Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Thank you at the end of the year, and take a day off to sort out the details.

I went out to eat with my parents during the holidays, and it was almost the climax of the end of this volume, which needed to be sorted out.

emmm, so take a day off and kowtow to the readers! or2

In addition, let me report on the current writing progress. It happens to be the last day of 2023.

This volume is coming to an end. When this part of the plot is finished, the fourth volume will be opened. Not surprisingly, it will also be the last volume of this book, and it will be expanded to the world of soul beasts.

But this time the fourth volume will not start with a simulation.

I won’t go into more specific details and will talk about it later when I summarize it at the end of the volume.

At present, the book has a high order of 70,000, with an average order of 9,500, and the follow-up order is close to 4,000. The results are steadily improving. I don’t know if this book has a chance to get a 10,000-order badge, haha.

I didn't expect to achieve this result today. From the very beginning, I recommended some recommendations for testing the water, and then unknowingly moved on to the following products, such as Xiaoxiao, Sanjiang, Xinqiang, Best Sellers, and Introduction...

I would like to thank all readers here for your support.

As Sansan's first book, there are some plots that have been criticized, which are what everyone calls "poisonous points".

There is no way to change, you can only learn from experience and lessons and strive to write better in the future.

But at least the overall plot direction is still under control so far. To be honest, I feel very lucky. It is not easy to write it here.

I still remember when I first published my book, people would comment in the comment area every day, saying that my book would soon collapse...

In any case, I am able to reach this point thanks to the continued tolerance of readers.

As an author, writing novels is to provide emotional value to everyone and let everyone have a pastime in their spare time.

But emotions, I personally feel, are like a chef cooking a dish. Too much sugar will make it boring, and the plot is too bland and just a running story. There must be more twists and turns, some joys and sorrows, to make it interesting.

So compared to the harem writing method of attacking the city all the way, I think the Shura field is more beautiful.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are also emotions, and they can also cause fluctuations in people.

However, it might be better to place "anger" and "sadness" on supporting characters and villains, as well as characters who are still undergoing transformation, and try not to happen in the already relatively stable protagonist group. Compared to templated writing, some of my plot writing may be more "instinctive", which is probably a shortcoming.

Of course, I am not a literary youth, let alone write tragedies. All the pain of separation is for the joy of reunion later.

It's just that there is always some conflict and a variety of different people who, because of their own personalities, make different choices when faced with different things, can make the story more interesting.

It's a pity that the writing power is lacking, and many parts have not achieved the expected effect. We need to continue to summarize and improve, and try to make the plot connection smoother and not make readers feel uncomfortable.

Haha, readers often accuse me of having a glass heart, and I admit it.

New authors have this problem more or less. Unless they don't read comments, they will inevitably feel unstable or even self-doubt.

Fortunately, I am more self-aware and know that my abilities are limited. Even if someone questions or bad-mouths me, I don't dare to make major revisions to prevent the subsequent plot from getting out of control.

In terms of character creation, I am personally quite satisfied. Of course, I mainly focused on a few female characters.

The one who got the most ink was Xiaoxue. After all, she was the first to appear, and she continued throughout the plot, so she had a greater proportion. The two personalities could be considered to have their own characteristics and commonalities.

Next is Zhuqing, at least the pendant is different from the original one, and her character changes are relatively reasonable, combining the original character characteristics, which is more logical.

As for Bibi Dong, since the third volume only started to focus on the description, the current character image is a little thin. But I am also trying to portray her brilliantly in as little space as possible. Whether it's another Bibi Dong in the simulated world, or the changes before and after in the real world, Lotus Pond in the soul is working hard to polish her character background clearly, and the rest is filled in with more complex appearances.

As for A Yin, Bo Saixi and others, other plots and character conflicts are needed to show them.

Finally, let me solemnly express my gratitude.

Thank you readers for staying with me until now and for being willing to read this book. It's an honor to be able to bring some fun to everyone's leisure time!

Thanks to the first leader of this book, "May I never tire of candlelight and window shadows in my life." I never thought that one day I would also have a boss to reward the leader.

Thanks to the editors of "The Name Has No Name" and "This Question is Too Difficult", who helped me a lot in managing the book review area, and often gave me suggestions on the plot.

Thanks to Zhang Shuo's assistant "Shen Guyan who eats potato chips", I can see you in Zhang Shuo every day.

Thanks to the character assistant "Qingshenghe" for posting a lot of fanart. (PS, if you book friends are interested in serving as character assistants in this book, you can tell me, but I don’t know how many can be set up, and whether the number is full.)

Thanks to the old friends who have stayed with me since the beginning of the book, as well as the constant influx of new book friends. Many of these IDs are already familiar to me, well, for example, there is someone who often likes to talk about my hydrology, someone who writes long reviews in the book review section, someone who shares beautiful fan art, someone who subscribes to posts every day, someone who often votes for a monthly ticket, The boss with a million rewards...

Thanks to my editor Liu Xingda, he is a gentle and cute girl who likes Shuiqun. If you want to write a book, you can go to him to submit your manuscript. He responds to messages in a timely manner and is very patient!

Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance!

In the new beginning of 2024, everyone can have a good harvest and make a fortune!

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