Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 270 Explosion in Silence (Large Chapter)

"What, what's wrong?"

After hearing Su Cheng's voice, Ah Yin was stunned for a moment, and his half-closed eyes widened slightly. ♦ൠ

Then he quickly retracted his arm like an electric shock, subconsciously tightened his collar with his backhand, and stammered in a low voice.

As soon as she spoke, she suddenly noticed something strange about her slightly hoarse voice.

It was as if there was a sticky and moist moisture surging down the throat, choking between the lips and tongue, and then exhaling softly along with the breath from the mouth and nose.

Her heart was beating fast, like a thunderous drumbeat.

Scorching flames burned in her chest, blood spurted out from the aorta of her heart, and then swept through her body like hot lava, drowning her reason and making her feel dizzy and light.

Su Cheng's heartbeat accelerated a lot at this moment.

He swallowed, quickly looked away, stood up first, walked to the flowers, and looked at the precious transplanted plants.

In the flower garden, in addition to some of the varieties in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, there are also rare and rare herbs that Ju Douluo found elsewhere during this period.

Yue Guan is obsessed with flowers and has discovered many precious flowers and plants from many famous mountains and dangerous places.

It's just that most of those plants require special environmental support to grow, and he doesn't have the means to feed them in a normal environment, so he hasn't transplanted them.

Later, after seeing A Yin's methods, he no longer had to worry about it, and he brought those long-coveted treasures back to Wuhun City for cultivation.

Su Cheng has been in Wuhun City for so long, but he has never been to this flower garden. However, due to his professional reasons, he is also very interested in herbal medicine.

At this moment, I was attracted by the scenery here. I started watching it with great interest, and gradually let go of the charming moment just now.

After a long time passed like this, Ah Yin's figure came closer from behind him, still with a shy blush on his face.

Su Cheng, on the other hand, was carefully observing a tea tree that was as tall as half a man in front of him.

Its trunk is curved and tough, its bark is criss-crossed with ravines, and is covered with traces of time. Its emerald-like young leaves are shining with crystal luster in the sun, and they don't look squeamish at all.

If he hadn't heard what Bibi Dong had said before, he wouldn't have imagined that the growth environment this thing requires would be so harsh, and that Ah Yin would be able to take care of it so that it has such strong vitality.

Su Cheng did not look back, stared at the tea tree and asked nonchalantly: "His Majesty the Pope said, this is the mother tree that produces those tea leaves, Ambergris? Where did you find it? I have never heard of this variety before. of tea tree.”

Ah Yin couldn't help but be startled after hearing his plain words. She didn't answer immediately, but looked at Su Cheng from the corner of her eye.

Then, a flash of surprise and shame flashed in her eyes.

The other party's calmness is really not an act!

Although he understood, Su Cheng's bland gesture of changing the topic at this time was probably to avoid embarrassment.

But this look of nothing happening still made her feel a little depressed.

Therefore, his tone seemed a little cold when he spoke, "I don't know. Elder Ju found it. It was already half dead at the time and asked me if I could revive it."

"So that's it."

Su Cheng nodded and glanced at A Yin in surprise.

This tone is not quite like the other person's character.

Are you angry?

Because of what happened just now?

It seems that the previous behavior was indeed a bit excessive.

At that time, I was too involved and didn't take into account Ah Yin's feelings.

Thinking about it now, that approach was probably even more unacceptable than studying her body composition before.

The other party's reaction after the study also proved this.

But in this case, why didn't she choose to interrupt herself midway?

Although if you stop midway, the data collected will not be perfect, but the effect will not be too different...

The two of them walked through the flower garden in silence.

Except for the rustle of the breeze through the flowers, the whole garden was silent.

Su Cheng would occasionally reach out and touch the flowers and plants he had never seen before, observe and smell them, and then think about their uses.

It wasn't until he entered the depths that Ah Yin suddenly hesitated and said, "Su Cheng, there's something I want to ask you."

"you say."

Su Cheng put down the branches and leaves in his hands and raised his head.

Before that, Ah Yin seemed hesitant to speak.

But for some reason, she seemed to be worried and kept silent until she finally made up her mind.

"Is there any way for you to make ordinary soul masters no longer need to hunt soul beasts and can advance to higher levels by condensing soul rings on their own?"

She knew Su Cheng could do this on his own.

At that time in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, the opponent clearly did not have the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline, but he forcibly activated the powerful martial soul bloodline in the Eternal Life Sword, and then absorbed the massive soul power gathered by the Blue Silver King, directly condensing his fifth Soul ring.

At that time, Ah Yin still had an extremely close connection with the Changsheng Sword and could feel everything that happened in it.

The whole process shocked her.

It was precisely because of this that she made the same attempt some time ago and successfully condensed the eighth soul ring and was promoted to Contra.

However, it is precisely because she has done the same thing herself that she knows how difficult it is.

In this process, it is okay to say that a large amount of external natural concentrated soul power is required.

The medium that stimulates the martial soul's bloodline is not a problem, the soul master's soul power can activate it.

The biggest difficulty is that only powerful and pure high-quality martial soul bloodlines can generate the Ring of Blank Law.

Therefore, this method is obviously difficult to promote.

However, Ah Yin still clearly remembers that Su Cheng did not know how to use soul power at that time. He completed the steps of stimulating his blood vessels by taking some kind of potion.

So she was thinking, if the potion could be improved and optimized, would it have some effect?

"..." A Yin looked at Su Cheng expectantly.

She believed that as long as they had the means to generate their own soul rings, the survival pressure of the soul beast clan would be greatly reduced.

The risk of soul masters hunting soul beasts is only part of the reason.

The key is that as long as there is enough natural soul power from the outside world, the self-generated soul ring can easily be filled to the limit of the life it can reach, and the soul skills generated will also be extremely consistent with the essence of the soul master's martial soul, and the combat power after promotion will be stronger.

No soul master can refuse this temptation.

Once this method becomes popular, soul masters will advance through killing soul beasts when they have nothing to do.

The risk is high and the effect is not good.

"This matter is of great importance and very troublesome..."

"I can help you study the follow-up. Didn't you say a long time ago that you hate this method of promotion? And I am also very good at elixirs and can provide you with many ideas."


Su Cheng did not answer immediately, but stood there in silence.

Whether Ah Yin helps or not is not the most critical issue.

Even the "trouble" as he calls it is not the main problem.

The problem is the risk after the fact.

He needs the right moment to do it.

The impact of this move is not weaker than the disclosure of the complete version of the first volume of Xiantian Kung, and is even more serious to some extent.

If this attracts the attention of the gods, or alerts the Silver Dragon King who is still sleeping, the consequences may be unpredictable.

At present, he does not have much ability to resist risks.

Otherwise, there is no need for Ah Yin to mention it, he himself will definitely be willing to take the initiative to promote this matter.

If a soul master wants to cultivate innate power, the purer the composition of his own energy, the better.

Absorbing the soul rings from soul beasts would originally pollute one's own soul power.

If the attributes of the absorbed soul ring are not suitable for the martial soul, the way forward will be cut off directly, and it will be extremely difficult to reverse.

It was because Su Cheng was able to resonate with the five elements that he was able to cleanse away the law impurities originating from the soul beast's soul ring. How many other soul masters could do this?

However, these secrets were so important that it was not convenient for him to tell Ah Yin directly.

"..." Ah Yin's eyes never left Su Cheng.

She noticed some concerns in the other person's expression.

Although I don’t know the exact reason, it is obviously not just a troublesome process.

A pair of clear blue eyes also went from initial expectation to worry and anxiety, and finally dimmed a little bit, feeling empty inside.

She whispered: "You still don't believe me, right?"

Su Cheng didn't answer.

There was silence for a moment.

It was clear that just a moment ago, this was not the case between the two of them.

Although the atmosphere just now was slightly awkward, it was like going back to the time two years ago when we were honest with each other and even shared our thoughts...

After a while, Su Cheng coughed lightly and prepared to explain a few words.

After the "physical check-up" just now, although the process was very academic and serious, if I said it too straightforwardly like before this time, it would feel unreasonable and heartless.

And this matter actually has nothing to do with belief or disbelief, but a choice.

The power of choice does not lie with him.

"Ah Yin, there is something I might as well tell you directly. If nothing happens, I will definitely fight with Tang San about life and death in the future. I have reasons for doing this. This also means that the same is true for Tang Hao.

"What's more, you should understand that even if I don't target Tang Hao, he will definitely regard me as his mortal enemy because of your existence. And with my character, I can never sit still and wait for death. So as long as I am still alive, sooner or later he will Both you and Tang San will die in my hands."

"..." After hearing these words, Ah Yin's breathing was slightly suffocated and his face turned pale.

The fragrance of flowers bursts, and scattered sunlight falls on the path between the valleys.

There are so many flowers here that even Su Cheng can't identify all the plants and trees.

The woman's heart in front of her is like this magnificent flower garden, which is difficult to understand.

But can she see it clearly herself?

Su Cheng glanced at Ah Yin who was silent and sighed inwardly.

Then he said no more.

Turn around and walk away without any hesitation.


Before he had gone too far, a woman's anxious shouting suddenly came from behind.

Su Cheng paused, his shoulders didn't move, he just turned his head and waited quietly for the next words.

In the warm and bright spring light, his expressionless profile looked extremely cold.

This look of wolf's attention made A Yin's heart tremble.

Yes, he is indeed such a person. He has always been such a person. Didn't he already know that?

The words of dissuasion that I originally wanted to say suddenly couldn't be uttered anymore.

She could never influence his decisions.

Ah Yin knew about Su Cheng's past, which he had told her personally.

So she also knew that the person in front of her only seemed gentle on the surface, but in fact he was colder than anyone else deep down.

His wantonness and ruthlessness are often due to whims.

He is like a passerby in this world. Unless you get into his heart, it will be difficult for you to seduce or provoke him in any way to create too many waves in his heart.

He doesn't care at all.

According to what Su Cheng said at the time, he still had memories of another world.

When Su Cheng said those words, the loneliness he showed was still fresh in Ah Yin's memory.

She didn't know how profound the so-called "another memory" the other party mentioned was.

But that moment touched her the most.

However, he once seemed to have walked into the depths of Su Cheng's heart. That was probably his loneliest time. His lover was thousands of miles away, and he himself was weak and unaccompanied.

But because of a misunderstanding, they were divided into two worlds again.

It was just the moment of getting along and talking that gave her the illusion that everything seemed to have gone back to the past, when they could talk to each other about everything.

Su Cheng would ask her for some knowledge about plants and trees, and would also talk to her about some negative emotions accumulated in daily life, and treat her like a close sister...

That's right, Ah Yin himself defines his identity in this way.

Although more often than not, the other party would laugh at her ignorance, naivety...

It was at this moment that she suddenly realized that this was not the case.

The so-called return to the past is of course just an illusion.

A lot of things happened, they just happened, and they can't be changed.

From the moment you are out of his control.

When I stood in front of his sword that day.

Everything was already different.

He no longer has a place for himself in his heart.

She couldn't be the one he confided in, let alone play the role of the sister.

In the future, he will continue to be alone.

All secrets will only be hidden deep in his own heart.

Qian Renxue is the one he loves, but Qian Renxue cannot share those secrets because that woman is too strong, and she may not even know about Zhu Zhuqing's existence.

The same cannot be said for Zhu Zhuqing. That girl is still burdened with heavy pressure...

"I can study with you."

Looking at Su Cheng's side face, A Yin said in a quick voice.

"My power should be of great help to your research, right? You just said that my situation is very complicated.

"I know that my soul power has some wonderful characteristics, and you can definitely use these.

"Besides, Su Cheng, I have never mentioned your secrets to anyone. You can trust me!"


Su Cheng didn't reply. This was not the answer he wanted to hear.

So he turned his head silently.

Then keep walking away...

Ah Yin stared at his figure walking further and further away, her mind feeling dizzy as if she was lacking oxygen.

It shouldn't be like this...

It can't be like this!

She has given in countless times.

Xiaowu's death.

To the departure of Tang Hao and Tang San.

When she joined the Wuhun Hall, she was treated coldly and even harshly by countless people.

Today, she even allows the other party to know all her secrets...

He has obviously already retreated to this step and made him do such an excessive thing...

"...What else do you need from me?"

This time, the voice from behind suddenly became excited.

Also mixed with heavy breathing.

Hearing this, Su Cheng stopped again, was stunned for a moment and then turned around.

"Isn't this enough now..."

There was no trace of blood on Ah Yin's delicate cheeks.

The blood that was previously as hot as boiling cooled down little by little, condensing into ice slag and flowing in the body.

Her fists were clenched tightly, and her joints were slightly white from the exertion.

"It's been almost two years..."

Ah Yin looked miserable.

"Do you know where this is?

"This is the Wuhun Palace, the place where all soul beasts are most hostile and fearful...

"They regarded me as an alien and looked down upon me. Do you know that I died in the hands of these people...

"Bibi Dong treats me as a chess piece that can be manipulated at will. She is the descendant of Qian Xunji, and her martial spirit is stained with the blood of a hundred thousand year old soul beast!

"Under her body, sitting is a throne made of the lives of countless of my kind!

"But what can I do? Without her, I can't stay in this Wuhun City..."

Su Cheng stared at Ah Yin blankly, being caught off guard by her sudden outburst.

The content of those words made his heart heavy.

Not far ahead, A Yin's catharsis was not over yet.

"Except for you, I don't have a single friend here. All I see every day are enemies!"

Tears flowed down his pale cheeks and then fell to the ground.

The originally bright red lips became pale and dry.

"Do I have to tell you personally that you can kill Tang Hao?!

"Only if I say this can you be willing to believe me. Is this sentence so important to you?!

“Or maybe one day I will have to personally take action to satisfy you?

"Except for going back to the Blue Silver Grass Forest once, I have never left Wuhun City for such a long time!

"Since you didn't want to believe me, why couldn't you just kill me then?

"It's easy for you to do this kind of thing! With your ruthlessness, would you have any scruples because of your soft heart?!"

Her voice gradually became hoarse, and her red eyes trembled slightly, but she still looked directly at Su Cheng stubbornly.

"Have you never cheated on me?

"You clearly said before that you would not kill the transformed soul beast, but because I stopped you from killing her, you are going to torture me like this?

"Yes, I was out of your control and didn't tell you about it.

"So, I deserve to continue to be your slave, your sword spirit, and have you control life and death at will?"

Su Cheng couldn't help but be silent.

He has never seen the other party be so out of sorts.

Even when he first awakened his soul body, he was mostly ashamed, angry and afraid, but not particularly excited.

He opened his mouth, "I never said -"

“You resurrected me and gave me a second life.

"My life belongs to you, so it's natural for you to kill me, but why do you torture me like this!

"Okay, since you want to hear it, I'll tell you!

"I have nothing to do with Tang Hao anymore, just do whatever you want!

"If you are still not satisfied, then put the chains on me again. With your methods, it will be easy to do this..."

As she spoke, her voice gradually became lower.

Tears flowed freely on her cheeks.

This magnificent flower garden has once again regained its tranquility.

Ah Yin's body collapsed to the ground, his head buried between his propped up legs, and his whole body curled up into a ball.

"...Why bother? Why bother?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, and warm hands pressed on her thin shoulders.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and buried her head in the arms of the person behind her, sobbing softly.

Su Cheng sighed silently, with a complicated expression.

Perhaps Ah Yin's outburst was not just because of his attitude just now.

Being in Wuhun City for more than a year, the various external pressures she has endured are probably far beyond her imagination.

People who have never experienced a similar situation will probably never truly understand this kind of mood.

new igh.𝑐𝑜𝑚

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