Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 254 Just drinking tea late at night

Regarding Ning Rongrong's situation, Zhu Zhuqing had actually heard about it a long time ago.

When he was in the Shrek Academy team, Yu Xiaogang had presented a lot of information about other team members for research.

Among all the teams, Su Cheng's Tiandou Royal Academy team has always been the biggest imaginary enemy in the hearts of Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

Research on them is naturally a top priority.

Ning Rongrong's special situation was also noticed.

According to what Yu Xiaogang said at the time, this was a special case of martial soul mutation. Combined with Ning Rongrong's superb talent of ninth-level innate soul power, this statement seemed reasonable and reasonable, so Zhu Zhuqing did not take it to heart anymore. superior.

Now it seems that there is something wrong with it. Yu Xiaogang is obviously pretending to understand.

The innate soul power level represents the soul master's martial soul quality.

No matter how weak a martial spirit is, as long as its bloodline is pure enough, it is possible to have full innate soul power, including Lan Yincao, a recognized useless martial spirit.

It's just that the probability of this happening is extremely low, infinitely close to zero. Even if there are exercises to help, unless you have tailor-made special exercises, you may not be able to purify your bloodline to that level in a lifetime of hard training.

According to Su Cheng's previous theory, blood purification can be compared to transformed soul beasts.

Whenever a 100,000-year-old soul beast takes the form, they will all have full innate soul power after becoming a soul master. This is true even for weak soul beasts like soft-bone rabbits, because their bloodline is pure enough.

However, there are still differences in potential between different spirits. Just like the same hundred thousand year spirit beasts, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python are much more powerful than ordinary spirit beasts.

From this point of view, the emergence of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is absolutely inseparable from Su Cheng.

Apart from this guy, she couldn't think of anyone else who could do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing frowned and glanced at Su Cheng, feeling very unhappy.

What the hell is going on with this bastard? Is the "sister" he talks about really as simple as he says?

Su Chengruo felt something and looked back at her blankly, wondering why the other party suddenly looked unhappy.

Is it because you feel you've been left out?

Smiling at her apologetically, Su Cheng took the initiative and said: "By the way, sect master, Rongrong can communicate and learn more with Zhuqing in the past two days. In fact, their situations are somewhat similar, and the martial arts they have now are comparable to It is said to be unique and there are no predecessors to guide it, so we need to continue to explore its potential on our own.”

He then looked at the other two titled Douluo present, "In terms of understanding the true meaning of martial arts, Zhuqing has actually surpassed ordinary peak Douluo."


Several people were shocked when they heard this.

This evaluation is somewhat exaggerated.

Chen Xin has a keen perception and has already made a rough estimate of Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation level.

Judging from his aura, although he has a profound background, it is specious. Considering the age of the other party, he should not have reached the soul saint level.

Since the cultivation level is less than Soul Saint, it means that the martial soul true form cannot be used yet. How can one understand the true meaning of a martial spirit without even possessing its true form?

Even if these words came from Su Cheng, they all didn't believe it.


Su Cheng nodded to her.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing silently rolled his eyes and looked back.

She didn't want to talk to Su Cheng at the moment, but although she had always been ruthless in front of Su Cheng, she didn't want to leave a bad impression on Chen Xin.

Then, in those eyes as dark as the night sky, two scarlet gleams of cold light suddenly flashed, and a long hair fluttered silently.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a phantom of a tiger entrenched behind her, silently licking the sharp claws, but her expression was lazy and full of fighting intent and killing intent deep in her heart.

"Such a pure will!"

Chen Xin's pupils, which were looking at Zhu Zhuqing, shrank slightly, and Ning Fengzhi also straightened up subconsciously.

Even Gu Rong, who had been silent before, silently looked up and raised his eyebrows.

During the whole process, Ning Rongrong, who was sitting on the sidelines, seemed oblivious, looking blankly at the solemn elders around her.

And this is the most terrifying point.

The more extreme the emotion, the harder it is to control it.

Zhu Zhuqing's fighting and murderous intentions were clearly almost solid, but he could send and receive them freely without showing any signs of it.

This kind of control alone has surpassed many titled Douluo.

"As expected of a disciple of the Pope, he is indeed extraordinary." Ning Fengzhi said with emotion, "Uncle Jian and Uncle Bone, what do you think?"

"Before level ninety-five, there were no bottlenecks." Chen Xin picked up the tea cup and took a sip to calm down his surprise, "The young people of this generation are really amazing."

Su Cheng just smiled and said nothing.

Not only is she at level ninety-five, Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit alone can push her to level ninety-nine.

As a few people chatted and laughed, time passed slowly.

Su Cheng didn't talk about matters related to Wuhun Palace, so there was no rush for the time being.

"Sect Master, Prince Xue Beng is here to visit." Suddenly, a disciple from the sect came to report.

"Xue Beng? What is he doing here?" Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly when he heard this.

He didn't like the current Crown Prince Tiandou, nor did he accept the new Crown Prince as his nominal disciple like before.

I am afraid of comparison in everything.

Compared with Qian Renxue's previous performances when he was disguised as Xue Qinghe, Xue Beng was too mediocre.

In addition, Qian Renxue had never attacked the Qibao Glazed Sect at that time, and Su Cheng's factors were involved. Although they parted ways later, overall they still had a good impression.

The Avalanche has done a lot of bad things in the past few years, and they can't be washed away by simply "hiding one's capabilities and biding one's time."

Therefore, there has been very little movement between each other for more than a year.

At this time, Su Cheng's expression changed, and he said with a smile: "My movement may have been noticed by the royal family. In this case, Zhuqing and I should avoid it first to avoid the awkward meeting."

Ning Fengzhi pondered for a moment and nodded, "That's fine."

Chen Xin took the initiative to stand up at this time, "In that case, I won't stay here anymore. Feng Zhi, you can talk to Xue Beng by yourself. Cheng'er, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go out for a walk together."

After saying that, he looked at Ning Rongrong aside, "Rongrong, take this Miss Zhu around first."

The two girls looked at each other after hearing this, but actually they didn't want to be alone with each other.

But now that the elders were speaking, and it was normal for the master and apprentice not to see each other for a long time and reminisce about old times, they couldn't refuse and had no choice but to follow him out.

In the back mountain of Qibao Glazed Sect, an old man and a young man were walking among the bamboo forest, chatting casually.

However, Chen Xin didn't ask anything about Wuhun Palace or Su Cheng's personal development.

He had no intention of intervening in these matters, just let Ning Fengzhi talk about it.

What Chen Xin wanted to ask was another thing, "Cheng'er, do you have a close relationship with that Zhu Zhuqing?"


"Qian Renxue knows?"

"Maybe I don't know." Su Cheng looked a little embarrassed.

"..." The old man was speechless when he heard this. He couldn't laugh or cry and said, "You are sincere."

"There is nothing to hide from the teacher."

Chen Xin smacked his lips, and after hesitating for a while, he said dryly: "Cheng'er, this is not good."


"You have gone further than me in cultivation. I have nothing to teach you." After looking at Su Cheng who was silent, Chen Xin sighed softly, "But you'd better think about this kind of thing. Be clear, otherwise you will hurt others and yourself.”

He patted Su Cheng's shoulder gently.

"For the sake of the sect's inheritance, Fengzhi has married many wives and concubines, but his situation is different from yours.

"He has not invested too much real feelings in this aspect. Those family members also have limited talents, and they are more related to family interests.

"Can you let go as easily as he does?

"Besides, I see that Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing, two children, are very talented, but they don't seem to have the temperament to swallow their anger. Can they tolerate you indulging yourself like this?"

Su Cheng turned around and glanced at Chen Xin, who had a sincere expression, but didn't know how to answer.

He understands that the other party cares about him, but this aspect of things is precisely what he is least good at. Until now, I haven't figured out how to deal with it.

The only thing that can be done is concealment and delay.

Of course he knows that this is wrong, and if it is allowed to develop, sooner or later it will turn into a time bomb.

Moreover, the longer it is delayed, the deeper the injury will be.

The sword wielded by Qian Renxue a year ago was a very real example.

But just as Chen Xin said, he couldn't let it go.

Because of fear, I hesitate to move forward, always wanting to be happy for a while.

"Teacher, what do you think I should do?"

Su Cheng looked a little confused.

Chen Xin did not answer his question, but asked instead: "Cheng'er, have you ever thought about the purpose of your cultivation?"

"For what?" Su Cheng was startled when he heard this.

Of course he knew why he wanted to practice hard and become stronger.

Gaining power gives you freedom and full control over your own destiny.

But the problem is not that simple.

What about after freedom? Freedom is just a very empty word, it is just a state, but what does he ultimately want to achieve?

Coming to such a mysterious world, individuals possess extraordinary powers that can rival a hundred.

With great power added to oneself, one can realize many dreams that could not be realized in previous lives.

Looking around and killing people, leaving no trace behind for thousands of miles. Last night I was still in the green mountains and hundreds of miles away. Now I am looking at the bank of Luoshui River. I have gone east and never come back. I drink and sing. How romantic and comfortable is it?

Or it is easier to climb higher step by step and gaze for a long time, overlooking the vicissitudes of life. Looking at the changes in the world, holding the green mountains in your arms and inviting the bright moon into your dreams are also magnificent.

These are all he wants.

But it's not just that.

As he realized life through simulations again and again, and as his strength continued to increase, it had a considerable impact and impact on his state of mind. His attitude towards people and things was different from the past, and he even unknowingly had a negative attitude toward many people or things. They all have a kind of overlooking mentality.

After gaining power, you no longer need to be as cautious as you used to be. You have a self-made tolerance and a broader mind. This is normal and is by no means a bad thing.

But the scary thing is that as time goes by and his experience increases, some of his emotions are constantly being worn away, like a frog boiling in warm water, becoming indifferent and sophisticated little by little.

He attaches extraordinary importance to character. Although the changes in this area are not yet profound, he can still detect it, but he has nothing to do.

This is the most terrifying thing.

If things continue like this, and they have been practicing for decades, even though their lifespan is getting longer and longer, they no longer have the freshness of the past.

So did he gain time or lose time?

Su Cheng has always been greedy for those emotional bonds and refused to let go. Ultimately, what he couldn't let go of was this rolling world of mortals.

"...I hope it won't change."


"Yes." Su Cheng's eyes became clearer little by little.

"Compared with life and death, I am actually more afraid of the day when I see Xiaoxue, without the heartbeat I once had, and when I get along with Zhuqing, I will no longer be able to laugh and play like before. I hope that I will always be a mortal and remain the same as before. mentality.”

"Mortal..." Chen Xin chewed the word silently, then turned to look at Su Cheng with a complicated expression.

Everyone in the world is thinking about the future, but he is obsessed with the past.

Where did this idea come from?

Then he sighed: "This is not easy."

"It is indeed not easy, people will always grow old."

It's not physical aging, but spiritual aging.

Su Cheng said solemnly: "After returning to Wuhun Hall this time, I will have a good talk with Xiaoxue. Teacher, thank you."

While Su Cheng and Chen Xin were having a heart-to-heart talk, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were wandering around the sect.

However, one of the two was preoccupied and full of suspicion, while the other was cold by nature and didn't like to talk much.

More than ten minutes passed, and not a few words were said in total.

Ning Rongrong finally couldn't bear it anymore, her eyes wandered on Zhu Zhuqing's fair neck, and she said in a deep voice, "How did you meet my brother?"

She didn't like beating around the bush, so she felt uncomfortable in her heart, so she simply asked bluntly, not very politely when she spoke.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned when he heard this.

She had a colder personality, and she didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but then she rolled her eyes and said casually: "We met during the Soul Master Competition. He wanted to belittle me at the time, so we didn't get to know each other without fighting."

This was half true and half false, but Su Cheng was really scornful of her at that time.

Zhu Zhuqing's first kiss happened at that time.

Ning Rongrong paused, almost thinking that she heard wrongly.

Then he opened his eyes wide, turned his head and said loudly: "Impossible!"

"Forget it if you don't believe it."

The nonchalant tone, coupled with Zhu Zhuqing's cold and indifferent expression, was still very convincing, and Ning Rongrong couldn't help but be a little doubtful for a moment.

But in her heart, Su Cheng has never been a womanizer.


Her eyes couldn't help but fall on the beautiful body beside her.

Her tall figure and unusually proud body curves are hard to match, let alone her peers, even those mature women in their twenties and thirties.

Coupled with that unique and extraordinary temperament, even though Ning Rongrong had always had a high self-esteem, she had to admit that when she stood next to the other person, she looked like a child who had not yet grown up.

She glanced at the dazzling red marks on the other person's neck and couldn't help but ask, "You guys came to Tiandou City yesterday?"

"Well, I also went to Yuexuan and met the Lord of Tangxuan."

"Why didn't you come back to the clan yesterday?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing said nothing, and a blush appeared on his face just right.

Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth secretly when she saw this and didn't say anything more.

Su Cheng had his own room in the sect, while Zhu Zhuqing temporarily lived in an extremely luxurious guest room in the Qibao Glazed Sect.

At night, a shadow quietly passed through the corridor, opened the door to her room, then quickly entered, then turned around and closed the door.

The whole movement was flowing and extremely smooth.

"what you up to?"

Zhu Zhuqing leaned on the large bed made of expensive wood, squinting at Su Cheng who was sneaking around, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The big lights in the room were not turned on, and only the dim light flickered on the bedside, outlining the slim figure of the woman on the bed, with her pair of almond-shaped eyes flickering.

Su Cheng didn't mean to talk nonsense, he rushed forward and held down the beauty on the bed.

Then he kissed her.

"Hey... don't... um..."

Zhu Zhuqing's half-push and half-hearted refusal quickly turned into a gentle gasp.

The hands also changed from pushing away to embracing, hanging on his neck.

As the two kissed passionately, Zhu Zhuqing began to feel a little overwhelmed, but still tried hard to respond to his enthusiasm.

A full seven or eight minutes passed, until she was almost out of breath and her lips became slightly red and swollen, before Su Cheng let her go.

Then he stretched out his palm and inserted it directly into his pajamas, covering the snow-white peaks on his chest and kneading them continuously.

Waves of tingling sensations like electric currents came through, and Zhu Zhuqing whispered softly: "Well... what happened to you today..."

She was a little surprised by the other party's enthusiasm.

Or is this the essence of a dog man?

"Zhuqing, what did you eat when you were a child, and why did you develop so well?"

Su Cheng ignored her question.

Big is good.

This was a woman he couldn't hold with one hand.

Of course, in addition to size and feel, Zhu Zhuqing's chest curves are also extremely perfect in appearance, not bloated at all, and look extremely silky and upright.

Combined with the smooth and elegant waist and hip curves, and the enthusiastic feedback after being emotional, this is definitely a beauty in the world with different appearance and appearance.

While kneading with his fingers and palms, Su Cheng's lips were not idle, leaving brand new marks on her fair and slender jade neck.

"You... say something else..." Zhu Zhuqing paused, and her voice suddenly became intense and high-pitched, "Hey... you, please be gentle... um..."

"This is where my true heart lies..."

As his little brother squeezed into the narrow, moist and hot passage, Su Cheng let out a sigh of contentment.

"What happened to you today?"

After finishing the work, Zhu Zhuqing narrowed his eyes and curled up lazily in Su Cheng's arms.

Her long eyelashes cover her moist eyes, her voice is hoarse and sticky, and there are still patches of flush on her body that have not gone away.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?"

Su Cheng carefully played with the plump breasts and asked casually.

"I don't know...well..." Zhu Zhuqing moved a little dissatisfiedly, "Can you calm down for a while?"

"Who made you grow up so big?"

"Su Cheng, you are so annoying."

She patted the other party weakly.

It's just that now the whole body is tender and soft, and the afterglow has not completely receded, and the body is trembling slightly involuntarily.

I don't have the energy to do much, and even my thinking is a bit slow.


At this time, Su Cheng suddenly straightened up and frowned.

somebody is coming……

"What's wrong?"

Zhu Zhuqing was startled by his sudden movement and subconsciously wrapped herself in the quilt.

"Rongrong's aura is coming this way."

Ning Rongrong?

It's already past ten o'clock in the evening. Why is she here?

Then he glanced at the messy bed, the juice-stained sheets, and the naked man next to him.

"You bastard." Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth and reprimanded in a low voice.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You are still talking nonsense here, hurry up and help me clean up!"

"Just don't let her in."

"If she keeps knocking on the door and I don't open it, wouldn't it be more problematic? And this is the guest room!"

Zhu Zhuqing was not afraid of letting Ning Rongrong know anything.

But with the room in such a state, she couldn't afford to lose this person.

"...Tuk, Tuk, Tuk."

A minute later, there was a knock on the room.

Neither of them paid attention.

But not long after, the knock on the door came again.

A moment later, a voice came, "Miss Zhu, are you asleep?"

Su Cheng felt helpless when he saw this, it seemed like he couldn't escape.

Practitioners seldom sleep.

As the heir to the sect master, Ning Rongrong took the initiative to come over to meet him. As a guest, it was not appropriate for Zhu Zhuqing not to reply or refuse.


With the slight sound of the door opening, Su Cheng's figure appeared behind the door.

"Brother?" Ning Rongrong looked at him in surprise, "Why are you here? Isn't this the room where Miss Zhu rests?"

"Oh, we were drinking tea in the house just now. Zhuqing has been thinking about the tea I brought. I happened to have some left, so I just brought it to brew."

Su Cheng chuckled nonchalantly and said, "Would you like to have a drink too?"

He said this, but his body made no move.



Ning Rongrong raised her eyebrows, "Then get out of the way. How can I go in and drink if you're blocking me here?"


Ning Rongrong walked into the house and glanced around the room.

The big lights hanging high on the ceiling shine, releasing a dazzling light.

The bed was covered with neat bedding, as if it had not been used yet.

On the exquisite mahogany coffee table on the west side of the house, the freshly brewed tea leaves are exuding a refreshing aroma, and two poured cups of tea are placed next to it.

Zhu Zhuqing was sitting quietly on the side of the coffee table.

I don't know if it was because the lights in the room were too bright, but Ning Rongrong always felt that her face and eyes looked a little strange, with an unusually enchanting charm.

However, it seems that there is more than just the fragrance of tea lingering in the room.

Ning Rongrong's nose twitched slightly, and there seemed to be some kind of special strange smell beneath the aroma of tea.

Seeing this scene, Su Cheng, who had just closed the door and turned around, twitched his eyes and thought something bad in his heart.

Time is so tight that I forgot about this.

He is also not afraid of the relationship between the two being exposed. Anyway, he admitted it to Chen Xin today.

The key is that the time, place and people are wrong.

It's okay to not stop after returning to the sect. It's really a bit embarrassing to have a little girl like Ning Rongrong here.

There should be a side story tomorrow

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