Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 274 The Divine Will of Blazing Sun

Su Cheng walked straight into Wuhun City Academy.

The previous conversation in the Pope's Palace was replayed repeatedly in his mind.

Not only the matters related to Zhu Zhuqing, but also Bibi Dong's own words, deeds and attitude made him somewhat difficult to let go.

In fact, Su Cheng is a bit elusive now about Bibi Dong's true thoughts.

Ever since the others returned from the Killing City, she has obviously become different.

Of course, this change is normal and not difficult to understand.

The hidden dangers of Rakshasa power affecting the soul and sanity were completely suppressed, and the massive negative emotions accumulated deep in the soul for decades were purified, and there were no longer those dark and crazy obsessions.

Now she really looks like a good pope, a good mother, and a good teacher.

Not only does he do things with ease, but he treats others as warmly as water. Even when dealing with Qian Renxue, his own flesh and blood who is like a "stain", he always thinks of the other person.

He no longer has too many ambitions and desires, and he does not compete for the power of Wuhun Palace.

But what is her attitude towards herself?

Su Cheng himself couldn't figure out what kind of mentality he should have towards her.

Maybe it would be nice to just keep getting along with each other as a kind of "friend".

The world in the simulation is, after all, just a dream that seems real and fake...

"I've met Elder Su."

"Elder Su, you are here."

"Elder Su..."

Walking in the college, many teachers took the initiative to say hello to him, while most of the students stared at him from a distance with curious eyes and did not dare to come forward.

Although Su Cheng is the elder responsible for the affairs of this college, he has come here only a handful of times, not even as long as Qian Renxue's stay here. Not even all the students in the college have met.

But this is actually the normal behavior of the elders of Wuhun Hall.

Except for elders like Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who are directly under the Pope's palace and usually busy with tasks, most of the elders live in seclusion and work hard to improve their strength and cultivation.

These people themselves are also older and do not have a strong desire for power. Otherwise, they can go out and act as the masters of the Wuhun Temple, and there is no need to shrink inside the Wuhun City.

Especially with the acquisition of the first two volumes of Xiantian Kung, the level bottleneck that had troubled these titled Douluo for many years began to loosen, and they naturally focused more on cultivation.

What's more, the teachers in the college are at least Soul Saints, so they are more than enough to teach these students, and there is no need for Su Cheng to come forward personally.

The internal operations have already been established, and he doesn't need to interfere too much.

Su Cheng nodded to the others and walked quickly deeper into the academy.

Soon, he followed his perception and came to the inside of the academy, where he saw Zhu Zhuqing staying with Shui Binger, Feng Qingyu and others.

However, she did not participate in the chat. She just stood alone not far away and was in a daze.

He didn't even notice Su Cheng's approach.

"Elder Su."



Su Cheng nodded to several people, and then looked at the girl in black who turned her head and ignored him.

"Zhuqing, are you free? Come with me if you have nothing to do."


Zhu Zhuqing bit her lower lip gently with her teeth and deliberately ignored Su Cheng.

But remembering his previous conversation with Bibi Dong, he hesitated and came to Su Cheng's side.

She looked preoccupied.

Lowering his eyes, long eyelashes covering his dark eyes, he said calmly: "Is something wrong?"

Su Cheng glanced at her and then glanced at the surreptitious observers around her.

After thinking about it for a while, he still didn't answer immediately, so he said instead: "Let's go out and talk."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside.

After taking two steps, he saw that Zhu Zhuqing was hesitant and did not follow immediately, so he urged him again: "What's wrong?"


Zhu Zhuqing stared at him in silence for a moment, pursing his lips and wanting to say something.

But in the end, he just sighed and left the academy with him.

After the two left, Huo Wu touched the arm of the silver-haired girl next to him and teased: "Qingyu, is she your master's wife?"

"Master's Wife?" Before Feng Qingyu could answer, Xue Wu on the side exclaimed in a low voice, "You mean Elder Su and Zhu Qing..."

At the same time, Shui Bing'er, Dugu Yan and others also cast surprised glances.

Now Xie Yue and others left Wuhundian Academy and went to the Killing City to experience.

Although the other contestants in the last Soul Master Competition were quite capable, they were too old and were not considered top-notch in terms of talent.

As a result, Shui Bing'er, Feng Xiaotian and Feng Qingyu became the most talented beings in the academy.

Together with other Element Academy students who were close to them, as well as Dugu Yan, who was also from an outside academy and received special care from Su Cheng, a small circle was naturally formed.

"Huo Wu, don't talk nonsense. If Qian Renxue hears it, you won't be able to reap the benefits."

Dugu Yan, who was standing not far away, frowned and quickly reminded him.

She didn't know what was going on between Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing, but she knew that the other party and Qian Renxue were in a clear relationship.

And unlike these newbies who don't know the depth, she is quite aware of that person's weakness and how reckless his behavior is.

"I'm not talking nonsense."

Huo Wu has a flamboyant personality, so naturally he doesn't want to be questioned for nothing, so he quickly explains.

"We saw it with our own eyes at Kamikaze Academy before, and they were clearly acting very affectionate."

When Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er heard this, they glanced at each other subconsciously, and instantly saw the strong gossip emotions in each other's eyes.

They are not very curious people originally.

But this matter involves Su Cheng, Zhu Zhuqing and Qian Renxue, the three most favored sons of the younger generation and important figures in Wuhun Palace, so the meaning is quite different.

Just thinking about it is exciting.

"What's the meaning?"

Xuewu asked quickly.

As the first college that Su Cheng visited, he stayed at Shenfeng College for a longer time and did a lot of things. However, when he went to Blazing Fire College and Tianshui College later, because of the endorsement of Shenfeng College, As well as the accompanying Huo Wushuang and others, they didn't spend much effort.

Exchange negotiations are also held in the education committees of those two colleges and are discussed with the college senior officials.

The rest of the time, he and Zhu Zhuqing were basically out sightseeing and didn't spend much time with these young soul masters.

Although everyone returned to Wuhun City together later, Zhu Zhuqing had a cold personality and rarely took the initiative to get close to Su Cheng in front of outsiders.

Su Cheng was busy explaining to them the situation in Wuhun City, so Shui Bing'er and others who later joined the team were not really aware of the ambiguous relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Su Cheng.

After Xue Wu asked the question, Dugu Yan did not stop her. Apart from not being able to refute the face of these classmates, in fact she was also very curious.

"Huo Wu, let's not talk about this."

Feng Qingyu was a little uneasy and didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

"What are you afraid of? I don't think your teacher wants to avoid it."

"Oh, it's not the teacher's problem, it's that Sister Xue."

"Then it doesn't matter anymore. What we are talking about has nothing to do with her." Huo Wu waved her hands nonchalantly, "Besides, we have all joined Wuhundian Academy now and become members of Wuhundian. Let's talk casually. Can’t we even chat?”

Her impression of Qian Renxue was actually not very good.

When she first came to Wuhun City that day, the other party's condescending attitude irritated her a lot.

Not contempt, not hostility, but complete disregard.

It was as if they were just weeds on the roadside or something, with no interest in taking a second look.

In Chihuo Academy, Huo Wu has always been the sweetest girl among her peers, and she is always accompanied by a licking dog like Feng Xiaotian.

How could I feel comfortable when I was treated like this?

It was just that I had just arrived, so I was dissatisfied but didn't dare to express myself.

As time goes by, and now I have adapted to the life here, I have also discovered that apart from being more powerful, Wuhun Palace is actually no different from other forces in nature.

There are no unnecessary rules and things are considered fair. The teachers in the college treat foreign students like them equally, so naturally they don't have too many scruples.

Next to them, Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang looked at each other with wry smiles, but it was obvious that there was nothing they could do against Huo Wu.

In addition, other people were also very curious about this kind of thing, and it didn't take long for them to start talking in a few words.

There are a total of three buildings built on Pope Mountain, overlooking the entire Wuhun City.

Among them, the Presbyterian Hall is located deep in the Papal Palace and is difficult to see from the bottom of the mountain.

At the top of the hill, there is another palace that is only one-third the size of the Papal Palace. Its surface is as white as jade. It is not eye-catching in appearance, but it has a strong sense of presence.

It is Douluo Hall.

Since the completion of the Wuhun Palace, no matter where the Pope's Palace is built, the Douluo Palace will be built along with it, and the Douluo Palace's location must be higher than the Pope's Palace.

In the middle of the Douluo Hall, there stood a ten-meter-tall golden statue with three pairs of wings spread out behind it, holding a huge golden sword in its hand and pointing directly at the sky.

There seemed to be a faint layer of golden flames burning and hovering around the golden sword.

In fact, there is a similar statue in the Elder Hall, but the two statues give people completely different feelings.

The angel statue in the Douluo Palace looks like a sleeping peerless powerful man, lifelike.

The golden plaques of hundreds of titled Douluo around them were all sleeping peacefully under the suppression of its aura.

Every time there is a major festival, the Pope of Wuhun Palace will personally go to the gate of Douluo Palace to worship.

Legend has it that this is the tomb of the titled Douluo. No one else, including the Pope, has the right to enter the Douluo Palace before death.

But legends are just legends after all, and there are two living people in Douluo Hall at this time.

One of them is not even a titled Douluo.

Qian Renxue sat quietly in front of the huge angel statue in the center of the Douluo Hall, with her long, silky golden hair hanging down behind her to the ground.

She was obviously on the way to practice, but her sitting posture was not correct.

The straight back is leaning on the front of the statue's base, and the whole person looks relaxed and stretched.

The right leg stretched straight and slender without any flaws, while the left leg is bent and propped up, holding the left arm casually.

Under her right hand, she was holding a golden long sword on the ground, with gold and silver flames lingering on the outside.

However, there was no heat wave escaping from the burning fire, nor did it cause any damage to the ground. It seemed to be just a faint phantom.

In his left hand, he held a ball of white light that looked like water, with faintly different colors of light flowing in it.

Behind her, a total of six huge wings stretched out, intertwined with three different lustres: gold, silver gray, and white.

At this time, Qian Renxue was not in the ordinary state of being possessed by a martial spirit, but directly using the true body of the martial spirit.

The spirit avatar is not unusual, but the scary thing is the time it takes to use it.

Logically speaking, even with her current accumulation of soul power and profound foundation, the consumption of soul power when using the martial spirit avatar is extremely huge.

Even if you don't use any soul skills, just maintaining this state, your soul power will be completely exhausted within three days.

But in fact, she has maintained this state for more than a week.

And it looks relaxed and comfortable, without any feeling of subsequent weakness.

That unparalleled and delicate face was expressionless at the moment, and her pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes were half-open and half-closed looking up at the sky, but they were not focused.

The indifferent eyes seemed to look through the dome and beyond the clear sky.

The colors of those eyes were different. The left eye was dark and the right eye was golden. They looked both divine and evil.

However, in the deepest parts of the two pupils, they seemed to reflect exactly the same scene.

That's the shadow of the sun.

That huge fireball hanging high in the sky, burning and burning, was extremely majestic and incredibly powerful.

Its brilliance shines above the nine heavens, and its majesty reaches all over the sea. All things live because of it, and all things fear its death.

When the universe shines brightly, the vegetation will be lush and all things will shine.

Its power is so fierce that nothing can stop it from melting gold through the clouds.

It is precisely because it is strong enough that it can be upright and ruthless.

There is no reference that is more suitable for her path than learning from the blazing sun above the nine heavens.

Where light goes, darkness cannot escape.

"Replace the heart of heaven with your own heart, and determine the way of humanity with the way of heaven..."

Cang Ming Bian's technique circulates in Qian Renxue's heart.

However, compared to the original version that Su Cheng taught her, the operation route of the technique has changed a lot.

Qian Renxue's situation was special, and Su Cheng could only provide her with theoretical support.

After cultivating to this point, and truly reaching the final step of fusion, it still depends on herself.

In Qian Renxue's left hand, the strange-colored luster in the pale white stream of light was slowly melting away at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Instead, there was a blazing white light like the midday sun.

To be able to achieve this step, the condensed divine power from the first-level god Angel God helped her a lot.

The ball of light in her hand was essentially the product of the melted torso bones of the angel costume and her own energy.

The angelic power actually contains a very small amount of the power of the sun.

Qian Renxue, who has the memory of becoming a god, knows this clearly.

There is even an angel's magical skill, and its name is True Fire of the Sun.

However, compared with the real power of the sun, the divine power of angels is far from enough.

The reason why Qian Renxue chose to come to the Douluo Hall to practice in seclusion before was precisely because the inheritance space of the Angel God was hidden here, which could provide her with considerable benefits.

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