Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 261 Condor, Tiger, Poisonous Dragon

After Feng Qingyu came over, she first looked at her grandfather and saw that he was fine, then she saluted Su Cheng seriously and called "Teacher".

"Teacher?" Feng Tianyang looked at this little granddaughter who had high hopes for him but had a lazy personality.

Apparently, he didn't know about it before.

Because she was counting on Su Cheng to find an opportunity to take her "out of the sea of ​​misery" and find a way to sneak out of the academy, and in order to avoid alerting others, Feng Qingyu did not elaborate on her interpersonal relationships when she came back to join the Tiandou Royal Team.

I just briefly introduced my teammates, as well as my experience and feelings when participating in the finals.

At the same time, other teachers in the college also gathered around.

The scene where Feng Tianyang was punched down just now was quite shocking.

Especially since he was directly knocked back from his martial spirit avatar in the middle of the journey, and obviously suffered serious injuries, everyone was naturally concerned.

However, the battle had just ended, and with Su Cheng at their side, they couldn't act rashly.

It was only now that the war was quiet, and even the little granddaughter of the dean's family seemed to have a close relationship with the young elder from Wuhun City, these people felt more relaxed.

Su Cheng glanced at everyone and nodded gently towards Feng Tianyang, "Dean Feng can discuss it with the teachers, consider my proposal, and give me an answer as soon as possible. Times have changed. Where will Shenfeng Academy go in the future? It’s all in your thoughts.”

After speaking, he gently patted Feng Qingyu on the shoulder, and then led Zhu Zhuqing away into the distance with other people's eyes looking at him with different expressions.

By the way, this position was left vacant and allowed for them to discuss on their own.

Everything they can do has been done. These people have been running the college for so many years and are not children. They should be able to figure out how to choose.

"Times have changed..."

Hearing these words, Feng Tianyang's heart was slightly shaken.

Yes, no matter how old the two people were just now, they were both young among the students in their own college.

That's just the extremely special Su Cheng, but what about Zhu Zhuqing?

In just one year, he has improved to such an extent that no matter how strong his martial spirit is, it will not be so exaggerated.


Feng Tianyang looked at the girl with sharp eyes next to him, and his old face sank, "Aren't you going to explain to me?"

Seeing that her grandfather seemed a little unhappy, Feng Qingyu quietly stuck out her tongue and quickly explained in detail what happened, as well as some details of the Soul Master Competition a year ago.

Finally, he said: "Grandpa, you'd better seriously consider the teacher's suggestion."

There was also a bit more solemnity on the pretty face that looked slightly childish.

"That Elder Su..." Feng Tianyang hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Does he have other disciples?"

"I don't know. I didn't know it before, but now I don't know."

"Never before..." He thought in his mind.

Feng Qingyu's last persuasion will naturally have no impact.

No matter how great her potential is, no matter how smart her temperament and behavior are, she is just a child after all.

On such a big matter, her opinion doesn't matter.

However, the master-disciple relationship acknowledged by Su Cheng personally could not be faked. Feng Tianyang was thinking about this matter.

"Probably not." At this time, the deputy dean next to him also spoke. He knew what the other person was thinking at this moment.

The master-disciple relationship between Su Cheng and Feng Qingyu was unusual. It was completely different from the situation in the academy where they just called "teacher" while teaching.

Just like Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, Bibi Dong and Hu Liena, this represents some kind of inheritance.

The intimacy of this relationship is not much different from that of flesh and blood.

"Think about it, if he had accepted a new disciple in Wuhundian Academy, he probably wouldn't have brought this Zhu Zhuqing here today."

Having said this, he gestured to the two people not far away with his eyes.

At this time, Su Cheng's arm was still wrapped around Zhu Zhuqing's slender and round waist, while the girl tilted her head slightly and leaned on his shoulder.

The two of them were talking in low voices and acting intimately.

"The two of them are obviously not in a master-disciple relationship."

"I've thought about it so much, I'll just go and ask."

Feng Qingyu rolled her eyes and was speechless at their cautious attitude. She turned around and walked in the direction of the two of them.

On the other side, Su Cheng used his innate power to silently nourish the meridians in Zhu Zhuqing's body, and said softly: "How do you feel after this battle?"

"The soul power moves faster and becomes more pure. And...and I feel a lot more relaxed."

"Relax?" Su Cheng was stunned, "Be specific?"

"It wasn't obvious before, but after the fight, it was like the impetuosity and pressure in the body had been completely released. Especially with the last punch, the whole person's spirit seemed to have been sublimated." Zhu Zhuqing naturally She wouldn't hide anything from him, and spoke in detail about her feelings during the battle.

"I see..." Su Cheng looked thoughtful.

It seems that he still did not fully understand the other party's actual situation before.

Fighting is the nature of the Nether White Tiger, and whether it is suppressed or otherwise soothed, it is not the best way to relax.

Only passionate fighting can form the most effective positive feedback and create a virtuous cycle...

At this time, the two noticed the silver-haired girl walking towards them.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing stopped talking and quietly leaned on Su Cheng's shoulder. While adjusting his breath and recovering, he was also comprehending the gains and losses of the previous battle.

She can be sure that if she fights Feng Tianyang again after her condition returns to its peak, she will never be forced to this level.

"Teacher, you're here, it's been more than a year!" Feng Qingyu complained with ease and annoyance.

While speaking, he glanced strangely at the girl in Su Cheng's arms, with perky breasts and a slim waist, and an astonishingly good figure.

If I remember correctly, there is a very scary sister in Wuhun City.

Your own teacher can actually hug you from one side to the other?

How terrifying!

"What's that expression on your face?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, not bothering to pay attention to her little thoughts. He glanced at Feng Tianyang and asked, "What did your grandfather say?"

Hearing him ask about business, Feng Qingyu put aside those random questions for the time being and said, "He wanted to ask if you have any other disciples, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so I came."

Although she and Su Cheng are comparable to each other as master and disciple, their age difference is not too big. Feng Qingyu has an out-of-the-box personality and speaks without too many scruples.

"No, it's just you. You probably won't accept it in the future. Just let your grandpa rest assured." Su Cheng said with a smile.

The reason why I came to Shenfeng Academy first was because Feng Qingyu was here.

It is not that easy to get several elemental academies to agree to become branches of Wuhundian Academy.

After all, there is a difference between the academy and ordinary family power. Simply using power to suppress others may not be successful.

So he first used his own strength as a deterrent, and then asked Zhu Zhuqing to prove the teaching ability of Wuhundian Academy and put his chips on the table. At this point, it is actually the usual coercion and inducement.

It was not until the end that Feng Qingyu was added as a disciple to impress him with emotion. Taking all factors together, the hope of success is still very high.

And as long as Shenfeng Academy bows its head, after setting this example, they will have almost no difficulty in persuading the remaining Blazing Fire Academy and Tianshui Academy.

Feng Qingyu, who received a positive reply, quickly returned to Feng Tianyang.

After she left, two figures in fiery red school uniforms who were incompatible with the students of Kamikaze Academy came to Su Cheng and the two of them.

Huo Wushuang greeted him with a slightly complicated expression, "Elder Su, long time no see."

"..." Huo Wu, who was following him, pursed his lips and lowered his eyes without speaking.

She has a proud and fiery personality, and is not as easygoing as her brother.

Every time I think about the differences between them in the past, they were not exaggerated to such an extent. In addition, they are the same age, so titles like "elder" are really hard to say.

"Long time no see, Captain Fire." Su Cheng didn't care and nodded to the two of them.

He immediately took the initiative and said: "When things here are over, we are going to go to Blazing Academy. Do you want to come with us?"

Huo Wushuang's face froze when he heard this.

They came over to chat, actually just to test what he meant.

After all, all the actions of the other party who came to Kamikaze Academy today obviously had a special purpose. As a core disciple of another elemental academy, he also had some premonitions in his heart.

But he didn't expect Su Cheng to be so direct and say such things without hesitation.

Could it be that what just happened to the old dean Feng Tianyang will happen again to his own dean soon?

"Captain Fire, don't be so nervous. These things are not something you students need to think about. Just leave it to the deans and teachers of your college to make decisions."

Huo Wushuang was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

This is true.

He is not Su Cheng. Regardless of his current strength or status, it is not his turn to worry about the academy when faced with this kind of thing.

Two months later, a group of eight people walked in the Wuhun Mountains.

In addition to Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing who returned, they were accompanied by Feng Xiaotian and Feng Qingyu from Shenfeng Academy, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu from Blazing Academy, and Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu from Tianshui Academy. The young soul master student with the most outstanding potential in the Elements Academy.

They will stay in Wuhundian Academy to study and practice in the name of exchange for the next year and a half.

The reason why it took two months to return to Wuhun City was because several major colleges needed a lot of time to discuss decisions, negotiate conditions with Wuhun City, and arrange follow-up matters. Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing took the opportunity to visit several colleges. I also spent a lot of time traveling around the province where the college is located.

For him, cultivation no longer requires simply relying on meditation and breath control to absorb soul power.

The benefits of traveling around the world to increase your knowledge, enhance your understanding, and promote the harmony of all the energies in your body are far greater than simply practicing hard.

For Zhu Zhuqing, fierce battles, coupled with daily relaxation and relaxation, are also more conducive to improving his strength.

As for the remaining Elephant Armor Academy and Thunder Academy, the Elephant Armor Sect behind the Elephant Armor Academy has already surrendered to the Spirit Hall, so there is no need to spend any more effort.

The Thunder College is an affiliated college of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Bibi Dong can just handle it by himself. Su Cheng is too lazy to intervene.

Just when they were about to arrive at Wuhun City, Feng Qingyu took the initiative to talk to Su Cheng who was walking at the front.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was walking with Shui Bing'er and others, exchanging practice experiences. There was no one else around him.

"Teacher, how strong are you now?"

Feng Qingyu was a little curious.

According to her grandfather, the opponent's current strength is much stronger than those of peak Douluo, and is unfathomable.

"How strong is it..." Su Cheng thought for a moment, "Your knowledge is limited, and it's hard to describe to you. He's probably a little stronger than a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo."

"Wouldn't that mean you are invincible?"

"It's hard to say. But if we only count the two empires and Wuhun Palace, it's probably like this."

"Oh." Feng Qingyu nodded thoughtfully.

However, she had already expected this and was not too surprised.

In fact, what she wanted to ask was another thing, "Sister Xue in Wuhun City, your relationship with the teacher is very unusual, right? Does she know about you and Sister Qing?"

"...We don't know yet."

Noticing that Su Cheng looked slightly weird, Feng Qingyu rolled her eyes and asked curiously: "Since you are so strong, teacher, why do you still seem so worried? As long as you are tougher, they can't resist you, right?" ?”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Su Cheng couldn't help laughing. "They are human beings and have their own emotions and desires. Who am I to force them?"

"In that case, why can't you be single-minded? Isn't this a contradiction in terms?"


Su Cheng fell silent upon hearing this.

After a while, just when Feng Qingyu thought he would not answer this question, she heard Su Cheng speak again: "Humans are inherently contradictory creatures. No matter whether they can grasp it or not, they always want more and are unwilling to let go. .”

"Oh, teacher, I have to say that your mentality is very problematic."


This time when Su Cheng returned to Wuhun City, no one was waiting outside.

After all, unlike the time he went to the Killing City, it won't take too long. It's hard to say how long it will take this time.

Moreover, Qian Renxue has been practicing hard during this period, trying her best to stabilize that extremely powerful special state, so naturally she will not wait near the city gate every day.

However, before Su Cheng and others arrived at Back Mountain College, Qian Renxue, who learned about their return, left the Elder Hall and went down the mountain to Wuhun City.

Looking at the woman in white standing at the end of the wide long street, Feng Qingyu's eyes flashed with surprise.

This is not the first time she has seen each other.

But compared to last time, Qian Renxue now gave her a completely different feeling.

The biggest change was the sparkle in those phoenix eyes, which seemed to be shining with light, as bright as stars.

Qian Renxue's eyes are extremely beautiful.

A pair of phoenix eyes are large and bright, but slightly narrow and long. This is the effect that many women need to apply a little powder to show off.

But such a pair of phoenix eyes that would have looked extremely enchanting on a woman's face, looked majestic and fierce on her. Instead of appearing feminine, they looked aloof and arrogant.

Qian Renxue walked slowly up to a few people, ignoring the others, and only saw Su Cheng.

Su Cheng also looked back at her, "I'll take them to the academy and the Pope's Palace first, and I'll find you later. I'll tell you something."

He's ready for a showdown.

"Okay, I just have something to do."

Qian Renxue opened her red lips lightly, and then her eyes swept across the faces of the others. She only stayed for two seconds longer on Zhu Zhuqing's more delicate face than before, and then ignored them.

She is no longer what she used to be.

From now on, there is no need for the existence of so-called "teammates" at all.

Feng Qingyu's eyes wandered over several people.

If Zhu Zhuqing is still a fledgling tiger, he has not yet truly roared proudly in the mountains.

Then the woman opposite with an extremely strong aura is like a lonely eagle king soaring in the sky, and occasionally her eyes will stay on the ground for a short time.

Maybe he was a little unhappy with the young tiger with its teeth and claws, but in the end he still dismissed it.

However, that was just the young tiger who had not yet touched her reverse scales.

If all the truth is revealed, this arrogant sister may really go crazy.

Feng Qingyu was seriously pessimistic about her teacher's messy relationship.

In the center behind Wuhun City stands a high mountain called Pope Mountain.

The three major landmark buildings of Wuhun City, the Elder's Palace, the Pope's Palace and the Douluo Palace, are built on this Pope's Mountain.

The current Pope Bibi Dong left the Papal Palace silently and walked to the square, overlooking the scene taking place in the city below, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

After going through the hell road, her nature changed?

No, she's just more calm than before.

From the original poisonous spider that could only spin silk and spin webs, it turned into a poisonous dragon that dives deep into the abyss and is watertight.

Bury those painful or sweet memories deep in your memory and turn them into your own nutrients.

Even Su Cheng couldn't catch a glimpse of it.

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