Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 257 Frankness (please vote for me at the end of the month)

Chapter 257 Frankness (please vote for me at the end of the month~)

Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing just walked aimlessly along the high cliff.

The sun shines brightly on the horizon, turning the clouds into a golden color.

The mist filled the cliffs, and time passed like water as the two got along. Looking back, neither of them seemed to remember what they had done during this time.

Perhaps as Zhu Zhuqing said before, they were just wasting time.

But there is no need to be tense all the time in cultivation. Occasionally, if you steal half a day of leisure like this, you can be extremely satisfied in your heart.

As a great philosopher once said, time is not wasted if you can enjoy it.

The sun gradually tilted, and through the slowly moving clouds, it cast a vague halo of colorful light.

The two were sitting on the grass beside the cliff. Zhu Zhuqing curled up his left leg and stretched out the other leg, showing a slender, straight and perfect line, which was touching.

She just hugged one knee, rested her head on Su Cheng's shoulder, and looked up at the golden clouds in the sky with him, her eyes empty and pure.

The mountain wind passed by from high in the sky, blowing the girl's long dark red hair, and then flew around Su Cheng's neck.

Looking from behind, the two figures were sometimes entangled and sometimes separated, and they seemed to be one person in a trance.

Su Cheng suddenly turned to look at the girl beside him, lowered his head and pressed it against her smooth forehead, looked into her moist eyes, and whispered: "Zhuqing, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

They felt each other's breathing, and in front of Su Cheng's eyes, those glossy lips were very close at hand.

"I want you to take care of..."

He still refuted as stubbornly as before.

But before she spoke, a layer of red glow spread on her cheeks, spreading over her delicate and fair face.

The voice also seemed soft and weak, with a hint of enchantment and charm in the coldness.

Instead of being as tough as before, it was more like being coquettish.

Su Cheng leaned down slightly.

As he advanced, Zhu Zhuqing's body leaned back subconsciously, his breathing became rapid, and his body trembled slightly unconsciously.

Then, their lips met and he held her in his arms.

The tip of his tongue skillfully pried open the two layers of teeth, and gently inserted it into her mouth to intertwine and suck, savoring the sweetness deeper in it.

Gradually, Su Cheng was no longer satisfied with the mingling of lips and teeth. He untied the waist of the other party's slim dress with a twist of his fingers, and the robe opened instantly.

He stretched out his palm and reached inside, caressing Zhu Zhuqing's slender waist through the light gauze lining.

Then he tried to go a step further, and his fingertips touched the button that held the bra in place.

"Hey, don't..."

The girl whose red lips were blocked let out an indistinct low whimper, raised her arms and weakly pushed back twice.

Seeing this, Su Cheng no longer pressed. His fingertips and palms slid along the flexible and slender waist, then climbed up to the plump breasts, and kneaded them gently in the palms of his hands.

Through the thin and delicate inner lining, a round bean that seemed to be slightly stiff stood quietly.

Zhu Zhuqing's bright almond-shaped eyes had narrowed into a slit, and her gentle gasps and moans were all blocked in her mouth. She could only make a low hum from her throat, and her pretty face was already flushed.

But she didn't refuse any of his other moves. Instead, she put her arms around Su Cheng's waist and pressed her tightly into his arms, letting the two palms roam up and down her body.

The round buttocks were also rubbed vigorously, and the buttocks flesh was highlighted between the fingers, showing amazing elasticity.

Unknowingly, there was a little moisture between the legs, and the snow-white skin was even more flushed.

Her constitution is too sensitive.

Especially after experiencing real sexual intercourse, this sensitivity seems to have increased a lot.

With a little caress, it can immediately turn into a pool of spring water.

Zhu Zhuqing's legs rubbed back and forth uneasily.

Since I am worried that someone will suddenly come here, even if I can detect it in advance, I can't control the strange feeling of love in the corners of my eyes and eyebrows.

But deep in my heart, there emerged a different kind of excitement that I had never experienced before, as if I was walking on a trembling tightrope above the cliff. If I swayed just a little, I would fall into the endless abyss, or rise up. Heaven.

He couldn't help but sway his upper body, and pressed his plump and plump jade peak into Su Cheng's palm, gently rising and falling, his buttocks kept twisting, his breathing became more and more rapid, and his pair of jade legs trembled feebly.

After a long time, the two separated again.

Su Cheng retracted his arms, helped her sort out the messy clothes, and tied her waist carefully.

Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes, his eyes were slightly dazed, and there seemed to be mist in them.

The rapid breathing blew out bursts of mist in the cold wind, mixed with a faint fragrance.

"Zhuqing, you pushed yourself too hard in the past. In fact, there is no need for this."

"Well, I understand."

She just lay in Su Cheng's arms, looking extremely well-behaved.

It wasn't until a few days later that Prince Xue Beng finally stopped running to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing were able to sit in the sect's meeting hall again, drinking tea and chatting with Ning Fengzhi and others.

He did not ask about the affairs of the Tiandou Empire. After casually chatting for a few words about the interpretation of the exercises and Ning Rongrong's future cultivation issues, he said bluntly: "Sect Master, in fact, the main purpose of my coming here is that you should also Can you guess a thing or two?"

"..." Ning Fengzhi paused while holding the teacup, and after a long silence, he smiled bitterly, "Is this what Wuhun Palace meant?"

"indeed so."

"Can you tell me what the ultimate goal of Wuhun Palace is?"

Su Cheng pondered for a moment, then said frankly: "Unification."

Now there is no need to hide this matter, and it cannot be concealed.

The wolfish ambition of Wuhun Palace is obvious, and almost everyone in the mainland's upper-level forces is aware of it.

The conflicts between the royal families of the two empires and the Wuhun Palace have long been deep-rooted, but there is just a lack of a fuse to completely detonate these conflicts.

Sure enough, Ning Fengzhi didn't show any surprise when he heard this. He just looked bitter and asked in a deep voice: "Does Wuhun Palace want to recruit the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? Is there no room for maneuver in this matter?"

"That's not a big deal." Su Cheng glanced at him and shook his head secretly at his reaction. He also knew in his heart that Ning Fengzhi's expression and tone at this moment were probably pretending to be pitiful and playing a trick.

"To be honest, my sect helped me when I had nothing. I will never forget this. My teacher is like a father to me.

"So, it doesn't matter if the sect leader doesn't want to cooperate with Wuhun Palace. As long as he promises to remain neutral and not favor the Tiandou Empire, I can mediate and try to ensure that Wuhun Palace will not overly force the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

When Ning Fengzhi heard this, a hint of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he said sincerely: "Thank you, Xiaocheng."

The Wuhun Palace was so powerful that it was difficult for him to resist. This is true whether Su Cheng joins or not. At least in his opinion, Su Cheng can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for Wuhun Palace.

As for the previous allies of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the Haotian Sect has been closed for a long time, and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect is weak and inactive. The Tiandou Empire, which they once relied on, is extremely lacking in high-level combat power, so they want to find it from Su Cheng. Some breaking points.

That's right, he not only hopes to maintain the sect's independence in a short period of time, but also wants to get a promise from Su Cheng.

After all, the unification trend of Wuhun Palace may be unstoppable.

When he talked about this matter with Chen Xin before, the other party actually said that Su Cheng would not force the sect, so he could just say what he had to say.

But I can’t be sure until I hear a specific commitment.

In his code of conduct, the interests of the sect are always at the forefront.

Su Cheng shook his head helplessly and said seriously: "To be honest, I don't recommend you make this choice, Sect Master."

"What?" Ning Fengzhi was stunned when he heard this.

"After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect is just a sect with auxiliary soul masters as its core. It may be relatively stable under the original order. However, times are about to change." Su Cheng said, pointing to the sect placed on the table. Volume of innate skills.

"If this technique is popularized, what do you think, Sect Master? There is also a part of the complete technique that can help ordinary people without cultivation talent become soul masters."

"What?!" Ning Fengzhi shook his hand and almost dropped the teacup in his hand to the ground.

Not only him, Chen Xin and Gu Rong also turned their gazes, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

For countless years in Douluo Continent, the level of innate soul power has been like a natural chasm, blocking countless people, dividing human beings into three, six or nine innate levels.

Those with soul power and those without soul power are two completely different creatures.

But now, someone tells them that ordinary people can become soul masters. This is simply a fantasy!

"I didn't lie to you." Su Cheng said calmly, "Do you still remember what I said the other day that some of the contents of Xiantian Kung had a great influence, so I hid them and never announced them?"

"But...but didn't you say that was a way to improve the quality of martial arts and purify blood?" Ning Fengzhi looked confused.

How could he forget this.

When he first heard about it, he thought that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect would completely turn into the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect from now on.

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded lightly, "Improving the quality of the martial spirit also includes raising it from level zero to level one."

"This, how is this possible..."

"Everyone in the world has a martial spirit, which means that everyone actually has a martial spirit bloodline. The difference is only in quality."

Just this sentence instantly woke everyone up.

Indeed, on this continent, everyone can manifest their martial soul after undergoing the awakening ceremony.

The only difference lies in whether there is innate soul power, and the level of soul power.

Zero-level soul power is the hidden spirit of the martial soul. Once you have a method to purify your bloodline, it is really possible to manifest it.


"Would Wuhun Palace be willing to promote this kind of technique?" Ning Fengzhi glanced at the book on the table next to him, his voice was unusually dry, and then he turned to look at Su Cheng, "Are you willing to promote it?"

"Yes." Su Cheng suddenly chuckled, "The world with solidified hierarchies is really boring, lifeless and uninteresting. I've seen enough of those few people fighting each other every day."

"Boring...interesting..." At this time, even Chen Xin felt terrified in his heart.

He didn't understand why his apprentice had such a mentality.

"I just hope to give everyone the opportunity to work hard and break free from their shackles." Su Cheng said casually, "Of course, in the process, I will also gain some benefits."


Su Cheng did not intend to explain in detail, but instead said: "With this skill in hand, when Wuhun Palace unifies the continent, no matter whether it is strength, morality or prestige, it will be at the commanding heights.

“At the same time, there are countless people in the world who have transformed from grass into dragons.

"In this wave of the times, if you just want to be alone, you will only be eliminated by the times."

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi was silent, he continued to persuade: "Sect Master, in the final analysis, it is just a new ruler. There is no ever-lasting force in the world, even the Wuhun Palace will eventually decline and fall. day.

"As long as the bloodline martial spirit can be passed down, with the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, it will never be silent. Why are you obsessed with the false name of the Three Sects?"

"...I understand." After a long silence, Ning Fengzhi exhaled a long breath and looked at Su Cheng, "Let Rongrong go to Wuhun City with you."

Su Cheng was suddenly surprised.

Ning Rongrong didn't know the importance. It was normal to think about it randomly. Would Ning Fengzhi say the same?

Although the other party is not old, the identity he represents is extraordinary.

If he really asked her to follow him back to Wuhun City, it would be almost like showing off his horses and horses to take sides.

This is completely inconsistent with Ning Fengzhi's past style.

Bet directly?

Then he glanced at Ning Rongrong, who was looking happy, and was speechless.

This girl didn't listen to the key points just now, and only paid attention to her father's last words.

Noticing the strange look in Su Cheng's eyes, Ning Fengzhi said in a deep voice: "Xiao Cheng, I am indeed obsessed with the inheritance left by my ancestors, but don't underestimate me too much.

“If I don’t have this bit of vision, I’m not worthy of being the sect master.

"This innate skill of yours is much more powerful than I imagined. No, it should be said to be terrifying."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but have a flash of panic in his eyes.

As a person in power, he can appreciate the huge impact of this technique far better than ordinary people, and his mood is extremely complicated.

Even these words and responses were just blurted out out of experience and instinct.

In fact, until now, his mind is still a little unclear, and many things have not been fully understood.

It’s just that it’s very clear that this choice is really crucial. No matter what, it’s absolutely right to seize the opportunity.

"And you should also visit other forces next, right? Let Rongrong join you to build up your momentum."

"...Sect Master, it doesn't have to be like this."

After hesitating for a moment, Su Cheng waved his hand and rejected Ning Fengzhi's proposal.

He was thinking about the Qibao Glazed Sect.

The Wuhundian family has a great cause, and although everyone knows about their ambitions, they are not afraid of being remembered.

Forget it about the Qibao Glazed Sect, there are too many people offended by this.

Let’s not talk about what the Haotian Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect think. The Tiandou Empire alone is not easy to pass, and the gate of the Qibao Glazed Sect is not far from Tiandou City. Who knows what adverse effects it will have in the future. .

Even if the relationship is a little stiff now, at least a superficial connection can be maintained.

As an auxiliary sect, the Qibao Glazed Sect can achieve its current popularity. In addition to the two sect-protecting Douluo with extraordinary combat power, Ning Fengzhi's long-sleeved social circle is extremely crucial.

And even if there is no big risk, the sect's business in the mainland may be affected, so there is really no need.

"If you really want Rongrong to go, it's best not to do it in this way. In the future, it will be enough to send her to Wuhundian Academy in the name of training and to show your sincerity to the Pope. There is no need to be so high-profile."

"That's fine."

A few days later, Su Cheng and Ning Rongrong, who had left the Qibao Glazed Sect, walked along the mountain road toward the northeast of the Tiandou Empire.

Next, they planned to go to Kamikaze Academy first and meet their cheap apprentice who they had never taken care of.

"Why don't you let your good sister come with you?" Zhu Zhuqing sneered coldly as they walked on the road.

"You look unhappy right now. If you really let her go with us, wouldn't you have to shave me alive?"

While talking, Su Cheng reached out and rubbed her head a few times to express comfort.

Then she waved him away and glanced at him mockingly, "Are you afraid of making Qian Renxue unhappy?"

"Of course not." Su Cheng quickly denied, "She's not here now, so what impact can she have? Besides, she also knows about my relationship with Rongrong, so she won't say anything."

Then there was silence for a while, and then he asked tentatively: "Do you mind the relationship between me and Qian Renxue?"

After all, this was what the other party personally admitted to Ning Rongrong that night.

"You can even ask such a question, why are you so shameless?"


"Heh." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Cheng who looked embarrassed and snorted coldly, "But speaking of Qian Renxue's kind of character, you are the only one who can endure it, and you dare to act so recklessly, and you are not afraid that one day your head will be damaged. Cut it off."

"Xiaoxue..." Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly, "The things I have experienced with her are much more complicated and tortuous than you imagine."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing felt a little uncomfortable and said calmly: "How complicated is it? Did she save your life, or did you save hers?"

"When we first met in real life, you took the initiative to stop me. It seems that you also guessed that the dreams you experienced were related to me."

"That's right." The girl nodded calmly, "But I'm also suspicious, and I'm still not sure. When I asked you before, you never answered directly. Why, are you finally admitting it now?"

"I have nothing to hide from you. A similar thing happened to Xiaoxue and I, earlier than you."

"So you tried your best to cultivate her, and then sacrificed yourself to fulfill her?" She curled her lips with disdain, "No wonder someone like her is so devoted to you."

"No, you are wrong. In that dream, I was just a useless soul master with extremely poor talent. She was a sharp blade in my hand and did many things for me. In the end, she was willing to die for me."

Speaking of this, the scene of Qian Renxue's fierce battle with Bibi Dong, who once became a god, appeared in Su Cheng's mind.

Then he remembered what Chen Xin once said to him, and he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

"She actually..." Zhu Zhuqing opened her eyes wide in shock, her pupils trembling slightly.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

I can’t help but ask myself, if it were me, would I be able to do this?

Tiandou City, Shrek Academy.

This place was actually originally called Lanba Academy.

It was built by Liu Erlong, the illegitimate daughter of Yu Luo Mian, the second head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and the Killing Horn in the Golden Iron Triangle.

Later, because the other two members of the Golden Iron Triangle, Yu Xiaogang and Flender, came to visit, the academy was renamed, in order to qualify the Shrek team to participate in the continent-wide soul master competition.

However, compared to more than a year ago, Shrek Academy has undergone many changes.

With the funding support from the Tiandou Empire, the academy has been able to expand, and various teaching facilities, mimicry training venues, and the number of soul masters and students have all improved greatly.

Even because the academy team had achieved third place in the last soul master competition where there were many talented people, and unlike the Tiandou Royal Academy, which recruited a large number of good and bad aristocratic children, the reputation was even better than that of the Tiandou Royal Academy. , became the first choice for soul masters near Tiandou City to enroll.

In addition, Emperor Xue Ye also fulfilled his promise and enfeoffed the students of that class.

Because of Tang San's existence, Emperor Xueye also spent a lot of effort to win over Yu Xiaogang.

The result was as he wished, and now Yu Xiaogang has become a guest minister of the Tiandou Empire's royal family.

Not only that, even Tang Hao is now living in Shrek Academy.

The sun was shining brightly and the sky was cloudless.

A gentle warm breeze enveloped the academy, and many students wearing those strange yellow-green uniforms were walking around the academy.

At this time, a young man wearing a prince's attire came to the entrance of the college.

He stood there and took a breath, straightened his expression, and then walked into the academy.

As he arrived, some students immediately noticed him and hurriedly came forward to greet him, "Prince Xue Beng, why are you here today?"

This person was surprisingly none other than Xue Beng, the would-be crown prince of the Tiandou Empire who had encountered difficulties within the Qibao Glazed Sect in the past few days.

Compared with before, the experience of being a crown prince for more than a year has really cultivated a somewhat calm temperament in him.

He looked at the young soul master in front of him and nodded gently: "Please take me to see Dean Flanders. If possible, please find someone to invite the master to come with you."

"No problem, come with me."

Not long after, Xue Beng was led by the student to the dean's office.

At this time, Flanders was sitting on a huge chair in the office.

Compared to the other people in this academy who were bitter and resentful, he was relatively the one with the most peaceful mind.

Flanders was a little surprised to see Xue Beng visiting, "Prince Xue Beng, why are you here today when you are free and didn't say hello in advance?"

With his current cultivation status, he doesn't need to pay too much attention to his words.

On the contrary, Xue Beng, who has not yet truly become the prince, needs to maintain a considerable degree of respect for him.

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Xue Beng sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "Please wait a moment, Dean Flender. I found a classmate to ask the master. I will elaborate after he comes over."

Flanders frowned when he heard this, but he didn't pay too much attention and waited quietly.

Unexpectedly, not only Yu Xiaogang, but also Tang Hao and Liu Erlong also came here.

When Flanders saw this, he felt surprised and delighted.

Since Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang came back from that mysterious place last time, they haven't said a word about their trip.

Even there seemed to be some distance between these two people.

In the past, because Tang Hao admired Yu Xiaogang's intelligence, and Yu Xiaogang admired Tang Hao's strength and domineering, and because Tang San was sandwiched between them, they got along very harmoniously with each other.

But since a month ago, Tang Hao has lost the enthusiasm he had in the past, and Yu Xiaogang's already stiff face has become much colder, making others feel very awkward.

But for a powerful peak Douluo, it's hard to say much.

Little did he know that these two people had suffered a huge blow outside the town where the Killing Capital was located.

Tang Hao had some doubts about the necessity of Yu Xiaogang's existence, and Yu Xiaogang also had a grudge against Tang Hao for escaping from the battlefield. In addition, these two people's personalities had excessive self-awareness, so naturally those grudges could not be resolved in a short time. Resolve internally.

It was not until today that Xue Beng, who represented the identity of the Tiandou royal family, came here that they hurriedly arrived.

Although I don’t know the reason for the other party’s visit, the Tiandou Empire is undoubtedly an important ally.

Seeing that Tang Hao also appeared here, Xue Beng had a hint of surprise on his face and quickly saluted the three of them, "I've met Haotian Crown Prince, I've met Master, and I've met Dean Liu."

Several people nodded slightly when they saw this, and then Flanders said: "Prince Xue Beng, what exactly is going on, can you tell me directly now?"

Xue Beng nodded, his face a little heavy, "You may not know that Su Cheng from Wuhun Palace personally visited the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect a few days ago."

"What?!" Yu Xiaogang reacted first, his face turned livid, "Wulhundian can't bear it so early!"

"There is no way to escape after all..." Tang Hao also looked heavy.

Then he looked around at everyone and said calmly: "There is something wrong with that Su Cheng."

"How to say?"

Flanders and Liu Erlong were both stunned.

Especially Liu Erlong, whose eyes were filled with deep-seated hatred.

She has no children of her own.

And if you choose to continue to get along with Yu Xiaogang, you will not be able to have your own children in the future.

So she really regarded Xiao Wu as her biological daughter.

The image of Xiao Wu dying in front of her more than a year ago was still replayed before her eyes. She was about to collapse as she was constantly tortured in this kind of pain and suffering.

Of course she also wanted revenge, but as she learned more about Wuhundian's strength, her heart became colder and colder.

And Qian Renxue, who killed Xiao Wu with her own hands, already possessed the strength of a soul saint, and was promoted to a soul saint with Xiao Wu's 100,000-year-old soul ring as the seventh soul ring.

At such an age, her strength is already far above hers, and it is conceivable that this gap will only widen in the future.

This feeling of powerlessness, which is almost desperate, is the source of her pain.

In that battle, the other biggest accomplice, Su Cheng, has now become the elder of Wuhun Hall.

When he first heard the news, Liu Erlong almost thought that Bibi Dong had gone crazy.

During the Soul Master Competition a year ago, Su Cheng's level was only a Soul King. No matter how much he practiced, he would become a Soul Emperor.

With this kind of cultivation, he can actually become an elder of Wuhun Palace?

In order to make a name for themselves, in order to become a leader of the new generation, Wuhundian didn't even want to lose face?

Only then did he realize that there might be something hidden in it, and he quickly asked: "What do you mean? Why is something wrong with that Su Cheng? Isn't he the Soul King?"

"Soul King?" A slightly twisted sneer appeared on Yu Xiaogang's stiff cheeks.

"I don't know how strong he really is, but his cultivation has reached the Soul Saint level. And his seventh soul ring is completely unreasonable."


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