Su Cheng didn't look at her, and casually released his clasped palms, just as naturally as when they walked hand in hand before, and then began to carefully observe the short shrub in front of him.

On the contrary, Ah Yin, who should have been relaxed, felt inexplicably empty in her heart as her fingers were released, and a trace of panic suddenly arose.

Maybe I shouldn't have spoken in that tone just now.

He didn't mean it, right?

Obviously it took a lot of effort to clear up the misunderstanding...

Su Cheng didn't seem to notice the abnormality of the person beside him. He reached out and gently touched the dark green leaves on the tea tree.

Compared to the previous Ambergris plant, the tea tree in front of me was even shorter.

The dark brown straight trunk looks extremely smooth and young. There are not many branches on it and there are very few leaves.

But the strange thing is that even though it is almost noon, there is still a drop of dew hanging on the tip of every young leaf on the tree.

Yes, it’s dew, not rain.

Clear and pure, flawless and untainted.

Although it was drizzling in the sky at this moment, none of the tiny raindrops that fell on the tea trees could stay on the leaves.

He could clearly see the entire process of raindrops falling, and it was obvious that it was not compatible with the dew.

Su Cheng stretched out his hand to catch a drop of dew, then put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and the faint fragrance lingered.

Then, he put the drop of dew into his mouth again.

With the touch of the tip of the tongue, the dewdrops melt away, and the fragrance floats on the lips and teeth, filling the throat and heart.

This moment of transparency and comfort alone is far better than countless ordinary top-quality teas.

However, I always felt that it was a bit inferior to the previous ambergris, probably because he tasted it in the wrong way.

"What's the name of this tea tree?" Su Cheng asked casually.

"Jade Dew Immortal Bud. The drop of 'Jade Dew' you caught just now was produced in the early morning, and it is also the stage with the strongest aroma. If it is now, the taste will be worse."

Ah Yin carefully observed his expression while explaining seriously, "This child has only grown for less than ten years and is just a seedling."

The voice was no longer cold as before, it was as soft and soft as the breeze blowing on the face.

"Child..." Su Cheng's mouth twitched.

Hearing this title, he was immediately embarrassed to continue asking questions such as "Can I pick the leaves to make tea?"

After all, he was still a child less than ten years old.

Shaking his head to dispel the weird thoughts in his mind, Su Cheng took the other person's jade hand and said lightly: "Let's go."

Following this movement, Ah Yin's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the blush that had subsided appeared on her cheeks again, but she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Forcibly put those messy thoughts behind, just treat it as meaningless ordinary physical contact.

"Ah Yin, I want to ask you, why do you care so much about the soul beast clan? I remember telling you before that there are conflicts between various soul beast races."

Walking on the road, Su Cheng said casually: "From a macro perspective, humans are just a link in the entire chain. Is it inappropriate to regard the soul beasts as a camp so simply? If you value the Blue Silver Grass clan , or even extended to the entire plant-type soul beast group, I can understand it."

"It's different." Ah Yin shook his head upon hearing this.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to talk and think, she also suppressed the thoughts in her heart and tried not to pay attention to the hands held together by the two of them.

"The racial conflicts you are talking about are actually just like wars between human nations. There are conflicts between each other because of territory and interests. This kind of conflict is not the natural enemy relationship between the predator and the prey.

"In addition, evil soul masters occasionally appear among soul masters, and there are also relatively ferocious groups among soul beasts. But soul beasts are different from unintelligent beasts. Most soul beasts live in peace with each other and regard each other as Same race.”

"So that's it..." Su Cheng suddenly realized.

In the past, he did not know much about the living habits of the soul beast group, and he was not interested in learning about it.

All knowledge is only analysis and speculation based on subjective ideas, and essentially treats the soul beasts as inferior beasts.

Moreover, his accumulation of knowledge on soul beasts basically comes from the collection of books in Wuhun Palace.

There is no such organization as the "Soul Beast Protection Organization" in this world yet, so the authors of the books are obviously not interested in studying the social structure of the "cultivation resources".

The theories in the book all focused on aspects such as soul rings, soul bones, years of cultivation, racial potential, etc. It was normal for him not to know.

At this time, the garden between the valleys was filled with the fragrance of earth because it was soaked by the rain, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Neither of them continued to speak, and walked outside the valley in silence.

The faint drizzle stopped at some point and the sky cleared up.

The sunlight passes through the moisture in the air, refracting the colorful halo and shining on the flowers in the forest, which is as beautiful as a fairyland.

The two people walking hand in hand were very close to each other.

The arms sometimes touched and then separated again.

There was a vaguely weird atmosphere slowly growing between the two.

Ah Yin couldn't help but look at the young man beside her quietly with his peripheral vision.

Under the sun, the handsome face has clear contours, like a stone sculpture. Under the long and sharp eyebrows, the deep and dark eyes look straight ahead. But his eyes were slightly scattered, as if he was thinking about something.

The heat in her palms continued to flow through her, continuing to bake her heart.

At this moment, Ah Yin inexplicably remembered the scene in the Bluesilver Grass Forest when the opponent gathered soul rings and was promoted.

Baptized by that powerful and vast ocean of blue soul power, Su Cheng's appearance was briefly changed, with blue hair, blue eyes, and skin as white as snow.

That face is much more handsome and softer than it is now, and it doesn't give people too much pressure.

But that was only temporary after all.

How could a mere soul power change him?

Now that so many years have passed, many things have changed, but he next to him seems to have never changed.

He was only in his early ten years at that time, and his words and deeds were a bit too mature.

But now, his face still seems to have the same youthful spirit...

"What are you looking at?"

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at A Yin, and teased with a half-smile.

"...No, it's nothing."

Ah Yin obviously didn't expect that he would stop suddenly. He suddenly looked a little flustered and stammered when he spoke.

Su Cheng smiled slightly, but did not continue to say anything embarrassing.

Then he muttered: "You should go back to the Bluesilver Grass Forest first."

When Ah Yin heard this, he didn't show any surprise or fear. He just looked at him silently, waiting for his explanation.

The palms of the two of them were still holding each other.

"As for the method of condensing soul rings, you can't help me. I can just study this matter myself. Moreover, the problems between the soul beast race and humans cannot be alleviated by just self-condensing soul rings. There is a lot of resistance that needs to be slowly overcome.

"However, the special condition of your body and the special soul power in your body are indeed of great reference significance. If I have the opportunity, I hope to learn more about it.

"This change of yours only began to manifest after the eighth soul ring was condensed. Perhaps it will be fully formed when you are promoted to Titled Douluo and condense the ninth soul ring.

"According to my observations just now, your soul power contains extremely strong vitality and deep potential, and can resonate with nature. The environment of the Blue Silver Grass Forest should be able to accelerate the growth of this power.

"And since you don't like Wuhun City and you're staying here just for me, it's not necessary. This kind of emotional suppression is extremely detrimental to your practice."

After thinking about it, Su Cheng continued: "It won't take long. I will go to the Blue Silver Grass Forest to find you. But there are still many things that I need to deal with right now, and I can't get away for the time being."

When he heard him say "you are doing it for me", Ah Yin looked a little embarrassed, but he was indeed right.

Since the other party was not trying to drive her away, but had promised to go find her in the future, it would be good to go back for the time being.

Thinking of this, Ah Yin nodded slightly and did not refuse.

"But this flower garden is a bit troublesome..."

Su Cheng glanced at the exotic flowers and plants around him and frowned in thought.

In this place, it is because of Ah Yin's care that these precious plants and trees, which are extremely demanding on the growing environment, can thrive.

Once Ah Yin leaves, even with his ability, he will not be able to take care of her properly.

At most, the five elements domain can barely maintain the vitality of this garden.

But he has many things to do, so he has no time to worry about them.

After thinking for a moment, he had no choice but to say: "Look at which plants are more delicate and cannot be separated from you, so take them back with you first. These rare treasures are hard to find in the world. It would be a pity if they withered."

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin did not agree immediately, but asked softly: "How long will it take for you to come find me?"

"It can take as short as a few months or as long as a year."

"One year..." Ah Yin's eyes drooped slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

He immediately looked up at Su Cheng and said, "Okay. Do you have any empty porcelain bottles there? Give me one."

Su Cheng was a little confused, but he still took out a brand new, unused porcelain bottle from the soul guide and handed it over.

He occasionally carries some potions with him and mixes some potions, so he always has empty bottles to hold the potions.

Ah Yin did not take the porcelain bottle immediately, but took her left hand out of his palm.

Then the soul power appeared, and the sharp blade streaked across the palm of his right hand.

The next moment, a long and narrow scar that spanned the entire white palm and showed deep bones suddenly appeared.

"What are you doing?"

Su Cheng was stunned.

Ah Yin ignored his surprise and stretched out his left hand to take the porcelain bottle.

Immediately, he made a fist with his right hand and squeezed out blood, which continued to drip into the bottle.

The drops of bright red blood were all glowing with green-gold light, exuding extremely rich vitality.

Soon, Su Cheng realized what she wanted to do.

"Wait a moment!"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Ah Yin ignored her, pursed her lips and continued her actions.

Just like that, she finally stopped until the long-necked porcelain bottle was filled with blood.

Green light flashed and the wound on her palm healed quickly. She capped the porcelain bottle and handed it to Su Cheng.

"Golden Phoenix, Nine-Leaf Xuanyin Grass, Jade Dew Fairy Buds..."

After naming more than a dozen plants in succession, she looked at Su Cheng, "Just tell Elder Ju the names of these flowers, and ask him to give them a drop of my blood every month, and he can perfectly maintain the health of those children." vitality."

Su Cheng silently took the porcelain bottle with a complicated look on his face.

He could naturally see that the blood was not ordinary blood, but blood essence mixed with rich soul power and vitality.

There are hundreds of drops of blood essence in the porcelain bottle in his hand.

Losing such a quantity of essence and blood would definitely result in a certain loss of cultivation.

The key is that even with Ah Yin's vitality, such an action will definitely damage the foundation and is not worth it at all.

Looking at her slightly pale face, Su Cheng frowned and said in a low voice, "Actually, you don't have to do this. Just take these flowers and plants away."

Ah Yin smiled and said nonchalantly: "But that will make things difficult for you. After all, it is also a precious plant that Elder Ju has worked hard to collect. How can I take it away at will? Not to mention the Jade Dew Immortal Bud. If you want to stay here, that’s the tea I prepared specially for you.”

"It's just some tea, what's the big deal."

"No, you are my brother."

"younger brother?"

Su Cheng was surprised when he heard this title.

Ah Yin's pretty face turned red, and then she looked directly at him without giving in, "I'm so much older than you, can't I be your sister?"

"..." When Su Cheng heard this, he shook his head helplessly, "Of course it's okay, as long as you're happy."

After speaking, he stretched out his arms and held her in his arms.


Ah Yin exclaimed in shock.

But before he could react, he fell into a broad chest.

"Since we are about to separate, it doesn't matter if my sister lets her brother hold her for a while."

In this way, every inch of the curve of the delicate body in front of her was tightly attached to him.

The plump thighs, smooth abdomen, especially the fullness, straightness and softness of the chest are clearly transmitted through several layers of gauze, and the slight bulge of the peak can still be vaguely felt.

Ah Yin's body stiffened instantly, and he forgot to struggle for a moment.

Or don’t want to struggle.

She rested her cheek against her strong chest, listening to the strong heartbeat in her ears.

The blush on his face gradually receded, and his eyebrows softened.

We will be separated soon...

Although I have already died once, I still meet you in this vast sea of ​​people.

If we hadn't met, maybe we wouldn't have gone through so much hesitation and struggle, hesitation and pain.

But we still met.

I regained my life because of you, and I felt happy and relieved because of you. I struggled with pain until I fell into it bit by bit and couldn't extricate myself...

Maybe everything was already doomed from the moment of resurrection.

But actually I don't regret it.

The past cannot be changed, but the future is still unknown. What will life be like in the future?

Ah Yin left.

Except for Su Cheng, she didn't say hello to anyone else, and there was no need to say hello.

As she said before, this place has no friends for her.

In Wuhun City, she lived silently for nearly two years, and then left silently...

Rubbing the porcelain bottle in his hand, Su Cheng's expression calmed down and he lowered his head in thought.

After what happened today, he and A Yin settled their differences.

However, he was deeply moved by the other person's thoughts, but he could not completely trust him yet, and could only believe a part of it.

So just a promise was given, and some of the most critical information was not revealed.

To be honest, he thought he understood Ah Yin fairly well.

The other person is not good at pretending.

Even when he broke free from control, it was because he was too careless and conceited.

Otherwise, given the abnormality in A Yin's expression, he should have noticed it long ago.

Now that he had spoken out today, he could give Ah Yin a chance.

He was also happy to give her this chance.

Su Cheng never likes to test others, because he knows that human nature cannot pass the test.

But that's because he doesn't need to reveal critical secret information to those people.

If we really want to fight side by side in the future and trust our lives, we must prove that we are absolutely trustworthy.

Not to mention experiencing life and death with Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing also sacrificed his life for him in a battle with Tang Hao.

Even Bibi Dong, he had witnessed with his own eyes the scene deep in the other party's soul.

If the credibility cannot be proven, other methods must be used to control it, just like Ah Yin was once controlled by the Wuhun Eternal Sword.

Therefore, when they first hugged each other, Su Cheng left a ray of extremely condensed innate power on Ah Yin.

This ray of innate power has no offensive power, but it can attach to the alien aura with powerful characteristics.

Both Tang Hao and Tang San, who may leave the City of Killing in the future, will have the Killing God Domain next to them.

And the realm of the God of Death is contaminated with the shallow Shura divine power that has been diluted countless times.

If you get close, it will definitely leave a mark.

With Ah Yin's current strength, she may not be able to defeat Tang Hao in the outside world, but in the Blue Silver Grass Forest, her life characteristics are almost incomprehensible.

If she didn't want to, Tang Hao would never get close to her.

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