Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 251 The youngest elder in the history of Wuhun Palace

The originally quiet and peaceful Bluesilver Grass Forest set off a huge storm today.

Countless towering trees were blown by the strong wind, their branches swayed and their leaves flew away.

If someone were to look down from a high altitude at this moment, they would even have the illusion of being on a blue-green ocean.

The tsunami was overwhelming and the waves were endless.

This was an almost impossible sight.

Only in open areas, where solar radiation causes differences in ambient temperature and sudden changes in air pressure, can the air flow intensify and create such a large wind.

Under the cover of dense vegetation here, there are numerous plant-type soul beasts forming a powerful field like a small world to suppress it, and there is no environment for generating hurricanes at all.

But the storm here is not naturally formed.

The center of the storm was calm at the moment, and a tall and graceful figure was standing there, the culprit responsible for the current spectacle.

The violent wind and waves surrounding the outside world did not seem to have the slightest impact on this place.

The black clothes on the figure were already in tatters.

It was not torn to pieces by the strong wind, but the high concentration of soul power running violently in the meridians impacted outwards, directly exploding from the inside out.

The color was completely dyed dark red, and the whole person looked like it had just been fished out of plasma.

But looking through the gaps in the ragged clothes, there was nothing springy at all. They were all filled with horrific scars that could be seen deep in the bones.

Under the impact of the extremely powerful soul power, the meridians, flesh, and skin in her body could not bear it at all, and were directly exploded into layers of blood mist.

Only tougher bones can barely support it.

But even so, the exposed bones are still full of cracks.

The wind blew harder and harder.

Zhu Zhuqing's aura was extremely weak.

The pretty face that was originally as delicate as a stone carving now looked extremely ferocious.

However, until now, her new soul ring has only just passed the 90,000-year level...

More flesh and blood burst silently.

Countless thunders exploded deep in Zhu Zhuqing's soul.

She was almost reduced to a skeleton.

However, except for the pale red 100,000-year-old soul bone on his left arm that originated from Xiao Wu, all the other bones in his body were glowing with a silver-gray sheen.

The cold light is harsh and the violence is overwhelming.

It didn't look like a human skeleton, but more like a ferocious roaring tiger.

The strong wind passed through the hollows between the bones, making a sharp whistling sound.

The tiger is dead but still has its killing power!

The next moment, the air-blood in the form of a white tiger in mid-air rolled back and poured into the bones again, coating them with a layer of red light...

The wind gradually died down.

The blue ocean of soul power was forcibly dispersed by the light of another realm.

Su Cheng finally took action.

"Zhuqing, pour the true meaning of martial arts you have understood into the soul ring!"

His voice seemed to resound directly into the depths of Zhu Zhuqing's soul.

All the condensed soul power from outside has been dispersed.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed with a complicated and incomprehensible light, and then he endured the severe pain in his body and began to enter the steps of stabilizing the soul ring.

The strong wind between the forest and sea dispersed, only forming a group in the center.

Looking at the huge blood cocoon surrounded by a bloody hurricane not far away, Su Cheng's eyes were dim and uncertain.

If Zhu Zhuqing is allowed to continue, will she have a chance to obtain the sixth soul ring that is one hundred thousand years old?

In fact, there is.

Although she is not like Su Cheng, who understands the special characteristics of a hundred thousand year soul ring, and knows how to infuse special will into it to imbue a powerful soul ring with spirituality.

However, her previously advanced talent fields, her further understanding of the true meaning of martial arts between life and death, and the pure fighting spirit radiating from the inside out in her body that was so strong that it was as real as a substance could meet this condition.

If the age of the soul ring really breaks through the 100,000-year bottleneck, it will naturally be a matter of course for him to be promoted.

It's just too risky.

For her, if she wants to further improve her soul ring, she still has to go through several life and death crises.

And the further back you go, the greater the danger.

It was difficult for her body to support that.

In Su Cheng's view, Zhu Zhuqing's ability to achieve this step is enough.

Although her sixth spirit ring has not undergone any real qualitative change, it is definitely different from the ordinary ten thousand year spirit ring.

That was the special soul ring that was naturally condensed and most suitable for her.

Moreover, in the process of condensing the soul ring, she also incorporated her own special understanding, so there may be opportunities for further improvement in the future.

Not only that.

Su Cheng also saw that the fighting spirit she showed at the last moment was actually quite powerful.

Real combat is not a game, and victory or defeat is not determined by blood bars.

For ordinary soul masters, as the battle continues, the injuries incurred during the process, the consumption during the period, and the mental exhaustion will cause the state to continue to decline.

Therefore, generally speaking, it will not become stronger with more wars, but it will become weaker with more wars.

But from now on, Zhu Zhuqing is no longer in the normal range.

With the blessing of that unique fighting spirit, she can really become stronger as she fights.

In layman's terms, the lower the blood volume, the higher the combat power, and the more blood is left, the more terrifying it is.

Even after a fierce battle of life and death, as long as you don't die, you can still use this to greatly improve your strength.

Su Cheng guessed that there were two reasons for this situation.

One is the killing instinct and warlike nature possessed by the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, which matches the corresponding talents. This is the most fundamental prerequisite, and it is the unique characteristic of this god-level martial spirit. Just like the purifying properties of Seraph's martial soul and the real wings attached to the soul master.

The second is that Zhu Zhuqing has experienced the hard training in the Killing City and the process of stimulating the blood to condense the soul ring. With his strong will that transcends life and death, he has stimulated the potential of the martial soul.

As the condensed soul ring came to an end.

The whole forest also became quiet.

The Blue Silver King consciously began to release his soul skills, and the azure blue light swayed out, nourishing the huge blood cocoon in the open space in front of him with the wood attribute soul power with strong vitality.

Su Cheng was not idle either and also used the Five Elements Domain to enhance it.

Time passed little by little, and half a day passed quickly.


Along with a slight sound, the white light flashed, and the blood cocoon shell shattered.

A slim figure wearing a tight-fitting black dress and a gorgeous robe slowly walked out of it.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing was born into a noble family.

Although there were a lot of things going wrong at home, there was still no shortage of things like soul guides, and he also had his own spare clothes, which did not allow Su Cheng to see more happiness.

But at this time, he was obviously not in the mood to look at those things.

He noticed that Zhu Zhuqing's appearance and temperament had undergone considerable changes at this time.

Her figure was not short to begin with, but with this promotion to Soul Emperor, she was now a few inches taller than before, and her appearance became more mature.

The lines on her face, which had softened due to the special soul power of the Blue Silver Grass Forest, and her long hair, which was slightly dark blue, had all receded at this time.

The long hair has a slight dark red sheen, and the cheeks and facial features appear more three-dimensional compared to the past.

Although the appearance has become much more refined, the sharpness between the corners of the eyes and the tips of the eyebrows has become more and more obvious, almost making people dare not look directly.

But it was not a vicious murderous aura, but pure sharpness.

Like an unsheathed sharp blade, even if they look at each other, they seem to be cut by the sharp energy emanating from their eyes.

"……Feel sorry."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing walking towards him, Su Cheng was silent for a moment, but his first sentence was an apology.

Although he didn't say much else, Zhu Zhuqing understood what he meant.

He kept walking until he was very close to him, then he stopped.

Then, Zhu Zhuqing stretched out his slender white fingers and gently stroked Su Cheng's cheek.

Her actions made Su Cheng stunned for a moment.

Zhu Zhuqing rarely takes the initiative like this.

There was also an incomprehensible light in her eyes.

"Su Cheng, you know, I actually have deep resentment towards you."

Zhu Zhuqingtan opened her mouth slightly and whispered.

"It's not because of your messy thoughts, nor because of Qian Renxue.

"I hate you for treating me like a puppet and arbitrarily arranging my life.

"Maybe those are false, or maybe it seems to you that it's all for my own good, but that's not what I want.

"I can fight for whatever I want. Otherwise, for me, it's just jumping from one prison to another."

Su Cheng opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Even what he just did was actually against Zhu Zhuqing's personal will.

But there was no way. Rather than being blamed afterwards or having some impact on Zhu Zhuqing, he could not tolerate another outcome.

He is such a selfish person.

In many things, it is impossible to achieve the unity of knowledge and action as imagined.

However, at this time, Zhu Zhuqing's voice sounded again, and his tone became much softer.

"But just now, I was afraid that you would let me continue to be willful and watch me take risks. After all, I am also a very ordinary person."

A gentle smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's usually cold cheek.

"I didn't understand until just now. In fact, compared to you trying your best to interfere with me, I am more afraid that you will ignore me."


"Su Cheng, I have no relatives anymore, I only have you."

Two days later, two young people, a man and a woman, walked into Tiandou City side by side.

The man's brilliance is restrained, and apart from his temperament, which is as calm as a mountain, there is not much that is special about him.

On the contrary, the woman walking next to him had an extremely hot figure and a delicate and beautiful face. However, her cold aura and eyes like a sharp knife unsheathed made people dare not look directly at her.

These two people were Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing who had left the Blue Silver Grass Forest.

As Zhu Zhuqing was successfully promoted to Soul Emperor that day, the two of them also set off again, preparing to visit the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

But before returning to the sect, Su Cheng took her to Tiandou City.

Although Zhu Zhuqing successfully self-condensed his sixth soul ring to achieve a breakthrough, his strength has undergone earth-shaking transformation, and the injuries he suffered during his promotion have fully recovered.

But mental fatigue is not so easy to make up for.

Especially the various feelings brought about by the thin line between life and death many times are even more exhausting.

So before returning to the clan, Su Cheng planned to take her to have a rest.

Simply put, just get some sleep.

There is no way to fundamentally relieve mental stress than sleep.

"The living environment here is much better than that in Xingluo Emperor."

Looking at the various pedestrians coming and going on Kuandao Street, Zhu Zhuqing sighed casually.

This is actually not her first time coming to this city.

During the last Soul Master Competition, as a member of the Shrek Academy team, she also came with the academy to participate in the qualifiers of the Tiandou Division.

And earlier, I went to Tiandou Royal Academy with the teachers of the academy to seek qualifications for the competition.

It was also at that time that she and Su Cheng reunited and recognized each other, and then went to the Sunset Forest Ice and Fire Eyes to take jelly grass, which laid a solid foundation for future development.

However, she was either busy at the time, or traveling with the academy team, and she had nothing to communicate with those teammates, so she didn't visit much here.

It wasn't until today that I had this opportunity.

The wide and clean streets are lined with shops and bustling with people.

Although her expression was still cold, there was a hint of joy in the corners of her eyes and brows.

Su Cheng glanced at the other party thoughtfully.

Zhu Zhuqing has really changed a lot.

No longer so depressed and depressed, but more lively.

Even though his expression is still as cold as before, his breath is lively and lively.

This kind of relaxation and freedom that comes from the soul cannot be faked.

"After all, the environment between the two countries is different. Come with me, I will take you somewhere." After saying that, he took Rouyi's hand and walked towards the core of Tiandou City.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at the palms of the two of them calmly, then looked around as if nothing had happened, the corners of his lips slightly curved with an undetectable arc.

The two of them walked to the busiest area in the center of Tiandou City before stopping in front of a building with a simple and elegant style.

This is a small building with a height of five floors. Even in the bustling Tiandou City, it can be regarded as a very tall building.

There are only two simple words on the plaque hanging above, Yuexuan.

There are not many pedestrians coming and going. But it is obvious that those people are all luxuriously dressed and have excellent temperament, and many of them even possess soul power.

Even the two young men standing in front of the door to welcome guests looked handsome and distinguished.

Walking into the first floor, a light fragrance hits your face. The screen wall is carved from fine boxwood. In front of the screen wall stand two exotic orchids that are three meters high.

Although the inside and outside are only one step away, they are like two worlds.

Zhu Zhuqing looked a little surprised.

This place is indeed quite unique.

Elegant and safe, although the materials and layout are all good, the style is extremely low-key.

Going around the screen wall, there is a wide hall behind. The floor is paved with large gray square tiles, surrounded by furnishings made of various expensive woods.

Behind a wide desk in the front, several beautiful girls in simple clothes were standing there. On both sides of the table, there is an elegant wooden staircase.

The two of them didn't linger any longer on the first floor and walked directly upstairs.

As soon as we entered the second floor, there was beautiful music coming from the venue. There were neatly arranged tables and chairs around. Many guests were sitting there quietly drinking tea and listening to music, which looked quite elegant.

Su Cheng glanced at it, then walked to the stairs leading to the third floor on the other side, ready to continue looking up.

In fact, he himself was a little curious about this place.

I have stayed in Tiandou City for so long before, but I have never been to this place.

But as soon as he reached the stairs, he was stopped by the waiter standing there.

"Sorry, the third floor and above are only open to Yuexuan members and soul masters above the third ring. Please show your credentials."


Su Cheng couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this.

The two people at the door were ordinary people. Even if he showed his aura, it would be of little use. He would not know his specific cultivation level, so the only way was to show his soul ring.

But to be honest, the soul rings on both him and Zhu Zhuqing are a bit conspicuous.

If it were exposed, I'm afraid it would attract onlookers, which wouldn't be a good idea.

"Forget it, I think the environment on the second floor is not bad."

Zhu Zhuqing noticed his embarrassment and took the initiative to speak.

She really didn't care whether she wanted to go up or not.

The enjoyment of life has long lost its appeal to her.

The environment in Yuexuan this time was indeed good, but it only surprised her slightly.

In comparison, the conditions in Wuhun City are obviously much better than here.

"That's fine." Su Cheng nodded.

Anyway, it's just a casual stroll. The people playing music upstairs are just better.

But neither he nor Zhu Zhuqing understands this thing at all, and they can't tell the difference between good and bad. There is probably no difference.

"Su Cheng?!"

At this moment, a slightly surprised man's voice came from the direction of the stairs.

Su Cheng looked back when he heard the sound and saw Yu Tianheng appearing around the corner.

"Senior, what a coincidence."

He didn't release his perception in advance, and now he suddenly saw the other party appearing here, and he was a little surprised.

Little did he know that Yu Tianheng had already graduated from Tiandou Royal Academy after the Soul Master Competition ended last year.

The reason why I met Su Cheng here was not a coincidence.

In fact, during this time, he often walked around Yuexuan.

Since Dugu Bo joined Wuhundian, Duguyan also enrolled in Wuhundian Academy.

This also caused the romance between her and Yu Tianheng to end without any problems.

This matter does not have much impact on Dugu Yan. After all, she has a grandfather who is at the level of a titled Douluo.

But for Yu Tianheng, it is not so easy to accept.

The relationship within the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family was not very harmonious to begin with, and as a contemporary descendant of the family head, his performance was not outstanding.

There was originally an opportunity to win over the titled Douluo, but it was missed with Dugu Bo's departure.

As a result, Yu Tianheng's position in the family becomes even more embarrassing.

It just so happened that Su Cheng had made some use of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect in order to pull Qian Renxue out of the quagmire of the Tiandou royal family, which indirectly contributed to their contact with the Tiandou royal family.

In order to further make friends with the Tiandou royal family, and to accumulate some network resources for his eldest grandson, Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, left the matter of further contacting the upper-class nobles of Tiandou to Yu Tianheng.

Yuexuan was naturally his first choice for traveling among the upper echelons of the empire and communicating with many nobles.

Su Cheng didn't think so much and didn't bother to think about the reason why the other party was here.

He just smiled casually and said: "Senior, can you take us up to visit?"

Yu Tianheng was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then quickly smiled and nodded in agreement, with a look that seemed a bit flattering.

For this former junior student, it was difficult for him to see himself in an equal position with the eyes of the past.

Su Cheng has been living in Wuhun City for this year and doesn't know much about the gossip in the outside world.

What’s even less clear is that now his name has spread throughout the entire continent’s soul master world.

The youngest elder of Wuhun Palace in history.

When they first heard the news, the first reaction of most people was disbelief.

These people had no choice but to believe it until the branches of Wuhun Hall in various places personally confirmed it.

Some people say that this is Wuhun Palace building momentum, building stars, and paving the way for their ambitions.

Indeed, Su Cheng's performance in that competition was extremely outstanding, but after all, it was still within the common sense of the world.

But becoming an elder of Wuhun Hall before he was twenty years old is a bit exaggerated.

There will be seven champions of the Soul Master Competition every few years, but after so many years of accumulation, how many elders are there in total in the Spirit Hall?

What's more, Su Cheng was not the champion of that session.

Some people also say that this is Su Cheng's trick, just like the so-called "golden generation" of Wuhun Temple except Qian Renxue. They are not worthy of the name, but they have just found a backer.

But no matter what, the name of the elder cannot be false.

Wherever you get this status, you will immediately be regarded as the most distinguished guest.

When Yu Tianheng led Su Cheng upstairs, he felt very complicated.

Although there is quite a bit of discord between the Shangsan Sect and Wuhun Palace.

But no one dares to deny the power of Wuhun Palace.

He never expected that his former disciple and teammate would rise to the top within less than a year after joining Wuhun Hall and become the youngest elder in Wuhun Hall, with a real master. A powerful and powerful elder.

Even if he knew that Dugu Bo had joined Wuhun Hall, probably because Su Cheng had contributed to it, he didn't dare to complain.

The identities of the two are completely different from each other, and they cannot be compared at all.

At this time, his eyes moved slightly, looking at the silent woman who was following Su Cheng, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are you... Zhu Zhuqing?"

If we were to say who was the most outstanding person in the last Soul Master Competition, it was undoubtedly Su Cheng and Qian Renxue.

But apart from them, Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San from Shrek Academy, as well as Xie Yue, Hu Liena and Yan from the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace, are also famous.

Among them, Zhu Zhuqing, who is the strongest, is the most famous.

Although she is not like Su Cheng today, because her identity as the elder of Wuhun Palace is well known in the mainland, it is also spread by word of mouth among the younger generation.

However, Zhu Zhuqing's appearance and temperament have obviously changed a lot compared to a year ago.

Therefore, Yu Tianheng is not completely sure.

"Hello." Zhu Zhuqing didn't mind and nodded gently towards the other party.


Yu Tianheng's eyes subconsciously fell on the palms of the two people holding each other.

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded and did not deny it.

A smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's cold cheeks, which stunned Yu Tianheng.

Su Cheng didn't know that after they left, the originally quiet atmosphere suddenly became noisy.

Almost everyone turned their attention to the direction of the stairs and started talking about it.

When Yu Tianheng saw Su Cheng just now, he shouted in surprise.

In addition, he himself is also a frequent visitor to Yuexuan. As the theoretical future successor of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, he is already well-known.

Who else could surprise him so much besides "Su Cheng" who once studied at Tiandou Royal Academy?

Almost all the people who come and go to Yuexuan are high-ranking figures in the Tiandou Empire.

Either a noble with an extraordinary family background, or an official with great power.

Even though many of them are not soul masters, they are still inextricably linked to the soul master world.

For the most famous young soul master on the mainland in recent years, how could they not have heard of this name.

The few people guarding the stairs also looked at each other subconsciously.

Then one of them quickly ran upstairs.

As service staff here, they deal with dignitaries and dignitaries in high positions all year round, so they naturally behave well.

Now that there are elders from Wuhun Palace here, they have to say hello to the Master of the Hall no matter what.

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