Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 260 My energy is beyond your imagination

Feng Tianyang did not refuse Su Cheng's request.

He couldn't refuse either.

As a junior, Zhu Zhuqing was not well-known, and his strength was not the best among his generation. No matter what the reason, he had no reason to back down.

If the opponent is an ordinary soul master with no background, he may refuse because of his disdain.

But unfortunately, the person who made this request was Su Cheng.

The opponent's strength far exceeded his imagination, and behind him stood the powerful Wuhun Palace. Whether it was for himself or for the academy, he had to accept this challenge.

Soon, in the square of the main campus of Shenfeng College, two figures, an old man and a young man, stood facing each other.

The old man's beard and hair are all white but he is energetic. He stands as tall and straight as a pine tree, and his powerful breath surges like a tide.

Opposite him, the tall Zhu Zhuqing had a dull expression. Even when facing a powerful man of high-level Contra level, he showed no fear, and his face remained as cold as ice without any waves.

The next moment, their martial spirits were released at the same time.

A divine eagle with a strange vision and a huge tiger with restrained murderous intentions and ferocious claws appeared behind them.

As two powerful martial spirits appeared, a noisy and suppressed uproar sounded around the square.

Feng Tianyang, the dean of Shenfeng Academy, is also the grandfather of Su Cheng's cheap apprentice Feng Qingyu. He is a powerful Contra warrior with a level of eighty-seven.

His martial spirit is the top-level wind-attributed beast martial spirit, Cuiyu Tianying, which is also the inherited martial spirit of their family.

Of course, there will occasionally be cases where the martial soul mutates, such as Feng Qingyu, the martial soul is the extremely special Feng Ying.

The students of Kamikaze Academy are already familiar with their dean's martial spirit.

What surprised them was the soul ring at Zhu Zhuqing's feet and the martial soul behind him.

Two yellow, one purple and three black, six soul rings floated silently.

Especially the dark and deep sixth soul ring, which seems to have a trace of red light mixed in it.

That's not all. No matter Feng Xiaotian and others who had seen the Nether White Tiger, or the ordinary students who had not participated in the competition, they were all shocked by the terrifying Nether White Tiger Spirit.

Because today's Netherworld White Tiger has undergone great changes from the past.

Especially body type.

Although a small spirit may not be weak, a huge beast definitely has amazing potential.

The huge tiger with white fur and red stripes that appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing at this moment was more than ten meters long, even bigger than the green-feathered eagle behind Feng Tianyang, which was in sharp contrast to the girl's petite figure.

The ferocious tiger crouched on the ground like an ancient behemoth, with fangs and sharp teeth criss-crossing in its bloody mouth. A pair of tiger eyes had no whites and were completely covered in scarlet light, containing overwhelming violence and murderous intent.

Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward with his left leg, leaned down, and finally released his fierce and domineering aura unbridled.

Underneath her cold and indifferent temperament, she conceals a rock-solid will and a fighting spirit that is fearless of life and death.

The huge white tiger behind him also raised its head to the sky and let out a silent roar.

got windy.

When the sound of the howling wind sounded, Feng Tianyang frowned and his heart sank slightly, "What a strong field!"

He simply couldn't believe that this level of domain could be displayed by an unknown Soul Emperor.

At the same time, the strong intimidation that Zhu Zhuqing exuded from all over his body even gave him a certain degree of threat, which shocked him so much that he immediately did not dare to be careless at all.

Although I had never paid attention to this girl's name before, I knew that during the last soul master competition, the opponent would never have such strength.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he found that Feng Xiaotian, Feng Qingyu and others who had participated in the previous competition looked shocked.

He immediately understood that Zhu Zhuqing's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes in this year.

From the cultivation level of the Soul King to the cultivation level of the Soul Emperor, the strength of the aura is comparable to that of the Soul Saint.

How did she do it?

In other words, how did Wuhundian Academy do it?

However, now is not the time to think too much about this.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, Feng Tianyang's seventh soul ring instantly lit up.

Emerald green light enveloped the whole body, and the white-haired old man turned into a huge eagle nearly ten meters long and soared in the air in the blink of an eye. The feathers as hard and sharp as gold and iron reflected the moving luster of emerald green in the sunlight.

Without hesitation, he displayed his beast soul true form as soon as he came up.

He not only wanted to win this battle, but he wanted to win it neatly.


Those were just kind words.

The moment Zhu Zhuqing came on the stage and fully revealed his aura, he understood that the opponent was preparing to step on him and make a name for himself!

As a veteran Contra and the dean of Kamikaze Academy, how could he allow this to happen?

Noticing Feng Tianyang's response, Su Cheng smiled slightly.

This old man has no intention of being too big, and it may not be easy for Zhuqing to win.

The girl who gently leaned into the fighting position pursed her lips tightly, but her expression did not change at all, making it impossible to guess her inner thoughts.

The shadow of the huge Netherworld White Tiger flashed behind him, a scarlet cold light bloomed from Zhu Zhuqing's cat-like pupils, and three beard-like dark red marks appeared on both sides of his fair cheeks.

The sharp claws at the fingertips are like daggers, the slender wings made of hurricanes on the back are raised high, and the long dark red hair is flying like a battle flag.

Possessed by a martial spirit!

Although he has not yet reached level 70 and cannot use his martial soul's true form, the beast's martial soul naturally has the ability to possess people and can also be integrated with his own martial soul to a certain extent.

This is also why when the soul master's cultivation level is low, the combat power of the owner of the beast spirit often exceeds that of the owner of the weapon spirit.

At the same time, the powerful Fengshen domain spread to the surroundings, and the solid fighting intent and murderous intent was hidden within it.

Zhu Zhuqing's field is obviously very different from ordinary fields.

This is the ultimate special attack field. The environment created can comprehensively enhance Zhu Zhuqing's strength and speed. Even the surrounding air currents are her most powerful weapons.

As for the restriction on enemies, it is only a side effect of the wind attribute environment, rather than active suppression like in the general field.

However, this restriction is of little significance to Feng Tianyang - he is also a wind attribute soul master.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth soul ring under Zhu Zhuqing's feet flashed with light.

The faint red mist is dispersed in the breeze floating around, and it also exudes a faint smell of blood.

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face turned pale slightly, and a tragic aura rose up in her body.

It seemed that she was already damaged before the battle even started.

Injure yourself before injuring the enemy, Zhu Zhuqing's sixth soul skill: bloody battle!

It fully integrates the fighting will and fighting instinct of the Nether White Tiger, and constantly breaks through its own limits in battle.

The more intense the battle, the greater the increase in one's own combat power.

Moreover, this improvement has almost no limit and is completely determined by the intensity of the battle. Even if the battle ends, this improvement will not completely disappear, but a part of it will be permanently deposited in the bloodline martial soul.

Of course, the premise is not to be beaten to death.

However, this buff state will only increase her strength, speed, reaction, soul power quality and other offensive qualities, but will not receive any bonus to her body's defense, durability or even physical strength. It will even accelerate wear and tear to maintain strong combat power when seriously injured or near death.

This is a status-based soul skill, but it is not an ordinary status-based soul skill. It combines the true meaning of the martial soul, the field of talent, her own perception and physical heritage.

It can be said that this is a soul skill that can grow and has a soul, which is no worse than those extremely powerful self-created soul skills.

The reason why this happened was because of her extremely special sixth soul ring.

Except for missing one skill and not reaching the 100,000-year age limit, this spirit ring is almost comparable to a 100,000-year-old spirit ring, and it also contains extremely strong personal will.

Moreover, this soul ring was condensed on its own, perfectly matching Zhu Zhuqing's own situation and her Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, and was no weaker than those 100,000-year-old soul rings absorbed by hunting soul beasts.

Looking up at the giant eagle in the sky, Zhu Zhuqing's hurricane wings shook slightly, and her whole body immediately turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the giant eagle that was several times larger than her.

The battle started instantly.

There were wisps of wind traces lingering between the sharp claw blades, and they were slashed towards the chest of the giant eagle. With the blessing of the domain, there was almost no sound during the whole process.

This blow came with the power of stepping on the ground, and the attack was fierce. Feng Tianyang was not prepared to receive it hard, and turned his body to let it pass.

It's no better in the air than on the ground, so it's easier to use force to turn.

In his opinion, although Zhu Zhuqing also had the ability to fly, he only relied on wind power instead of instinct. His flexibility was naturally far inferior to that of himself with real wings.

As long as she fails this time and fails to draw back her strength, she will lose the initiative and directly give up the initiative in the battle.

But the black shadow changed its moves very quickly, folding its wings slightly and turning around, with a powerful wind blade wrapped around its straight long legs to slash in the air.

Feng Tianyang was shocked. He didn't expect Zhu Zhuqing's response to come so quickly.

This response was obviously not a forced move. The claw looked extremely fierce, but in fact it was also a false move.


When it comes to combat experience and on-the-spot reactions, although Zhu Zhuqing is only the Soul Emperor, he is by no means weaker than Feng Tianyang, who has Soul Douluo cultivation.

She had the fighting experience to become a peak Douluo.

Feng Tianyang did not continue to evade this time, a cold light flashed between his claws, and the sharp claw blades were raised to directly attack.


After the blow, the giant eagle retreated several meters.

But the calf that Zhu Zhuqing slashed was dripping with blood.

Obviously, she was at a disadvantage in this encounter.

But her expression didn't change at all, as if she wasn't the one who was hurt. He jumped out again in a flash, and his speed was no less than that of Feng Tianyang, who had been fighting in the air all year round and had Contra cultivation.

Feng Tianyang glanced at the pair of narrow wings formed like a hurricane with his sharp eagle eyes, and his heart became solemn.

He underestimated the power of this thing.

When it comes to controlling the wind attribute, I, the dean of the Divine Wind Academy, am actually slightly inferior to the other party.

After the two fought in the air for several rounds, Zhu Zhuqing's non-vital parts such as his arms, back, and calves had claw marks that were deep enough to show the bones.

The surrounding blood mist became thicker and thicker.


Suddenly, Feng Tianyang's fourth soul ring shone brightly under her feet, and a harsh eagle cry instantly penetrated her mind, and her agile dodging figure suddenly froze.

Feng Tianyang didn't hesitate, he spread his wings and swooped over, striking head on with his sharp claws that could crack mountains and rocks.

Just when he was about to hit, Zhu Zhuqing's left arm suddenly bloomed with a faint pink light, and his figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in another direction the next moment.

One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Bone Skill: Teleportation.

Feng Tianyang's soul skill just now can attack the opponent's spiritual world, causing a strong control effect like dizziness.

But fortunately, it is only the fourth soul ring skill with a relatively low age and is not very powerful.

Although Zhu Zhuqing just started practicing Xiantian Kung not long ago, her soul foundation has also improved a lot. In addition, she is already strong-willed and has experienced the experience of the killing city. Although her mind is still a little dizzy at this time, she is not unresponsive. Power.

He made a prompt decision and used teleportation skills to change his position.

Feng Tianyang missed his blow, turned around and looked over in surprise, "Soul bone?"

He was not the only one who was surprised. The other teachers and students who were watching the battle were also shocked.

Soul bones are a rare thing for most soul masters.

Huo Wu murmured to himself: "Soul bone skill, she actually has such a thing as a soul bone? Wuhun Palace is really generous..."

The tone was complicated, it was hard to tell whether it was envy or jealousy.

"It's indeed surprising, but if she thought she could defeat Dean Feng with this thing, she would be totally wrong." Huo Wushuang frowned, then looked relieved.

The several major elemental academies have close relations. Whether based on position or emotion, he naturally hopes that Feng Tianyang can win.

Of course, he didn't think Zhu Zhuqing, who was a Soul Emperor, had a chance to win.

Now anyone can see that this girl has begun to completely fall behind.

In fact, she had already performed extremely well to be able to fight a Contra to this point.

Feng Xiaotian noticed the difference in Feng Qingyu's expression next to him, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Zhu Zhuqing is indeed very strong, and his strength even exceeds that of ordinary soul saints. In the absence of the true body of the martial soul, with the help of the domain , soul skills and combat qualities, it is really rare to be able to persist under the dean for such a long time.

"But she is not a pervert like Su Cheng. No matter how strong she is, there is a limit. No matter the strength of her soul power or her soul power reserves, she is far inferior to the dean."

"..." Feng Qingyu didn't speak when she heard the words, she just nodded silently.

The current battle situation is indeed as what several people said, and there should be no more surprises, but there is still some uneasiness in my heart.

Her intuition was amazing, and she felt that Zhu Zhuqing's state was a bit strange, but she couldn't tell what the blame was.

I always feel that the truth is not as optimistic as Feng Xiaotian thought.

In the center of the battlefield, Feng Tianyang was not in a hurry.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's combat power in front of him seemed to have improved a lot and his aura was extremely sharp, his condition continued to decline.

Those injuries are no joke.

Although she was extremely careful during the battle and avoided critical injuries, the accumulation of other injuries would greatly affect subsequent battles.

The balance of victory often tilts little by little.

The battle had reached this point, and Feng Tianyang had given up all thoughts of a quick victory.

Her talent field, hurricane wings, powerful soul bone skills, as well as Zhu Zhuqing's own excellent on-the-spot reaction and combat literacy, all these factors add up to make her incredibly mobile.

Even with Feng Tianyang's strength, he still needs to find an opportunity to use some means to end this battle.

After more than ten rounds, the opportunity came.

When two figures with hugely different body shapes were fighting in close quarters, the sixth soul ring under the giant eagle's feet suddenly lit up!

At the moment when the soul skill was released, Zhu Zhuqing felt that the space around him seemed to be completely frozen, his body could not move, and he could not even teleport.

Then, Feng Tianyang's eighth soul ring also lit up. This was his strongest offensive soul skill!

The giant eagle's wings with a wingspan of twenty meters spread out on the left and right sides, and the shadow was shrouded. The green light feathers poured down and swept towards the Zhuzhu. The instantaneous flash of light was even more dazzling than the sun.

The power of this blow was so powerful that even the onlookers turned pale when they saw it.

While performing his soul skills, Feng Tianyang subconsciously looked at Su Cheng, who was watching the battle from a distance.

If this blow were carried out, the girl in front of him would at least be seriously injured. Logically speaking, the other party should come to rescue her, but unexpectedly, he looked indifferent.

Feng Tianyang suddenly frowned secretly and felt a little confused.

With Su Cheng's strength, there is obviously no need to use feints to deal with a soul emperor. That is, the girl in front of him has other trump cards?

Sure enough, the next moment pink light burst out from Zhu Zhuqing's arms again, turning into a light curtain, covering her whole body.

The feathers that were powerful enough to easily cut through gold and jade struck him, but they only made a dense "clang" sound and could not cause any real damage.

One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Bone Skill: Invincible Golden Body.

It can resist all physical defenses below the god level for three seconds and can be used three times a day.

"Another soul bone skill...a hundred thousand year soul bone?!"

This time Feng Tianyang was really shocked.

One hundred thousand year soul bones are considered the most precious treasure in the world of soul masters, and their rarity is second only to one hundred thousand year soul rings and external soul bones.

The girl in front of him actually had such a treasure.

He took a deep breath, then stepped back without any hesitation.

The opportunity just now had been missed, and using the powerful eighth soul skill would consume a lot of money. He needed to adjust his breath a little.

But that’s okay.

These two soul bone skills are indeed powerful, but they are only used for defense or dodge, and are not enough to make up for the strength gap between the two.

But being able to resist to this point is surprising enough.

Especially when Feng Tianyang used his sixth soul skill and was successfully blocked by Zhu Zhuqing, it was even more unexpected.

"...Isn't that Zhu Zhuqing admitting defeat yet?" The students who were watching were talking a lot, looking at the girl who was severely injured.

"There may be some trump cards, but no matter what, it's impossible to defeat the dean."

"This Zhu Zhuqing is so strong. Her performance a year ago was indeed good, but she was only relatively good among the Soul Kings. How did she practice?" Apparently, the person who spoke had participated in the last Soul Master Competition.

"It's really strange..."

"Wait, didn't you notice, why do I feel that she is moving faster than before?"

"You must have used some kind of soul skill to improve your state, right?"

"Well, it's very possible. She probably won't last long..."

But soon, the discussion began to die down.

The situation on the field began to change.

The girl in black's aura is as sharp as a knife, and her speed and power have gradually begun to catch up with and overtake Feng Tianyang in the martial soul's true form!

They obviously underestimated Zhu Zhuqing, or in other words, they didn't understand Zhu Zhuqing. Intelligence can play an extremely critical role in a battle and may even determine the final outcome.

Especially Feng Tianyang, he made a fatal mistake and should not have given Zhu Zhuqing such a long time to develop.

But it is also understandable. After all, it is rare for someone like her to get stronger with more battles and even be able to explode with residual health. At least Feng Tianyang would never have thought of this level.

Even the sixth soul skill at the beginning, he just regarded it as a certain state-blessing soul skill. At the beginning of the battle between soul masters, it is normal to use status-like soul skills that enhance one's own abilities, just like he used his martial soul avatar as soon as he came up.

When soul masters fight, unless there are special circumstances that are too different from each other, generally in order to reduce consumption and prevent accidents, they rarely use their full strength from the beginning. They usually focus on testing first.

Facing Zhu Zhuqing, whose aura was not much weaker than his own, Feng Tianyang obviously would not be careless, but this gave Zhu Zhuqing more opportunities.

Opportunity to improve status.


Su Cheng was certain.

Sure enough, as time went by, Zhu Zhuqing began to change from the initial wandering fight to a strong attack.

Compared to the huge eagle with shining green feathers, her figure is extremely small.

But when he attacked with his palms and swung the wind blades in the field, he seemed to suppress the opponent.

The wings on its back were raised high, and the black afterimage flashed to the back of the giant eagle.


The fair-skinned fist carrying the light red wind was struck in the air. Feng Tianyang was too fast to avoid it. With a loud noise, he was instantly knocked down from a high place and turned into the figure of a white-haired old man in mid-air.

He was actually forced to exit the martial soul's true body state!


Feng Tianyang's face was as pale as paper, and he coughed out a wisp of blood from the corner of his mouth.

The punch just now had already damaged his internal organs.

At the same time, another beautiful figure in black also fell to the ground, its wings dissipated, and its body was crumbling.

Compared to Feng Tianyang, Zhu Zhuqing looked much miserable.

His whole body was scarred and covered with blood, big beads of sweat rolled down his face, a few strands of hair stuck to his face and neck, and he was breathing heavily.

But the strange thing is that at this time, her soul power is obviously in a very poor state, but her aura is extremely powerful, comparable to Contra.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Su Cheng's figure appeared next to Zhu Zhuqing, and without caring about the blood and sweat on her body, he held her waist and took out the potion to restore physical strength and soul power from the soul guide and gave it to her to drink.

At the same time, the domain is released to restore its status.

It was extremely difficult for Zhu Zhuqing to carry the battle to this point.

For a soul master, level seventy is a turning point.

Because after reaching the Soul Saint level, soul masters can have their own martial soul avatars. For those soul masters with talented fields, it can help their own fields achieve leapfrog improvements.

Including Qian Renxue, it was only after she reached level 70 that her strength truly made a leap.

Letting Zhu Zhuqing fight Feng Tianyang was of course not just to conquer the Divine Wind Academy, but this kind of battle was of great help to her.

Otherwise, she can be allowed to challenge those Soul Saint-level teachers, and the shock effect will not be much different.

But it cannot be that helpful to Zhu Zhuqing's strength improvement.

After her breath completely stabilized, Su Cheng looked at the old man opposite and said with a smile, "What do you think, Dean Feng?"

"Awesome, I admire you." Feng Tianyang smiled bitterly.

In fact, he lost.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's condition is very bad at the moment, he is definitely not exhausted.

And with her fighting style, she also has the advantages of field and speed. If she continues to fight, there is a high probability that she will be able to get a few more punches on herself.

At this point, Feng Tianyang's shock and anger had long since disappeared.

No, it should be said that he was only shocked but not angry.

After recovering for a while, he looked at Su Cheng and said seriously: "Elder Su, may I ask how the Spirit Hall did it?"

"Dean Feng, my energy is beyond your imagination." Su Cheng said with deep meaning in his eyes, "Join Wuhundian and exist in the name of Wuhundian Academy branch from now on. What do you think? Accept this suggestion. For your school and your students, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.”

Whether there are any disadvantages, Feng Tianyang is not sure, but the advantages are indeed visible to the naked eye. The Zhu Zhuqing in front of him is an example.

"Besides, we still have some kind of romance." Having said this, Su Cheng looked at the pretty girl not far away who was looking worriedly, "The teacher is here, why don't you come over to say hello?"

Feng Qingyu, who was named by him, stuck out her tongue and trotted all the way to a few people.

It's a bit late today, mainly because it's hard to unpack, and I feel it's better to finish writing it all before posting it. The time has passed before I know it, so sorry, sorry!

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