Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 266 The early spring breeze on the peach branches

The spring breeze is gentle and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

Su Cheng and Bibi Dong were standing in front of the tree, while the other was sitting under the tree leaning on the trunk.

Although the cold winter has passed, the temperature in the Wuhun Mountains is still low due to its high altitude.

However, for them, this ordinary temperature change obviously has no impact, and they do not need to use thick clothing to resist the wind and cold.

The pale pink petals fell from time to time, and the sun shone through the branches, casting a soft light and shadow on Bibi Dong's body.

Because she was sitting under a tree, she had to raise her head slightly to look at Su Cheng. Some strange emotions seemed to flash on her fair and delicate porcelain-like face.

It's just that the spring light is bright, but the subtle changes in the expressions always seem to be vague, making it difficult to distinguish.

The exquisite and luxurious papal dress is made of excellent materials. Under the open outer placket, the pale golden silk lining is like flowing water waves, tightly fitting the delicate body.

The slender white neck, the high bulging arc of the chest, and the sharply tightened round waist further down were extremely obvious in her slightly tilted back posture.

Su Cheng subconsciously looked away and said calmly: "It's human nature to eat and drink. You don't think I'm a stoic person, do you?"

"of course not."

Bibi Dong covered her red lips with her hands and chuckled.

She seemed to be filled with joy from the bottom of her heart, even her eyebrows curved into a crescent shape.

"But I thought based on your personality, you must be serious and won't admit it."

"Then you are obviously mistaken."

Su Cheng curled his lips mockingly.

"I'm not only immoral, but also greedy. I eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. Xiaoxue is devoted to me, and I still want to hide things about Zhuqing from her.

"And what's even more ridiculous is that I still haven't figured out how to deal with it. Every time the words come to my mouth, I hesitate and always want to wait a little longer."

He didn't know why he was telling Bibi Dong these things.

But at this moment, I suddenly had the urge to show my truest side, my emotional selfishness and greed, and let the other party know them all.

Maybe it’s because you don’t care, or maybe it’s because of some special emotions that are intangible and hard to explain.


Bibi Dong indeed seemed to be stunned by his words and stared at him blankly.

The palm of his hand was lowered unconsciously, revealing the slightly open red lips hidden behind it, as if he was a little overwhelmed.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

But after Su Cheng finished speaking, he seemed to relax a lot and sat down cross-legged facing the distance.

He picked up a stone and tossed it aimlessly in his palm.

Behind him, Bibi Dong's eyes were scattered.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of a lot.

What Su Cheng said just now really surprised her and made her feel extremely complicated.

It's not that I despise his words and deeds or that I'm surprised by his honesty, but I find it unexpected and difficult to understand.

Compared to Bibi Dong, Su Cheng is undoubtedly an extremely special being.

Before the two actually met, Bibi Dong already had some superficial impressions of him.

In a seemingly real dream, the appearance of the other party caused her to die in the hands of the god's daughter after she became a god.

Then, during the Soul Master Competition, news about this person kept coming.

Powerful self-created soul skills, soul ring configurations that exceed specifications, and even cultivation advancement speed that exceeds common sense...

Later, it was learned that it was because of this person's intervention that the plan of stealing the country arranged by Wuhun Palace for Qian Renxue fell through.

At that time, she didn't have a good impression of Su Cheng.

But it's not too bad, just wary.

In fact, most of them are curious.

She really wanted to know how far this person could go.

For some special reason, she always had respect for knowledgeable people.

Then, Su Cheng led the team all the way to the finals and chose to join Wuhun Palace.

Until she experienced that long-term "dream" that transformed her from the inside out, it was another completely different but real life...

In the years since he knew this person until today, Su Cheng has played many roles.

Imaginary enemy, roadblock, conspirator, guide, redeemer, fellow traveler...

But no matter which identity it is.

When Su Cheng stood in front of her, he was always at ease and calm.

No matter reality or dream, no matter weak or strong, he never hesitates and always walks on the path he believes in.

Even if the soul master is precocious, Su Cheng's performance far exceeds what his actual age should be.

Many times, Bibi Dong subconsciously felt that compared to Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing, she was more like his peers.

Of course, sometimes Su Cheng's words and deeds are not that mature, and he can have the spirit of a teenager, and can also appear frivolous and joking, but those behaviors do not seem weird and abrupt, he is this kind of person.

However, no matter how "immature" he was, he had never shown a slightly ridiculous "naivety" like he did now.

Bibi Dong never expected to hear these words from Su Cheng's mouth.

As the powerful and well-informed Pope of Wuhun Palace, she understands very well the general mentality of a strong soul master towards relationships.

Some people have pure and deep feelings and treat their loved ones wholeheartedly. Such people are not uncommon, so there is no need to say more.

Su Cheng is obviously not this kind of person.

There are also people who indulge in sensuality, embrace each other, and rely on their own strength and status to receive various "preferential treatment" given by the world.

But Su Cheng didn't do that either.

His strength obviously allows it, so it seems even more weird.

To say he is a playboy is for sure.

As he himself said, "greedy".

However, this mentality is not uncommon on this continent.

Not to mention men, there are also many powerful female soul masters who do this.

In the aristocratic circles of the two empires, there are many people who keep male pets, and the expensive slave trade at auction is also extremely popular.

But Su Cheng seemed to feel guilty about this and hesitated.

With his current strength and position, as long as he hooked his fingers, some women would be willing to recommend themselves as pillows, but he simply refused.

According to Bibi Dong's observations over a long period of time and the intelligence collected, Su Cheng indeed has very little contact with A Yin who is currently in Wuhun City, or with his sister Ning Rongrong from the Qibao Glazed Sect. I won't play ambiguously at all.

Originally, Bibi Dong thought that Su Cheng had scruples or had other ideas.

So later she gave up those futile obstructive behaviors and chose to stand by and even add fuel to the flames to take advantage of Zhu Zhuqing and A Yin.

He just wanted to keep accumulating hidden dangers, and then intensify the contradiction in the end, so as to force Su Cheng.

Even for Qian Renxue's transformation in strength, she was not surprised but overjoyed.

Because the stronger Qian Renxue gets, in the end, Su Cheng will be unable to suppress the contradictions with strength alone.

When that time comes, he must make a choice.

Bibi Dong understood Qian Renxue's character and knew that he would never tolerate the presence of Zhu Zhuqing and others.

But what she didn't expect was that Su Cheng never considered the issue of strength from the beginning, and was only entangled in internal conflicts in his relationship.

Zhu Zhuqing's attitude was so obvious that even she could see that the little girl's so-called resistance was just a tough talk, but Su Cheng himself didn't seem to realize this.


Bibi Dong silently looked at the tall figure in front of him who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

She didn't know why the other party said such words to her today.

But she suddenly understood and had an epiphany.

In other aspects, Su Cheng may be wise and decisive, but when it comes to dealing with emotional issues, he is hesitant.

No wonder, no wonder that when he was in that world, he clearly had feelings for her, but he always tried his best to avoid her.

"So you are this kind of Su Cheng..."

Thinking like this, a smile appeared on Bibi Dong's lips, and her spirit relaxed.

She looked up at the scorching sun in the sky and felt the warmth of the spring.

Originally, with her cultivation strength, she no longer needed sleep.

But under the sunshine and the breeze, I actually felt a little sleepy...

Time passes bit by bit, and the sun gradually moves away.

Su Cheng took a deep breath, turned around and prepared to call Bibi Dong to return to Wuhun City.

But when he looked back, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Bibi Dong's delicate figure changed from sitting on her side to lying on her side at some point. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady. Thin eyelashes covered her eyelids, and there was a soft smile at the corner of her mouth.

The spring breeze blew by, blowing a few strands of hair.

She seemed to have fallen asleep.

new igh.𝑐𝑜𝑚

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