Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 252 Zhu Zhuqing’s Night Attack

The third floor of Yuexuan.

Under the guidance of Yu Tianheng, the three of them walked into it together.

Compared with downstairs, the number of people on this floor is much smaller, and the layout is more subtle.

There is also a tall translucent screen erected deep in the hall, with several shadowy figures behind it, looking very mysterious.

At the same time, the melodious sound of an ensemble of musical instruments came from behind the screen, and several tables and chairs were placed in front.

These tables and chairs are also made of high-quality wood, and even have a faint woody fragrance. There are three or five people gathered around each seat, chatting in low voices, or enjoying tea comfortably.

Yu Tianheng glanced at the exquisite staircase not far away and said to Su Cheng: "Elder Su, there is a single room upstairs. The other environment is not much different from this floor. Do you think you want to continue going up?"

His address and gesture at this moment made Su Cheng stunned for a moment, then he waved his hand and said with a smile, "Senior, you don't have to be so polite, just call me by my name."

As he spoke, he calmly let out his senses and swept across Yuexuan, and then he frowned secretly in his heart.

Yu Tianheng's character has always been cautious. Since he knows his identity, it is not surprising that he pays attention to his words.

But he didn't expect that he seemed to have become a celebrity now.

The elders of Wuhun Hall naturally have a respected status, but most of the elders actually stay in the Elder Hall all year round and have little reputation and are rarely known to others.

Only those like Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who often perform tasks and show their faces can be considered famous.

So Su Cheng never thought that the current situation would happen before this.

If I had known that he was so conspicuous now, I would not have come to Yuexuan.

After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect has always clearly supported the Tiandou Empire in the past many years.

His identity is relatively sensitive. He was born in the Qibao Glazed Sect and now holds an important position in the Wuhun Palace. Once the imperial royal family notices, it is not known whether it will cause more troubles.

However, this kind of thought just passed through my mind and was put aside.

That is the confidence brought by strength.

The general trend is the general trend, no need to worry too much.

Only when your own strength is insufficient, you have to use your strength to deal with it and be cautious.

"Zhuqing, what do you think?" Su Cheng looked at the environment on this floor, then turned his eyes to Zhu Zhuqing beside him, and asked what she meant.

"Just here."

"Then just sit here for a while. I'm sorry that Senior helped us lead the way. It's fate that we meet today. I'll also treat Senior to a few drinks."

Yu Tianheng smiled, even though he didn't dare to say anything, he felt relieved in his heart.

In fact, he also has concerns.

Now that their identity camps are not unified, if they go to a single room together, there will inevitably be some rumors.

For Su Cheng, this kind of thing will not have any impact, but for him, it may be criticized by other factions within the family.

"I just saw that the senior looked like he was about to leave. I won't delay your business, right?" Su Cheng asked casually after the three of them sat down.

"No, I actually have nothing to do." Yu Tianheng chuckled with a self-deprecating look on his face, "Now I'm just hanging around in Tiandou City."

Su Cheng couldn't answer the words and looked at the bamboo signs hanging on the west wall.

Seeing him looking at the price, a service staff immediately came up and waited quietly.

But with just a quick glance, Su Cheng couldn't help but secretly complain that the Zhumen smelled of wine and meat.

It's not like he has never been in aristocratic circles, he is also familiar with the top brass of the Star Luo Empire.

But the charges here are a bit too outrageous.

The cheapest pot of tea costs dozens of gold soul coins, and the most expensive one costs hundreds.

The expenses of the nobles for half a day here are equivalent to the entire consumption of an ordinary family of three for several years.

"The most expensive of the three pots." Su Cheng waved his hand and said in an extremely dignified manner.

The waiter looked embarrassed.

Yu Tianheng also explained with some embarrassment at this time: "Hey, junior, the price quoted here is a set meal based on the table, not the price of a single pot of tea."

"Haha, bumpkin."

Hearing the ridicule coming from beside him, Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the other person, "You know?"

Zhu Zhuqing did not answer.

She obviously didn't know the charging rules here, but she still found Su Cheng's behavior just now to be ridiculous.

"Well, let's have the most expensive set meal. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m]"

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Not long after, someone came over carrying a tray with a teapot and three filled cups of tea on it, and a delicate fragrance wafted out.

Zhu Zhuqing's nose twitched slightly, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Ignoring the other two people, he picked up a glass and tasted it.

“The tea here is really good.”

As the hot water moistens the tip of the tongue, the bitterness subsides and the aroma melts, flowing between the lips and teeth. Her eyes lit up slightly and she praised softly.

Although Zhu Zhuqing has no research on these things, he has had good material conditions since he was a child and has drunk a lot of good tea.

The tea provided in this Yuexuan is unique and worthy of its price.

Seeing this, Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then said lightly: "It's just average."

By Zhu Zhuqing's side, he naturally wouldn't worry about anything and would say whatever he thought.

"You've only had a few good teas, and you still don't know how to pretend to understand." Zhu Zhuqing rolled his eyes with a bit of disdain.

Although she didn't understand it very well, it didn't stop her from laughing at Su Cheng, who had even less knowledge in this area.

"Haha, what a frog in the well." Su Cheng played with the tea cup in his hand, a flash of pride flashed in his eyes, "You don't need to drink too much, as long as you have tasted the best, the rest will naturally be mediocre."

"It's really cool."

"Forget it if you don't believe it. I'll take you to try it another day and see if you can still be tough."

As a place to entertain princes and nobles, Yuexuan's performances are free of charge.

The main source of profit lies in cultivating the etiquette of noble children, providing venue membership fees for high-level exchanges, and catering here.

Therefore, tea is naturally considered to be the best quality rarely seen in the world.

But compared to what he drank in Wuhun Palace before, the Ambergris Tianxiang cultivated by A Yin and Ju Douluo was too far behind.

Although Su Cheng didn't know much about this kind of thing, the taste difference was still obvious.

"Your relationship is really good."

Yu Tianheng looked at the two people talking and laughing freely in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

In his impression, Zhu Zhuqing did not seem to have this kind of character.

Although he looks very beautiful, he is too cold. If he were not too strong, he would hardly have a strong presence in the last competition.

However, after hearing his words, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face turned red and she immediately fell silent and stopped making any sound.

Su Cheng smiled and didn't care, quietly listening to the sound of playing coming from behind the screen not far away.

"Da da da……"

At this time, accompanied by a burst of rhythmic footsteps, a beautiful woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties slowly walked down the stairs at the back, followed by two beautiful girls.

After entering this floor, he went straight to Su Cheng's table.

When he got closer, he looked at a few people and said with a gentle smile: "Elder Su came to Yuexuan, and Yuehua greeted them from afar."

Yu Tianheng was not surprised that Tang Yuehua came out to meet him in person. He quickly stood up and introduced to Su Cheng, "This is the owner of Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua, Lord Tangxuan."

Su Cheng turned around and nodded gently, "Hello."

Tang Yuehua also noticed that the tea in his cup was almost untouched, and asked softly: "Is the tea here not to Elder Su's taste?"

Her temperament is noble and elegant, her eyes are as warm as water, and her every move contains a touch of nobility.

Asking questions in a gentle voice at this time is even more refreshing.

"Fortunately, mainly because I'm not thirsty."

Tang Yuehua's expression froze slightly when he heard this.

Judging from what the other party meant, it seemed like he was drinking the fine tea here as water.

Su Cheng looked at her and suddenly smiled and asked: "By the way, I heard that Master Tang Xuan has a special talent field. I wonder if you can let us see it? Well, the main thing is to let my friend feel it. .”

His breath was still calm and reserved, and his tone was as gentle as before.

But in Tang Yuehua's eyes, there seemed to be a faint sword shadow flashing in the opponent's pupils.

A terrifying shadow instantly covered my heart, and I felt as if I was on the edge of a cliff. There was a bottomless abyss in front of me. One wrong step would cause me to be shattered to pieces.

Fortunately, this feeling was fleeting, otherwise she might have made a fool of herself here.

Tang Yuehua understood immediately.


The other party is a naked threat.

Today I have to agree to this request whether I want to or not.

She felt depressed in her heart.

Over the years, she has been able to move among various forces with ease, but has she ever been so angry?

But she had also heard of the reputation of the person in front of her.

Not only had she heard about it, she had also collected relevant information.

Wuhundian is the Tang family’s greatest enemy.

The Haotian Sect had to hide from the world and seal the mountain because of the pressure from Wuhun Palace.

And the second brother she was closest to and most admired had to hide in Tibet because of the existence of Wuhun Palace, and did not dare to show his face for many years.

Appearing today, Tang Yuehua didn't mean to test things out. After all, the Su Cheng in front of him could be called the most dazzling rising star in Wuhun Palace today.

But she never expected that this time she would actually get herself trapped.

Although her soul power cultivation level has stopped at level nine and cannot be improved again, she will not be able to absorb soul rings and become a soul master for the rest of her life.

But because of the existence of a special talent field, her perception is extremely sharp.

The young man in front of her felt extremely powerful, not even inferior to her former eldest and second brothers.

The key thing is that the man in front of him is obviously an unruly and unscrupulous master.

She had never seen anyone threaten her as soon as they met. This was just for the sake of enmity.

Not to mention that few people knew about her origins, even her status as a royal guest should make people fear her.

Does Su Cheng really not know that his current identity can represent Wuhun Palace to a certain extent? !

"Why, Master Tang Xuan feels so embarrassed?" Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Su Cheng asked again.

"Of course there is no problem. Please follow me upstairs." Tang Yuehua came back to his senses and nodded in agreement with a smile.

The moment he turned around, his face suddenly turned gloomy.

Walking on the stairs, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Su Cheng with a strange expression.

Unlike Yu Tianheng on the other side who was ignorant, she understood Su Cheng very well and her perception was extremely keen.

He heard the coercion in Su Cheng's words, and also felt the slight hostility on the part of Master Tang Xuan.

"What are you looking at?" Su Cheng noticed her gaze and reprimanded, "Please feel it carefully later. Don't let Master Tang Xuan's good intentions go down."

"Tch." Zhu Zhuqing pouted, too lazy to argue.

The top floor of Yuexuan is a huge hall, which is extremely elegantly decorated. All the furnishings are made of agarwood and exude a light aroma. It looks extremely luxurious and makes people feel safe and comfortable.

"Guys, please take a seat."

As Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing sat down, Yu Tianheng, who came up with them, also suppressed the exclamation on his face and secretly admired them in his heart.

He has also stayed in Tiandou City for a long time, spending most of his time in Yuexuan. He has never heard of anyone being invited to the top floor.

It is said that this is the personal space of Tang Yuehua, the master of Yuexuanxuan. Unexpectedly, Su Cheng came to this place with just one word.

Tang Yuehua glanced at a few people, suppressed the anger in his heart, and activated his own talent field noble circle.

A soft wave was released from her body, which seemed to soothe all the negative emotions in the world.

There is no soul power in this fluctuation, and it becomes more and more pure and natural.

Precisely because this realm does not contain soul power, it can alleviate the emotions of people in the realm more deeply without provoking any strength confrontation.

Even Su Cheng felt comfortable.

But that's all.

His sword intention is too strong, and it is difficult for such emotional and spiritual soul skills to affect him.

The one who felt the deepest impression was Zhu Zhuqing.

The impetuous, filthy and complex murderous aura outside her body has been completely washed away as she condenses her soul rings to be promoted to Soul Emperor and advances in her talent field.

But after being promoted to Soul Emperor, the strong edge she exuded from the inside out was difficult to conceal.

From Su Cheng's point of view, it's best to restrain this kind of aggressiveness on weekdays.

If this sharp-edged state is maintained and no battle occurs, it will be slowly worn away.

On the other hand, being relaxed and relaxed is the right way to practice. Maintaining a tight state all the time and being too tired is not necessarily a good thing.

Time keeps passing.

The field continues to play a role.

The cold light in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes also began to dim a little bit, as if sheathing a sword or hiding a sword in a box.

The sharp and sharp energy that was hard to conceal before has gradually subsided.

By the time Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing walked out of Yuexuan, the sky was already a little dark.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him and asked doubtfully: "Who is that Lord Tang Xuan just now?"

"She is from the Haotian Sect and is the biological sister of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao."

"No wonder." Zhu Zhuqing suddenly realized after hearing this, and then glanced at Su Cheng, "You are really evil."

"You think too much, I don't bother to target her, it's just a coincidence. Her field is of some benefit to you, you feel it too, right?" Su Cheng said lightly.

"It is indeed a very mysterious field." Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly, "I would have never thought that a person who is not even a soul master would actually have such a field, and he is also a member of the Haotian Sect."

"It's just a coincidence. Don't think too much about her." Su Cheng waved his hand, "Let's go, find a place to stay for one night, and you can have a good rest."

"Well..." Zhu Zhuqing responded in a low voice.

Tiandou City is bustling with commerce, and various high-end hotels can be found everywhere.

The two of them found a random house on the street and walked into it together.

Arriving at the front desk, Su Cheng tapped the table twice and said, "Give us two rooms."

The waiter behind the counter looked up at the two of them.

He stayed on Zhu Zhuqing's face for a few more seconds, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then he gave Su Cheng a knowing look, coughed lightly and said, "Sorry, there's only one left."

Su Cheng suddenly felt helpless.

He didn't bother to say anything more and just put twenty gold soul coins on the table.

"Are there many? If not, we will leave. Anyway, there are many hotels in Tiandou City."


The waiter's eyes lit up and he quickly changed his words, then took out two keys and said, "The innermost locations on the third floor, No. 312 and No. 313, are the rooms with the highest specifications in our hotel."

Su Cheng nodded, picked up two keys and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him, then followed him silently with his eyebrows lowered and his head lowered.

Arriving at the end of the third floor, Su Cheng took out the key and opened the door on the inside. He said sternly to Zhu Zhuqing: "This promotion will place too much mental load on you. Although it doesn't seem to be a big deal on the surface, let's let it go." Regardless of the long-term disadvantages. Go to bed early tonight. After a good night's sleep, all fatigue will be gone."


After returning to his room, Su Cheng lay on the bed with no intention of falling asleep.

He came to the hotel just to let Zhu Zhuqing rest. He didn't need to rely on sleep to restore his energy and physical strength. The effect of adjusting his breath was far better than sleep.

At this time, his mind was filled with thoughts.

Regarding the next visit to the major forces, Su Cheng didn't have too much preparation. He could just wait and adapt accordingly.

He was thinking about Zhu Zhuqing's future practice route.

The various insights the opponent gained after being promoted to Soul Emperor the day before yesterday, as well as the Netherworld White Tiger's combat talent that was further inspired, are actually extremely amazing.

That instinct of constantly feeding on fighting and growing stronger in battle is anything but ordinary.

Making a comeback from a desperate situation and bursting with remaining blood, this can be called the protagonist's template.

But correspondingly, this road also means huge risks.

Because without experiencing battle, her talent would be difficult to reveal. And it can't be an ordinary battle, it must be a fierce battle or even a death battle to be effective.

In addition, the cultivation of innate power is also a problem.

The intensity of innate power is actually divided into several levels and cannot be generalized.

Taking Su Cheng himself as an example, after completing the third volume of Xiantian Kung, he has begun to gather his innate power. With the blessing of the martial soul's true body, he can integrate the power of his whole body.

This level of innate power can compete with ordinary divine power.

Qian Renxue has mastered this power now. In the future, people with good foundations such as Bibi Dong, Zhu Zhuqing, and even A Yin will also have the opportunity to understand and master it.

But going one step further, the concentrated innate power in the second stage of the Immortal Real Body is truly perfect energy, and its level is much higher than the power of a first-level god, and can even touch the level of divine power of a god-king-level existence.

But if you really want to get to this point, it is extremely difficult for others.

Bibi Dong has a special soul now, and the lotus water soul has a very profound foundation, so there may be some opportunities. Ah Yin's foundation is extremely pure, and the probability of success will be even greater when his cultivation level improves in the future.

Although Qian Renxue had taken Acacia Broken Heart Red, which caused impurities in the power in her body. But once the power mastered by her twin souls is integrated and complementary, the level will inevitably be greatly improved. Although the nature may be different from pure innate power, when it comes to strength, it will never be different.

Only Zhu Zhuqing, the large amount of medicinal power accumulated in her body after taking two fairy grasses in the past, may become a further fetter for her in the future.

This is also what gives Su Cheng a headache.

"Immortal grass... Otherwise, I might as well just take it all out. There is no use keeping it in my hands anyway. It just makes me a research subject. Elder Ju is very suitable. This can be regarded as a win-win situation..."


Just as he was thinking, suddenly a very light door opened.

Then, almost silent footsteps slowly approached.

Just like a cat in hunting mode, it steps on the soft cushions on the soles of its feet step by step. It is leisurely and quiet, as light as the wind, and even its breathing is inaudible.


Su Cheng was about to speak, but before he could say anything, a shadow suddenly appeared.

The next moment, the hot naked body got into the bed and fit tightly with his body.

The two slender and strong long legs were spread apart and straddled directly on his waist, and the tender and smooth touch could clearly be heard.

Ten open fingers were placed on his chest, and the long dark red hair as soft as a ribbon fell down, sweeping over the side of his face and neck.

Su Cheng opened his eyes, and his flawless fair face was very close at hand.

Those eyes were obviously a pair of pitch-black eyes, but they were shining brightly in the dark night, watching him silently.


When he opened his mouth, he realized that his throat seemed to be on fire, making his words dry and hoarse.

Subconsciously he closed his mouth again and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The soft touch coming from the waist is extremely obvious, and the round and full buttocks have clear and smooth lines. A certain position immediately changes obviously, and then falls into the gap.

No, not just there.

There are two white hemispheres in front of him, plump and tall, looking down at the females.

The smooth and delicate thighs and the slender and graceful perfect curves of the waist also made him horny.

Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

The moist breath with a faint fragrance became more and more urgent.

She gently slid her fingers up until she hugged his neck.

Then he lowered his head, put up her plump red lips, and inserted the fragrant tongue into his mouth. His movements were enthusiastic and clumsy, and his eyes were intoxicated and confused.

There was no gap between the two bodies, she was almost wrapped around him.

She whispered in a low voice, her voice sticky and hoarse, "Take me."

"Zhuqing, you——"

"I don't want to wait any longer."


"I love you."

The moment these words were spoken.

All sanity and everything else disappeared.

Su Cheng put his arms around her slender waist and held her in his arms. His palms slid along her smooth and delicate back, and her delicate body seemed to melt in his arms.

Zhu Zhuqing moved her body to adjust her posture, her plump butt gently rubbing against the hard object clamped between her legs.

Su Cheng couldn't bear it any longer and licked and kissed her fair and slender jade neck roughly. He moved his hands from her back to her chest, caressing her arbitrarily, and kneaded the distinctive soft and plump breasts. , allowing it to change into various shapes in your hands.

Finally, find the firm dot at the top of the peak and gently pinch your thumb and index finger together.


There seemed to be moisture escaping from Zhu Zhuqing's half-opened and half-closed eyes, and tiny moans seemed to come out from deep in his throat.

The face that was once delicate and beautiful but as cold as ice now seemed drunk rather than drunk, and had long since melted into a stream of spring water.

His fingers traced across the plump breasts, and then lingered on the flat and firm belly. Wherever he went, the already blazing white skin almost ignited with a layer of fire.

Then continuing downward, behind the soft and dense luxuriant grass, there is a deep canyon that is already moist.

As his fingers gently penetrated it, Zhu Zhuqing could no longer hold back, his head was raised high, and his long hair was flying in the air.


There was a hint of crying in her high-pitched voice.

Those hidden places that no one has ever set foot on are finally about to receive their first visitor today.

The related extra chapter will be released this month. I guess I haven’t been able to do it for the past two days, as I have been attending social events.

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