Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 258 Cooperate with my performance

"Soul Saint?!" Liu Erlong's expression changed slightly.

Not only that Qian Renxue, but also Su Cheng has cultivated to the level of Soul Saint?

It has just been more than a year.

As for Su Cheng's strength, she didn't ask in detail, but she thought he would never be weaker than her. She could even tell from the words of Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang that he was probably too strong.

This is not unexpected.

It is said that Su Cheng, who was in the Soul King period, could stand up to Qian Renxue, who was at the Soul Saint level. Now that his cultivation level is the same, he must be stronger than weak.

"Have you met him?"

Tang Hao and others did not answer her question, and had no interest in continuing to elaborate.

They obviously didn't want to mention anything more about what happened that day.

"Fourth Prince, when you visited the Qibao Glazed Sect two days ago, what was Ning Fengzhi's attitude?"

Xue Beng smiled bitterly, "He has never answered my questions directly. Whenever I ask about Su Cheng, he is even more vague and can't test anything at all."

Yu Xiaogang frowned when he heard this, "With Ning Fengzhi's consistent style, he shouldn't immediately defect to the Spirit Hall. But it's better to be cautious and let Emperor Xue Ye put more pressure on him."

"My father means the same thing. He will find an opportunity to talk to Sect Master Ning. The Qibao Glazed Sect's ability to reach this point is inseparable from the support of the royal family. Their business in the empire also relies on a large number of royal channels. , I think they will still have some scruples when my father speaks."

"Yes. Xiaosan is still in the process of training, and what we lack most is time. As long as Xiaosan succeeds in cultivation, and the other students have also grown up, they may not be incapable of fighting."

Flender's expression suddenly changed slightly at this moment, and he interjected: "And Mubai, he has a special status. It would be great if we could take the opportunity to contact the Star Luo royal family. The Wuhun Palace is not small in ambition, and its strength is even more Extremely powerful, for the present, it is best for the two empires to put aside their past grudges and fight together. But I don’t know where he is now, and Zhuqing, and I don’t know how she is doing now.”

"Is Dean Flender talking about Zhu Zhuqing?"

"She is right. Prince Xue Beng has any news related to her?"

Xue Beng hesitated and said, "Speaking of this person, she seems to have a close relationship with Su Cheng."

Seeing that several people were a little unconvinced, he continued to explain: "After Su Cheng came to Tiandou City, the first place he went to was Yuexuan. The person who accompanied him at that time seemed to be Zhu Zhuqing. Many people present could testify to this. .”

"Yuexuan? They went to Yuexuan?!"

After hearing the word "Yue Xuan", Tang Hao, who had not spoken since the beginning, suddenly stared and asked loudly: "What did they do there?"

Xue Beng was startled by his reaction and said quickly: "It seems that I drank a few cups of tea there, and then went to the top room alone with the owner of Yuexuan, and left at night. I It was also because they were recognized when they showed up in Yuexuan that they learned about Su Cheng's arrival in Tiandou City."

Tang Hao's face looked a little ugly.

Others don't know who runs Yuexuan, but of course he knows it very well.

As for the room on the top floor, it was a restricted area that no one could set foot in. However, Su Cheng and the others actually went in, which didn't feel right no matter how they thought about it.

Fortunately, Tang Yuehua's origin was relatively secret, and his martial soul did not have any characteristics of a member of the Haotian Sect, so this did not make him too worried.

In any case, Tang San's development was their top priority.

In comparison, other things can be put aside for the time being.

Thinking of this, he suddenly said in a deep voice: "I will leave Shrek Academy in a few days."

"Your Majesty Haotian Crown..."

Hearing this, Xue Beng's expression suddenly changed, and Flanders and others were hesitant to speak.

Tang Hao glanced at them, frowned and said: "Don't worry, I'm going to take care of the mistress. The city of killing is too dangerous, and I can't worry about the king of killing. Bibi Dong and the others have been there again, I don't know if it will happen. If it causes other impacts, I have to pay more attention before I can rest assured.”

Tang San is his only hope now.

If he hadn't met Bibi Dong and others by chance that day, Tang Hao would have returned to the Killing City to guard them secretly much earlier.

As one of the existing killing gods at that time, he could freely enter and leave the killing city.

Even the road to hell is clear, but you can't bring others in.

Yu Xiaogang glanced at him and said: "Then the rest of us will be divided into three groups. Flanders, you can find a way to recall some former students, and I will personally conduct special training for them."

He is preparing to start cultivating his own power.

"Great! Xiaogang, you finally figured it out." Flanders suddenly looked surprised and patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder, temporarily putting aside his doubts about Zhu Zhuqing's current situation.

Anyway, it seems that we don’t know much about Xue Beng, so we can only wait until later to find out more from other channels.

He smiled and said: "Let me tell you, with your talent, how can you only think about cultivating your own disciples and shine more in the education industry?"

"Well, as long as they don't complain about being tired and practice according to my training plan, they will naturally benefit a lot." Yu Xiaogang's face showed a bit of pride.

Xue Beng also said from the side: "Okay, Master, Dean Flender, I will also try my best to persuade my father to fully support Shrek Academy!"

He had spent some time in Tiandou Royal Academy before and knew what the atmosphere was like there.

In contrast, he still prefers to believe in Shrek Academy.

Yu Xiaogang nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this.

In fact, what he just said was for Xue Beng to hear, because of this promise.

In his opinion, if you want to cultivate a strong person, it is not enough to rely on your own talents and learning. You also need various resources and better training conditions.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Xiaogang turned to look at Liu Erlong again, "Erlong, see if you can return to the family recently to ease the relationship with your father."

"What?" Liu Erlong's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head and refused without thinking, "I don't want it!"

"Erlong, don't be willful. Now is not the time to dwell on those old things!" Yu Xiaogang's tone became a little stern, "The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family has a profound heritage, and the Wuhun Palace is our common enemy. We must unite all those who can The power of unity is the right thing!”

"But...but what about our relationship?" Liu Erlong bit his lower lip, feeling grievances welling up in his heart.

As an illegitimate daughter, her relationship with her biological father Yu Luo Mian was not harmonious. Moreover, the other party was not only opposed to his previous relationship with Yu Xiaogang, but he also always looked down on Yu Xiaogang, thinking that he was a pure waste, and the gap between father and daughter was extremely deep.

Now she was asked to go back and bow her head to admit her mistake. With her character, she absolutely did not want to do this kind of thing.

But facing the serious Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, who has a hot temper, has nothing to do.

"Our top priority is to get through the current difficulties first, and the personal affairs of our children should be put aside for the time being."

Seeing the reluctance on Liu Erlong's face, Yu Xiaogang began to change his attitude again, and his tone became softer, "Second uncle actually values ​​you very much. Although he has a strong personality, he can also see the situation clearly. I believe that after you return to the family, he will His attitude will never be the same as before.”

"……I see."

"Tianheng is also in Tiandou City now. I will contact him alone. The child has had a good relationship with me since he was a child and will be happy to help contact him."

Yu Xiaogang didn't want to return to his family, nor did he want to see his father and relatives. He couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

But Yu Tianheng has a special status. If he can win over it, the effect will only be better than if he came forward on his own.

In the Jinhua Province in the northern part of the Tiandou Empire, there is a vast academy for advanced soul masters.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is not much different from Tiandou Royal Academy.

Although it is not so magnificent, it is still magnificent and full of a rough and primitive beauty. It looks even better than the now renovated Shrek Academy.

This is one of the famous elemental academies of the Tiandou Empire, Shenfeng Academy, and it is also the most famous high-level soul master academy in Jinhua Province.

However, unlike Tiandou Royal Academy, this academy has a single type of mimicry training venues, all of which are training environments suitable for all types of wind-attributed martial spirits. The only new students admitted are wind-attributed spirit masters.

Therefore, although it is famous, it has restricted the inflow of local students to a certain extent.

Fortunately, except for the Elephant Academy and the Thunder Academy, the other elemental academies have quite good relations with each other. They can communicate with each other, which is equivalent to obtaining soul master resources from three cities, and the impact is not big.

At this time, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, brothers and sisters from Tianhuo Academy, were guests in Shenfeng Academy.

Accompanying them are Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wu's fanatical suitor, and Feng Qingyu, who is equally talented.

"Speaking of which, Su Cheng actually became the elder of Wuhun Palace. How did he do it?"

Huo Wu's slender and sharp eyebrows were raised, and his words were filled with incredible emotions.

While chatting, several people unknowingly brought the topic to Su Cheng.

As a young soul master of the same generation as several others, and having competed on the same stage, he is very popular in the circle.

"If we talk about a certain soul master who came from Wuhundian Academy, although it is a bit bizarre, it is somewhat understandable. How could a young soul master like him from outside become such a famous soul master in less than a year after joining? A high-ranking Elder of Wuhun Palace? Even if there is to be a new young elder, it should be Qian Renxue, right?"

Seeing that the goddess had doubts, Feng Xiaotian quickly took the initiative to clarify her doubts and said: "The dean analyzed that this is Wuhun Palace building momentum."

"Building momentum?"

"That's right. Since the last pope passed away and the current pope took office, although Wuhun Palace has not made many big moves, it has continued to make small moves. It can be seen that it is ambitious.

"For Su Cheng to serve as an elder at such an age, while showing the potential of Wuhun Palace, it is probably also to send a signal to the soul masters in the world.

"No matter what your origin is, as long as you join the Spirit Hall, you will be treated equally. Those with ability will naturally be promoted, so that more potential young spirit masters can join the Spirit Hall."

Having said this, Feng Xiaotian sighed again.

“However, Wuhundian’s action was actually a bit too hasty.

"Everyone knows clearly what Su Cheng's cultivation level was at that time. It is really difficult to convince everyone that such a soul master holds the position of elder.

"After all, a genius is just a genius. If you don't have the strength, using the name of elder will only increase the laughing stock, and it will also reduce the value of the title of elder of Wuhun Palace."

"Haha." At this time, a sneer came from the side, and Feng Qingyu slandered in a very shameless manner: "The old man doesn't understand anything and is just analyzing it. Has he met Su Cheng? He can speak clearly."

"Uh..." Feng Xiaotian glanced at her awkwardly.

Although Feng Qingyu is still young, she has outstanding talent, and she is the granddaughter of Dean Feng Tianyang, so she has a good reputation in the college.

If he is the leader of this generation of young soul masters in the academy, then the leader of the new generation must be Feng Qingyu, who is also innately qualified for soul power.

Therefore, the other party never gave him face like other students, and just said whatever he wanted.

Not to mention him, even the teachers in the college couldn't do anything about Feng Qingyu's lazy temperament.

Feng Xiaotian looked helpless, "Qingyu, I know you have a good relationship with Su Cheng, but the dean's analysis is obviously very reasonable. What you say is a bit excessive."

"I have a good relationship with him? I don't even know that guy who keeps his word!"

Hearing Feng Xiaotian's words, Feng Qingyu felt angry.

She didn't have any other thoughts, but the other party had clearly promised her before that he would find an opportunity to take her away from this boring academy.

As a result, it has been more than a year, and Su Cheng has not seen any movement at all.

If she hadn't learned that the other party had become an elder, she would have thought that Su Cheng had died in Wuhun City.

"Breaking your word?" Feng Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, "What does this mean?"

"that is--"

"Elder Su from Wuhun City has come to our academy!"

Just when Feng Qingyu was about to say a few perfunctory words, a voice suddenly came from outside.

"Which Elder Su?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Su Cheng!"

"What is he doing in our academy?"

"I don't know. It sounds like he wants to communicate with the dean and the others in the name of the person in charge of Wuhundian Academy."

"Oh yes, I remember that he seems to be the elder responsible for the affairs of Wuhundian Academy."

"Let's go and have a look..."

As the sound gradually faded away, Huo Wu stood up in surprise.

However, Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang's expressions changed slightly. Remembering the content of the conversation just now, they looked at each other solemnly, "I'm afraid the person who came here is not good..."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go and take a look."

Feng Qingyu ignored their expressions and jumped up from the sofa, with a look of excitement on her face.

After being bored for so long, I finally had something interesting to watch.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing, who followed Su Cheng into Shenfeng College, glanced at the huge square in front of the college's Education Committee.

There, many senior officials and teachers of Kamikaze Academy had already lined up and were waiting.

But she didn't pay attention, just thinking about what Su Cheng had said to her before.

"...How do you think we should persuade Shenfeng Academy to exist as a branch of Wuhundian Academy on the mainland?"

"Shenfeng Academy is not that powerful, and the dean is only a Soul Douluo practitioner. With your strength and the Spirit Hall behind you, you can crush them directly. Use your power to intimidate them, and then lure them to your advantage. , isn’t it easy?”

"You are wrong." Su Cheng shook his head and denied her suggestion.

"If you look at Shenfeng Academy from the perspective of facing a powerful force like a sect or family, your starting point is problematic.

"The Feng family supports Shenfeng Academy, and the top management of the college is led by the Feng family. This is true, but Shenfeng Academy is not just the Feng family. It is essentially a college.

“There is an essential difference between an academy and a family or sect.

"The academy is a place where knowledge is imparted. There is no blood bond between members, nor is there any strong interest relationship.

“The connection between students and the college is not that close, so naturally it is not that easy to be threatened.

"What they value is reputation. As long as they have a good reputation, it's the same as starting over in another place. Anyway, their students originally graduated in one batch and then came in a new batch."

"So what you mean is...?" Zhu Zhuqing didn't fully understand.

"So we have to do it step by step. Suppression by force alone is not enough. The key point is your performance."

"My show?"

"That's right. It is necessary to show strength. I will suppress them all when the time comes and make them fearful.

"But they couldn't see my situation before, and as elders, no matter what these people think, whether they think I am worthy of the name, they must have long acknowledged in their hearts that my status is much higher than them.

“So even if I am stronger, it can be taken for granted, and it won’t bring more shock or persuasion.

“However, everyone knows what your strength was more than a year ago.

"There's no better example than letting them see you grow."

"...Are you really so sinister that you would kill people and kill people?" It was only then that Zhu Zhuqing came back to his senses and couldn't help but mourn for the teachers in Shenfeng Academy.

It was obvious that Su Cheng wanted her to directly challenge the senior leaders of Shenfeng Academy as a student.

"Don't speak so harshly." Su Cheng glared at her.

"If it weren't for you here, I would have to use my innate skills to persuade them, although now is not the best time.

"But now that I have you, there is no need to rush about the technique.

"Anyway, you just have to cooperate with me in performing."

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