“Besides, you died before me at that time.

"You paid for it with your life, what else can I say?"

Qian Renxue suddenly smiled and spoke.

Yingying's eyes fell on Su Cheng's face.

“Whatever you want me to do, I can do it.

"Teacher, I can die for you, but please don't use me with lies."

"..." Su Cheng's heart trembled when he heard this, and he let out a long breath.

Then he nodded to meet her gaze, and then said: "Xiaoxue, it's not like you don't have any relatives. He has always cared about you. Even if you gave up taking the Angel Divine Examination, he has never had any affection for you. The reluctance and complaints prove that he and your father have completely different mentality."


"And..." He glanced at the man by the window and said with a smile: "Since you two can be separated for a short time, you must meet your grandfather in this pure state. Even if he doesn't say anything on the surface, he will definitely be very upset in his heart. Gratified."

"Hey, Su Cheng, I'm still here, and you're saying this?"

When the beauty in black heard this, she immediately looked over with a displeased face.

"Can't I tell?" Su Cheng joked, "With your arrogant temperament, I guess he must have been very angry with you in the past few years."

"...I'm too lazy to explain to you."

Su Cheng smiled and didn't care. After a moment's hesitation, he continued: "There should be some secrets about many things back then. The Grand Priest might know something about it. You can also find an opportunity to ask him."

"never mind."


"What is the truth of the matter and what happened back then is actually not important anymore. Those are all the grudges of the previous generation. It is true that I hate Bibi Dong, but the matter between her and her father is obviously very problematic. But since Grandpa didn’t say anything, so it’s hard to judge the right and wrong. Now even if I really know the whole story, what can I do?”


Su Cheng opened his mouth, but finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

Forget it, it’s not good to talk about this kind of thing too much at once, let’s take it slow in the future.

The reason why he said such words today was not just for illogical chat.

Qian Renxue is extremely possessive.

Not just for one person, not just Zhu Zhuqing, she had real murderous intent towards many people, including Ning Rongrong and Feng Qingyu.

Su Cheng analyzed that the main reason why her possessiveness was so strong that it was almost pathological was because her emotional sustenance was too single.

He is extremely indifferent to family ties and has no friends at all.

Now, even ambitions and goals of improving strength are completely different from before.

Even Zhu Zhuqing still has an eldest sister far away in the Star Luo Empire, and she still has the obsession and dream to improve her own strength.

In comparison, how could Qian Renxue's emotions in this situation not be extreme?

Therefore, he first recalled the past years with the other person, then talked about life ideals, and finally took this opportunity to talk about his thoughts and understanding of relationships and the future.

If Qian Renxue could find some solace in Qian Daoliu, her grandfather, and even warm up her relationship with Bibi Dong, it might be of great use.

Of course, the latter seems to be hopeless.

The situation between these two women was too complicated, and Su Cheng asked himself that he couldn't handle them at all.

Of course, he didn't think what he was doing was right.

It's just that emotions are hard to control.

Twenty years of getting along day and night is not only an indelible memory for Zhu Zhuqing, but it is also imprinted deep in his own soul that he cannot let go.

But it seems that I can't be honest today because my plans can't keep up with the changes.

Qian Renxue's previous words completely overturned his thoughts.

At present, the consequences of directly confessing may be unpredictable, so it is best to wait for an opportunity first.

Fortunately, not all was lost. At least he knew Qian Renxue's mentality. Su Cheng could only comfort himself in this way.

After thinking about it, he said casually, as if unintentionally: "Suppose that I was in the same situation again, experienced a very long-lasting memory that was no different from the real world, and met certain people. , how should we deal with it?”

"What?! Did you have a similar dream again? This is impossible, why hasn't that happened to me again!"

Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head, her eyes suddenly becoming sharp.

Not only her, but another equally sharp and cold gaze also fell on Su Cheng's face at the same moment.

"Don't get excited first, I mean what if."


The other two people remained silent and looked at him with strange eyes.

It seemed that he didn't believe what he said, but also seemed to be thinking about the question just now.

New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

After a while, Qian Renxue, dressed in black, left the window, walked up to Su Cheng and stared at him.

A pair of deep eyes as black as a well seemed to hide a vague murderous intention, and he said coldly: "Who is that person?"

In addition, the white-clothed figure did not move, but frowned slightly, and his tone was a little uncertain, "Zhu Zhuqing?"

"It's very possible that I just felt something was wrong with that guy."

"Or is it that little girl from Kamikaze Academy? Why did you take on a new apprentice for no reason?"

"No, it's possible that he's not from Wuhun City..."

"Speaking of which, don't you think the hundred thousand-year-old soul beast left in Wuhun City is a big problem?"

"Yes, her mentality is very strange, she seems to have something to rely on, and her form of existence is also very magical, and she actually doesn't even care about her husband and son..."

"Wait, stop for a moment!"

Seeing that the two of them were discussing among themselves and getting more and more emotional, Su Cheng quickly interrupted.

If this continues, let alone paving the way for the future, I'm afraid something will go wrong now.

"Why are you so sensitive? I said it was a hypothetical."

"Sensitive?" Qian Renxue stretched out her slender index finger and gently tapped his chest. Her mask was frosty, and her dark eyes were extremely cold.

"Su Cheng, do you think we are fools? Could it be that you would ask such a question for no reason?"

"Okay, that is indeed the case. I dreamed that I was born in a place called Poseidon Island, and then lived there for decades, and finally destroyed the Poseidon inheritance." Su Cheng said solemnly.

"Do you still remember the time I left Wuhun City a year ago and went out to be promoted to Soul Emperor? I wrote back to you at that time, saying that I would train outside for half a year, but in fact I was found by the high priest of Poseidon Island.

"That man's cultivation level is also that of a peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine. His strength is not inferior to that of the Grand Priest. At that time, I had just been promoted to Soul Emperor. Unless I used means that damaged my foundation, my combat power would still be inferior. So I went to Poseidon Island with her."

With Qian Renxue's current attitude, Zhu Zhuqing is too weak, and it will be in trouble if something unexpected happens.

Therefore, he originally planned to bring up the matter of Poseidon Island as a tool for this communication.

"Poseidon Island?"

Qian Renxue was stunned when she heard this.

Apparently, she had never heard of this place before.



"Yes, that is a powerful god on the same level as the Angel God and the Rakshasa God. By the way, there should be corresponding records in the Spirit Hall on Poseidon Island. The previous Pope, your father, once sent people to attack when he was alive. , it just didn’t work out and suffered heavy losses.”

"So, you were promoted to Soul Saint there and then successfully escaped from the clutches of that peerless Douluo?"

"Well, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. I improved a lot of soul power there. Otherwise, it would have taken at least another year to achieve the soul saint cultivation level."

"I see……"

Only then did Qian Renxue let go of her doubts.

Su Cheng's words didn't look like he was lying, after all, this kind of thing was too easy to verify.

Poseidon Island, another peerless Douluo, Poseidon inheritance, etc., these things don't look like they were made up, not to mention that the relevant records can be found in Wuhun Palace.

Although it made her feel a little uncomfortable to learn that Su Cheng and others also had long-term dream memories. But since the high priest of Poseidon Island came to the mainland specifically to seek trouble for him, the relationship between the two was obviously not good.

What's more, Su Cheng also destroyed the inheritance of other people's belief in gods in the dream. It's an understatement to say that this is a matter of deep hatred.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue's eyes narrowed, her expression slightly cold.

"Didn't you say you would never lie to me again?"

"I didn't lie to you, I told you everything."

"Hmph, that's best."


After a moment of silence, she looked into Su Cheng's eyes and asked, "By the way, how strong are you now?"

"Invincible on earth."

"more specific."

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth.

In this matter, he didn't want to hide anything from Qian Renxue.

"I can have a strength comparable to a second-level god in a short period of time, and can easily crush peerless Douluo. However, that state can be maintained for a short time. Under normal circumstances, I may not be able to defeat the great priests or priests living in the Spirit Hall. He is the high priest on Poseidon Island.”

After listening to his description, Qian Renxue said nothing, but pursed her red lips tightly and wondered what she was thinking.

Not long after the conversation between the two, Qian Renxue made the decision to continue her retreat.

Moreover, accompanied by Qian Daoliu, he directly entered the depths of Douluo Hall to practice under the angel statue.

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