Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 269 Physical examination is a very sacred thing

Before he finished speaking, Su Cheng stopped his voice in time. ☟

An awkward silence followed, and neither of them spoke further.

Only the blue silver grass soul beast was still swaying its young leaves silently.

It wants to get close to the Blue Silver Emperor, whom it regards as its mother.

Su Cheng lowered his eyes and looked solemn.

But I secretly regretted that I shouldn't have mentioned the last sentence so much.

If he hadn't mentioned this matter, Ah Yin might not have really rejected his proposal. A little hesitation might be enough to achieve his goal.

After all, for scholars, studying the human body is actually a very pure and sacred thing.

Just like a doctor treating a patient, there are no dirty thoughts, and there is no distinction between men and women.

And it had been like this for a long time before, and they knew each other tacitly.

But once that sentence is called, out of reservation or other reasons, the other party will probably not agree easily anymore.


After a long silence, Su Cheng coughed lightly and pretended to be indifferent: "You should think about it. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. You were right before. Some of the contents of the exercise are due to my improper thinking and will be revised seriously. of."

He thought about it and realized that there was no need to rush into studying Ah Yin's situation.

The notes written by the other party had actually provided him with a lot of ideas.

Coupled with the half-volume of Xuantian Technique he got from Tang San before, it was enough for him to digest for a while.

"But let me tell you the truth, your situation is different from ordinary people. Even if I modify the details of the technique, it may not be useful to you.

"If you really want to go further, with your current knowledge accumulation, it is impossible to develop a cultivation method suitable for you by relying on yourself, even if you have my innate skill as a reference.

"At best, you can only rise to the level of Titled Douluo or even Peak Douluo step by step like an ordinary soul master. If you want to become a peerless Douluo, I'm afraid you need other opportunities."

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave.

The atmosphere was really starting to get a little weird right now, and Su Cheng felt it was not suitable to stay any longer.

"Whatever you want to do, let's get started."


Su Cheng was stunned and looked up.

Ah Yin lowered his eyes and looked calm, and the redness on his cheeks had almost subsided.

However, from her slightly evasive eyes and slightly trembling eyelashes, it was actually enough to tell that she was not as calm in her heart as she appeared on the surface.

"Why?" Su Cheng asked subconsciously.

"I thought that for you, the desire to continue to become stronger was not strong."

Logically speaking, he shouldn't talk about these off-topics at this time.

The best option is to just go with the flow and start taking the next step immediately without asking any questions.

In this way, the deal was naturally concluded, he obtained research materials, and Ah Yin also had the opportunity to obtain a technique suitable for him.

Then the two did not owe each other, and the friendship between gentlemen resumed in the past, and each went his own way.

Su Cheng didn't need to think too deeply.

Ah Yin doesn’t have to be embarrassed by this.

This is the follow-up to The Best of Both Worlds.

But for some reason, he couldn't help but ask such a question.


Ah Yin was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "Is this your wish? I know you, and I know that you have an extraordinary desire to study these things. Compared with pursuing power, you actually understand those mysterious and unknown abilities. Essence is your greatest pursuit.”

When Su Cheng heard this, he stared at her intently.

Ah Yin didn't respond to his gaze, lowered her head and remained silent.

"...I understand. You can sit down first and use the posture you normally use when exercising your soul power and practicing breath adjustment."

In fact, there are no fixed posture and movement requirements for soul master training such as "Five Hearts to the Sky".

The soul power runs in the meridians, and it doesn't matter how the body is placed.

However, the more accustomed and comfortable the posture is, and the mind is naturally and harmoniously mobilized, the more conducive it is to cultivation and improvement.

Ah Yin sat down as instructed.

A pair of long legs are tilted together, her long skirt is spread on the ground, her upper body is upright, and her long hair almost reaches the ground.

She nodded slightly, "Okay."

"Give me your hand."

Ah Yin raised his arm calmly and placed his right hand in Su Cheng's palm. His movements were smooth and expressionless, but his long white neck was already stained with a faint blush.

Su Cheng coughed lightly, pretending not to notice, and began to pour his diluted innate power down the other person's arm bit by bit.

But this time, the innate power contains more soul power.

In this way, this innate power is like his eyes, which can feed back the parts touched by the energy, including the meridians around the body, the bones of the body, and even the flesh and blood tissues, into his own sea of ​​consciousness, forming a fully realized image. Detailed portrait.

The details of the visual graphics provided by this method far exceed those of precision instruments.

If Ah Yin felt something, the faint crimson color on her neck began to deepen, and then spread uncontrollably to her cheeks.

She began to regret it a little.

Su Cheng's behavior at this moment is even more exaggerated than the perspective effect many years ago.

Although this time he was not observing with his naked eyes and did not really see the delicate body under the clothes.

But the long process of soul power starting from the arms and traveling throughout the body made Ah Yin feel uneasy.

It would be okay if it was normal soul power transfer.

Of course, that kind of behavior is actually very private. Except for people who are very close to each other, few people would do that. After all, foreign energy entering the body will eventually make people feel weird.

But the energy that Su Cheng injected into her body at this time contained powerful spiritual power derived from soul power.

This feeling is extremely obvious.

Ah Yin's soul is very profound. At this time, the energy is swimming in her body. How could she not notice it.

A soft but powerful alien energy was exploring inside her body little by little, wandering freely.

At first, it only flowed through the meridians, and then began to spread outwards.

It wraps around the meridians and bones, flows through important acupuncture points, and then sweeps over the body surface skin.

Of course, the whole process did not cause her any harm or pain, but instead produced a warm feeling from the inside out.

Apart from the instinctive resistance of his own soul power, there was no abnormal situation.

It was obvious that Su Cheng had an extremely fine grasp of the human body, and his control over energy was also superb.

But Ah Yin's body instantly became extremely stiff.

Then it softened little by little, and her whole body became delicate and weak. Then, she finally couldn't control it and began to tremble slightly.


Goosebumps bulged on my arms, shoulders, and neck.

This feeling was as if someone was gently stroking her skin inch by inch.

Even the most secret and detailed corners that no one knows about have been left out.

Even the other party still held a microscope to watch and observe, and carefully pondered the mystery.

She had never had anything like it.

Don't talk about her in this situation. Even if it is a patient who goes for treatment and is examined and scrutinized like this by a highly professional doctor, he will inevitably feel uneasy.

What's more, Ah Yin and Su Cheng are not strangers, nor are they in a patient-patient relationship.

To her, the other person was not just a simple "scholar" or "doctor" as he said.

His presence is unlike any other.

Strange things kept rising in my heart.

But it can't be called disgust.

It was as if a soft and delicate brush was gently sweeping over the tip of her heart.

Then, from the deepest part of her body, tiny currents of numbness and itching were transmitted, making her hairs stand on end and her whole body trembled, feeling helpless...

Soon, that force was deepening further...

As time passed, even her legs and waist began to weaken uncontrollably, and she felt a suffocating dizziness in her mind.

If she hadn't been able to support herself, she would have almost collapsed to the ground, and her pretty face was even red, as if she was about to bleed.

Ah Yin opened his mouth several times, trying to get Su Cheng to stop temporarily.

But when the words came to his lips, he saw the other person's eyes closed and his serious look on his face, so he could only swallow the words again.

The water in her half-opened and half-closed eyes was rippling, and she sighed silently in her heart, feeling a little sour for no reason...

Su Cheng didn't notice Ah Yin's strange feelings at this time.

His mind has been completely attracted by the special state in the other party's body.

Although Ah Yin's life form is slightly different from that of ordinary humans, there is no difference in body structure. The differences are mainly concentrated in the basic composition of flesh, blood and bones.

The meridians are also the eight extraordinary meridians, the twelve main meridians, small meridians, and acupoints all over the body.

The inner wall of that layer of meridians was stained with a strange, faint green-gold light, making it extremely tough.

Su Cheng even suspected that the other party's current meridians structure was even more difficult to destroy than the theoretically hardest bones in her body.

Likewise, the energy in her body is indeed no longer ordinary soul power.

Much more powerful than soul power, there is an essential difference.

If it were ordinary soul power, it would definitely be easily suppressed by Su Cheng's own innate power.

Even if he only used diluted primary innate power, it was definitely not comparable to soul power.

But at this time, the green-gold soul power running in Ah Yin's meridians was able to resist the approach of the innate power to a certain extent.

That's not rejection, but self-containment. There is no room for most alien energies to integrate.

"No wonder..."

Su Cheng frowned slightly.

With this kind of energy nature, how could it be possible to fuse qi, blood and soul power?

Just like Bibi Dong's powerful soul power, it is difficult to fuse the soul power and the power of qi and blood. When the alien energy is extremely imbalanced, it is impossible to achieve fusion.

However, A Yin's situation is different from Bibi Dong's. Her situation is much more exaggerated.

In addition to resisting external energy, the soul power in her body is not simply of high quality, but has begun to undergo some transformation from level to level.

In Su Cheng's senses, these soul powers seemed to have been fused with a small amount of spiritual power. They were probably some kind of alternative low-level version of innate power mixed with strange energy?

"How did she do it, just because of an eighth soul ring?"

Su Cheng had some doubts in his heart, but couldn't find a clue for a while.

Perhaps, he would have to take time to go to the Blue Silver Grass Forest with Ah Yin to find out what was going on.

"However, Ah Yin's previous idea was correct. Maybe I really neglected some important joints in terms of exercises. For ordinary people, it is not that easy to balance several energies, not to mention the impurity energy in most people's bodies. There are also very many.

"On the other hand, even for genius soul masters, this process is not easy. Geniuses often have extremely outstanding or good strengths, or soul power, or soul power, which means that if you want to do it' Balance' requires too much extra effort.

"And for soul masters with prominent backgrounds, there is another difficulty. These people have used special medicinal baths to exercise their bodies since childhood to improve their physical fitness and lay a solid foundation. This is naturally beneficial to soul power cultivation and broadening of meridians, but for innate skills But it is a hindrance to my cultivation."

Su Cheng secretly lamented the trouble.

"It would be great if we could directly obtain the original power. What is the essence of the original power? If we really want to rely on teaching to improve ourselves, we don't know when we will have to wait... wait!"

Thinking of the original power, he was suddenly stunned and carefully observed the strange soul power in A Yin's body again.

Integrated and isolated from external forces, this property is very similar to the drop of original power he obtained before.

Of course, it's far from that in essence.

The energy in A Yin's body is mainly composed of soul power, but it is mixed with extremely thin unknown energy, which is far from being as pure as the original power.

Even compared to Su Cheng's innate power, it was much inferior in terms of level. At most, the strength of his vitality was far higher than that of ordinary people.

However, it seems to be somewhat interesting.

At least it gave him a direction to try.

Even if it doesn't work, I might as well try to use it as excess energy in the process of practicing Xiantian Kung, and see if I can figure out the principle.

But that cannot be accomplished overnight, and you need to try slowly.

Being able to learn this today was far beyond his expectations.

After he had almost sensed everything, Su Cheng quickly withdrew those innate powers and reopened his closed eyes.

"The situation is a bit complicated. What's inside your body -"

Before he finished speaking, he was startled and subconsciously closed his mouth.

The Ah Yin in front of him was different from ever before, showing an amazing sense of beauty.

Of course she was extremely beautiful in the past.

It's just that her personality is quiet to the point of being dull, and her emotions are rarely shown, so her beauty is restrained and not ostentatious.

But at this moment, she seemed extremely soft and charming.

The blue eyes that were originally as clear and flawless as the clear sky were filled with water mist, and the deep flush at the corners of the eyes seemed to be coated with a thick layer of evil eye shadow, washing away the pure and gentle temperament on the body.

Tan's mouth was slightly open, and the heavy breathing he was trying to suppress was slightly hurried, and his chest also rose and fell in graceful arcs.

From the neck to the exquisite collarbone that is faintly exposed at the collar of the palace dress, there is still a large amount of blood that has not faded.

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