Seeing that Su Cheng didn't respond and was lost in thought, Bibi Dong didn't mind and just waited quietly.

After a long time, Su Cheng came back to his senses and said calmly: "Although Xiaoxue's cultivation has taken a crucial step, it can only be regarded as a first glimpse of the door, and it is still unable to truly control that kind of power.

"I sorted out the energy in her body, and it's hard to say when she will enter the room.

"However, her mentality is very important in this process. If she is half-hearted when practicing, she will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and it will be extremely difficult to succeed."

"I see." Bibi Dong nodded lightly and asked, "Is that kind of power very strong?"

"Very strong."

"How does it compare to you?"

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said, "I'm not sure either."

"Well..." Bibi Dong nodded thoughtfully and didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Su Cheng glanced at her and said tentatively: "By the way, now that you have let go of your worries, you can actually try to ease the relationship with her. After all, blood is thicker than water, and you have your own difficulties. If you have The chance to get back together is a relief for you guys."

When he said these words, Su Cheng was not talking nonsense without any measure.

He also looked at Bibi Dong's attitude a few days ago, and it was obvious that he was concerned about Qian Renxue.

In this case, she thought she would not resist this matter, so she took the opportunity to express her thoughts.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong lowered his eyes, and the gloomy look in his eyes flashed away.

But it was extremely obscure and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

When she raised her head again, she still had that soft and natural smile on her face.

When he spoke, his voice contained a rare hint of weakness and bitterness.

"You are right, but you also know Xiaoxue's character. I do not have the initiative in these matters. If I take the initiative to say many things, it will be like adding fuel to the fire. It is better to maintain the status quo. For us Maybe it's better."

"...What you said makes sense."

Su Cheng sighed, not noticing the instant change in the other person's expression.

This kind of thing is really difficult to deal with.

How can it be possible to explain so many years of love and hate in just a few words?

Taking a step back, even if these two people are really honest and open about the scars of the past and sort out all the stories one by one, it may not be a good thing.

If you cut off the bad skin on an old wound, you may not be able to see fresh flesh and blood. Maybe it has already festered and pus deeper.

After tearing off that layer of scar, the result may be that the injury is deeper.

Most emotions do not arise overnight, but are accumulated bit by bit over many years.

To Qian Renxue, is the revenge for killing her father really that important?

How much feelings does she have for her biological father, not to mention that the person who did it was her mother?

What makes her most difficult to let go is actually the countless hateful and indifferent eyes and cold and ruthless attitude accumulated over the past twenty years...

No matter what difficulties Bibi Dong had and what she had experienced, from Qian Renxue's point of view, why should she choose to forgive and understand?

Likewise, it was impossible for Su Cheng to force her to accept the apology and this belated maternal love.

Because in this process, Qian Renxue was the most innocent person.

"Oh, let's wait and see later..." Su Cheng thought to himself.

Just like his own messy emotional line, if similar things want to be straightened out, a suitable opportunity is always needed.

What's more, looking at Bibi Dong's appearance at this time, she was indeed a little sad, and it was hard for him to say anything else.

He smacked his lips and sighed softly: "It's not easy for you either."

But Bibi Dong shook her head and said in a low voice, "You don't have to say that, I'm sorry for her, this is what I deserve, it's my retribution..."

As she spoke, her voice gradually weakened until she became silent.

Su Cheng didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a moment like this, Bibi Dongfang said softly: "Can you accompany me for a walk?"


The scenery near Wuhun City is excellent.

The Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, is powerful and has strong financial resources. The place where the sect is built is already a beautiful place.

But compared to Wuhun City, which straddled the two empires and stood on top of the Thousand Miles Mountains, it was obviously like the glimmer of a firefly.

Huge mountains stretch to the east and west.

Regardless of the strategic significance or natural scenery of this place, it can be said to be the best in Douluo Continent.

Of course, this kind of place is not something ordinary people are destined to occupy.

Being at the border between the two countries, even if they were in a condescending position and had natural dangers to defend, a less powerful force would have been destroyed long ago.

The Wuhun Mountain Range is not all composed of peaks and forests.

With Wuhun City as the center, the terrain of the nearby area is still dominated by valleys and basins.

Now is the best season of the year. The spring is bright and the breeze is warm. Walking on the grass in the mountains and surrounded by the fragrance of flowers makes you feel refreshed.

Su Cheng would go over to find Ju Douluo later, so there was no need to stay here for a while.

As they walked, Bibi Dong suddenly chuckled and said, "You must have disliked what I did before, right? I mean more than a year...well...before those things happened."

"...His Majesty, you are overthinking, I don't mean that." Su Cheng was a little embarrassed.

For so long, he had consciously avoided mentioning his experiences in the simulation.

Because of many factors such as their respective identities, ages, positions, and real-life experiences, he really was not allowed to have too many ideas.

He also always thought that the other party had the same mentality as him, so he could always maintain a tacit attitude towards things.

Bibi Dong smiled when he heard this and didn't say anything more.

Not long after, the two came to a slightly empty grassland, surrounded by a few bushes and sparse unknown wild flowers. There were also several huge peach trees standing in the middle, with pale pink peach blossoms in full bloom.

Although it looks like a barbaric place with no one taking care of it and the vegetation is growing wildly, it does not appear to be chaotic. Instead, it has a special beauty of natural harmony.

Bibi Dong came to a stop under the tree.

She didn't care about her posture, and didn't care that her gorgeous and expensive papal dress was stained with mud. She just sat down on the ground leaning against a peach tree.

The slender legs are tilted together, and the upper body is still slightly tilted back as usual, naturally highlighting the graceful figure.

A gust of mountain wind blew by, the flower branches swayed, and the skirt of the dress spread on the grass also fluttered in the wind, making her look a little different from usual.

But what the specific difference was, Su Cheng couldn't tell for a while.

After sitting down, she patted the grass next to her and her voice became more lively, "You sit down too."

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment, but still didn't follow and sat next to him. He just walked closer and looked at the distant mountain peaks.

It wasn't that he was concerned about the dirt on the ground, but the atmosphere at the moment made him feel a little weird.

Behind him, at an angle that was difficult to reach, Bibi Dong bit her lips tightly, her eyes darkened for a moment, then returned to normal, and followed his gaze to the distance.

The red lips parted slightly, and a plain voice came from behind Su Cheng.

"I grew up in a remote village, and I don't know who my biological parents are. But they must have been powerful soul masters, but they were probably evil soul masters, and they probably died in the Spirit Hall. Maybe in the hands of a soul master..."

Su Cheng looked back at her in surprise.

There is nothing wrong with saying this, and it is most likely true.

Bibi Dong possesses twin martial souls, and they are two high-quality innate martial souls full of soul power like the two Spider Emperors.

He himself has studied martial soul bloodline very deeply, and there is an internal logic to martial soul mutation. Even if the martial souls possessed by Bibi Dong's parents are not spider emperors, they must be powerful demon spider martial souls.

And a soul master with this kind of martial soul has a high probability of becoming an evil soul master.

Bibi Dong can think of this, which shows that the knowledge is not in vain.

"When a soul master is alive, there are always fights and fights. Since my parents are no longer alive, I was able to be adopted by ordinary villagers safely. There are only a few reasons, but they are irrelevant."

Bibi Dong kept talking, but looked away from the distant mountains and looked at Su Cheng.

"After awakening my martial soul, I was quickly taken to the martial soul city and received personal instruction from Qian Xunji. The whole process went incredibly smoothly.

"To be honest, his level is far behind you."

At this point, she suddenly chuckled, and there seemed to be a fire burning in the depths of her eyes.

Su Cheng subconsciously looked away, not daring to look at her.

"You know, in the past twenty years, I have been thinking about what I am living like this for.

"No matter how strong I become, I have nothing left.

“The closest relatives of flesh and blood, at that time, could only look at each other with disgust.

"As for the worship and admiration of people all over the world, it just makes me feel ridiculous and disgusting.

"Is there any point in continuing this kind of life? But I am not afraid of your laughter, but I am also afraid of death."

"..." Su Cheng couldn't help but remain silent.

He thought of the desolate and lonely scene he had seen deep in Bibi Dong's soul.

He wants to self-destruct, but he is full of fear, resentment, hatred, and unwillingness, so he tries to drag the whole world with him.

But she is obviously different now.

As for what she was thinking about now, Su Cheng didn't know whether she should ask.

At this time, Bibi Dong looked at him inquiringly and said softly: "What about you, what are you doing for?"

Seeing that Su Cheng remained silent, she asked jokingly: "Isn't it because of those women? Do you think about how to deal with the relationship between them all day long?"


Still no reply.

Just when she thought Su Cheng wouldn't answer, he suddenly said: "So what?"

This time, Bibi Dong was stunned.

She was just kidding.

She didn't think that with Su Cheng's current strength, he really needed to care so much about this kind of thing.

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