Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 256 The bigger the fuss, the better (please vote for me at the end of the month)

Chapter 256 The bigger the noise, the better (it’s the end of the month, please vote~)

Outside the Elder's Hall, Bibi Dong's eyes paused at the gap above the grand hall for a moment before slowly walking into it.

At the same time, several other elders also walked out of the room one after another, including several worship elders, with a hint of fear still on their faces.

Although their reaction was a bit slow, the aura fluctuations as magnificent as the blazing sun were too obvious.

Although they were not targeted by it, the fear that followed from the depths of their souls still lingered.

After these people noticed Bibi Dong's figure and saw her raising her hand to signal everyone to leave, they hesitantly returned to their respective rooms.

Since the Pope has arrived and the great minister has not shown up, I guess it is no big deal.

It’s just that it’s hard to say when the emotional turmoil will completely calm down.

Bibi Dong ignored these elders and walked up to the third floor alone, stopping outside the door of Qian Renxue's room.

Strangely enough, the aura emitted by Qian Renxue just now fluctuated so strongly, and she was obviously unable to fully control it, that it instantly burned a huge hole above the Elder Hall.

But there were no signs of damage around her room, not even a trace of burning sensation, and it seemed surprisingly calm.

Bibi Dong stared at the closed door in front of her with a solemn expression.

She had also used her mental power to investigate just now, but she didn't find nothing like Qian Daoliu.

Because of the special nature of her soul, her perception was able to linger for an extra moment.

And in that brief moment, Bibi Dong "saw" an extremely horrifying scene.


As far as the eye can see is a vast expanse of white.

But it is not the kind of soft and empty pure white, but the blinding whiteness that comes from looking directly at the scorching sun.

In that bright white light, as hot and dazzling as the blazing sun, there seemed to be a vague figure, and the whole body seemed to be made of light beams.

Be assertive and domineering, extremely dignified and prosperous.

That sense of powerful power that was so extreme that it could repel all things made Bibi Dong feel a little afraid in her heart.

She was originally very confident.

Especially after going through the hell road, I realized my true intention, purified my Rakshasa power, my soul foundation was greatly enhanced, my strength changed qualitatively, and I no longer had to suppress my power to the ninety-eighth level.

Although all the inner demons from the past are still with her, they are no longer a shackles for moving forward, but have become the qualifications for her continuous advancement.

Because of this, she was confident that even if she faced Su Cheng, she would not be helpless.

And now she has begun to practice innate power, which means that level ninety-nine is not the end, and there is still huge room for improvement.

But what she felt just now cast a shadow over her heart.

Bibi Dong knew very well how talented Qian Renxue was.

Although his innate twin martial souls with full soul power are the best soul master talents in the world, they still belong to the category of "human".

The purest representative of the martial soul bloodline, the soul beast transformed into a human, also only has tenth level of innate soul power.

As for level 20 innate soul power, this level of martial soul quality is almost no longer considered human. The exclusivity of extraordinary bloodline also destined that a martial spirit of this level would not be able to have twin martial spirits.

But with the mutation of Qian Renxue's soul, this impossibility turned into another possibility.

In fact, before she met Su Cheng and learned and understood the knowledge about martial arts, Bibi Dong always believed that this biological child who inherited the martial arts of the angel clan and her powerful talent was no less talented than her.

And after understanding that knowledge, it became clear that this child's talent was much greater than what she had before.


Just as her mind was wandering, the door in front of her was suddenly opened from the inside, and Qian Renxue's figure appeared in her sight.

"His Majesty the Pope is here late at night. What's the point of your visit?"

"What did you just do? Why did you make such a big fuss?"

"..." Qian Renxue did not answer immediately after hearing this, but silently examined the beautiful pope in front of her who seemed to be about the same age as her.

After a long moment of silence, she suddenly showed a smile and said lightly: "You are scared."

His voice was calm, but his tone was extremely determined.

Bibi Dong's eyes twitched when she heard this, and she whispered, "Are you kidding?"

Qian Renxue, however, continued regardless: "Don't worry, I'll just be your pope. I'm not interested in these things, and I won't seize power with you."

After saying that, he raised his head and looked at the sky through the hole in the dome, murmuring in his heart, "Even if he is a god, so what?"

She had the memory of becoming an angel god and knew what kind of power it was.

But the vast brilliance that just came from herself was far beyond the level of strength she had when she became the Queen of Angels and Goddess.

Qian Renxue didn't know how powerful the first-level gods and god kings mentioned by Su Cheng were.

But she herself still has huge room for improvement.

She is just a soul saint now, and she has just started to master Cang Ming Bian, the technique that Su Cheng customized for her.

As for Bibi Dong in front of him, it was even less important.

Even all the resentments in the past have gradually faded away with the growth of strength.

The other party is just the Pope of Wuhun Palace, the pinnacle figure of earthly power. At best, he is a powerful pope with twin martial souls and a strength close to that of a peerless Douluo, nothing more.

He and she are no longer the same person.

Bibi Dong looked thoughtfully at Qian Renxue in front of her, and she immediately understood what the other person was thinking at the moment.

With a thought, I suddenly realized that this might not be a bad thing, or even an opportunity.

"Are you ready to go find Su Cheng?"

"Looking for him?" Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment.

She didn't have this idea.

This time, it didn't take too long for Su Cheng to leave Wuhun City to visit various forces. It could take as short as a few months or as long as half a year to return.

She just wanted to improve her strength as much as possible during this period. Not to mention how much stronger she was than Su Cheng, at least she couldn't be weaker than him.

It's not that I'm in a hurry to find the other person, and there's no need.

"Don't you want to go? Then you can practice peacefully and peacefully." Bibi Dong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was not ready for many things.

"To tell you the truth, Su Cheng may be stronger than you think. Unless you can maintain the state just now and control the power within it, you are still far behind him."

"..." Qian Renxue frowned subconsciously when she heard this, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It's not because Bibi Dong doubts her strength, but because she wonders why the other party knows so clearly about Su Cheng's situation.

"how do you know?"

"I went to the Killing City with him once, have you forgotten?" Bibi Dong looked calm, "Don't forget to find someone to repair the Elder's Palace that you destroyed."

After saying that, he turned around and walked downstairs.

Before leaving, she suddenly felt something. She looked at the soft figure standing in the shadow in the corner of the first floor, and the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc.

He immediately turned around and left the Elder Hall.

"It's so arrogant and arrogant..."

Bibi Dong chuckled softly.

Qian Renxue has found her way, so she can't fall behind.

The extra twenty years of training time are not just talk, her talent is also not bad.

"Su Cheng, you must bring all your teammates to Wuhun City." Bibi Dong thought again and looked happy.

"Let's make a fuss. The bigger the fuss, the better..."

Qibao Glazed Sect.

Su Cheng suddenly opened his eyes from practicing, and the powerful aura fluctuations were suddenly released, and then all restrained.

The Sword of Eternal Life appeared uncontrollably in his hand, and the seven soul rings around him appeared silently.

Then, a large amount of mysterious energy emerged from nowhere, and then poured into the extremely special seventh soul ring.

At the same time, his cultivation level was also improving rapidly, reaching level seventy-five.

What followed was an even stronger aura fluctuation.

It was only because of his efforts to control that there was no bigger movement.

Normally, with his control over power, similar situations would almost never happen.

The reason why tonight is like this is because the sudden influx of energy just now is too much.

The light pink soul ring became much more transparent in color.

With the blessing of those new source powers, his second-stage immortal body, which could only be maintained for a short period of time, can now last for at least ten breaths.

If you attack with all your strength, you can even use two swords.

Although it only has one more sword power than before, its nature is completely different from the past, which can be called a qualitative improvement.

In the past, he would run out of power as long as he used all his strength once, and could only last for a few breaths if he didn't take action.

It can be said that the second stage of the Immortal Real Body at that time was more like a last resort for Su Cheng and must be used with caution. If you don't take action, that's it. If you take action, you must kill it.

But if two swords can be used, the meaning is completely different.

He can completely exit this special state after one blow, while retaining most of his strength to deal with other changes.

"This is……"

Su Cheng gently clenched his fist, feeling the surging power changes in his body.

As soon as my heart moved, I roughly guessed the reason.

"Is it Xiaoxue, A Yin or Bibi Dong?"

At present, apart from these three people, only Zhu Zhuqing still has the cultivation method of innate power.

But Zhu Zhuqing has been staying with him, and he knows very well about the advancement of cultivation.

"It should be Xiaoxue."

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng guessed that there should be new progress in Qian Renxue's practice.

Because the original power that just poured in was too much, far exceeding the slight improvement that Qian Renxue had brought when he first mastered the magical use of innate power.

As for Ah Yin, the possibility is extremely low. Although she is very suitable for the cultivation of innate power, her foundation is stable. She probably practices the innate power step by step. Even if she really succeeds, there will be no such huge surprise.

Bibi Dong is somewhat possible. Her situation is also very special and she has a profound background. But just getting started would not bring him this level of benefit.

Qian Renxue herself probably couldn't imagine that she could bring such a huge improvement to Su Cheng.

The stronger she is, the stronger Su Cheng will be.

Because her path is actually evidence of Su Cheng's path.

Of course, when Su Cheng first taught Qian Renxue those skills, it was not because he was greedy for these things. At that time, he didn't know that spreading the skills would bring such benefits. He simply hoped that she could escape becoming a god. of bondage.

"How on earth did she do it? Is the talent really so terrifying?"

Su Cheng looked slightly surprised.

You know, just over a month has passed since the other party mastered the innate power.

How long did it take for him to get to this point?

Even if there were techniques that could be learned and verified, it would still be too amazing to explore from scratch like he did.

The skills Su Cheng gave Qian Renxue can only be used for learning and understanding. If she wants to go further, she also needs to make continuous corrections based on her own situation.

And this time the opponent's improvement is obviously not just a little bit, it has definitely reached some level of power beyond imagination, otherwise it would not have produced such a huge amount of original power.

Apart from the surprise, Su Cheng felt a little headache.

Of course he hopes that Qian Renxue can practice and become stronger, and it doesn't matter if she even surpasses him. That is someone he can trust and rely on wholeheartedly.

But the problem is that he has other stains on his body now.

I originally planned to find a way to explain Zhu Zhuqing's situation when I got back, but once this matter came out, I didn't know if anything would go wrong.

The next day, Su Cheng called Zhu Zhuqing and was about to go to the sect meeting hall to find Ning Fengzhi and the others when he was stopped halfway by Ning Rongrong.

"Brother, don't go over there yet, that guy from Xue Beng is here again."

"here we go again?"

Su Cheng was speechless when he heard this.

It's easy to guess the purpose of the other party's visit. It's just that he hit a snag yesterday and didn't get an accurate answer from Ning Fengzhi. He was unwilling to accept it, so he came to act as a lobbyist again.

However, it is useless to play the emotional card on this kind of thing.

Not to mention that Xue Beng and Ning Fengzhi didn't move around much before, and their relationship was average. Even if there was really a nominal master-disciple relationship like Xue Qinghe did before, it couldn't be changed by frequent testing in the past few days.

Unless Emperor Xue Ye comes in person and lays out some chips, it might still have some effect.

But that kind of thing is impossible no matter how you think about it.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng stopped pressing and said, "Forget it, I'll take this opportunity to see how your cultivation is going."

Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up and she nodded quickly.

Then he took the two of them to the training ground in the back mountain of Qibao Glazed Sect.

There are many disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect. As one of the richest sects in the world, it has a huge space for training. Ning Rongrong even has his own training place, both indoors and outdoors.

After entering the room, as Su Cheng nodded, Ning Rongrong slowly raised her right hand, and the dazzling nine-color light began to condense in her palm.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-layered nine-color Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda appeared in his hand, and four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, appeared at the same time. The dazzling brilliance suddenly made the room brighter.

Su Cheng carefully examined the martial spirit, the most powerful auxiliary weapon in the world, while Ning Rongrong looked at him nervously.

"It's really different..." After observing for a long time, Su Cheng exhaled softly and said softly.

"What's different?" Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment.

"When your martial spirit first evolved, there were traces of the celestial grass Qiluo Tulip on this Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, but now those traces have completely disappeared." Su Cheng folded his hands on his chest and raised his chin with his arms as he pondered. said.

"It seems that instead of saying that you have absorbed the medicinal power of the fairy grass, it is better to say that the fairy grass has merged into your martial spirit, and only part of the residue has flowed into your body. It is really mysterious."

Ning Rongrong felt a little uneasy when he heard this and asked, "Will that have any impact?"

For the soul masters in this world, martial souls are their lifeblood, and they don't know much about their nature. It's normal to feel nervous after hearing these words.

"It has no impact. This is a good thing." Su Cheng comforted with a smile, and then looked up and down at the pretty girl in front of him.

It wasn't until the other party's pretty face turned slightly red that she said sternly: "You can continue to practice the soul power training in the first volume of Xiantian Kung in a step-by-step manner. As for the second volume, you can focus on improving your physical fitness. As for the soul training, There’s no need to rush for now.”

This plan is the most efficient for Ning Rongrong.

Now that there is almost no excess magical power remaining in her body, the efficiency of tempering her body with innate skills will be directly linked to her original talent, and will never be worse.

Before the Soul Saint, the power of the soul was not obvious, and it was also very difficult to cultivate.

It is better to focus on one direction at this stage.

If the foundation is solid enough and the several forces in her body can be balanced, she may have the foundation to try to practice innate power after she is promoted to Soul Saint.

However, we have to wait and see the specific situation in the future, and we are not sure yet.

Immediately afterwards, he explained in detail some of the key points of the cultivation method to Ning Rongrong.

And for an auxiliary weapon soul master like her, there are special difficulties that need to be paid attention to in practice.

Naturally, Ning Rongrong had no objection to what he said. After listening carefully, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

While the two were communicating, Zhu Zhuqing looked a little bored, leaning against the wall and watching silently.

Seeing this, Su Cheng's heart moved and he said: "Rong Rong, you practice here first. I have told you the key points. You just need to follow this rhythm. I will come back later to check on the situation."

After saying that, he walked towards the door.

Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong was a little dissatisfied, but she didn't know what to say and could only let him go.

On the other side, Su Cheng came to Zhu Zhuqing and smiled: "I'll take you for a walk inside the sect. The scenery in the mountains is quite nice."

Zhu Zhuqing felt a little happy in her heart, but there was no expression on her face. She just nodded.

After the two left the training ground, she suddenly sneered and said: "The love between brother and sister is really deep."

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, "You can say whatever you want. Why are you so weird?"

"I have nothing to say."

"Are you jealous?"

"Ha, I'm jealous?!" Zhu Zhuqing's voice suddenly became passionate, "Being with someone like you, if I were jealous, you would have pissed me off!"

"Okay, okay," Su Cheng shook his head helplessly, "Don't think too much. Rongrong is still young and has been in the sect all year round. He has not seen many people. Even if he has some thoughts now, he will not be able to think about it in a few years. The year will fade away."

"Then you won't take the initiative to stop thinking about her?"

"If she doesn't mention it, you can't let me take the initiative to say anything. What if I just think too much? And she knows everything in her heart. It's not good for me to say that kind of thing. Emotional matters are different from other things, little one. The girl is very sensitive and may have some shadow in her heart."

"It's best like this." Zhu Zhuqing murmured in a low voice, "How about being young? She is older than me."

"You are different, you are special." Su Cheng grabbed her slender and white palm and kneaded it gently a few times, "I will definitely not let you go. How about you call me dad again?" "

"Su Cheng, you bastard!" Initially, Zhu Zhuqing felt a hint of joy in her heart when he heard him say that she was special, but then he said some irritating words, which immediately made her angry.

"Hey, it's just a joke, why are you so angry?"

"You..." After playing for a while, the girl hesitated, gritted her teeth and asked, "What happened to you last night?"

Although the two of them had an intimate relationship in a hotel for the first time, and later on they acted in various ways, but it was normal at first.

However, the other person seemed to be too enthusiastic last night, and she always felt that something was wrong.

If she didn't understand the reason, she would always feel a little weird in her heart.

In fact, Zhu Zhuqing is not very curious and has an indifferent attitude towards many things. But it was about Su Cheng, and she still wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Was I weird last night?" Su Cheng looked slightly surprised.

After thinking silently for a moment, he suddenly smiled and said: "Oh, I know, are you not used to not using props this time?"

"I'm talking to you seriously!"

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly flew into a rage, and a strong wind instantly swirled around his body. Sharp dagger-like claws popped out from his fingertips, and he slashed at Su Cheng's face with one claw without mercy.

"Hey, hey, that's not it!" Su Cheng quickly leaned back to avoid the vicious blow.

Zhu Zhuqing had no intention of stopping, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes, and he pounced forward like a tiger descending a mountain. There seemed to be a shadow of blood behind him, and his sharp claws went straight to Su Cheng's chest.

A sharp cold light flashed between the five fingers, and there was a breeze lingering around it.

It is conceivable that if this claw grasps firmly, he will be seriously injured even with his physical condition.

Seeing this, Su Cheng turned slightly sideways, his fingertips glowed with a bright white light, and his jade-like fingers used a sword-like movement to fend off the oncoming sharp claws.

Soon, the two of them started fighting in this small space.

Both Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing tacitly agreed not to use their martial spirits. One person used his innate power to linger around his fingers and kept attacking with his sword, while the other person used his deep understanding of martial spirits and talent fields to use various derived soul skills.

But rather than saying it was a fight, it was better to say that Su Cheng was feeding Zhu Zhuqing.

Since Zhu Zhuqing was promoted to Soul Emperor, he has not experienced any battles.

No matter how superb your fighting talent is, you will eventually be able to master your own strength after being tempered in actual combat. Today's competition is an opportunity.

At first, Zhu Zhuqing's movements were a little sluggish when making combos or changing moves, or he used too much force, or failed to withdraw his strength enough, and the coherence was always inconsistent and not smooth enough.

As time passed by, her movements began to become faster and faster, as smooth as art.

Until half a moment later, with the sound of metal clashing, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stopped his claws and stood back to his original position, breathing a little hastily. Obviously, even if she didn't use martial arts, the short battle with Su Cheng still made her feel stressed and consumed a lot.

"No fight." Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly, then turned to leave.

Su Cheng quickly stretched out his hand to grab her, "If I don't fight, I won't fight. Where are you going?"

"Go back to sleep."

"Why don't you sleep during the day? Come walk with me."

Then he couldn't help but pull her and continue walking deeper into the back mountain.

Unknowingly, the two of them arrived near the top of the inaccessible back mountain. Beyond that was a high cliff.

The wind blows through the bamboo forest, rustling the bamboo leaves. This peaceful and natural atmosphere makes people calm down unconsciously.

Zhu Zhuqing walked slowly beside Su Cheng and asked casually: "When will we return to Wuhun City?"

Her long dark red hair hung down to her waist, gently fluttering in the mountain breeze, and the jeweled hair ornaments on her head shone in the sunlight, adding a touch of unique charm to her.

Different from the indifference in front of others and the enchanting look on the bed, she was fresh and natural at this time, like the orchid and grass growing freely in the valley.

There is no pretense of coldness, no pretense of toughness.

However, Su Cheng felt a hint of gloom in her calm expression. He casually held her flexible and slender waist and brought her close to him. He lowered his head and asked with a smile, "When do you want to go back?"

The gentle movements seemed to make Zhu Zhuqing feel slightly uncomfortable.

They had always been laughing and joking when they got along, and Su Cheng had never been serious about teasing her anger.

The sudden change at this time made her feel a little numb and at a loss.

Twisting slightly, Zhu Zhuqing said with erratic eyes: "What's the use of asking me about this kind of thing? This is the task assigned to you by the Pope, and I can't decide what you think. Wait until you finish what you should do. It’s okay, I’ll just go back with you.”

"Oh, it won't take too long." Su Chengzhuangruo said unintentionally, "I guess I'll leave the Qibao Glazed Sect in two days, and then I'll go to Shenfeng Academy and Tianshui Academy before returning. It'll probably be just that." About half a month.”

"...Hmm." Zhu Zhuqing whispered.

Su Cheng stretched out his fingers and gently pushed aside the hair on one side of her face, revealing her fair and beautiful face. The delicate earrings set with sapphires shone brightly.

He lowered his head and kissed her soft ear gently, "But I don't think it's necessary to go back so early. It's just the right time for the two of us to take this opportunity to relax."

"Okay, okay, it's all your decision anyway."

"Let's go take a look at the front. The scenery there should be good. I haven't been there yet."

"It's time to practice." Zhu Zhuqing said calmly.

"Practice?" Su Cheng looked back in surprise, "Just now you said you should go back to sleep, why are you going to practice again now?"

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing had always been diligent and hardworking, but there was really no need to rush for this moment.

And now that her path has begun to change, fighting has helped much more than penance.

Little did he know that Zhu Zhuqing regretted it just after he said it.

Although she practiced hard, she had not reached this level, not to mention that when she was with Su Cheng, she rarely thought about those things.

What I said just now was just a tough talk.

She was not like this originally, and she never liked to show off.

But I don’t know why today. It seemed that Su Cheng had a gentle attitude that she had never had before, or maybe it was the skin-to-skin contact between the two that made her feel inexplicably weak, so she subconsciously wanted to retort and regain the normal relationship in the past. state.

"You can practice at any time. It's a good time now, so there's no need to rush." ​​After saying this, Su Cheng grabbed her delicate hand and walked towards the high slope ahead.

"Boring, a waste of time."

Zhu Zhuqing muttered, but did not break away from the hand and walked beside him.

The weather at this time was deeply chilly, and the mountain wind blowing by was also bitingly cold.

But for some reason, Zhu Zhuqing felt a little dizzy and his heart was beating faster and faster.

It was just a matter of holding each other's hands and walking a few steps in the mountains.

Obviously before this, yesterday and the night before, they had done many more intimate things.

But why don't you feel this uneasy feeling at the same time, but also seem to be extremely peaceful?

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