The Council Chamber of the Papal Palace.

Su Cheng opened the huge and exquisite cabinet on the north side of the hall and was rummaging around for something inside.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting on the large chair at the end of the long table, did not get up, and just watched silently as he skillfully took out tea leaves, tea sets and other items from the cupboard, with extremely soft lines on his face.

"Didn't you take a lot from me before and finish it so quickly?"

"Most of them were given to my teacher." Su Cheng said casually while pouring tea and water, "And what do you mean by 'taking it from you'? Logically speaking, these are mine."

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes when she heard this, "Then you go ask Miss Yin yourself. If it's you, you can definitely get more."

"That's not necessary. Just drink some occasionally. Excessive enjoyment is not good for practice." He placed a cup of tea on the table in front of the other party and said seriously.

Just now, Su Cheng arranged for a group of people from major elemental academies to go to Wuhundian Academy in the back mountain, and after completing the procedures for them, he asked Zhu Zhuqing to stay there to introduce the situation to those people.

He himself took the first step and came here directly, briefly reporting to Bibi Dong the process of his trip, as well as the current attitudes and stances of the major element schools.

At this point, his mission for this trip has actually been completed. Next, he only needs to arrange for the subordinate soul masters of Wuhun Palace to contact him.

The follow-up process will not be too troublesome.

Those elemental academies are all located in several important main cities within the Tiandou Empire. In all the major cities, there are Wuhun Main Palaces, branches of Wuhun Palace, and Su Cheng has already greeted the masters of those main palaces before.

As the main temple of Wuhun after Wuhun City and Wuhun Temple, the soul masters who can serve as the masters of the temple all have soul saint cultivation. In addition to their own identities, it is difficult for them to contact the deans of those colleges. More than enough.

Bibi Dong held up the teacup, gently blew the hot air on it, lowered her eyes and smiled, "Did you have fun playing outside with Zhuqing during this time?"

"?" Su Cheng glanced at her displeasedly, "I'm going to do business."

"With your method, does it take three months?"

"...These are things you, the pope, should do."

"That's really hard on you, Elder Su." Bibi Dong laughed dumbly.

There was nothing sarcastic in his tone, but mostly teasing.

At this time, Su Cheng also sat down on the seat beside him, looked at Bibi Dong and asked, "Has Xiaoxue's practice made any new progress?"

"It's not like you don't know her attitude towards me. What's the use of asking me about these things? It's better for you to see for yourself."

For some reason, she didn't mention her specific senses when Qian Renxue made a breakthrough, she just mentioned it in one sentence.

Su Cheng had no doubt that he was there, and nodded gently: "That's fine. What about you, how is the energy integration in your body going?"

"I've encountered some obstacles and haven't succeeded yet."

"What's the obstacle?"

"My soul has changed a lot during this period. It is getting stronger almost every day. The quality is a bit too high. I need to further refine my soul power and my body to achieve a balance between them."

"Be more specific."

"Well, although it is difficult to fully mobilize the soul power, the energy contained in it seems to be stronger than the soul power of my twin martial souls and the physical energy and blood power that has been greatly increased after practicing the innate skills. powerful."

Bibi Dong's body subconsciously leaned back on the chair, her hands crossed in front of her chest, her eyes thoughtful.

Her inadvertent movements highlighted her perfect figure. Her breasts were straight and her waist was slender. Her appearance seemed completely inconsistent with her actual age.

She continued to open and close her lips gently, "However, although my soul power is extremely strong, it is not complicated. Instead, it is full of purity, but it is a little difficult to control. Perhaps, some opportunities are needed..."

After saying that, her vacant gaze refocused and fell on Su Cheng's face, "Do you want to come in and take a look?"

Under the sunlight coming in from the window, those beautiful eyes were sparkling, making it difficult to see the expression in them.

"...Let's talk about it later."

Su Cheng withdrew his gaze and looked at the mist rising above the tea cup in front of him.

Seeing his reaction, Bibi Dong seemed to find it interesting. A smile appeared on the corner of her lips. She did not continue to force her and asked instead: "The aura of that silver girl seems to be a little different. How can you combine the innate power with her?" Did you teach her the method?"


"You say you don't care, but in fact you still think highly of her."


Su Cheng silently picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, ignoring the other party's question.

Bibi Dong also fell silent upon seeing this.

The Pope's Palace became very quiet for a while, with only the slightest sound of pouring water and drinking tea.

When Zhu Zhuqing pushed the door open and came in, she was slightly startled by the scene in front of her.

The meeting hall of the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City is large in area and extremely gorgeously decorated, exuding an aura of dignity and majesty everywhere.

As the Pope, Bibi Dong was currently sitting in the main seat at the north end of the long square table.

The luxurious wooden seats are large enough to accommodate two or three people.

Her slanted sitting posture looked lazy and casual, almost as if she was lying on her side. Her two slender legs were crossed with each other, and her slender white arms rested on the armrests, supporting her delicate chin.

The sun shone through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the east side, coating her curvy figure with a layer of gold.

Next to her, Su Cheng sat at the northernmost seat on the west side of the long table, playing with the tea cup in his hand.

The two of them were very close, and Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes would always glance at the person next to her from time to time.

The two figures, a man and a woman, neither look like the ordinary superior-subordinate relationship between the pope and the elders, nor do they look like powerful figures in Wuhun Palace who hold great power. They look more like close friends who get along with each other. Very harmonious.

This harmonious and timeless picture made Zhu Zhuqing feel depressed, and those vague conjectures came to mind again.

However, before she could continue to think deeply, Su Cheng stood up and walked towards her with the sound of the seat being dragged.

After approaching, he patted her shoulder gently and said, "You guys chat, I'll go to the Elder's Hall first."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing pursed her thin lips, nodded and said nothing.

"Come and sit."

After Su Cheng left, Bibi Dong, who was sitting there without moving, greeted him casually, her posture looking more upright than before.

Although her expression didn't change much, Zhu Zhuqing was keenly aware that her mood seemed to have become much colder.


Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward and saluted respectfully, and then sat down slightly cautiously.

Although the two have been getting along for a while in the past, she always stood aside and never sat down and talked like this.

On the other side, Bibi Dong looked Zhu Zhuqing up and down, clearly feeling the difference in her compared to the past.

In fact, this change is quite obvious, but Qian Renxue has never been too lazy to look at her, so she did not notice these details.

Especially after not seeing each other for several months, anyone who is familiar with them can feel the contrast.

That kind of coldness with a bit of tenderness is extremely alluring.

She is no longer the girl she used to be.

A hint of complexity flashed across Bibi Dong's eyes, and then he quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "I finally had a chance to go out alone with Su Cheng, why did I come back so soon? If you said a few nice words to him, I don't think he would I refuse to spend more time with you outside."

As she spoke, she casually took out a brand new porcelain cup, poured a cup of tea herself and handed it over.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little flattered and quickly stretched out his hands to take it. He lowered his eyes and said respectfully: "The mission of Wuhun Palace is important."

"Okay, I'm too lazy to take care of your affairs. Anyway, it seems that you got what you wanted." Bibi Dong said nonchalantly.

Then he glanced at the pretty girl with a blushing face, "But, have you ever thought about Qian Renxue's reaction after knowing about your affairs?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but remain silent.

Bibi Dong sighed again when he saw this.

"Zhuqing, the teacher has always supported you together.

"I have said before that Qian Renxue and Su Cheng are not suitable for each other. She is too strong and has a big fan behind her to support her silently, while Su Cheng has too many thoughts.

"With their temperaments, if they continue to get along like this, sooner or later problems will arise and internal friction will easily occur. The talents of these two people are extremely outstanding. Once there is a conflict, it will be very detrimental to the future of Wuhun Palace.

"As the Pope, I don't want this to happen. You are a smart boy, can you understand what I mean?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing looked at her blankly.

Bibi Dong continued: "It is not an option to continue like this. Delaying it for a long time may not be a good thing. Instead of waiting passively, it is better to take the initiative.

"Zhuqing, if Su Cheng doesn't mention your affairs to Qian Renxue for the time being, you might as well take the initiative to expose your relationship to her.

"Don't worry, as long as you stay with Su Cheng, Qian Renxue can't do anything to you. Moreover, I will stand behind you.

"I told you before, if you really like Su Cheng, then I will definitely help you."

She moved her body forward slightly, then raised her arm and stretched out her palm to cover the back of Zhu Zhuqing's hand.

Two equally slender and fair hands were intertwined.

Bibi Dong said sincerely: "No matter what you have in mind, you can tell the teacher directly."

Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at the female pope in front of him, who had a stunning face and unparalleled magnanimity.

It was obvious that the other party's voice was kind and soft, and his eyes were as warm as water.

But for some reason, she couldn't help but feel a slight chill deep in her heart.

On the other side, Su Cheng, who had left the Pope's Palace, would naturally not know about the conversation taking place in the meeting hall.

In fact, he was shocked by something else now.

"You said you completely digested and absorbed this 100,000-year-old trunk bone yourself?!"

Su Cheng looked at the huge empty lead box in Qian Renxue's room, then looked up at the proud-looking woman in white standing in front of him, still a little unbelievable in his heart, "How did you do that?"

It is true that Qian Renxue has successfully mastered innate power before.

However, ordinary innate power in the early stage can only be regarded as being on the same level as divine power, and is even slightly inferior to first-level divine power with distinctive characteristics such as angelic power.

Su Cheng knew the condition of that torso bone very well. It contained almost the essence of the divine power in that set of angelic costumes, and was a precious legacy left by the first generation of angelic gods.

As for the other limb soul bones and even the mental skull, they are just auxiliaries and hubs, and the difficulty of absorption is not at the same level.

It is almost impossible to achieve this with Qian Renxue's weak innate strength alone.

"Huh, I've told you before, don't get too proud too soon."

As the cold voice sounded, another figure of Qian Renxue appeared out of thin air.

Su Cheng turned around and looked.

At this time, the other party was wearing a black crown, with long, silky hair that hung down to his waist and hips, showing a dark silver luster, and his pupils were as deep as the night sky.

Her appearance was already extremely beautiful, but now she had a mysterious aura added to her appearance.

But these are only superficial changes.

What surprised Su Cheng was that when she appeared now, she was no longer in the pure spiritual state she had been in the past.

Although the power of physical energy and blood in it is still slightly weak, it is almost the same as a real person.

"Have you actually mastered the technique to this point..."

He looked at Qian Renxue and pondered: "Have you completed the fusion? How did it feel at that time?"

"It was just a preliminary fusion at the beginning, and it felt much stronger than the innate power. With that kind of power, we could successfully dissolve and absorb the soul bone."

Su Cheng nodded secretly when he heard this.

She is indeed very talented, and her progress is much faster than she imagined. But if it is only the initial integration, although it is still exaggerated, it is still within the scope of understanding.

"After digesting that soul bone, our powers were perfectly integrated at that moment. It was a higher level of energy. It felt much stronger than before, far exceeding the innate power." Qian Renxue Naturally, I would not hide anything from him and directly tell him all my feelings at that time.

Su Cheng suddenly understood.

No wonder it brought him such a huge amount of original power that day.

If you can clearly feel that it is a higher level than the innate power, then there is no doubt that it is definitely an energy level comparable to the second stage of your own immortal body.

"Sure enough, when your powers are truly perfectly integrated, there will be a qualitative change effect. The reason why you can complete this step is because of that torso bone? Can you show me what you are like?"

Su Cheng was indeed a little curious.

In his original estimation, no matter how talented Qian Renxue was, there was no reason why he could complete his true transformation so quickly. The initial integration was already the limit.

Looking back now, it is obvious that the ablated trunk bone played a great role in promoting this process.

Therefore, he needs to understand the other party's situation in more detail, so that he can more clearly judge what changes have happened to Qian Renxue.


Upon hearing this, the other two people glanced at each other, with a hint of embarrassment flashing in their eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not because of you." Qianying in black curled her lips in displeasure, "We had been in seclusion for two months, and we were on the verge of fully mastering the subsequent changes in the technique, and we were only missing the last point, but you interrupted us. "

"Um..." Su Cheng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "That's really a pity. If I had known this, I would have come back later."

"Teacher, don't listen to her nonsense. We are all very happy to know that you are back. And it is only a little bit close. Who knows how long it will actually take to complete."

Su Cheng smiled and nodded. Naturally, he would not hold any grudge against those words, so he asked instead, "Is this what you were talking about outside before?"

"Well...actually there is one more thing." Qian Renxue hesitated for a moment, then raised her head and looked at him calmly with her golden eyes.

"Didn't you mention before that you will need some teammates to help you fight against the God Realm in the future? But I don't think this is necessary. Low-level combat power, no matter how many you have, is just cannon fodder and will not be of much use at all.

"When I fully master that kind of power, even the innate power will be nothing more than that. By then, it will be enough for you and me to do whatever we want to do. Why do we need those extra people to get in the way? ?”

Su Cheng's heart sank and he hesitated: "You care about this?"

"Well, although I know there is nothing between you and those people, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart." Qian Renxue pouted and said in a coquettish voice.

What she didn't say was that during the time that Su Cheng was away, the reason why she worked so hard, and even took huge risks on her own to try to smelt and digest the god-level soul bone, was to prove that she could At this time, he confidently told Su Cheng this truth.

"By the way, teacher, don't you also have something to tell me? What is it?"

I've been drinking every day for the past two days, but I'm still busy this week. I'll write when I have time. Don't worry, everyone will be back to normal updates next week.

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