The next morning, Su Cheng stood in front of the window of the hotel room, looking at the morning light filtering through the window, silently reminiscing about the madness last night.

In fact, he didn't really want to do anything this time when he brought Zhu Zhuqing out to practice and give him guidance on how to improve his practice.

Even when I entered the hotel to book a room, I booked two rooms.

It's not that he's being serious.

Although as a high-level soul master, Zhu Zhuqing is already extremely mature in appearance and figure, but she is not actually that old.

In addition, I just broke through and my mental state is not good. I should take more rest.

And even if she didn't say it on the surface, Su Cheng could tell that the other party was under a lot of pressure. As for where this pressure comes from, it is actually self-evident.

Not only that, he also didn't think of a good way to deal with Qian Renxue.

It would be unfair to any of them if they went any further.

But Su Cheng had no idea that Zhu Zhuqing would be so proactive, which completely exceeded his expectations.

Coupled with the huge contrast between her words and actions last night and her usual ones, the temptation was too great.

No one can hold it...

The most exciting thing is that Zhu Zhuqing's physique is really sensitive, which is completely opposite to her appearance and temperament.

"Oh, what are you still hesitating about? You have already thought about something, but you are still hesitating here..."

Thinking about it like this, I couldn't help but feel a little fascinated for a while.


Suddenly, a piercing cold light accompanied by a harsh sound pierced the air suddenly struck, hanging right in front of Su Cheng's neck.

The sharp blade seemed to be able to cut into pieces, causing his skin to ache slightly.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Su Cheng looked helpless and tilted his head back slightly to avoid the sharp blade that was tightly attached to his skin.

"Do you treat me like a toy?!"

A cold voice that could almost freeze the air came from behind, carrying overwhelming anger.

Thinking of the scenes that happened last night, Zhu Zhuqing was angry and shy, and his pretty face turned red.

At the beginning, everything was normal, and she even took the initiative to seduce and guide him.

The comfortable feeling she had never experienced before seemed to bring her into a perfect dream.

Send her up to the clouds, into the depths of the galaxy that she has never seen before...

But later on, as her mind became more and more confused and the offensive and defensive momentum reversed, Su Cheng's methods became more and more radical, playing with her in different ways.

In the end, she even used her soul power to condense some strange props, allowing her to play various inexplicable little animals.

Zhu Zhuqing herself was already a little confused at the time, almost completely letting the other party manipulate her, and she enjoyed it even more, as if she was a completely different person.

Even now, when I think about it, I feel hot and short of breath.

"No, didn't you also enjoy it at the time?"

"You're still talking nonsense here!"

Su Cheng turned around and saw that the girl opposite was only wearing a simple inner lining.

There are still many red marks and hickeys left on the exposed fair skin.

He glanced at it without paying attention, just assuming that the other party had not had time to eliminate these marks with his soul power, put his arms around the slender and flexible waist, and kissed the white cheek gently.

Seeing that he ignored his threat, Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth secretly, but he could only reluctantly put away his soul power, pretended to calmly throw away the arm, and coldly snorted: "Wait for me for a while."

After saying that, he turned around and picked up the clothes on the floor, put them on briefly and went to the next room.

As a result, more than an hour passed while waiting.

The door was opened softly.

"How did you-"

Before the words "so long" could be uttered, Su Cheng swallowed them back, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It is still a slightly familiar pitch black slim long dress, but it is embroidered with dark silver lines, as simple and mysterious as the night sky.

A string of dazzling diamond necklaces hangs on the delicate collarbone of the neckline, and every diamond on it is sparkling. On the delicate white earlobes on both sides, there is also an earring on each side, inlaid with azure stones, which is worth a lot at a glance.

There was a faint light red eyeshadow on the corners of her eyes, making her already very attractive bright almond eyes look even more transparent.

The long hair that shines with dark red luster hangs down to her waist. Combined with the cool aura cultivated in those memories, coupled with the tall figure and perfect breast and hip curves after being promoted to Soul Emperor, she looks extremely noble and majestic.

It doesn't look like she is just a young girl, but more like a high-ranking leader of a noble family in her twenties.

"What are you looking at?"

Noticing the dazed look in Su Cheng's eyes, Zhu Zhuqing felt proud, but said calmly as if nothing had happened.

She smoothed the hair hanging down from her temples, and the exquisite sterling silver hair accessories inserted at an angle shone brightly.

When Su Cheng saw this, he was surprised but also felt a little strange.

Although Zhu Zhuqing could not be called slovenly in the past, he rarely cared about dressing up. His clothes had always been simple and light, not to mention makeup and accessories. Why did he seem to be a different person today.

"What are you...?"

"What nonsense, hurry up and leave."

Zhu Zhuqing waved his hand impatiently, with no intention of explaining.

Su Cheng's heart moved, and a joking smile appeared on his face, "Is it because you want to meet my elders that you spent so long dressing up?"

"Don't be so self-righteous here, are you bothered?" Zhu Zhuqing blushed when he heard this, and immediately turned around to leave one step ahead.


Su Cheng quickly pulled her and combed the hair around her ears with his own hands, then stretched out his fingers to gently caress her delicate neck and collarbone.

The faint soul power of her fingertips was moving, preparing to eliminate the remaining red marks on her long neck.

"Pah!" The next moment his fingers were slapped away by Zhu Zhuqing, "What are you doing?"

"You still have some red marks here, let me help you deal with them."

"I can just do it myself. Can you please stop wasting time here?"

"Uh, okay."

The Qibao Glazed Sect is located more than ten miles outside Tiandou City.

After leaving the hotel, the two of them didn't spend much time arriving at the foot of Zongmen Mountain.

This is the first time Zhu Zhuqing has come here, and there is some surprise in his eyes, "I have long heard that the Qibao Glazed Sect is the richest in the world. When I saw it today, this mountain gate is really different. It is no worse than the Xingluo Palace. .”

"Yes, it is indeed a wealthy family." Su Cheng sighed lightly, looking a little strange.

In this world, if you don’t have the strength by your side, no matter how much money you have, it will just be someone else’s piggy bank.

Excluding himself, the current strength of the Qibao Glazed Sect is actually not enough to match the huge wealth they possess.

Without further delay at the foot of the mountain, the two of them walked up the mountain together.

The disciples guarding the mountain all knew Su Cheng now. When they saw his arrival, they did not stop him. They just sent a disciple back to the sect in advance to say hello.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention when he saw this. Instead, he slowed down and walked with Zhu Zhuqing on the mountain road.

"I heard that you also recognized a sister in the Qibao Glazed Sect?"

Walking on the road, Zhu Zhuqing asked casually as if nothing had happened.

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded, "She is the sect leader's only biological daughter. She is extremely talented, and she is the unofficial next sect leader."

"It's the Ning Rongrong who was on the Tiandou Royal team before, right? Her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit caused quite a stir at that time. But with your character, how could you recognize a sister for no reason? Even if you are talented Outstanding, at best, he is only on the same level as Oscar, my former food-type soul master teammate.

"I come from an ordinary background. No matter how talented I am, if I don't have a background, I can't do anything in a place like Tiandou City. Thanks to the teacher's fancy and the care of Senior Poison Douluo, I can complete some plans. The teacher has no children in his life. I treat Rongrong as my own, and if he has this idea, I have no reason to object."

"Your feelings for Senior Sword Douluo are very deep."

"Teachers are like my relatives."

"Then you betrayed the Qibao Glazed Sect in the end and became a lackey of the Spirit Hall."

"Hey, don't speak so harshly." Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean by being a lackey? Besides, if you don't join the Spirit Hall, then what do you mean? Marry a dog and follow the dog?"

At this point, he suddenly let out a chuckle, "Speaking of which, I wonder who was pretending to be a cat or a dog in bed last night?"

"Su Cheng!"

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face flushed red, and she grabbed his arm and was about to have an attack.

"elder brother!"

At this time, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared from the side of the mountain road, shouted loudly in their direction, and then ran over quickly with a happy face.

"Rongrong." After Su Cheng noticed the other party, he quickly waved and said hello.

The person who came was none other than Ning Rongrong.

When she came closer, she noticed the intimate gesture between the two, the smile on her face froze slightly, and she carefully looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was standing next to Su Cheng.

The woman in front of her was extremely beautiful. Against the backdrop of the pearly hair, she looked like an ordinary person.

But compared to his exquisite appearance and outstanding figure, his noble and cold temperament is much more eye-catching.

"Long time no see, Rongrong." Su Cheng looked at Ning Rongrong with some surprise, "It seems that you haven't been idle for more than a year."

The girl in front of her had reached the middle level of the Soul Sect in cultivation.

This speed of strength improvement can be said to be quite astonishing.

Although there are medicinal factors of the fairy grass Qiluo Tulip and her inherent talent, she is obviously diligent in her cultivation. Considering Ning Rongrong's somewhat playful character, this was quite rare.

"Yes, I have reached the forty-fourth level of soul power now, and I am not far away from the forty-fifth level." Ning Rongrong nodded at first, and then seemed a little dissatisfied, and said angrily: "You didn't pass it after you left last time. I’ll be back in two days, why not wait for me a few more days.”

"Is that so? Haha, that is indeed a bit unfortunate. I also had other things that I couldn't get away from at the time. And I also told the sect leader at that time that he would come back before long, and this has passed. More than half a year?"

Seeing that she always glanced at the woman next to her, Su Cheng also took the initiative to introduce: "This is Zhu Zhuqing, whom you have met before, the student from Shrek Academy who possesses the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit."

"Hello." Zhu Zhuqing also nodded gently towards her, returning to his usual cold expression.

"It turns out to be you!" Ning Rongrong suddenly realized.

No wonder she thought this woman looked familiar before, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

It's just that the other person has changed too much. He seems to have matured by seven or eight years, and his temperament is completely different from that time.

In other words, this should be the aura she should have, but at that time, because her appearance was still a little immature, it could not be shown.


Ning Rongrong's eyes lingered for a moment on Zhu Zhu's long, pure and white jade neck.

The red marks in that place were a bit dazzling.

Although she was young, she knew a lot, and she immediately had some bad guesses in her heart.


Before they could say anything more, several more figures appeared at the end of the mountain road.

Chen Xin, Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong all took the initiative to greet them from the sect hall.

Chen Xin and Ning Fengzhi were naturally smiling, and even Gu Rong was no longer as cold as before.

Those two volumes of Xiantian Kung seem to have really had a lot of effect.

However, the image of him with a smile on his stiff, skeletal face is really a bit unflattering.

"Teacher, Sect Leader, Senior Bones."

After Su Cheng greeted several people in turn, he continued to introduce: "This is the Pope's personal disciple, Zhu Zhuqing."

"It turned out to be a disciple of the Pope."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, and then said: "Let's go, don't stand outside, let's go back first."

After saying that, he led a few people towards the meeting hall in the center of the sect.

The distance was very short, and the six people quickly walked into the hall and took their seats respectively.

This place is considered the core area of ​​Qibao Glazed Sect, and no disciples are ever arranged to serve here.

So at this time Ning Fengzhi personally took the teacup and teapot from the table.

Just as he was about to make tea, Su Cheng reached out and interrupted, "Leave it to me, Master, and drink this I brought."

As he spoke, he took out a small wooden jar the size of a fist from the soul guide and glanced at Zhu Zhuqing.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing frowned secretly, remembering what the other party said in Yuexuan yesterday.

Su Cheng took the teapot from Ning Fengzhi, poured a small amount of tea leaves and cold water into it, and then heated it with his soul power.

When the water temperature is about to boil, stop pumping the soul power and wait for a while before opening the lid.

Then a touching fragrance escaped.

Just smelling the aroma of tea made everyone present, who were used to seeing good tea, express their enjoyment.

"How does it compare to the tea provided by Yuexuan?"

After pouring the tea to several people one by one, Su Cheng raised his eyebrows at Zhu Zhuqing.

"Why didn't you take it out then?" Zhu Zhuqing didn't want to give in, so he changed the subject.

"This thing is so precious that I can't bear to treat Yu Tianheng to drink it."

"It's really good tea. This kind of thing is not common in Wuhun Palace." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but sigh after tasting it.

As the honorary elder of Wuhun Palace, he would naturally be entertained every time he went to Wuhun City.

Not to mention that the Qibao Glazed Sect is extremely rich and has countless delicacies, but it has never tasted such good tea.

"It's only for the Pope. I use it to honor a few elders." Su Cheng chuckled.

"Not even the elders?"


His words did not cause any disturbance in the hearts of others. In their opinion, it was normal for Su Cheng to receive some special treatment based on his talent and contribution.

Only Ning Fengzhi was slightly startled, and subconsciously glanced at Su Cheng again, thinking secretly in his heart.

He knew that Su Cheng had never been an exaggerated person. He must have brought out this good tea today because he wanted to be filial to the world as he said. But the Pope was specifically mentioned in the words, so I'm afraid he had other intentions.

Immediately, he thought about the achievements of the Xiantian Kung practice by a few of them and a few disciples during these days, as well as the content of the discussion with Chen Xin Gu Rong and Chen Xin Gu Rong about the current situation in the mainland, and he suddenly became thoughtful.

But except for him and Su Cheng, everyone else actually had their own ideas and were a little absent-minded.

Chen Xin and Ning Rongrong secretly looked at Zhu Zhuqing sitting on the other side.

The extremely casual way of communication between her and Su Cheng just now made both of them a little concerned.

Especially Chen Xin was even more confused.

Although he was loyal to the sword and never married a wife in his life, he had lived for so many years and had never seen anything, so he could naturally tell that the relationship between the two was unusual.

But he was even more aware of the relationship between Su Cheng and Wuhun Palace Qian Renxue.

The direct granddaughter of Qian Daoliu, it was obvious at first glance that she was extremely strong and domineering, and she had a deep relationship with Su Cheng. How could she tolerate the existence of another person?

Even he himself had already respected and blessed the relationship between the two of them, so why did another one suddenly appear?

In addition, this Zhu Zhuqing is also a little strange.

The Nether White Tiger Spirit is extraordinary and has inextricable connections with the Xingluo royal family. Why did he choose to join the Spirit Hall? Why did he become a disciple of the Pope and get entangled with Su Cheng? These are completely inconsistent. logic.

The more he thought about it, the more speechless he felt. I really can't believe that my disciple, whom he treats almost as his own son, is so crooked deep down.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing was also in a state of mind and didn't even notice the strange looks from Chen Xin and others.

What she wondered was why Su Cheng and Bibi Dong had such a good relationship.

Even the other elders had no chance to enjoy the drink, so the Pope asked him to give it to the people of Qibao Glazed Sect?

Why did Bibi Dong try his best to bring himself and Su Cheng together and break up Qian Renxue.

Thinking back to the scenes that happened on the Hell Road and the low moans that came out of Bibi Dong's mouth when she was unconscious, a strange feeling suddenly felt in her heart.

Even the extremely precious tea in his hand was a little hard to swallow.

It is estimated that among everyone present, Gu Rong was the only one who focused on tasting tea.

"That's right Cheng'er."

At this time, Chen Xin finally noticed the look Ning Fengzhi gave him, and then thought of another thing.

Then he put aside the matter about Zhu Zhuqing for the time being, and prepared to ask more about it in private.

He hesitated and said: "Is there any other part of the exercise you taught me before, or am I wrong?"

This was also the reason why Ning Fengzhi winked at him.

Considering the relationship between Chen Xin and Su Cheng, he had no problem asking this question.

But if it were Ning Fengzhi who asked, he would seem a bit ungrateful.

"Did you see it?" Su Cheng was a little surprised.

Chen Xin is indeed a little different from many soul masters in this world. Improving his strength not only focuses on soul power cultivation, but also has in-depth research on the principles of cultivation.

After he pondered for a moment, he said seriously: "Teacher, you are right, the content is indeed incomplete.

"But the missing part may have a greater impact and have no effect on you, so I didn't write it all out.

"In fact, there is also a part of Xiantian Kung that can improve the purity of blood and help improve the quality of martial souls."

"What?!" Ning Fengzhi reacted greatly when he heard this. The teacup in his hand even shook slightly, causing a lot of tea to spill out.

But his first reaction was not the impact of this technique, but its significance to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"Xiao Cheng..." He stared at Su Cheng, hesitating to speak, and the longing in his eyes could not be concealed.

Su Cheng understood his thoughts instantly and shook his head helplessly.

"Sect Master, it's not that I deliberately concealed it. I just said that this part of the content will have no effect on you, and naturally it also includes the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

“The principle of this technique I created to improve the quality of martial souls is to purify the bloodline and enable the martial soul to reach the highest limit it can reach.

"But the upper limit of Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial soul is Soul Saint, which is an inherent deficiency. Even if the bloodline is purified to the limit, it is a reality that cannot be changed.

"Only by using special methods to make up for the flaws of the martial soul like Rongrong, can it be possible to evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

"The missing part of the training is, at most, to allow the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master with a low level of innate soul power to have a higher quality Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda martial spirit."

"..." Ning Fengzhi was stunned on the spot.

For a moment, his energy and energy seemed to be drained out, showing a trace of dejection.

"I see……"

Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, suddenly frowned when he heard this and glanced at Ning Rongrong opposite him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda..."

She had never thought of this before, but now she suddenly thought of herself.

Just like the Netherworld Civet Martial Spirit and the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit.

Normally, no matter how hard you practice, if you don't get the bloodline of the White Tiger Spirit, you can't directly let the Nether Civet complete its evolution.

There are essential differences between the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. It can be said that they are no longer the same martial spirit at all.

So, what's going on with Ning Rongrong?

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