In addition to the high-level soul masters waiting at the door of the Education Committee, a large number of students arrived one after another after hearing the news, and hundreds of people soon gathered in the square.

All eyes were focused on the two figures of a man and a woman walking towards them.

The man's eyes were indifferent and casual, and his aura was restrained and peaceful without leaking out at all, but he had a vast and powerful power within him.

The woman next to her was tall and curvy, with long dark red hair blowing in the wind. Her fair face was as delicate as a sculpture, but her expression was cold and her aura was sharp and sharp, making people afraid to look directly at her.

Directly in front of the two of them, more than a dozen teachers from Kamikaze Academy stood tall and tall, all with soul power levels above level 60.

There are three old men in front. Dean Feng Tianyang is in the middle, and on the left and right are two strong men who also have Contra cultivation.

It can only be said that Shenfeng Academy is worthy of being a powerful and veteran high-level soul master academy in the Tiandou Empire.

This faculty configuration alone is no less than that of Tiandou Royal Academy.

It may be slightly insufficient in terms of funding, but in terms of foundation, it is better. After all, this academy is not like the Tiandou Royal Academy, which has become the back garden of the noble children and is full of chaos.

The three old men standing at the front had gentle smiles and wore exquisite white dresses with dark silver patterns on their bodies. This was also the uniform of Kamikaze Academy.

The clothes of Feng Tianyang in the middle are even dotted with a small number of golden petals, making him look even more noble.

Although they were simply standing there, they seemed to be connected with the entire main campus of the college. A large number of wind elements were cheering around, and even Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but move his eyes slightly.

It is conceivable that if a battle takes place in this place, the teachers and students of Kamikaze Academy will definitely have a great advantage.

This is not something like the Seven Sacred Pillars Island Protection Formation on Poseidon Island, and they don't have the ability to create a formation.

In fact, it is because this place has only recruited wind-attribute soul masters for many years. The special atmosphere created by these soul masters driving wind-attribute martial souls and using wind-attribute soul skills is a bit like a beggar's version of the Blue Silver Grass Forest.

Looking at their extremely formal attire, Su Cheng showed a sneer on his lips.

Strong Soul Douluo masters of level 80 and above will receive customized attire issued by Wuhun Palace. The style is black with gold patterns, second only to the red attire of Titled Douluo. It is specially used for powerful soul masters to attend formal occasions. wear.

Of course, these Contras are no exception, and they also have corresponding costumes.

Of course, this dress is not required for formal occasions.

Taking the Qibao Glazed Sect as an example, every time Chen Xin or Gu Rong traveled with Ning Fengzhi, they would usually do whatever they wanted.

But Titled Douluo is Titled Douluo, and Contra is Contra.

What Feng Tianyang and others did was just to express certain emotions.

In fact, Su Cheng's guess was correct.

At this time, Feng Tianyang was indeed a little unhappy and a little wary.

As an elder of Wuhun Hall, Su Cheng's every move has extraordinary significance, no matter his age or strength.

If it was just a private visit, it would be fine. When I came to Kamikaze Academy, I came in through the main entrance in a swagger, but I just randomly found a student to inform the education committee without even saying hello in advance. It was a bit arrogant.

Not only that, he also made such a fuss after entering the door, attracting many students to come and watch. He also walked slowly and waited for more and more students to gather.

If Su Cheng had no other purpose for this move, Feng Tianyang didn't believe it.

The current situation in the mainland is turbulent, and the relationship between Wuhun Palace and the two empires is tense. This is something that everyone understands tacitly.

At this juncture, it is not a good thing for the other party to come to Kamikaze Academy.

But he couldn't act rashly until he figured out Su Cheng's path.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

In this world, everything depends on strength.

A young junior who is less than twenty years old was just a soul king more than a year ago. Even if he has the title of elder of Wuhun Palace, what can he do?

That's why he dared to wear the college uniform to greet him blatantly.

If it were Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who came here, he would naturally change to another way of dealing with it.

They don't even need the other party to come in, they will take the initiative to greet them at the door.

"...Ta, Ta, Ta..."

The sound of gentle footsteps echoed in Feng Tianyang's ears, the sound of Su Cheng coming from a distance.

He didn't pay attention at first, but he soon realized that, let alone Su Cheng, even a soul master with a soul master level or above would not make such a loud noise when walking.

Moreover, apart from the gentle footsteps, there was no other noise in his ears.

Even those subtle wind sounds that were once everywhere disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the two young men walking slowly in front of him, Feng Tianyang's eyes gradually changed.

Not only him, but the eyes of the people next to him also changed. They felt the same as Feng Tianyang.

He could obviously see the college students watching from a distance, and also knew that there were many high-level soul masters standing beside them.

But there seemed to be a layer of blurry frosted glass between him and those people, as if he were in two worlds.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

The sound of footsteps getting closer and closer seemed to gradually replace his heartbeat.

No, not just the heartbeat, but also an extremely weird feeling in the soul, as if it was being forcibly controlled by some force.

As a Soul Douluo, Feng Tianyang can sense the soul. As long as the Soul Saint strongman possesses the true form of the martial soul, he can use the power of the soul to a certain extent.

But he had never heard of methods that could influence other people's souls.

"This is...the realm??" Feng Tianyang's heart sank.

The field is naturally very rare for ordinary soul masters.

Generally speaking, a soul master can only develop domain-type soul skills when he reaches the realm of Titled Douluo and possesses the ninth soul skill, and the probability of its occurrence is extremely low.

Apart from domain soul skills obtained at the Titled Douluo level, only the innate skills of martial souls may appear, and they can continue to grow as the soul master's strength increases.

The function of most domain soul skills is to amplify the soul master's own strength while suppressing the opponent's strength.

But for a soul master of his level, it was nothing more than that.

Those with weaker soul power than him can't change the situation of the battle even if they have a domain.

Those titled Douluo can easily defeat him even without using their domain.

The only ones they are afraid of are those powerful soul masters who are also in the Soul Douluo realm and have talents in the field.

But after living for so many years, this is the first time Feng Tianyang has seen such an exaggerated field.

He wasn't even sure if this was a domain, or some kind of extremely special and terrifying range of soul skills.

He had never even heard of the realm that could affect the soul, let alone seen it.

"Damn it! What kind of strength is he!"

Feng Tianyang's pupils shrank into pinholes, like a frightened beast, staring at Su Cheng who stopped in front of him.

As Su Cheng's footsteps stopped, his heartbeat also stopped.

A heartbeat that stops for a short period of time has little impact on a soul master of his level.

The terrible thing is the strong pressure brought by that silent world.

He tried his best to stir up the soul power, but the soul power was like the heartbeat at this time, unresponsive.

Even the martial spirit cannot be released by him!

Outside, that strange barrier is isolating the connection between the physical body and the world.

Inside, that powerful realm is constantly oppressing the soul.

Feng Tianyang's face turned pale little by little...

After looking at each other for nearly a minute, Su Cheng's smile widened and he said, "Dean Feng, I've admired you for a long time."

As these words came out, Feng Tianyang suddenly felt relieved.

My whole body was covered in sweat, and my clothes were completely soaked in the blink of an eye.

The whole person felt relaxed, and the soul power that he had tried his best to mobilize suddenly surged out. The martial soul could not help but emerge behind him. The wings of the giant eagle with unusual emerald green feathers were raised high, and the eight soul rings around him flashed with light.

Not only him, but also the high-level soul masters around him had similar reactions. Various martial souls and soul rings flashed endlessly, and the light was brilliant and lively.

However, compared to the three people in front of Feng Tianyang, the teachers at the back were much more exaggerated. For a moment, everyone fell on their backs, and several teachers even almost fell to the ground.

This is not because of Su Cheng.

Just now, he did use the hypnosis skills of the five elements field and the power of the soul to suppress these high-level soul masters.

Now that his Five Elements Domain has evolved many times, and has undergone essential transformation due to his innate power, it can be said that it is effortless to deal with these people.

If a group of titled Douluo were standing in front of them, their soul power would not be easy to control and they would only be able to fully cover and suppress them.

But these teachers are not strong. He can easily cut out different powers to target them separately according to their different strengths without going overboard.

In fact, those faculty and staff were affected by the powerful soul power spread by Feng Tianyang and three other Soul Douluo.

Logically speaking, it wouldn't have been so unbearable in the first place. The main reason was that I was not prepared in advance. I tried my best to resist the pressure from Su Cheng and then suddenly relaxed, so I naturally couldn't react in time.

At this scene, the onlookers not far away could see the students looking at each other in confusion, completely unaware of what had just happened.

It seemed that just after looking at each other for a while, these teachers couldn't hold back and started to perform at the same time.

Su Cheng's smile grew wider and he joked, "Dean Feng, you don't have to be so enthusiastic."

Hearing this, Feng Tianyang forcibly suppressed the anger and fear in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "I sit in a well and look at the sky without knowing the depth, which makes Elder Su laugh."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the onlookers calmly and then continued: "Elder Su, please follow me to the Education Committee to talk. Tea has been prepared inside."

"Is it an illusion? Why do I feel that something is wrong with the dean's expression..." On the other side, Feng Xiaotian looked at Feng Qingyu and whispered.

"You read that right." Feng Qingyu's voice was low and a little worried, "The old man seems to be scared."

As she spoke, she was also filled with doubts.

I haven't seen this teacher for more than a year, but he is so strong?

She didn't even use her martial soul, and didn't leak any aura, so she scared her grandfather, who was a high-level Contra practitioner, to this point.

No, to be precise, that group of people were frightened.

You know, this is in the academy.

In this place, if the three Contras plus all the teachers join forces, they can even suppress the weakest titled Douluo in a short time.

In the square in front of the Education Committee, the conversation between the two sides continued.

Su Cheng looked at Feng Tianyang and said "No rush", then looked at the large number of students gathered around him and said with a smile: "I see there are quite a few people in the college today, why not have a friendly discussion, so that I can Let’s see the teaching level of your school.”

When he said this, his voice was not quiet, and everyone present, including teachers and students, could hear it, and their hearts sank for a moment.

Feng Tianyang looked even more ugly. He suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Elder Su, why are you like this? With your status, you are a bit arrogant...a bit bullying."

Thinking of Su Cheng's current age, "bullying the young with the big" suddenly became hard to express.

But now if the other party insists on forcing it, he really has no good solution.

Although their identities are different, they are still the same age after all, and their strength is here. They can't resist whatever they want, but they are naturally dissatisfied.

The worst case scenario is to let him play a few games and then leave.

Anyway, it's obvious that the other party has bad intentions, so it's not a bad thing that it can be solved so easily.

Moreover, those students also understood Su Cheng's terror, and the gap between them was too big to cause any shadow.

Even if today's incident is spread, it's just that he was defeated by the elders of Wuhun Palace. What's the shame?

But what he didn't expect was that Su Cheng nodded and approved his statement.

"Well, what you said makes sense..."

Su Cheng said slowly while turning his head to scan the hundreds of students watching.

As his eyes turned, everyone's eyes subconsciously dodge.

If Su Cheng just suppressed the teachers in a targeted manner, now his aura covers the entire audience.

It's like a brilliant divine sword standing in the sky and earth, making people dare not look directly at its sharp edge.

"In that case, let her do it."

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly restrained his breath and stepped aside, leading Zhu Zhuqing out.

"Who is this...?" Feng Tianyang was stunned when he heard this.

He really didn't pay much attention to Zhu Zhuqing just now.

Although this girl looks extremely beautiful, her aura is also sharp and powerful.

But compared to the pressure Su Cheng brought to him, Zhu Zhuqing obviously had no sense of presence at all.

Su Cheng didn't mind either. The Soul Master Competition was held every few years. Except for the champion team or the top figures, it was normal for the older generation of Soul Masters not to pay much attention to it.

Even the championship team is not heard by everyone. If a soul saint had not appeared in the last competition, it might not have caused such a huge sensation.

"Oh, Dean Feng probably doesn't care much about the activities of young people. She is Zhu Zhuqing from the Shrek Academy team in the last Soul Master Competition. She performed well and won the third place. But now she has transferred to Wuhundian Academy. After enrolling in school, I think many of the students in your school should know her."

"I see." Feng Tianyang suddenly nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was still a little tight.

Third place?

There were many strong players in the last competition, and it is quite extraordinary to achieve this result.

Moreover, judging from the sharpness of his aura, it was only because Su Cheng was covering it up that it was unclear what his actual cultivation level was, but he must be at least above the Soul King level.

Among the students in the academy, it would be very difficult to find someone who could surely defeat her...

"Xiaotian, come and discuss with this classmate Zhu."

After thinking for a moment, Feng Tianyang decided to let Feng Xiaotian play.

As the owner of a mutated martial soul with full innate soul power, although Feng Xiaotian's soul power level is not the highest among the students in the academy, when it comes to actual combat power, it is one of the best.

But he didn't want to be interrupted by Su Cheng before Feng Xiaotian came on stage.

"No, no, no, I don't think student battles are interesting. I wonder if Dean Feng can give her some advice personally?"


Feng Tianyang almost thought he heard wrongly.

Not just him, everyone looked at Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing with astonishment.

There was even more uproar among the students.

"Please enlighten me." A cold and melodious female voice sounded, covering up the noise in the venue.

"Dean Feng, please do your best." At this time, Su Cheng added with a smile.

I’m so busy at the end of the year. I’ve written a little less in the past two days. I have to go on a business trip in the next two days. I’ll be back to normal once I’m done with it~

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