Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 271 Bibi Dong: Zhuqing, let me show you something interesting

In front of the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City is a wide square paved with white jade.

In front of the splendid hall, stood two rows of exquisitely dressed Wuhun City guards, all of whom were above Soul Lord.

And this is only a very small part of the entire guard group. A new group of people will come on duty every few days, which shows the depth of Wuhun Palace's foundation.

However, unless the Pope personally summons them or there are some special circumstances, these guarding soul masters are not qualified to enter the Pope's Palace and can only be stationed outside the main hall.

Even so, it is a supreme honor that countless soul masters flock to.

At this time, a cold and plain voice suddenly sounded in the guard captain's ears, "Go to the academy to find Zhu Zhuqing and ask her to come and see me."

Upon hearing this, the man quickly bowed deeply towards the direction of the Pope's Palace and said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!"

After saying that, he quickly rushed to Wuhundian Academy.

The Pope's Palace is located halfway up the Pope's Mountain in Wuhun City, with an excellent view.

When you walk to the edge of the square in front of the hall, you can easily overlook the entire Wuhun City below. On the side of the hall, you can also have an overview of the scenery of the small half of the back mountain.

Bibi Dong was standing on the balcony of the room, silently looking at where Ju Douluo's flower garden was.

The mountain breeze blew by, ruffling the tips of her hair and her calm and indifferent cheeks.

There was no expression on her face, but many images flashed through her eyes...

Not long after, Zhu Zhuqing, who received the summons, came to the Pope's Palace and followed his perception to find the room where Bibi Dong was at this time.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he looked at the beautiful concave and convex figure standing on the vast balcony outside.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Well, come here and see for yourself."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing walked to the other party obediently.

Bibi Dong glanced at her inexplicably, then turned back and said calmly: "Do you know where Elder Ju's flower garden is? Don't release your senses, don't look directly, use your peripheral vision to see what's going on there."

The girl was stunned for a moment, but without asking the reason, she immediately followed Bibi Dong's prompts and took in the scenery in the valley as her eyes swept over the distant mountains.

All kinds of precious flowers and plants that she didn't recognize were in full bloom, and uncommon vine-like blue and silver grass spirit beasts were scattered around the garden.

Deep in the valley, there are two figures hugging each other closely.

Although the two people were far away from her, Zhu Zhuqing's eyesight was so sharp that she instantly recognized who the person was even if she only looked at them from the corner of her eye.

As for the other person, it is obviously impossible to be Qian Renxue who has entered the Douluo Hall for retreat.

As soon as her thoughts changed, she reacted instantly, "That 100,000-year-old soul beast?!"

The next moment, strong anger and resentment suddenly rose in his heart, and his sharp eyes focused uncontrollably.

There seemed to be a cold wind blowing around me, but it subsided in an instant.

It was a white jade hand that hung in front of her eyes first, blocking Zhu Zhuqing's sight.

At the same time, he suppressed the sudden surge of violent aura in her body.

"Don't look directly."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

Su Cheng's spiritual sense is astonishing. Let alone being approached by a strange person, he will immediately feel something even if he is looked at.

It would be okay if he could remain calm, but at this moment, anger is rising in his heart, and hostility is inevitable in his eyes.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally extremely difficult to hide the truth from the other party.

He nodded gently to show that he understood.

Bibi Dong put her arms down, but felt a little surprised in her heart, "That gust of wind just now..."

This apprentice's potential is also surprisingly high. With the domain, just because of his instinctive joy and anger, he can already affect the surrounding atmosphere. He is worthy of being trained by Su Cheng.

They just looked at the two people hugging each other in the flowerbed in the valley in the distance with their peripheral vision.

The resurrected soul beast buried its entire face in Su Cheng's arms.

A very smooth and beautiful long blue hair fell down and became scattered and tangled on his body.

Although Su Cheng's actions were not proactive, he just put his arms around the opponent's shoulders.

But their upper bodies were pressed together, and their heads were only a few feet apart. They still looked extremely close, almost like a couple.

Zhu Zhuqing pursed her lips expressionlessly, her silver teeth clenched in her mouth, and her eyes were as cold as knives.

It's a pity that I can't use my senses, and I can't see the subtle movements between the two. I don't know what the couple are saying and doing at the moment.

But when I think about it, they are also disgusting words: one party is hypocritical and deceives feelings, and the other party throws himself into the arms without shame.

He secretly thought in his heart, a soul beast is a soul beast, it is so shameless, and that bastard Su Cheng is really a lustful ghost who will not choose what to eat...

While she was angry and irritable, she was also vaguely confused.

Why was Bibi Dong standing next to him so calm, looking like he was watching a good show from the beginning to the end.

Did he really guess wrong before?

Is the relationship between her and Su Cheng not what she imagined?

"Let's go."

Before she could continue to think about it, Bibi Dong's voice came, and then she turned around and left here.

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment after hearing this, gritted his teeth, but had no choice but to follow him back to the Pope's Palace.

A slight chill fell on his face.

Su Cheng looked up and saw that the precious plants scattered high and low cut into pieces the sunlight projected from the sky.

The fine transparent silk threads reflect the golden luster and slide down from the sky.

Then it hit the branches and leaves, making a very slight sound.

The entire garden is filled with a layer of light moisture, carrying the fragrance of soil and grass, making it feel like a dream.

But what is even more beautiful is the woman sitting next to her, hugging her knees.

Her delicate and pointed chin rested on her knees, and her slender arms tightly wrapped around her legs.

Her beautiful face was still stained with wet tears, but some of the color had returned and she was no longer as pale as before.

There are blue eyes as clear as the clear sky in the reddish circles, but if you look closely, there seems to be a faint golden light surrounding the pupils. At this moment, he is looking at the blooming flowers in the distance.

"It's raining."


Su Cheng took a breath and said, "Since it's so painful, why don't you go home? The Blue Silver Grass Forest is the most suitable place for you. I have never restricted your freedom, and I gave you the opportunity to choose back then. .”


Ah Yin didn't answer.

In his ears, apart from the slight sound of drizzle streaking across the sky and finally falling on the branches among the flowers, he could hear his very light breathing.

After a long silence, she finally spoke.

He whispered in an almost inaudible voice: "So, you still have to drive me away, right?"

Su Cheng withdrew his eyes from the sky and turned to look at A Yin.

Her eyes were still looking into the distance, calm and unruffled.

"What has happened in the past is ultimately irreversible, so everything can never be undone."


Hearing this, Ah Yin's eyes turned red again. Tears welled up in his eyes, but they did not flow out this time.

The clear blue pupils seemed to be shattered by tears, flashing with a vague and brilliant light.

Su Cheng stood up straight and looked around.

This place was built by Ah Yin with all his hard work, and its value is inestimable. Apart from her, no other force in the world can create such a treasure out of thin air.

Then he looked down at the delicate figure still curled up on the ground in front of him.

Her long blue hair was hanging down, and her neat and exquisite palace dress was spread casually on the ground. Just like her own ups and downs in the world, she was stained with a lot of dirt that shouldn't be stained.

It's just that clothes can be washed, but what has happened can never be erased.

"But the future is long, so everything can start again."

Su Cheng leaned over slightly and stretched out his arm to her.

"In the future, work with me to study and overcome those difficulties in cultivation."

Staring blankly at the palm in front of him, Ah Yin's heartstrings trembled, and his cold blood began to heat up again.

For a moment, he couldn't believe it, and he stood there for a long time without making any move.

"What's wrong? Do you have any concerns?"

"No, no, it's nothing."

The tears accumulated in her eyes rolled to the ground. She suppressed her sobs and raised her arms, placing her palms in his.

The slender finger bones, soft skin, and elegant curvature can be clearly felt in Su Cheng's hands.

Then his arms exerted force and pulled her up from the ground.

The two of them walked slowly in the garden.

Following Su Cheng, Ah Yin felt mixed emotions in his heart.

After the emotional crying and venting just now, my spirit is inevitably a little tired, but my body and mind are relaxed and comfortable.

After the knot in my heart that had been bothering me for a long time was resolved, and the depression, anger and grievances that had accumulated over a long period of time were all relieved, I felt relaxed as never before.

Although Ah Yin looks calm and indifferent on weekdays, in fact, there are always clouds and melancholy hanging between his brows.

Now it suddenly dawns on me that the whole person looks even more beautiful than before, and even his soul power seems to be much more active.

Even so, she lowered her head as she walked, trying her best to hide her face under the shadow of her long hair.

She was so embarrassed now that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Just now, under the long-term depression and anger, there was another physical examination and study, which caused ups and downs in her heart and became the trigger.

All kinds of emotions were intertwined, and the results came out at a certain moment.

Otherwise, with her character, even if she chokes herself to death, she might not be able to say such words.

At this moment, I feel frustrated, and I can't help but regret that I said too much before.

Just like when two people are quarreling or debating, it is easy to use the wrong words in the heat of the moment.

When you think back later, you will feel regretful and wonder if it would have been better if you had "said this" first and then "said that".

Ah Yin has this mentality now.

I even couldn't help but think that it would be great if I could turn back time or revise all the memories in Su Cheng's mind.

The previous words were like cutting open one's own heart and exposing it unreservedly to the other person's eyes.

My heart is filled with anxiety and uneasiness. The more I think about it, the more shy I feel...

"Oh, what's going on with me? I'm too despicable to say such words out of nowhere.

"No, you can't think like that, I'm just doing it for the future of the soul beast clan, and Su Cheng can help me.

"And I have always regarded him as my younger brother and benefactor. A sister cannot be too stingy.

"He was not merciless to me. He didn't kill me because of a misunderstanding. He even gave me my freedom afterwards. He just said 'start over'. You think he still recognizes me as his sister, so he shouldn't look down on me?"

"We are lucky to be able to resolve the misunderstanding. Otherwise, the gap will become deeper and deeper, and I am afraid there will be a day when we become strangers and cannot be restored.


Ah Yin glanced at the two people's still clasped hands from the corner of his eye, with a tangled expression.

After she stood up just now, the other party did not let go. Instead, she seemed to have forgotten the matter and continued to hold him as if nothing had happened, which made her embarrassed.


Although the warmth coming from the other person's palm gave her a feeling of comfort and peace of mind.

Especially after such a long period of indifference and loneliness, everything was finally back on track. This kind of comfort should have been what she had dreamed of.

However, the strange feelings that were constantly growing deep in her heart at this moment were telling her that she could not continue like this...

After hesitating for a moment, Ah Yin exerted a slight force on her wrist, trying to pull her hand out casually.

"What are you doing?" Su Cheng glanced at her and asked casually.

"Huh? No, it's nothing."

She didn't expect that the other party had no tacit understanding at all, so she asked directly.

His face instantly became bloodshot, and he immediately gave up struggling with his hands, explaining hesitantly: "I got a new variety of tea tree before, and I want to take you to see it."

"Really? That's great, go check it out."

Su Cheng looked surprised and quickly motioned to A Yin to lead the way.

Seeing this, Ah Yin had no choice but to hold hands with him and walk towards the other direction of the garden.

Following her, Su Cheng silently looked at Ah Yin who was walking with his head buried in his chest.

The long eyelashes cast shadows in the blue lake-like eyes, the corners of the pale pink lips outline a gentle and calm temperament, and the plump chest rises and falls as he moves forward.

He was not a fool, of course he knew the meaning of Ah Yin's previous actions, he was just pretending not to know.

After saying those words as if to vent, it was true that Ah Yin felt uneasy.

Su Cheng, who heard those words, was not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

Before today, it was obviously nonsense to say how much he liked Ah Yin.

The other person is indeed beautiful, but there are so many beautiful people in the world, and he doesn't like someone just because of their looks.

But although I can't say I like her very much, I do have a favorable impression, and there are a lot of them.

She was the first mature woman Su Cheng had close contact with in reality, besides Qian Renxue.

Moreover, her character is innocent, kind and gentle as water. No matter how displeased he is, he almost never gets angry. Even when he does get angry, it always seems light and has no deterrent effect at all.

These are qualities that Su Cheng does not possess.

In fact, not only him, there is no such person among the people close to him.

What's more, during his initial training process, the other party contributed a lot.

Even if you don't count the soul bone, take him to the Blue Silver Grass Forest and help persuade the Blue Silver King to help him condense the soul ring. The five elements and realm coordination in the early martial soul, as well as the 100,000-year-old right leg bone bring The optimization effects of exercises, etc., are too numerous to mention.

In addition, there is another thing that Ah Yin was right about. The timing of her appearance was very subtle.

At that time, among the people Su Cheng knew in real life, apart from Qian Renxue, there was really no one he could completely trust and with whom he could communicate freely.

Your own strength that exceeds the specifications needs to be properly concealed. As for things like a hundred thousand year soul bone, you cannot tell anyone around you.

His strength was still too weak at that time.

No matter Chen Xin, Dugu Bo or Ning Rongrong, he could only partially trust them, selectively reveal secrets, and neither dared nor had the need to challenge the bottom line of human nature.

Humans are social animals, and the feeling of loneliness is not pleasant.

And Qian Renxue was far away in Wuhun City, so Su Cheng was not like a child who had not grown up, messing around for such a trivial matter.

Later, Zhu Zhuqing appeared, but it was impossible for the two to get along for too long.

Ah Yin appeared at the time shortly after Qian Renxue left Tiandou City.

Because she was controlled by the Sword of Eternal Life, she was not a threat as a soul body. Even the subsequent spirit body was created with Su Cheng's help, making her an excellent person to talk to and communicate with.

Of course, it can also satisfy the contradiction between his growing strength and the fact that there is no audience to satisfy his need to show off.

Later, when Ah Yin was resurrected in the Blue Silver Grass Forest and possessed the Soul Saint cultivation level, Su Cheng's own combat power also reached the Soul Saint level, and far exceeded that of ordinary Soul Saints.

The other party is controlled by the Eternal Life Sword, so of course he won't be afraid of anything.

It can be said that in Su Cheng's later years, Ah Yin accompanied him most of the time, so it has extraordinary significance.

"...Here we are, right here."

Suddenly, an extremely cold voice came, interrupting his thoughts.

Ah Yin didn't know what Su Cheng was thinking.

It just felt like during this journey, the other person's eyes went from looking at her vaguely at the beginning to almost completely fixed on her body.

The bursts of heat coming from her palms seemed to be burning through her arms to the depths of her heart.

At this time, Ah Yin's face was so red that it was almost steaming, but she could only pretend to be ignorant, and she couldn't help but feel a little panic and annoyance in her heart.

She didn't understand what Su Cheng meant.

Even if what he said before was a bit humble, did he really not take her seriously at all?

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