On the mountain behind Wuhun City, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong looked at the valley in the distance.

In the depression surrounded by hills, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants dance in the wind.

The rapid stream flows through the valley, and the huge blue and silver grass soul beasts that grow into vines along the bank are swaying gently, and the mottled light spots are reflected in the water.

There is also a delicate blue-gold figure that shuttles back and forth, its movements are elegant and smooth, and it blends into the entire painting.

That valley is where Ju Douluo Yueguan's most cherished flower garden is located.

"Miss Yin is very attentive."

"For her, this is indeed a good way to practice."

"Haha." Bibi Dong chuckled with unknown meaning and did not argue.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the two people standing side by side outside the flower garden.

To be precise, it was the handsome man in white clothes with a slightly feminine appearance.

"Are you really going to give Elder Ju the medicine of that strange antler tree?"


"Why? You don't have much friendship with him, right?"

"As an experiment, I want to see the specific effects of the fairy grass on different soul masters. Anyway, with Elder Ju's talent, there is no chance of achieving innate power."

"What do you mean?" Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this.

"The medicinal power of the fairy grass is strong, but the medicinal properties are too strong for the human body to absorb perfectly. There will inevitably be a large amount of residual medicinal power precipitated, which is regarded as impurities. However, if Ju Douluo absorbs the QiRongTongtianChrysanthemum, with his martial spirit and this The compatibility between the immortal grass might actually help him."

Having said this, Su Cheng glanced at Bibi Dong beside him, "You're lucky that you didn't eat the fairy grass, otherwise the resistance to integrating the innate power would be even greater."

"..." After hearing this, Bibi Dong's face showed no joy, and she calmly asked: "What about Xiaoxue, she should have taken the fairy grass a long time ago, right?"

"Her situation is special and even exceeds my expectations. In terms of talent in martial arts, she is even better than you. And in her current state, not only the fairy grass, but also the soul rings and soul bones, as long as they do not exceed the gods Level, it actually doesn’t matter anymore.”

If we say that the original Seraph Martial Spirit, and even the higher level of angelic power, is characterized by purification, and its expression is relatively soft. Well, according to Qian Renxue's description yesterday and Su Cheng's own observations, the powerful energy she has now fused is something that simply repels and annihilates all external forces.

It is an extremely powerful wave of power like a blazing sun. As long as the level is slightly lower than it, it will be swept away directly. It is extremely domineering.

Not to mention ordinary alien energy, even a spiritual magnetic field with a special form of existence such as soul power will be evaporated and destroyed if it is too close.

In comparison, even if Bibi Dong possesses the unique martial soul talent of twin martial souls, there is still a huge difference.

After all, for a soul master, the improvement brought by twin martial souls is only the soul power reserve, which is only of limited help in terms of quality. At most, it can absorb more high-end soul rings, which is still inferior to those of god-level martial souls. , let alone Qian Renxue today.

No matter her Death Spider Emperor or Soul-eating Spider Emperor, they were far inferior.

Of course, now Bibi Dong also has her own advantage, which is her powerful soul foundation.

In this regard, even Su Cheng is inferior.

"Speaking of Xiaoxue, what did you tell her yesterday? Why did you suddenly decide to retreat and practice? This is not like her character. In the past, whenever you were in Wuhun City, her mind would rarely be on practice. "


Su Cheng fell silent after hearing this, thinking back to his conversation with them yesterday...

"By the way, teacher, don't you also have something to tell me? What is it?"

"Actually, it's nothing too important. Apart from the progress in your cultivation, I also want to ask you what you think of Wuhun Palace's current actions."

Judging from Qian Renxue's previous attitude, it was obvious that there were some things he couldn't say directly, so he changed the topic to other topics.

Fortunately, Su Cheng was prepared for this and could test it step by step.

"This kind of thing doesn't matter." Qian Renxue said casually without thinking too much, walked to the side and poured a glass of water.

"I originally valued Wuhun Palace. After all, this place is the foundation that my fathers have developed step by step. Since I have inherited the legacy of my ancestors and have the ability and talent, I naturally have the responsibility to carry it forward.

"But in recent years, those thoughts have gradually faded away. Even if Wuhun Palace really unifies the continent, nothing will be changed after all. As long as there are people, there will be fights. Since ancient times, forces have been divided and combined. In fact, Too normal.

"We can't stay in this Wuhun City forever, and I don't have those desires for power. Being able to stay with you forever is the most important thing.

"And after we leave, if Wuhun Palace is too powerful and has no external enemies, it may prosper and decline, and there will be divisions from within. In comparison, it may be better to maintain the status quo."

With that said, she handed over the poured water and smiled at Su Cheng, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Of course, if this is your wish, teacher, I will not stand idly by no matter what."

Su Cheng reached out and took the water glass, pondering without saying anything.

"Do you want to oust Bibi Dong? I always feel that letting that lunatic continue to be the pope will be a hindrance."

At this time, a harsh voice came from the window.

He had been silent since the beginning, leaning against the wall with his arms folded and looking at the beautiful figure in black outside the window, and suddenly looked back.

"Ahem, don't speak so harshly. Your Majesty the Pope is still thinking very rationally now." The corners of Su Cheng's eyes twitched slightly, and his voice was slightly helpless.

"Tch." The woman snorted lightly and said nothing more.

She just mentioned it casually, and whether she did it or not, it had little to do with her.

So he turned his attention to the window again.

Although it is not the dominant entity now, it is manifested in a form similar to "incarnation".

But this free and independent way of existence touched her heart.

This is a completely different feeling from the previous "spirit body" appearance and the two souls sharing one body.

Unfortunately, it was spring at this time. The sun was bright and the spring breeze was warm. It was a lively scene. It was not her favorite season.

In contrast, the chilly cold autumn was more in line with her taste.

"What about yourselves? Do you have any ideas, things you want to do, goals you want to achieve?"

"Yes, I'll keep going like this with you."

"what about others?"


A very natural tone.

Seeing that Su Cheng seemed a little stunned, Qian Renxue pursed her lips and chuckled.

Those golden eyes seemed to be filled with his reflection.

"I didn't have a childhood."

When she said this, she looked extremely calm.

There is neither sadness nor regret. He is as calm and calm as the bright moon reflecting on the river, without making any waves.

She no longer cares about the past.

The vacancy in the soul is filled in another life.

“When I was young, my grandfather lived in seclusion all year round and rarely appeared in Wuhun City.

"My father has many pointers for me, but he looks at me in a strange way, always with a strange kind of enthusiasm. It doesn't look like he is looking at his daughter, but more like an artist admiring the perfect work he has carefully crafted.

"As I grew older, I awakened an unprecedentedly powerful martial spirit. Everyone told me that I was destined to become someone who could overlook the world.

“As for what I think about myself, that doesn’t matter.

"Later on, when I went undercover in the Tiandou Empire, I probably still had some illusions at that time and wanted to be recognized and praised by my relatives.

"But I was wrong.

“For a person who is destined to become a god, success is a given, so who would be surprised by it?

"What's more, gods don't need those redundant emotions of humans."

She didn't mention Bibi Dong, presumably because she felt there was no need to say more about that "mother".

"You know what happens next."

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue chuckled.

"What responsibilities and missions are, they are all illusory things. I will no longer be tied down by those dispensable things. How is the Wuhun Palace, how are the people in the world, how is this world, what does it have to do with me? ?”

"But the kind of artistic conception you comprehended..." Su Cheng was a little surprised.

That kind of divine will that is high in the clouds, overlooking all living beings, unless someone has a lofty vision and a world-wide mind, it is absolutely impossible to realize it and display it.

Su Cheng believed that even he could only imitate that kind of will, and he would never be able to grasp the essence of it.

"That was just an understanding from the past. Now it is just a means to improve my strength. But thanks to this, I have not been eroded by that empty and lofty true meaning. Because those things are not important to me."

The smile on Qian Renxue's lips widened a little, and she looked at the slim figure looking out the window, "She thinks so too."

"Go, what does it have to do with me? Don't get me involved with you. I'm not as useless as you." The other Qian Renxue rolled her eyes lightly and refuted lazily.

Su Cheng glanced at her and then said thoughtfully: "Now that we're talking about this, Xiaoxue, do you still remember the dream when we first met?"

"Of course, I will never forget those memories even if I die." Qian Renxue took a deep breath.

"After the false dream was shattered, I realized that my real life was so ridiculous. No," she shook her head again, "Maybe that's the truth, I can't tell, because in it, I found the 'true me' 'ah."

She subconsciously turned around and looked at the person who was her twin.

At this moment, the other party was also casting his gaze, and their eyes met in the air.

Especially the latter.

The true formation of her second personality and even her second soul originated from that dream.

"...Then do you still hate me?" Su Cheng sighed softly.

"Teacher, no matter what happens, I will never hate you. I have never hated you in the past, and I will never hate you in the future. Never."

Starting to resume normal updates today, there will be another chapter later. There should be nothing wrong with it a year ago, so I will try my best to update it.

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