"It is extremely difficult to stimulate the power of Qi and blood, and the process of soul power integration is also very sluggish. My own situation is special, but this problem should not be an exception..."

"I think that the energy fusion process should be natural, and there should be a key step missing..."

"Human soul masters advance in cultivation by hunting soul beasts and obtaining soul rings. During the fusion process, alien energy will inevitably be incorporated into it. For most soul masters, this will definitely cause obstacles..."

"According to the theoretical basis of Xiantian Kung, soul power, soul power and qi and blood power are the main components of a soul master's power. However, the human body is complex and it is by no means limited to these types of energy. Purification is extremely difficult and the requirements are too high. …”

"Maybe during the initial fusion, we should consider the issue of energy compatibility..."


Su Cheng's mind was completely attracted by the densely packed small characters on the page, and his expression was solemn and solemn.

Ah Yin stood nearby, sizing him up silently.

The angular facial features look very young.

Although he has been through many baptisms in life, Su Cheng's temperament looks quite mature. Now when he gets serious, he has a unique style that is different from ordinary people.

But just talking about appearance, after all, there is still a bit of youthfulness.

Anyone can see that he is not too old, only around twenty years old at most, which seems somewhat contradictory to his words, deeds and temperament.

During these days, Ah Yin stayed in this flower garden most of the time, staying with Ju Douluo and others.

This was actually Bibi Dong's idea for her.

Ah Yin's mind couldn't help but think of what Pope Bibi Dong had said to her a few days ago.

"Su Cheng has something to ask Elder Ju in the past two days. If you have any questions about your cultivation, you can take this opportunity to ask him."

She didn't know what Bibi Dong's purpose was in doing these things and saying these words.

In fact, from the time the other party took the initiative to leave her in Wuhun City and later talked to her, she had always been suspicious.

Although Ah Yin never quite knew how to read people's hearts, he could tell that Bibi Dong's attitude toward Su Cheng was a little subtle.

However, the other party probably misunderstood his thoughts.

Ah Yin thinks so.

But she didn't mean to deny or defend, because there was no need.

Just like facing Qian Renxue's cold eyes and harsh words, facing the indifference and rejection of the elders, she was too lazy to say anything to these people.

Because she has died once.

I have long been very indifferent to irrelevant speculations from outsiders.

In the past, she did have some naive ideas and naive behavior.

But those behaviors stem from her nature and instinct, not from other people's attitudes.

Just like when she had just obtained a spirit body before, when she was traveling in Tiandou City, even though she was defrauded of all her belongings, she did not feel jealous because of it.

Afterwards, she never thought about asking Su Cheng to help her take revenge and get back the gold soul coins that were defrauded.

She didn't care at all.

Now he stays in Wuhun City and tries every means to get close to Su Cheng, maybe out of gratitude and guilt, maybe because of the other party's special attitude towards the soul beast clan, and the possibility of changing the hostile situation between soul beasts and humans in the future.

It might even be the little details of the nearly two years they had spent together that gave rise to the maternal nature in her heart.

But it's definitely not because of some weird thing like admiration.

A Yin's blue eyes looked at Su Cheng, with a faint soft light flashing, "Actually, he is only a child of seventeen or eighteen years old..."

Su Cheng didn't notice the strange look in A Yin's eyes next to him.

He was currently chewing on a line of red text on the next page.

"...I speculate that even if the innate power is successfully integrated in the future, it will be incomplete and difficult to become the norm. It is probably just a short-term super-standard power that is difficult to last and belongs to a special state blessing, not a truly high-level power. Level energy..."

"It's not really high-level energy, so that's it..." Su Cheng murmured in a low voice.

When a soul master becomes a god, his strength will transform into divine power and operate freely.

But the innate power is not like this and cannot stay in the body forever. From this point of view, it is indeed very unreasonable.

In just a short moment, countless ideas emerged in his mind, but he rejected them one by one.

Su Cheng subconsciously closed his eyes, frowned, and tried hard to catch the fleeting glimmer of light.


Suddenly, a cold touch appeared between the eyebrows, and a finger gently stroked that place.

"Did what I wrote affect your thinking?"

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked at Ah Yin, the chaotic thoughts in his mind instantly dissipated.

Under his scrutinizing gaze, Ah Yin suddenly realized that her actions seemed a bit too intimate. His face turned red and he retracted his arm as if he was electrocuted.

Seeing this, Su Cheng temporarily gave up the idea of ​​continuing to study Xiantian Kung immediately.

After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: "You are very powerful. I underestimated you before."

Although Ah Yin behaves very differently from normal people, and even seems naive and completely inconsistent with his age.

But perhaps it is also because of her pure mentality and the difference in the nature of life that she has an extremely deep and unique understanding of the way energy operates and the deeper nature of energy.

After hearing Su Cheng's praise, Ah Yin's eyes overflowed with joy and she said softly: "No, you are really amazing, you have so many fantastic ideas."

"We are different." Su Cheng shook his head.

He is cheating, and the two people have completely different starting points.

Ah Yin didn't understand what he meant, sighed secretly, and then laughed again.

"Come and see me."

At this point, her tone seemed a little excited, and she motioned for Su Cheng to go into the flower garden with her.

Su Cheng was confused, but did not refuse. He followed her into this flower paradise.

For most plants, spring and summer are the best seasons.

The valley is colorful and the scenery is stunning.

Except for the dazzling fairy grass and the mysterious and magnificent ice and fire springs, the scenery here is not inferior to the unique ice and fire eyes.

You can imagine how much effort the people who took care of this garden put in.

Of course, hard work alone cannot achieve this, it also requires unique and unique talents.

"Look at them."

The beauty in palace clothes raised her arm and pointed to the flowers in front of her.

The corners of her mouth were raised, and the bright smile on her cheeks was a little dazzling, showing an innocent style that was completely different from her usual dull and dull look.

It seems that only in this place can she find her former happiness.

After taking a look at Ah Yin, Su Cheng's eyes followed the direction of her finger and landed on the flowers and plants not far away.

White crane orchid, frosty rain chrysanthemum, cloud brocade hibiscus...

A large number of rare and exotic plants grow in an orderly manner in that place.

Of course, there are also those tea trees cultivated by Ah Yin before, Ambergris Tianxiang.

Many of these precious grasses and trees were transplanted from the previous Ice and Fire Eyes. Although not as precious as the fairy grass, the requirements for the growth environment are more stringent, and they are extremely delicate, and they will compete with each other for nutrients from rain and dew.

Now it is extremely difficult to be able to live together in peace and harmony.

To be honest, even Su Cheng couldn't grow so many precious flowers and plants in an ordinary flower garden.

This flower garden has been carefully taken care of by Ah Yin for a long time, and it is much better than when Yue Guan took care of it before.

Sure enough, not everything can be done with just the word "hobby".

Talent is indeed unreasonable.

When it comes to her love for flowers and plants, Yue Guan is by no means inferior to anyone else.

It's a pity that Yue Guan is far behind in terms of his affinity for vegetation and related opportunities.

The various exotic flowers he had spent most of his life collecting together were not as good as the few rare plants that Dugu Bo had transplanted at random.

In comparison, even those Blue Silver Grass Soul Beasts seemed a bit ordinary.

Bluesilver grass soul beasts are extremely rare, but after all, the base is very large, so it is not unusual for some soul beasts to appear occasionally. This kind of lowest and weakest soul beast, no one cares about it...


Su Cheng's eyes narrowed and he looked at the huge vine-like bluesilver grass growing interspersed in the flowerbed.

"Those bluesilver grass..."

He suddenly realized that these soul beasts were not transplanted from the Blue Silver Grass Forest by Ah Yin.

As the former Blue Silver Emperor, it was impossible for her to do such a thing.

No matter how good the environment here is, it is not as beneficial to the growth of Bluesilver Grass as the natural environment in the Bluesilver Grass Forest.

"It's because of me. I helped them become soul beasts."

Ah Yin nodded heavily, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

She knew that Su Cheng would understand what she meant.

She approached one of them and reached out her arm to gently touch the young blue leaves on the vine.

The bluesilver grass also swayed gently with her fingers like a child close to its mother.

"The Blue Silver Emperor has this kind of ability?!"

Helping ordinary Blue Silver Grass grow into Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast, even the Blue Silver Emperor should not have such a heaven-defying ability.

Ordinary animals and plants want to become real soul beasts, just like ordinary people want to become soul masters, there is almost no possibility of success.

It can be said that for ordinary blue silver grass, if the soul beast bloodline does not appear at the beginning, then it will be just an ordinary weed throughout its life.

Hearing Su Cheng's question, Ah Yin explained with some pride and confusion: "It didn't exist before, but after I was promoted to Contra, I seemed to be able to sense the special properties of various plants lurking in the deepest part of my bloodline. strength.

“But that feeling is only vague, and the feeling is clearest only to Blue Silver Grass.

"With a little more effort, we can help a few bluesilver grasses with outstanding talents become plant-type soul beasts."

"Is it because of her eighth soul ring that condensed on its own..." Su Cheng thought for a moment after hearing this, and then looked at A Yin, "Can you show me your current martial soul and soul ring situation?"

The last time they met by chance in the Elder's Hall, he did sense that the other party's cultivation level had broken through and reached the Contra level.

Moreover, the aura is naturally harmonious and extremely stable, and it doesn't look like you rely on hunting soul beasts to advance.

Therefore, it was speculated that the other party had returned to the Blue Silver Grass Forest, followed his method, and condensed his own eighth soul ring on his own.

Then, he did get a positive answer from A Yin that day.

It was also at that time that he handed over the cultivation method of the third volume of Xiantian Kung to the other party.

However, Su Cheng had other things to be busy with at the time, so we just happened to meet him and chatted for a few words, so he didn't care too much at all. I just feel that the other party has a good understanding, and the second volume of Xiantian Kung has also made rapid progress, and his cultivation is more promising than imagined.

But now it seems that there are other things that have not been noticed.

Ah Yin naturally would not refuse his request.

Nodding, the martial soul Blue Silver Emperor appeared in his hand, and eight extremely terrifying soul ring configurations appeared.

The first seven soul rings are all black ten thousand year soul rings, but Su Cheng has known these for a long time.

That day A Yin was reborn in the Blue Silver Grass Forest. With the help of the natural environment and massive soul power there, her cultivation level returned directly to the peak state of her previous life, the Soul Saint cultivation level.

Correspondingly, her soul rings are also condensed based on the limit of years that a Soul Saint cultivation level can possess.

These soul rings are not important, Su Cheng's eyes are focused on the eighth soul ring.

Although it is also a ten-thousand-year-level soul ring, it seems to be emitting a layer of green-gold light.

There is something wrong with this soul ring.

Su Cheng keenly felt that it contained a huge amount of vitality, and even the soul ring itself was slightly higher than ordinary soul rings.

It's not that the years and soul power reserves are greater, but the essence is higher.

Just like my seventh soul ring that can activate the second stage of the immortal body, of course, it's not as exaggerated as my own soul ring.

As the perception gradually deepened, the dark lines on Su Cheng's forehead began to flicker with a faint light, and a golden light shone in her eyes as she examined A Yin and the soul ring surrounding her body.

Seeing this familiar scene, Ah Yin's cheeks turned red.

I remember that when she was still in the soul body state, Su Cheng was like this, using that strange soul skill to look at her from the inside out.

Of course, it's impossible to achieve the same effect now.

It's not that Su Cheng doesn't want to, it's just that he can't do it.

His True Seeing Eye does not have a perspective effect, it just has a true field of vision that can help him see the essence clearly.

At that time, Ah Yin's body-covering clothing was actually a part of his body, just like fur or carapace, so it naturally could not block his sight.

The clothes he was wearing now were all normal clothes, how could he see through them.

What Su Cheng could observe at this time was the extremely strange flow of soul power in her body.

No, maybe it's not appropriate to say it's soul power.

That kind of energy is definitely not normal soul power.

Normal soul power is transparent and colorless when operating within the body. Only after the additional laws or true meaning of attributes are released through soul skills can the form and color change.

But at this time, the energy flowing in Ah Yin's body was glowing with a faint green-gold light.

Su Cheng was surprised, "Such a powerful and condensed life force can really be called immortal. Even if I use all my strength, I may not be able to really kill her. Sure enough, that is definitely not a normal soul ring. Her current state It’s definitely not normal. No, she is no longer a normal creature..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly discovered that Ah Yin was actually a good reference for observation.

She can see so many details and connotations from the third volume of Xiantian Gong, which is obviously inseparable from her current extremely special form of existence.


Maybe she can help her solve her problem about ambrosia.

I was also confused, and I didn't realize this before.

However, just based on this superficial observation at the moment, you can't tell much.


Su Cheng closed his real vision in silence, hesitated for a moment, and then asked bravely: "Ahem, I want to study your current physical condition in more detail. Do you mind?"

Ah Yin: "..."

Seeing the other party's silence, Su Cheng thought she had scruples, and quickly continued to add: "This will definitely be of great help to your future cultivation. I think you have also reached a bottleneck in the integration of innate power. Just give me some Time, I can definitely think of ways to help you further your cultivation. And it’s not like I haven’t studied it before..."

Hearing this, Ah Yin's fair and delicate face turned red.

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