In the Pope's Palace, in the room dedicated to the Pope's personal living, Master and Disciple Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing were sitting on both sides of the coffee table, each having been silent for a long time.

Bibi Dong was doing fine, silently sipping tea with an indifferent expression, occasionally raising his eyes to observe the changes in the expression of the girl opposite him.

As for the incident between Su Cheng and A Yin, she was not surprised at all, and she even contributed to it.

Needless to say about Ah Yin, the fact that the other party agreed to stay in Wuhun City was enough to prove everything.

As for Su Cheng, Bibi Dong could already tell that his attitude towards A Yin was different.

Normally he seemed to turn a blind eye, but if that person wasn't Ah Yin, with Su Cheng's character, he might have been killed with one sword.

A lot of unknown things must have happened between these two people before.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing had a pretty face with a sinister look on her face, and her eyes were as cold as ice knives.

Even sitting in front of the Pope, it was difficult for her to completely control her emotions for a while.

More than once, I even wanted to rush to the doggy couple and question them.

Shameless and despicable!

Especially that 100,000-year-old soul beast, how dare she? !

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know much about Ah Yin's situation, but he also experienced the battle on the Pope's Hill Square.

Through the words and actions of several people who appeared one after another, we also knew that the other party seemed to have some connection with Tang San and his son.

Although she wasn't sure how that person was related to Su Cheng, Qian Renxue was the enemy at that time, and she had no interest in asking about other stories.

She originally thought that the two would never have anything to do with each other.

"The tea is getting cold."

Bibi Dong's calm voice woke Zhu Zhuqing out of his thoughts, and then he quickly calmed down and picked up the teacup in front of him.

Although the anger in her heart was hard to calm down, she was not stupid enough to show her face to Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue is too powerful. This teacher is her biggest help and supporter now, and she cannot offend her.

Although after traveling on the Hell Road, Zhu Zhuqing had some doubts about the Pope's thoughts and strength, but no matter what, it was still a mountain that was difficult for him to reach.

"After reading it, what do you think?"


Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's silence, Bibi Dong didn't care and chuckled, "I thought you already knew who Su Cheng is."

Her slender index finger gently tapped the armrest of the seat, and she continued: "You can probably guess the identity of that Blue Silver Emperor. Yes, she is your former teammate in Shrek Academy, Tang The biological mother of Hao's son Tang San. She died at the hands of Qian Xunji back then, and her soul ring was sacrificed to Tang Hao to help him become a titled Douluo. But later, she was resurrected by Su Cheng using some means."


After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously exerted force on his fingertips.

Although he stopped in time, he still cracked the tea cup in his hand, and water stains overflowed from the surface of the cup.

He commented in a low voice: "At such an old age, the child is older than me, and he still pretends to be a weak girl. It's really disgusting."

The sound was very slight, but very clear.

Bibi Dong's eyes twitched, and a strange emotion arose in her heart, which quickly calmed down.

"Are you angry?" She said calmly, "If you can't be angry anymore, you can choose to leave Su Cheng and return to your Star Luo Empire. I will give you this opportunity. Although you worship me as your teacher, you have agreed before that I It won’t restrict your freedom.”


Zhu Zhuqing paused and fell silent.

"Look, I still can't bear to leave." Bibi Dong glanced at her and whispered.

"Zhuqing, I thought you were a smart boy. So you should understand that at this time, unnecessary anger is meaningless.

“Thinking about what to do next is your top priority.

"Su Cheng is half-hearted when it comes to relationships, but you are different, you can no longer tolerate another person in your heart.

"Give him up, and no matter who you end up with in the future, the result will only be make do for you, even if that person is devoted to you."

Having said this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh, "When you fall deeply in love with someone, you have completely lost, and then there will be endless concessions..."

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at her.

To be able to utter such words of tiger and wolf, His Majesty the Pope is also a person with a story.

But the tip of my heart was throbbing inexplicably, and a bitter feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart.

It was not strong at first, far less violent than the sudden surge of anger before, but it lasted endlessly.

Then it penetrates into the lungs, limbs, and bones, and then penetrates deep into the bone marrow, causing bursts of pain that won't stop.

If she could, she really wanted to turn around and leave.

Leave this Wuhun City and be free from now on, striving to pursue the ultimate in strength.

If you have the chance, when you are strong enough, you can step on Su Cheng's feet when you come back and shout: "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young girls into poverty!"

However, Zhu Zhuqing was reluctant to let go.

She couldn't bear to let go of the twenty years of mutual friendship, the few months of mutual intimacy outside, the sweet words of Su Cheng, and the ease and comfort she felt when she was with him...

"Can't you just love one person..." The girl opened her mouth slightly and her voice was a little astringent.

"If he only loves one person, do you think you will have a chance?" Bibi Dong sneered.

"Zhuqing, actually I can see that you no longer want to compete with Qian Renxue, you have already put yourself in an extremely weak position.

"Even in your opinion, as long as Qian Renxue can accept your existence and be upright with Su Cheng, you will be satisfied.

"am I right?"

These words that speak directly to the soul are not pleasant to hear, but they are true.

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was drooped and slightly pale, and it was difficult to refute.

"In that case, what about multiple Blue Silver Emperors?" Bibi Dong took a sip of tea.

"If you can't be angry anymore, leave him. If you can't bear to leave him, just stay the same. However, I can give you a suggestion."

"..." Zhu Zhuqing looked up.

Bibi Dong put down the teacup in her hand.

He straightened his slightly casual reclined posture and said seriously:

"You don't need to act strong in front of him, it means nothing to you, and don't press him about today.

"Even if I press him, it will have no effect. Do you dare to let him make a choice?

"Leave aside the Blue Silver Emperor for now, if he had to choose between you and Qian Renxue, who do you think he would choose?

"However, if he is willing to take the initiative to explain to you, then you might as well try to make yourself appear aggrieved and make him feel guilty towards you.

"Although Su Cheng is carefree, he is indecisive when dealing with emotional issues.

"The more he feels indebted to you, the more chips you will have in your hands in the future..."

Zhu Zhuqing was silent.

Bibi Dong was right, she actually didn't dare to really force Su Cheng.

Never dared from beginning to end.

It's not because of her strength, but because she's afraid that when trouble comes, when Su Cheng has to make a choice, she will be the one abandoned.

A woman can tolerate her lover being in two different situations and is willing to do so. She only occasionally loses her temper and vents her dissatisfaction on the surface. The reason is actually very simple. She cannot give up this relationship.

She is not the kind of weak woman who needs to rely on men.

If you really want to seize power, you must have the banner of the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit and your own powerful strength.

Once he returns to the Star Luo Empire, it won't take long for him to hold a high position in the empire and attract countless fans.

In a few years, he will become a titled Douluo, and he will be able to conquer all the greatness in the world.

She had already learned all the skills from Su Cheng, so she wouldn't lose anything even if she left.

Zhu Zhuqing had nothing to say, Bibi Dong's gentle and calm voice continued to ring in his ears.

"You should know Su Cheng's character. The more you force him, the easier it will be to cause his resistance and rebound.

"But if you can take the initiative to put yourself in the position of a victim, he will have deep feelings for you and he will naturally become soft-hearted."

At this point, she chuckled pointedly: "Otherwise, guess how the Blue Silver Emperor hooked up with Su Cheng?"

After Zhu Zhuqing left, Bibi Dong was in a daze for a while, then raised her head and looked to the side of the room.

His eyes seemed to pass through the thick wall and cast higher in the direction of the Douluo Hall.

At this time, Qian Renxue was practicing in seclusion there.

Qian Renxue may have seen some clues about the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Su Cheng, and even about A Yin's specialness, but she obviously didn't really take it to heart.

When he was with Su Cheng, he always gave verbal warnings or casual tests, but never took any serious measures.

She is too confident.

She and Su Cheng had known each other since they were young, and they had gone through life and death with each other. They had too many stories to tell.

Putting aside everything in the dream, Su Cheng was born in a remote mountain village without any background. Along the way to Tiandou Imperial City, the first person he truly cared about and trusted was Qian Renxue.

Afterwards, the two took chestnuts from the fire in front of the Pope's Palace and fought hand in hand...

It can be said that along the way, they have always witnessed each other's growth.

What's more, in terms of background, talent, potential, and strength, who in the world can compare with her?

However, precisely because of her conceited and almost arrogant temperament, even though she was somewhat alert, she did not really recognize the hidden relationship between Su Cheng and several other women.

Arrogant people can easily lose sight of something.

It is difficult for them to realize this until the day they fail.

"Xiaoxue, don't blame me. Everything else doesn't matter, but I can't give in on this matter..."

Half a day later, Su Cheng came to the Pope's Palace, followed his senses to find Bibi Dong's room, knocked on the door and got permission before walking in.

Before that, he first went to see Ju Douluo, handed him the bottle of blood used to maintain the vitality of flowers and plants, and then came here.

In the huge living room, Bibi Dong leaned back slightly casually on the high-backed chair behind the square table, looking at him with a half-smile.

That kind of gaze made Su Cheng feel a little uncomfortable.

Suppressing the strangeness in his heart, he looked at the other party and said, "Ah Yin has returned to the Blue Silver Grass Forest."

"Yes, I understand." Bibi Dong nodded.

Seeing her being so calm, Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised, "You seem to have expected this?"

Bibi Dong didn't answer. She strengthened her waist and stood up from her seat.

After stretching slightly, he walked to the edge of the wide balcony with his long legs and looked into the distance. "Come and take a look."

Su Cheng followed her with some confusion and stood next to her.

Bibi Dong raised her arm and pointed to the valley, "Did you see that place?"

In the direction of her finger, there were lush vegetation, clear water, and colorful flowers.

It was exactly where Ju Douluo's flower garden was.

Su Cheng suddenly realized and felt a little embarrassed, "Have you seen it all?"

"It's not just me. I called Zhuqing here today. I was originally planning to learn about some of the conditions at the academy, but unexpectedly I stumbled upon some very interesting sights."

Bibi Dong's eyes moved slightly and she looked at the man beside her, "I happened to see you and that Yin girl getting along very sweetly."

Su Cheng: "..."

"Just a few days ago, someone complained to me that he didn't know how to deal with the problem between Xiaoxue and Zhuqing. But he turned around and hooked up with another one. I think you are also very skilled. If I remember correctly, Have you sworn before that you have no evil intentions for that Yin girl?"

Su Cheng sighed and didn't argue.

This matter went beyond expectations and happened suddenly.

The situation was too complicated, and it was hard for him to elaborate on it with Bibi Dong, so he could only let the other party tease him here.

"Su Cheng, tell me the truth, do you lack maternal love?"


Su Cheng was thinking about how to explain to Zhu Zhuqing later when he suddenly heard this question. He was dumbfounded and said speechlessly: "What are you talking about?"

"Please calm down. If this continues, even if I want to help you, I will be powerless."

"What did you do for me?" Su Cheng rolled his eyes, "If she hadn't happened to come to your side, she might not have been able to see it."

"What you said is really sad." Bibi Dong sighed softly, with sad eyes.

"Didn't she see it, so you have to keep hiding it? What's more, I specifically told Zhuqing not to ask you too much and to give you more time. So, instead of blaming me here, you can It’s better to spend more time and think about how to deal with it.”

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said seriously: "Thank you."

"There is no need to say such things between you and me."

Bibi Dong looked forward and waved her hand as if nothing had happened.

Su Cheng's eyes flickered, and without saying any more, he changed the subject and explained, "The situation between A Yin and I is not what you imagined. We agreed -"

"Don't talk about these useless things. Just tell me whether you have that intention."


Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Bibi Dong.

But faced with this question, he could only remain silent.

Bibi Dong snorted softly when she saw this, and said seriously:

"Zhuqing has no sense of security and is not strong enough. You should take more care of her.

"I see that since you came back to Wuhun City, you haven't been to the academy much. Do you think this is appropriate?

"She doesn't care about your strength, she just cares about you as a person. No matter what your difficulties are, you shouldn't care about her thoughts."

Su Cheng looked at her and quickly looked away.

Bibi Dong is right.

After returning from this mission, he rarely spent time alone with Zhu Zhuqing, nor did he have any overly intimate behavior.

Su Cheng's idea is actually very simple.

Before Qian Renxue had dealt with everything, he felt that the timing was not right, and this time with A Yin was actually an accident.

But after what Bibi Dong said, it seems that there is indeed something wrong with this approach.

"You are right, this was an oversight on my part. Thank you for reminding me, His Majesty the Pope."

"I have said it once just now, there is no need to say such words between you and me."

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