higher.

"Since you know that I don't want to, why do you still agree? Besides, she has been accepted as a disciple by Bibi Dong, so why do you need you to lead her to experience? She is not a child, and she is not much younger than you!"

Seeing that Su Cheng was silent, Qian Renxue's aura became obviously restless.

In the depths of his eyes, wisps of faint light began to appear.

There is also a faint black mist rising and lingering at the base of the white wings.

"It's not like I can't go with you. Why, do you think I'm not as useful as that stupid kid?

"In terms of strength, resources, and talent, how can Zhu Zhuqing be better than me? I can't understand that you are willing to train her. Is it necessary to go out alone with her?"

The reason why Qian Renxue had such a violent reaction was because she could clearly feel the threat coming from Zhu Zhuqing.

He is a peak Soul King at the age of sixteen, and can be promoted to Soul Emperor at any time. The martial soul he possesses is even more unique. It is no exaggeration to call him a genius.

The most important thing is that Su Cheng's attitude towards the girl is also somewhat different.

The more she spared no effort to belittle him, the more she proved how much she valued Zhu Zhuqing.

If it were someone else who followed Su Cheng out for training, although Qian Renxue might feel a little uncomfortable, she wouldn't get angry because of it.

She even pretends that some people don't exist at all.

The current Qian Renxue really doesn't think much about those conspiracies, that's just because she is strong enough to ignore the changes caused by those plans.

Moreover, most things in the world are not worthy of her careful consideration.

But that doesn't mean she's stupid.

On the contrary, being able to lurk in the Tiandou royal family for more than ten years since he was young, without leaving many flaws, this kind of scheming method cannot be matched by ordinary people.

However, until this moment, Su Cheng still didn't speak, but waited patiently for her to vent her emotions, watching her silently with dark eyes.

"You are talking!" Qian Renxue was a little anxious.

"Xiaoxue, you should know that Zhuqing's martial spirit is extremely special, right?"

"That Netherworld White Tiger?"

"Yes, do you still remember the origin of the Netherworld White Tiger?"

"The spirit fusion technique formed by the white tiger spirit of the Dai family of the Star Luo Empire and the ghost cat spirit of the noble Zhu family?"

As she spoke, Qian Renxue's voice began to slow down gradually, her expression thoughtful.

"The two martial souls, which are essentially martial soul fusion skills, have truly merged into one, becoming a god-level martial soul that is not inferior to the Seraphim. Isn't this similar to your current situation?

"Don't you think that her becoming stronger can also bring you a lot of inspiration for your future development?"

"..." Qian Renxue heard this and looked at Su Cheng blankly. She opened her mouth but made no sound.

"Furthermore, relying on soul beasts to condense soul rings and help oneself advance is just a trivial approach after all. Zhuqing's self-will is also extremely strong, and it's time for her to be promoted to soul emperor. I originally considered taking her to try it and see if she could Achieve self-generated soul rings.

"Your situation is even more special than hers, and your level of cultivation is also higher. It will be much more difficult to complete similar actions. This kind of thing always has to be done step by step. Fortunately, it is still far away from your true soul promotion. Douluo still needs some time to accumulate."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng looked into Qian Renxue's eyes.

His eyes seemed to be looking through her pupils into the depths of her soul.

There, there seemed to be another line of sight that was secretly watching.

"Also, that guy has been hiding from me since we separated last time. What does she mean?"

"She...I..." Qian Renxue's voice couldn't help but grow low, hesitating but not saying anything.

"You are too sensitive. This puts a lot of pressure on me." Su Cheng said lightly.

After saying that, he closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

In fact, this matter could have been settled first and discussed later. After leaving Wuhun City, Qian Renxue could go to Bibi Dong to argue.

But Su Cheng felt that doing so was a bit unethical and could easily leave hidden dangers. You can't really let Bibi Dong take the blame for everything you do.

Moreover, he really didn't want the two people to continue to deepen their conflicts.

"...I'm sorry." Qian Renxue gently pushed Su Cheng and whispered.

Seeing that he didn't respond with his eyes closed, she leaned down again and kissed the corner of his lips.

Immediately afterwards, a soft, delicate but surprisingly elastic smooth feeling came from the chest, and the two naked bodies were tightly pressed together.

A soft, slightly hoarse voice echoed in my ears.

"Brother, do you want to do it again..."

Soon, the wide hotel bed began to shake violently again.

The Pope's Palace is a huge room dedicated to the Pope's practice.

Two women with the same unparalleled charm but completely different temperaments were standing next to the long table one behind the other.

"I think you won't mind if Su Cheng guides you on matters of cultivation. Moreover, he is better at these than me and understands your situation better." Bibi Dong said calmly.

After her words fell, she paused for a moment before continuing: "As for other things, I have given you the opportunity. But whether you can grasp it depends on your own methods."

Zhu Zhuqing was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Then he calmed down and asked the doubts in his heart: "You said last time that Qian Renxue is your daughter, why do you still help me like this?"

"...I would rather not have this daughter."

With her back to Zhu Zhuqing, Bibi Dong's face showed a hint of gloom inadvertently.

The feelings of closeness and disgust stemming from her bloodline, as well as the heavy constraints brought about by her bloodline identity, were the source of her pain.

In the past, it was because of Qian Xunji, but now, there is another Su Cheng standing between them.

Moreover, she cannot escape or break away.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned when he heard this.

Maybe Bibi Dong was really thinking about her and planning for her, and she really hated Qian Renxue, her biological daughter.

But this kind of change beyond her control and unexpected information still made her feel uneasy.

She didn't like this feeling.

After so many years, she has long been accustomed to fighting for everything on her own and using her own means to achieve her goals.

The most annoying thing for people who make plans is the emergence of all kinds of variables.

Two days later, Su Cheng did not meet Zhu Zhuqing directly in the Pope's Palace. Instead, as agreed, he went outside the city and waited patiently.

In the past two days, Su Cheng neither spent much time with Qian Renxue nor gave him much time to give guidance to Zhu Zhuqing. He was mainly discussing with Bibi Dong the subsequent plan and layout of the Spirit Hall.

As for asking him to come here early today, it was Bibi Dong's intention. It seemed that she wanted to talk to Zhu Zhuqing alone about other things.

At this time, Qian Renxue, who was dressed in black, suddenly appeared on the high wall of Wuhun City, and then appeared in front of Su Cheng in a flash.

"Hey, are you finally willing to give up? I thought you didn't recognize me as your father."

Seeing her appearing here, Su Cheng's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

Qian Renxue's pretty face turned crimson instantly.

She had been fully prepared mentally, but as soon as they met, she was almost thrown off guard by these words.

That night, while the two were having a crazy love affair, the scene where they were talking nonsense suddenly came to mind again.

She tried hard to suppress the shame in her heart, forced herself to take two steps forward, and snorted: "Su Cheng, don't be so proud!"

"How do you see that I am proud?"

Su Cheng smiled and stroked her pretty face, feeling the delicate touch and slight warmth from his fingertips, and whispered: "Xiao Xue like that is also very cute."

Qian Renxue's negative personality used to be free and unrestrained.

Even when he is in front of himself, although his behavior cannot be said to be willful, it is still quite bad, and expressions such as shyness are rarely seen.

This kind of situation where you can't restrain yourself and even dare not show up for a long time is really rare.

Hearing what Su Cheng said, Qian Renxue felt a tingling sensation deep in her heart. She subconsciously avoided his eyes, but she snorted with mock disdain on her face: "Don't think that I'm as easy to fool as she is. Whatever you do, it’s best to think carefully about it.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his slender index finger and lightly tapped his chest.

Su Cheng knew what the other party was implying, but he chuckled lightly and changed the subject, "Don't you know what I want to do? Just wait until I come back next time and you can stop hiding and not daring to come out."

Hearing his teasing, Qian Renxue's heart suddenly became angry, and her other fingers also spread out.

Then he firmly grabbed Su Cheng's collar and asked fiercely: "Why are you targeting me? Why didn't you let that guy call me brother and dad the night before yesterday?!"

When she said the words "brother" and "dad", her face could not help but start to heat up quickly again.

"She didn't let me call her sister." Su Cheng looked innocent, "And she also called me brother."

"..." Qian Renxue's expression froze when she heard this, and then she growled: "Just wait for me!"

"Okay, okay, someone is coming soon, be careful with your appearance." Su Cheng didn't care about her weak threats and stretched out his arms to hug her.

Following his movements, Qian Renxue's expression quickly softened. She didn't struggle, but pressed her cheek tightly against his chest.

After all, she was just being tough and unable to put her face down. In fact, she would not be angry at all because of this kind of thing.

For her, the chest and arms surrounding her at this moment were her whole world.


I don’t know how much time passed, but suddenly a light cough came from behind.

It was Zhu Zhuqing who arrived.

Seeing that Qian Renxue in his arms had no intention of paying attention and was still holding her waist tightly, Su Cheng patted her back helplessly, and then the two separated again.

Qian Renxue turned around and glanced lazily at Zhu Zhuqing.

Then he walked over slowly, patted her shoulder lightly, and said calmly: "Go out and practice hard this time, don't waste this opportunity. Su Cheng and I have high hopes for you, don't let us down."

The condescending look in his eyes and the arrogance of putting himself in the position of his elders made Zhu Zhuqing feel bored in his heart.

Su Cheng, who noticed this scene, also stepped forward.

Calmly, he took Qian Renxue's hand and said jokingly: "Xiaoxue, you have to work hard in Wuhun City. We are all about the same age. If your cultivation is surpassed by Zhuqing by then, I'm afraid you will I can’t laugh anymore.”

"Haha." Qian Renxue sneered with disdain, not bothering to refute.

Turning around and jumping lightly, he returned to Wuhun City.

"What a touching and affectionate scene, you scumbag." Zhu Zhuqing mocked expressionlessly.

Su Cheng turned around silently and pulled her quickly away.

Seeing him pretending not to hear, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but secretly gritted his teeth and sneered: "Su Cheng, are you very proud?"

"No, I'm going to take you to a place first, which should be of great help to your practice."

Even though he knew he was changing the topic, Zhu Zhuqing still felt a little curious.

She knew that Su Cheng always had a lot of fantastic ideas.

As for the scene just now, although I felt a little uncomfortable, I had already prepared for it and did not dwell on it.

"Where to go?"

"You'll know when you get there. In that place, I can help you advance to Soul Emperor, and at the same time resolve the remaining filthy murderous aura in you."


On the way to the Tiandou Empire, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly asked: "Are the Pope and Qian Renxue biological mother and daughter?"

"She even told you this?" Su Cheng was a little surprised.

He thought Bibi Dong would keep this matter a secret.

Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. He really knew.

Then he asked casually as if nothing had happened: "Why is the relationship between the two of them so bad, they are almost like enemies?"

Su Cheng glanced at her and said, "Children shouldn't ask about this kind of thing."

Of course this was a joke.

But he really had no intention of telling Zhu Zhuqing the inside story.

This is someone else's private matter, and it is also a scandal. Unless the person involved is willing to take the initiative to speak, he will definitely not say more.

This has nothing to do with closeness, it's a matter of principle.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't care either.

Through Su Cheng's reaction, she already knew what she wanted to know.

In fact, she had no intention of delving into the specific reasons. She only needed to know whether the contradiction was true or false and how deep it was.

Seeing Su Cheng's cryptic look, she realized that the two people were obviously deeply conflicted, and there were many deeper stories inside.

"Can your teammates from Shrek Academy be recruited to the Spirit Hall?"

"I can't tell." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, "That Oscar is a smart man, and he is also a food-type soul master with innate soul power. He has great potential and you can fight for it. As for Ma Hongjun and Jiangzhu..."

She thought about this for a while.

Not to mention Ma Hongjun's talent and temperament, that guy obviously has a deep relationship with Dean Flanders.

"Ma Hongjun better forget it."

Su Cheng nodded lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

These young soul masters have not grown up yet. In fact, whether they are recruited or not, it does not affect the overall situation and is irrelevant.

A few days later, the two came to a huge soul beast forest.

There is the aura of spirit beasts in this forest, but it is extremely peaceful. All of them are plant-based spirit beasts. As for other animals or insects, none have truly grown into soul beasts.

Moreover, the plants here all look extremely old and have obviously gone through a long period of time.

Towering trees that reach into the sky can be seen everywhere, and even the sun's rays have difficulty reaching the ground through the gaps in the dense vegetation above.

The moment he followed Su Cheng into it, Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.


And it is an extremely powerful field, like a small world, covering this forest tightly and airtight.

There is also a pervasive aura of spiritual power spread throughout, making their presence almost invisible.

"Don't be so nervous, just relax."

Su Cheng patted her shoulder and said calmly.

The reason why I brought her here instead of going to the Ice and Fire Eyes for promotion was because the soul power gathered there was too overbearing.

Although Zhu Zhuqing had taken Star Anise Ice Grass and Fire Apricot Jiaoshu, he was like a fish in water in that place and would not suffer any damage even in the spring.

But if she wants to condense the soul ring, with her current level of mental power utilization, she may not be able to do it.

But in this Blue Silver Grass Forest, with the Blue Silver King helping her guide her, the difficulty would be much lower.

Of course, both soul power and mental power can be improved with the help of innate skills. The most important thing is that the special environment here can help her purify her body of the evil impurities brought out from the killing city.

But this is also because she is not contaminated with much dirt, and it is almost all on the surface, otherwise she would have to think of other ways.

Hearing Su Cheng's words of comfort, Zhu Zhuqing also felt relieved.

In fact, she was just subconsciously alert, not really afraid of anything.

As the two of them continued to go deeper, Zhu Zhuqing further felt the extremely natural and peaceful spiritual magnetic field here.

After coming out of the Killing City, the heartstrings that had never truly relaxed began to relax.

The breeze in the forest blew by, her long black hair lifted slightly, and her steps became more brisk.

Su Cheng, who had been observing her secretly, couldn't help but nodded secretly when he saw this.

Zhu Zhuqing's previous situation was extremely normal.

Although he has left the extremely harsh environment of the Killing City, the habits he has developed over the past year are obviously not easy to change.

If it were to be in another place, it would probably take a lot of effort to really relax her mood.

The two of them were walking slowly. After several hours, we arrived at the heart of the forest.

Passing through the last few extremely huge ancient trees, a very special plant came into view.

Slender vines climbed up, entangled with each other and rose together.

Each one is about the thickness of an ordinary person's waist, and the whole body is a clear blue color, making it look crystal clear.

Around it, Bluesilver Grass grows extremely lush, and some of them even have thousands of years of cultivation.

In the center of the condensation where the vines gathered, there was a mark that looked like a human face.

A powerful aura spurted out, and solid spiritual power gathered in mid-air.

"It's really you."

Blue Silver King looked at Su Cheng who came here with a serious look on his face.

Of course it will not forget Su Cheng.

This human left an extremely deep impression on it.

Not only because this person was brought by the Blue Silver Emperor himself, but also because the other person had exuded an extremely terrifying sense of death before.

In fact, it had felt the aura fluctuations of Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing as early as when they first entered the forest.

But some dare not confirm. After all, only such a short time has passed since the last time we were separated.

Even if it possesses wisdom that is not inferior to that of humans, for a plant-type soul beast that has not yet transformed, its understanding of time scale is completely different from that of humans.

In the Blue Silver King's senses, it seemed that it was just a magical skill, but the boy he once was was now terrifyingly powerful.

It had a hunch in its heart that even if it gathered all the power in this forest, it would never be able to do anything to the other party.

Of course, it would never take action against Su Cheng.

The Blue Silver King will never forget that it was this person who helped it welcome back the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan.

"Excuse me, what is the purpose of your visit?" Blue Silver King said extremely humbly.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the other party in surprise.

She had never heard of an untransformed plant-type soul beast being able to speak.

"Please help me, your Excellency, to gather a soul ring for my friend."

"This..." King Lanyin glanced at Zhu Zhuqing when he heard this.

The old face composed of tree bark and vines showed an extremely obvious look of confusion, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to do it."

It's not that it doesn't want to help, it's really helpless.

The girl in front of her obviously does not have the blood of the Blue Silver Grass clan.

"You only need to gather enough soul power for her, and leave the rest to me. Don't worry, your efforts will not be in vain."

At this point, a faint halo of domain spread out around Su Cheng as the core.

Then it spread quickly, covering an unknown distance in the blink of an eye.

Five elements field.

But this is not an ordinary Five Elements field, but a powerful field that incorporates immortal sword intent and innate power.

A bright moon appeared across the sky, casting a faint moonlight.

A transparent, colorless and thin aura is also spreading in the field.

"This is……"

Obviously feeling the powerful blessing brought by various powers, the ancient Blue Silver King felt a sense of horror from the bottom of his heart.

It finally understood that the previous perception was not its own illusion, and that the other party really had the ability to destroy this ancient forest.

The mysterious energy that permeates the field is a terrifying existence that it cannot even imagine.

"Don't worry, you and the people of your ethnic group can rest assured. As for how much you can gain, it depends on your luck."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Blue Silver King was pleasantly surprised.

The strange connotations in the field are very consistent with their race.

In fact, when Su Cheng first understood the artistic conception of immortality, he took this as an opportunity to melt the Blue Silver Emperor soul bone in his body.

One can imagine how closely connected they are.

Even compared to the improvement of them by the faint innate energy around them, the potential benefits brought by the image of the bright moon in the sky are much greater.

Perhaps taking this opportunity, there will be a lot of ordinary blue silver grass here, which can be directly promoted to become real soul beasts.

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