The sun gradually moved westward, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye.


A murmuring sound came from behind Su Cheng.

He looked back and saw Bibi Dong opening her slightly hazy eyes, raising her arms high and stretching.

The sleeves of her loose dress slid down, revealing half of her forearms as delicate as fresh snow, and her long, slightly curly hair flowed down as her head was tilted back.

Although he is already so old, his entire upper body looks like a willow branch after a few movements, showing an amazing waist curve.

Su Cheng smacked his lips and looked away silently.

"I didn't expect that I accidentally fell asleep and delayed your business."

There was a trace of blush on the plain face, as if she was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. Anyway, it doesn't make any difference to me where I practice."

"Didn't you originally want to go to Ju Douluo to discuss the matter of the fairy grass?"

"It's not less than a day or two." Su Cheng responded casually.

Then he looked at Bibi Dong who stood up and said sternly: "You should hurry up and start taking action on your serious matters. The forces of the surrounding kingdoms and principalities should be unified as soon as possible, and the major sects on the mainland should also conduct intelligence investigations to facilitate recruitment and surrender in the future. Or clear.

"Also, don't neglect your cultivation. Even if you can't integrate your innate power, you must persevere in improving the quality of your soul power and practicing your innate skills.

"If it doesn't work, add a soul ring to your second martial soul. It will help to some extent. The Soul-Eating Spider Emperor has powerful characteristics and has the ability to devour. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises.

"With your current soul foundation, you won't be affected by martial soul instinct anymore."

When Bibi Dong heard this, she looked a little hesitant, pursed her lips and said hesitantly: "Will you lose control?"

Su Cheng glanced at her in surprise, "How is it possible? Your soul strength is higher than mine now. No matter how powerful the Soul-eating Spider Emperor is, he is essentially just a martial soul with innate soul power and quality, and there will be no problems." of."

"What if the suppressed Rakshasa powers are revived?"

"You feel it?"

"No, but the power of Rakshasa is closely related to the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, so there may not be problems, right? And that divine power is only suppressed deep in the soul, but it has not completely disappeared."

Bibi Dong looked at him, with an imperceptible expectation hidden in her eyes, "Would you like to come in and take a look?"


Su Cheng didn't answer immediately.

In fact, he had indeed considered practicing in the lotus pond deep in Bibi Dong's soul many times.

If he could do this, it would be of great benefit to him in improving his soul strength.

After leaving Hell Road that day, even if Su Cheng only stayed there for a moment and a half, he could clearly feel his improvement.

If you spend more time practicing there, the benefits can be imagined.

And this move is not only beneficial to him alone, but can also alleviate the problem of several energies in Bibi Dong's body that have been difficult to balance until now.

After a while, he still shook his head and said, "Forget it."

That place is too private, and Su Cheng still hasn't been able to think of a high-sounding... justifiable reason to convince himself.

"Then you will hunt soul beasts with me in the future."

Seeing Su Cheng's refusal, Bibi Dong didn't mind and made another request.

"……All right."

Su Cheng was a little helpless.

What Bibi Dong said makes sense. Rakshasa power is extremely difficult to deal with. I wonder if there will be any trouble.

What her specific situation is, unless she chooses to enter the water soul for observation, only she will know.

But if he didn't go into the depths of his soul, Su Cheng would have nothing to do with those Rakshasa powers. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to go to Hell Road to find the inheritance place for the Rakshasa throne. He would have already started to clear it out.

In the period after this, Wuhun City also entered a relatively stable period of development.

Accompanied by Qian Daoliu, Qian Renxue entered the Douluo Hall to practice in seclusion.

Those talented soul masters from various major colleges were successively placed in Wuhun City Academy. After a while, they will be taught bit by bit innate skills.

At the same time, Bibi Dong also began to infiltrate the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

From what she meant, it seemed like she was going to try to divide it from within.

After all, although the soul masters in this sect come from the same clan, they are constantly fighting among themselves. It is no secret that the disagreements between the sect master's lineage and the branch lineage have long been secret.

Among the elders of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, there are certainly some who sincerely insist on the independence of the sect and cannot bow to any force, but not all of them may want to take such a path to the end.

The reason why no one raises objections now is simply because the sect leader relies on his profound cultivation to suppress it with all his strength, which makes people scrupulous.

If there are strong people behind other voices, it may not be impossible.

What's more, joining the Wuhundian camp is a good choice.

In addition, Bibi Dong is also arranging for the corresponding elders to take over the establishment of branch branches of Wuhun City Academy and take over some of the power of several major element academies in the Tiandou Empire.

Just when most people are unaware, the situation on the entire continent has quietly undergone tremendous changes...

A week later, Su Cheng came to the flower garden in the back hill of Wuhun City and took the initiative to find Ju Douluo and Poison Douluo.

Ah Yin, who was busy in the flower garden, suddenly felt something and turned his gaze over.

When Ju Douluo Yue Guan saw this, he prepared to stay aside.

He knew that Su Cheng and Dugu Bo had a very good personal relationship. Even when the Poison Douluo was willing to join the Spirit Hall, it was largely because of Su Cheng's face.

Even if the other party is not here for Dugu Bo, most likely it is for that Ah Yin, the former hundred thousand year soul beast, whose relationship with Su Cheng is somewhat subtle.

"Elder Ju, wait a moment." Su Cheng quickly stopped him.

Yue Guan was a little surprised, "Elder Su is here to see me?"

Although they were both under the command of Wuhun Palace, their relationship was somewhat distant. He and Su Cheng had never had any personal relationship, and there were few opportunities to get along with each other on weekdays.

However, he has always had a good impression of Su Cheng because of his research and insights into herbal medicine. And because of his innate skills, almost all the senior elders in Wuhun Palace were grateful to him.

"Yes." Su Cheng nodded, then looked at Dugu Bo, "Senior, let me use the treasure bag."

Most of the rare and rare herbs that Binghuo Liangyi saw back then were stored in Dugu Bo's treasure bag that could house living creatures, and the same was true for those fairy herbs.

After arriving in Wuhun City, Dugubo transplanted all the precious herbs into an environment suitable for growth in the back mountains.

However, there is no need to transplant the fairy grass. Their vitality is strong and they are not suitable for public disclosure, so they have been stored in the treasure bag untouched.

Upon hearing Su Cheng's request, Dugu Bo immediately understood that he was here for the fairy grass. He looked at Yue Guan with a strange look, and then handed over the treasure bag.

Dugu Bo has no greed for these immortal herbs. He had previously taken the potion that Su Cheng prepared for him with the Snow-colored Swan Kiss, and had used it to break through to the peak Douluo realm, but he was a little confused as to why Su Cheng gave the fairy grass to Yueguan.

"Elder Ju, I came here mainly to give you an opportunity."

With that said, Su Cheng took out the celestial grass and the strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum from the treasure bag, "I think with Elder Ju's research on herbal medicine, can you understand what this thing is?"

"This, this is?!"

Looking at the huge chrysanthemum with golden stamens and purple petals in Su Cheng's hand, Yue Guan suddenly became excited, even her body was trembling slightly uncontrollably, and a strange flush appeared on her fair and feminine face.


His eyes were full of obsession, and he subconsciously spread out his right palm. A burst of light flashed, and the strange and velvet Sky-Blooming Chrysanthemum martial spirit that was exactly the same as the real thing appeared in his hand.

As the martial spirit appeared, two fairy grasses, one virtual and one real, shone with light, as if there was a vague resonance.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and then said calmly: "Elder Ju can take this fairy grass."

"Give me?!"

Yue Guan looked shocked.

Although he had some speculations before and was extremely eager deep down in his heart, he was still extremely surprised when he actually heard Su Cheng say these words.

Yue was concerned and understood that with the other person's knowledge and research on herbal medicine, he should know the preciousness of the grass jelly.

This is a mysterious creation that can truly change the destiny of the soul and help the soul master reborn.

At the same time, I finally understood why Dugu Bo, who was originally not as talented as him, was able to come from behind and overpower him in terms of cultivation.

Apparently, he had also taken some ambrosia.

"It's not for free."

"Elder Su, just say so if you need me."

Seeing Yueguan's serious face, Su Cheng smiled.

"Elder Ju, don't be nervous. I hope you will adjust your condition in the past two days, and then let me observe you while you take the grass jelly.

"Besides, you have done a lot of research on herbal medicine. After you use this strange antler herb, you'd better dig deeper into your detailed feelings during the use and your understanding of the grass jelly.

"When the time comes, just inform me of all the relevant details."

Hearing these words, Yue Guan was stunned for a moment, "That's it?"

"this one."


Yue Guan couldn't help but remain silent.

Although he didn't understand what the other party's purpose was, there was no doubt that he made a lot of money.

After hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his slightly trembling palm and took the fairy grass. "I will never thank you for your kindness. If Elder Su can use me in the future, please let me know."

"It doesn't have to be like this, it's just a fair deal." Su Cheng waved his hand, "And it's not all my fault that I got this fairy grass. The first person to occupy the place where these fairy grasses grew was Senior Dugu."

"You don't need to flatter me, kid." Dugu Bo, standing aside, said casually.

"I'm just guarding the treasure mountain. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't dare to use these exotic flowers and herbs at will."

"Old Poison, thank you." Yue Guan looked at him solemnly.

The relationship between the two was not good before.

However, as Dugu Bo joined Wuhun Hall, they became colleagues, and because of their unique insights into flowers and plants, the relationship became much closer over time.

Being able to get this fairy grass and the velvet-flowering chrysanthemum now is undoubtedly a sign of his favor, and Yue Caring knows this well.

Su Cheng smiled, that's what he actually meant.

Yue Guan's gratitude and favor meant nothing to him, so he might as well give it to Dugu Bo.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Su Cheng had no intention of staying any longer. He could just wait until two days later before taking the fairy grass for observation.

After saying hello to the two of them, he was ready to leave.

"Su Cheng."

At this moment, a soft voice came from not far away.

Dugu Bo and Yue Guan, who heard the sound, looked at each other strangely.

Dugu Bo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but then fell silent. He just patted Su Cheng on the shoulder and turned and left with Yue Guan.

Su Cheng looked back.

A woman wearing a blue and gold palace dress was slowly walking towards him.

A Yin's face was calm, her thin clothes were fluttering in the wind, and she was holding a book manuscript tightly in her hand.

It was the third volume of Xiantian Kung that Su Cheng had given her previously.

"Is there a problem?"

Ah Yin nodded and said softly: "There is something wrong with the roll of exercises you gave me before."


Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and felt funny.

If she said she didn't understand, that would be normal.

But now it is said that there is something wrong with the practice. Is this because people are not good enough and the road is uneven?

"Then you might as well tell me what's wrong."

Su Cheng's voice already contained a little impatience.

No matter who it is, when the results they have spent many years and a lot of hard work on are denied by a layman, they will be extremely unhappy.

These three volumes of innate skills are of great significance to Su Cheng.

It can be said that he came from scratch and took a path that is different from the conventional soul master.

If we can go further in the future, it may even subvert the world's cultivation system.

How long has the other party practiced this technique before he dared to say the word "wrong"?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else."

Ah Yin's face turned pale, she noticed the displeasure in his tone, and apologized quickly.

Seeing her expression as if she had been bullied, Su Cheng frowned subconsciously and felt speechless.

"First tell me what you think is wrong."

"In this place, the soul power is used to stimulate the blood, further stimulate the physical body, and then use the soul power to reconcile it, and then find opportunities to fuse the alien energy..."

Ah Yin opened the scroll of exercises in his hand and took a few steps closer to him.

He stretched out his long index finger, pointed at several words on it, and said softly with a serious face.

Su Cheng glanced casually after hearing this, but was surprised to find that the manuscript he had given her before was densely packed with various annotations.

Juanxiu's small characters are written in red ink, and it is obvious that the owner has put a lot of thought into it.


Su Cheng was startled for a moment, then he concentrated on scanning some of the annotations on this page, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Did you think of all these things by yourself?"

He asked casually without raising his head, his mind seemed to be completely attracted by the contents of those handwritings.

"Yeah." Ah Yin's cheeks turned red and she nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Su Cheng with some anxiety, "Don't you want me to do this?"

Obviously, the bored attitude Su Cheng showed when he spoke just now made her feel uneasy.


Su Cheng said nothing.

In fact, the previous unhappiness in my heart had already completely dissipated.

So far, he has taught many people the practice of Xiantian Gong.

But after receiving the exercises, everyone just practiced step by step.

Even when Qian Renxue practiced the Cang Ming Transformation that was tailor-made for her, her further integration later relied on talent and instinct rather than improving the technique itself.

But the man in front of him was delving deeply into the principles of the technique.

Being able to do this, regardless of whether the "wrongness" she just said was true or false, justified or not, was enough to move Su Cheng's heart.

I have a social event today, so I posted a little late, sorry.

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