Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 255 Qian Renxue’s ambition (please vote for me)

Chapter 255 Qian Renxue’s ambition (please vote for me~)

"Come and take a seat. You've come at the right time. This tea is most fragrant when you brew it three or four times.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong's eyes were wrong, Su Cheng hurriedly walked forward diligently and led him to sit next to the coffee table.

In fact, he doesn't know when the tea tastes best, he just talks casually.

Anyway, we can't let other things come to light.

After Ning Rongrong sat down, he walked aside and opened the window in the room.

It was just after deep winter and not yet spring. As soon as I opened the window, a cold wind blew into the house from outside.

Even though there was sufficient heating in the room, several people instantly felt chilly.

"Why are you opening the window? It's so cold outside!"

Being blown by the cold wind, Ning Rongrong shivered and frowned. For a moment, she couldn't think about where the strange smell just came from, and asked in a sweet voice.

"You are already a soul sect, how can you still be afraid of the cold?" Su Cheng said with a smile, "And the room is so warm, just drinking tea is not interesting. You have to enjoy the beautiful scenery to get that mood."

"Beautiful view?" Ning Rongrong glanced out the window.

It was already late at night, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the moon was occulting the stars and it was pitch black.

The nearby woods have already been stripped of their branches and leaves by the cold winter, leaving only the dead trees, which look desolate as far as the eye can see.

"Ahem, everyone has their own beauty."

Ning Rongrong was not so easy to fool. He looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "Then why didn't you open the window just now? Do you have to wait for me to come before you open it? Do you want to drive me away?"

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the teacup on the table. After a short pause, he took a clean cup from the side and filled himself with tea.

"I just came here not long ago, so it's not too late." Su Cheng explained casually, "By the way, why did you come here so late to find Zhuqing?"

"Didn't you say that I could learn from Miss Zhu about martial soul control? I had nothing to do at night, so I came over."

Having said this, her eyes once again rested on the delicate neck of the woman opposite.

Although a while had passed, Zhu Zhuqing's astonishing charm did not fade so easily.

In addition, her constitution is extremely sensitive, and even now her body is still trembling slightly, which she can only cover up by drinking tea.

But even so, anyone who is not blind can sense that something is wrong with her.

When the two met today, although Ning Rongrong noticed the hickey on her collarbone, what he felt most was the other's calm and wind-like charm, as well as his cold and aloof aura.

Comparing it with the enchanting facial features now, it's like a completely different person.

"Am I disturbing you?" Ning Rongrong said calmly, holding a tea cup in hand.

"Of course not. We have nothing to do. We mainly want to discuss the next itinerary." Su Cheng walked back to the table and sat down.

"Where else are you going?" Ning Rongrong raised her eyes and looked over.

Su Cheng didn't plan to hide it from her, and said, "I'm going to visit those soul master academies in a while and meet my previous teammates."

"Then I can join you. I went to see Bing'er and Qingyu some time ago."

"This..." Su Cheng couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this.

It's not that he thinks Ning Rongrong will drag him down.

On the contrary, if Ning Rongrong goes together, it might be able to achieve good results.

The name of the Qibao Glazed Sect still carries a lot of weight in the eyes of the high-level forces within the Tiandou Empire.

But if you bring the other party with you, it may not be a good thing for the Qibao Glazed Sect.

What's more, Ning Fengzhi's attitude is unclear now, so it would be inappropriate to tie Ning Rongrong directly to the car.

"What's wrong, can't you?"

"It is indeed a bit inconvenient." Su Cheng hesitated, "Your identity is sensitive, and I represent Wuhun Palace..."

"What about her?" Ning Rongrong turned to look at the girl sitting opposite who had been silently sipping tea. Finally, she couldn't hold back the complicated emotions in her heart and blurted out, "This Miss Zhu has a good background, right?" ?”

"Zhuqing? Her situation is different from yours. After all, the Zhu family is not the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, and Zhuqing does not have an overly ostentatious status. She is not as prominent as her eldest sister. Her only speciality is limited to Netherworld. White Tiger Martial Spirit, but this thing is only tacitly understood by everyone, and the definition is actually very vague."

In fact, if this were not the case, Zhu Zhuqing would not have been able to join the Spirit Hall so easily. At least there would be a lot of resistance from the Star Luo Empire. Bibi Dong more than a year ago would not have nodded easily.

Now she can only be regarded as a point of contention in the game between the two parties.

If the prince of the Dai family, who possesses the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, had joined the Spirit Hall, the conflict between the Star Luo Empire and the Spirit Hall would have been intensified in an instant.

It's good for everyone to understand some things in their hearts, but once the position of right and wrong is made clear, it will force the other party to take action.

"You've already returned to the sect, why do you still care about this?"

"My coming here can't mean anything. It's just that the elders of Wuhun Palace are visiting relatives. But if you come with me, it will be a big problem. To be honest, I personally don't want the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to fall into too deep. "Su Cheng looked at Ning Rongrong and said solemnly.

Now that the other party's strength and cultivation have improved by leaps and bounds, some words can actually be explained to her more clearly and thoroughly.

"Your Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit has been known to everyone for a long time. When you walk outside, you can represent the sect's position. You can't deny this, right?"

Ning Rongrong nodded silently.

"The sect master used to like to say things like 'the three upper sects are connected by the same spirit', which meant nothing more than using their strength to fight against the Wuhun Palace. In this case, it is even more impossible to state your position so early and choose a team. You have to understand that many times, What people hate most is not enemies, but traitors.

"Of course, the interests between the forces are important, and there are no friends. But since the sect leader has set the tone before, if he changes his position prematurely, it will do great harm to the sect's reputation. And the key is that the Qibao Glazed Sect has always The most important sign is reputation.”

It doesn't sound nice to say "traitor", but it is actually a fact, and Ning Rongrong also knows it.

No one in the mainland's senior management doesn't understand what Ning Fengzhi is thinking, and they won't really treat her like a friend with all their heart.

But if you make an alliance with your front foot and surrender to the enemy with your backhand, it is easy to be criticized, and it is hard to say what the impact will be.

The Qibao Glazed Sect's own strength is relatively limited and cannot reach the level of Wuhun Palace. It can easily be used as a target, which is very detrimental to the sect.

"Okay." Ning Rongrong curled her lips, "But I don't know what my dad is thinking. Maybe he just agreed to let me go with you?"

"Then let's wait for the sect master to tell you. You can't overstep your authority. Miss, you haven't become the sect master yet." Su Cheng said with a smile.

"Hmph, I don't want to be a sect leader." Ning Rongrong pouted.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she looked at Su Cheng, "How about you come back as the sect master and I become your deputy sect master?"


Su Cheng was speechless when he heard this, and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but pause his fingers slightly. He looked at Ning Rongrong with a meaningful look in his eyes, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth inadvertently, and then he lowered his head in silence.

Ning Rongrong seemed not to be aware of the expressions of the two of them, and was immersed in her own thoughts.

"No matter how good the Wuhun Palace is, no matter how much it values ​​you, you are still working for others, and you are not free. You are Grandpa Jian's apprentice, he treats you as his own son, and your father also values ​​you very much. Why don't you come back to the sect, I Knowing my dad, as long as this is mentioned, he will definitely not object."

"If you think too much, the sect leader won't be willing." Su Cheng said calmly.

He knew very well what Ning Fengzhi was like.

There is definitely no big problem in terms of character, and his thinking is quite clear, but he is too obsessed with the sect, and he was even a little obsessed in the past.

Just the sentence "the three upper sects are connected with the same energy" is a bit too high-profile and does not position itself correctly. This sentence is almost enough for the Haotian Sect.

In this case, how could the other party hand over the sect into the hands of someone with a foreign surname?

No matter how talented Su Cheng is, his martial spirit is not the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Ning Rongrong's idea is obviously too naive.

"What about you, are you willing?" Ning Rongrong stared at him with shining eyes.

"I don't want to either." Although she said she came to Zhu Zhuqing to study, she seemed to have no intention of communicating with Zhu Zhuqing. Instead, she kept chatting with herself. Su Cheng was also a little helpless about this.

"Oh..." After hearing his answer, Ning Rongrong's eyes dimmed, but she was not too depressed. In fact, she didn't have high hopes from the beginning.

"Because of that Qian Renxue, right? I heard my father say before that you have a very good relationship with Qian Renxue from Wuhun Palace."

Speaking of this name, Ning Rongrong's eyes swayed slightly.

She still remembered that woman, who had left a deep impression on her.

The first time since childhood that I truly felt fear from my heart was because of that person.

Before that day, no one had ever had murderous intentions towards her, either because of her identity, appearance, gender or age.

But that person really had no scruples at that time and even wanted to kill her.

"Well, it's true that I have a good relationship with her, but it's not all because of her that I stay in Wuhun Hall." In front of Zhu Zhuqing, Su Cheng was a little embarrassed to talk about this matter, and he also knew that Ning Rongrong had been with Ning Rongrong before. Something unpleasant happened to Xiaoxue.

"Why isn't she with you? And..." At this point, Ning Rongrong glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who was silent, "You and Miss Zhu were alone, didn't she say anything?"

"...Your question is also strange, so naturally she won't say anything. Su Cheng was sweating secretly, feeling that the topic had begun to go astray, and the questions asked by the other party were so sharp, I'm afraid the situation might not be good if this continues.

However, he still pretended to be nonchalant on the surface and said calmly: "And now Xiaoxue's character has become much better. Before, it was because of her special circumstances that it was sometimes difficult to control her emotions."

"..." Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him coldly when he heard this, but didn't say much.

"Miss Zhu, don't you mind?" Ning Rongrong suddenly changed her focus and looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a curious look on her face.

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly interrupted, "Rong Rong, didn't you come here to understand the martial arts issue? Why do you keep talking about this-"

"I do not mind."

Before he finished speaking, a calm voice sounded.

There is also a hint of sticky hoarseness in the cold voice, which contains some indescribable charm.

Su Cheng looked in shock and saw Zhu Zhuqing looking at Ning Rongrong coldly, "I won't be half-hearted like some people. This is my own choice. I accept it."

"..." Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and his mood suddenly became complicated.

Immediately, he noticed Ning Rongrong's disdainful look and coughed dryly: "Rongrong, you are still young, these things are not your concern. Practice seriously and don't waste your talents. That is what you should pay attention to now." Question. By the way, how is your practice of Xiantian Kung?"

Seeing Su Cheng looking around at him, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed with gloom and then quickly returned to normal.

Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, didn't react too much to his behavior of changing the subject, and smiled: "Of course I have to practice. Brother, the technique you have developed is really amazing. Even if I don't rely on martial arts, I can still practice with a spirit master." We are fighting for people, including those beast soul masters."

"What?" Su Cheng was stunned when he heard her answer.

You must know that Ning Rongrong is only over forty levels now. In terms of soul power, he can naturally crush soul masters of more than ten levels, but whether he uses martial soul or not is completely different to the soul master.

Especially soul masters with beast martial souls have a huge advantage when their cultivation level is low, and their physical fitness is far superior to that of their peers.

How could Ning Rongrong win the battle?

Innate functions improve the quality of the physical body, and the effects are extremely extraordinary. Of course, he knows this very well.

However, the effect of this improvement and the improvement of efficiency also depend on the individual.

The purer the foundation of the physical body, the better the bloodline qualifications. People with stronger physical strength will improve faster.

Although Ning Rongrong has excellent qualifications, as an auxiliary soul master, she has huge inherent flaws that need to be made up for in terms of strength.

What's more important is that she has also taken jelly grass, which is not an aid to the practice of innate skills, but an obstacle.

As her practice deepens, it will not be difficult for Ning Rongrong to defeat the soul master purely by relying on her physical body. However, it is strange that she has only practiced for about half a year, and she has made such a huge improvement.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng's eyes glowed with a pale golden light, and he glanced at Ning Rongrong. Immediately I discovered that in the real field of vision, there was something wrong with the other party's aura.

He directly reached out and grabbed Ning Rongrong's wrist, injecting his thin innate power to feel it carefully.

Ning Rongrong suddenly blushed, but did not struggle.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had a clear view of this scene, glanced at her with cold eyes.

Su Cheng naturally didn't want to take advantage. As the energy traveled through her meridians, she found that although the power of the fairy herbs in the opponent's body still remained, the situation was much better than that of Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing.

No, it should be so much better that it's almost hard to notice.

Su Cheng let go of Ning Rongrong, looked at her silently, tapped his fingers on the table, and began to think intently.

What's the reason?

He does have in-depth research on herbal medicine and the human body.

However, all research must be based on real data or supported by similar cases.

Immortal herbs are rare, suitable people are even rarer, and his understanding is limited.

Now it seems that the connection between Qibao Glazed Pagoda and Qiluo Tulip is far greater than expected.

As for the specific situation, we have to wait for further research in the future.

"What's wrong?" Noticing his solemn expression, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

She was originally very proud of her improvement speed.

"Oh, it's okay." Su Cheng came back to his senses, smiled at her and said: "Your situation is very good, better than I expected. Practice hard, and if you can continue, I will give you a surprise."

"Really?" Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up and she lightly pursed her red lips.

"Of course." After answering in the affirmative, Su Cheng drank the tea in the cup and stood up.

He nodded gently to the two of them, "It's too late now. You two can communicate slowly. I'll go back first."

Seeing what he said, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong didn't stay much longer.

If only one of them was present, they might have to stay a little longer, but when both of them were present, it was obviously difficult to say anything.

As Su Cheng said, it's really too late now.

After he left, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly said calmly: "What are you happy about?"

"Huh?" Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment and quickly denied: "No, you must have read it wrong."

"I know what you are thinking, but I advise you not to think about the things that are and are not." Zhu Zhuqing ignored her retort and said to himself: "That Qian Renxue is a lunatic. It's just you who caught her eye. My life is definitely at risk."

"Haha, Miss Zhu, have you misunderstood?" Ning Rongrong heard this and shook his head with a smile.

But seeing that the other person's expression was unwavering and indifferent, her smile gradually faded away.


After a moment of silence, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she was too lazy to continue pretending. Her attitude became much stiffer, "Then what do you mean, to prevent me from going to Wuhun City?"

"Haha." Zhu Zhuqing sneered, "To be honest, I don't care where you are going, and Su Cheng is not interested in you. I am not that crazy woman Qian Renxue. I am saying this purely for your own good."

What Ning Rongrong didn't know was that she was actually telling the truth at this moment.

Zhu Zhuqing really thought so.

Although she had considered sending the little girl in front of her to Wuhun City for Qian Renxue to kill, there was no psychological burden on her to do such a thing.

And once it happens, you will definitely not be the one who suffers in the end.

But her thoughts were not that ruthless after all, and there was a high probability that the consequences that might arise after the incident would be beyond her control.

She is too weak now.

"...Before I came to your place, what were you and my brother doing?" Ning Rongrong suddenly changed the subject.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing raised a slightly sarcastic smile on his lips and looked at Ning Rongrong who looked unhappy across from him.

"Even if you do it, so what? Haha, with your caution, if you go to Wuhun City, you may not survive for half a year. There is more than one Qian Renxue there."

Speaking of this, the image of Bibi Dong leaning on Su Cheng's arms on the Hell Road appeared in her mind, and her expression suddenly became gloomy.

On this night when Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing were staying at the Qibao Glazed Sect, Qian Renxue in the Elder Hall of Wuhun City was also preparing for a big event.

At this time, nearly half a month had passed since the two left, and Qian Renxue's previous soul bone had almost been absorbed.

She was currently standing in the center of the huge room, with a huge lead box in front of her. Inside the box, the golden torso bones of the angel suit shone brightly.

The extremely powerful superimposed field spread out from the center of her body and stopped abruptly after filling the entire room.

The next moment, another beautiful figure that looked like a real person appeared out of thin air on the opposite side, and two beautiful figures with exactly the same appearance stood opposite each other.

The two looked at the lead box in front of them solemnly, and then looked at each other again.

"Have you really thought about it?" The figure in black stretched out his tongue and licked his red lips, looking at the person opposite him with a playful expression.


"I really didn't expect that with your weak character, you would learn to disobey that guy's warning?"

"You don't have to provoke me. You don't know what I think." Qian Renxue, who was wearing ordinary white clothes, looked calm and did not get angry at all because of the other party's sarcastic words. "Similarly, you don't need to be harsh. You are I understand very well what you think."

"...Very good." The smile in the dark pupils faded, "Then you and I will prove to him that not everything needs to be settled by him."

"It's 'us'." The golden flames stretched out their arms forward.

"Ha, yes, it's us." Hei Yan's burning arms also stretched forward at the same time, "Our talents are unparalleled in the world!"


The moment the two arms came into contact, a bright white-gold flame ignited silently.

There was no grand scene or loud sound, but the sudden blazing light seemed to burn everything.

It was almost no longer "fire", but pure "light".

Then the platinum flames dripped down from the palms of the two people, quickly covering the torso bone, and then slowly melting it.

A few minutes later, when their faces began to look slightly pale and their breath gradually slipped away, the extremely powerful golden torso bone finally completely melted into a golden liquid.

Behind the two of them, black and white wings shot out uncontrollably and then flapped gently.

If Su Cheng were here, he would be surprised to find that their wings have changed from the original two pairs to a complete three pairs.

It's not because of the martial soul's true body, but the real body wings.

Then, the flowing golden liquid began to spread towards the two bodies and cover them.

They did not struggle to resist, and allowed the strings of golden light to travel all over their bodies, and then separated about a centimeter from the skin and gradually took shape.

Along with a series of sonorous sounds, the golden light condensed instantly and turned into golden armor, which perfectly fit their body proportions.

The high bulging chest armor, the slender and narrow waist armor, the round and smooth shoulder armor, and the ankle-length battle skirt covered the two bodies at the same time.

Even on the wings, a string of golden armor spreads along the wing bones.

Finally, a golden crown appeared above their heads.

However, the moment the golden armor took shape, it suddenly shattered and turned into a flowing light again.

A look of pain flashed across their faces at the same time, and they couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

But they seemed to have expected this situation, and their expressions were unusually calm.

The platinum flame continued to burn brightly, and the golden stream of light began to condense again.

After a few breaths, the golden armor finally took shape again.

But the same scene happened again.

The armor shattered once again.

In this way, the golden stream of light condensed into armor again and again and covered the two people. However, the moment it was condensed, it broke instantly, and then condensed again...

This process was repeated countless times.

If there are outsiders present at this time, they will find that every time the armor is re-condensed, the color will become lighter.

But at the same time, Qian Renxue's aura will also slip away.

Finally, after repeating it for more than fifty times, the golden stream of light completely turned white, and Qian Renxue's aura had fallen to the bottom.

"That's it."

The two looked at each other, and then the black figure disappeared and the domain converged.

The white-gold flowing light covered Qian Renxue's body surface, and then gradually integrated into her body.


The thunderous explosion echoed deep in her soul.

At the same time, blazing white terrifying flames ignited all over the body.

Qian Renxue's long golden hair also completely changed at this time.

It turned into a blazing white, and the whites and pupils of the eyes could no longer be seen clearly. Only a white light shone, as ruthless and sexless as a god.

At this time, her whole body was as hot and dazzling as the sun.

Even if it is a Titled Douluo-level being, just one look at it will probably cause pain in both eyes and make it difficult to see for a short period of time.

In fact, not to mention the gaze, even the perception of being close to this place will be instantly burned and cause backlash.

For example, Qian Daoliu.

Deep in the Elder Hall, the peerless Douluo who looked like a middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes, and a line of blood flowed from his nose.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it, looking at the blood beads in his hand, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Xiaoxue, what on earth are you doing."

Just now, he sensed the extremely powerful and terrifying aura fluctuations coming from Qian Renxue's room, and subconsciously released his senses to understand the situation.

Who would have thought that before he even got close, he would feel that his spiritual power had been evaporated instantly, leaving him no time to react.

The loss of mental energy was nothing to him.

But that burning sensation seemed to burn directly into the depths of his soul along with his spiritual power.

As a last resort, Qian Daoliu had to take the initiative to cut it off, which was why he suffered some backlash.

And that kind of power was so strong that even he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He didn't know whether to be happy or worried for a moment.

Even under the strong energy impact at that moment, a large hole was burned above the dome of the entire Elder Hall, and the moonlight fell down.

In Qian Renxue's room, there was only the sound of suppressed heavy breathing.

The state she was in just now only lasted for a moment before she was knocked back to her original shape.

During that process, the ordinary clothes she was wearing had been burned long ago, leaving her flawless white body exposed under the starry sky.

But no one has the chance to see such a beautiful scene.

Qian Renxue herself had already expected this, so she only wore ordinary clothes during this period, and only now did she change back into the precious soul tool dress.

There was a look of uncontrollable joy on her face, and she murmured in a low voice: "It's done..."

On the other side, Qian Daoliu looked towards the direction of Qian Renxue's room. After hesitating for a moment, he was ready to go there in person to take a look at what was going on.

But just as he stood up, his eyes moved slightly and then stopped.

Bibi Dong's breath was already approaching.

It's the end of the month. Dear readers, if you have a monthly ticket, you can vote for it. I would be very grateful.

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