"That little girl Zhuqing is really under your control."

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong sat leisurely on a high-backed chair, scanning Su Cheng with her captivating peach blossom eyes, her voice sounded sarcastic and emotional.

This eye shape is extremely attractive. Even if it is placed on an ordinary woman's face, it can have the finishing touch and can instantly improve her appearance by several levels.

What's more, Bibi Dong has always been in a high position and has an extraordinary temperament, which adds a layer of enchanting beauty that can see through people's hearts, and sometimes even makes people feel unable to look directly.

Su Cheng looked away and rubbed the teacup in front of him with his fingers.

"Weren't we talking about Elder Ju? Why did you suddenly mention this again?"

At this time, more than two months have passed since Ah Yin left.

At the beginning, Zhu Zhuqing was naturally extremely angry and didn't even want to say a word to him.

But after Su Cheng's "voluntary confession", he explained in detail A Yin's special situation and the various benefits it could bring to Zhu Zhuqing's future practice.

Coupled with the fact that he used emotion to move the mind and reason, he drew a grand blueprint for soul masters and soul beasts to build a harmonious society together, and used this to promote the great vision of stable development of Douluo Continent society. In the end, the soft-hearted little girl was still slept with by him. Impressed.

Even in the past month, the two have been together almost every day.

"As long as you know everything about Elder Ju. Since you said you can see the results after a month or two, I naturally believe you. It's just that I don't have enough manpower right now, so I wanted to remind you."

While speaking, Bibi Dong slightly adjusted her sitting posture, put down her crossed legs, leaned her upper body forward, crossed her fingers, and rested her elbows on the edge of the square table.

After a series of movements, the soft arc of the chest became more and more obvious.

She looked at Su Cheng with great interest, "Okay, let's get down to business. Have you decided when to confess to Xiaoxue?"

"Isn't this my private matter? Is it a serious matter?"

"Of course this is business." Bibi Dong sneered softly, "If you delay it like this, it will affect your practice."

"Did you see it?"

Su Cheng looked at her slightly surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to notice this.

Bibi Dong is right.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Su Cheng's cultivation is still progressing rapidly, his cultivation efficiency is far beyond ordinary people, and he is not far behind Contra, as if the difficulty of accumulating soul power that troubles countless high-level soul masters does not exist.

But for him, this accumulation of improvement in soul power level is almost meaningless.

Even if he becomes a Soul Douluo, or even a Titled Douluo, except for giving him two extra soul rings and some soul power, the gain in strength will be minimal.

So Su Cheng was never in a hurry to improve his cultivation.

He has sufficient knowledge accumulation, and these foundations are the materials for improving his strength.

Knowledge is power, and this is universal in any world.

Therefore, he can spread the innate skills without any scruples, and he has no worries about things like teaching disciples to starve to death and masters to death.

Because the skills are just skills, not his real trump card at all.

The appearance of these skills was not by chance, but something he had figured out little by little.

He has enough confidence to innovate in the future, constantly make corrections and improvements, and find a better and stronger path.

But as Bibi Dong said just now, his progress in strength has recently fallen into a slow bottleneck period.

For him, the improvement of strength brought by the understanding of swordsmanship far outweighs the accumulation of energy.

As for his kendo's first priority, his mind, his state of mind was unstable at this time, so it was naturally difficult to make any progress.

In addition, another way is to obtain more source power to extend the duration of the second stage of the Immortal Real Body.

However, this method of improvement is obviously more passive and cannot be improved by hard work on his own.

And after the exchange with Ah Yin a few months ago, he also realized that this form was not healthy and was more similar to an explosive gain state.

If it cannot be turned into a normal state, it will be nothing but rootless duckweed.

"Of course I can tell." Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng, her delicate eyebrows lightly frowned, and there was a hint of concern in her eyes.

"In the past, your strength has always been improved by leaps and bounds. Through unique special insights and self-created soul skills, your combat power has been enhanced to incomprehensible heights. In your eyes, the limitations of level cultivation have become It's like it doesn't exist.

"But look at you now. Your sword is dull and your willpower is wasting away. You seem to be just dawdling all day long. Has this really become a problem for you?"

"What you said about dawdling around is too exaggerated..." Su Cheng smacked his lips.

After pondering for a moment, he added: "This matter will be resolved within this year."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed, and she immediately lowered her eyelids to hide the strange color in her eyes.

She didn't believe that Su Cheng could do this in a short time.

She actually understood it completely.

Su Cheng didn't have the confidence to deal with Qian Renxue at all, and until now he still had the mentality of "the boat will be straightened out when it reaches the bridge".

To put it another way, with Su Cheng's trust in her now, even if he really had some ideas, he would most likely communicate with her, and then he would still be able to find other ways to delay it.

As long as he waits for this powder keg to explode unexpectedly, Su Cheng will never be able to control the evolution of the situation.

And what she wants is very simple, just enough chaos. Only when it becomes chaotic can she have a chance. Otherwise, if this continues, she will have no hope at all.

As for whether Su Cheng is strong or not, it doesn't matter at all.

Whether it was improving his strength, fighting against the gods, or even unifying the continent, these were Su Cheng's own ideas. Bibi Dong didn't care at all, she only cared about this person.

Su Cheng gave her a "dream", a perfect life that was originally out of reach, and planted a lotus pond in the deepest part of her soul.

For her, things that were once invisible and intangible were now right in front of her, and it was just a question of whether she could grasp them.

How could she give it up?

A full fifty years!

The first twenty years of stupidity and naivety, the last thirty years of nightmares, there is no more real opportunity than this time!

So Bibi Dong is never in a hurry, and she doesn't dare to be in a hurry either.

However, at this time, she never expected that this change would come so quickly and suddenly.

It started in an unpredictable way, and then surged forward like a landslide and a tsunami.

While Su Cheng and Bibi Dong were communicating in the Pope's Hall, Qian Renxue's practice in the Douluo Hall had also progressed to a critical moment.

The white stream of light that was originally in his hand has completely melted away even to the last trace.

Instead, there was a pale white halo that circulated all over the body, pure and flawless, but empty and far away, which was daunting.

Her expression also became more indifferent, and the reflection of the sun in her eyes was extremely obvious.

The color of his eyes was no longer one golden and one black, but completely transformed into two balls of blazing white light, shining like two small suns.

Although the whole person still maintains a relaxed and lazy sitting posture, his aura is completely different from the past.

Even if he is leaning on the ground, he seems to be sitting upright on Qingming, towering over everyone and overlooking everyone.

Qian Daoliu, who stood silently in a corner of the hall and observed silently, frowned and felt a little uneasy.

He has been staying with Qian Renxue here during the three months of her retreat.

As the guardian of the Douluo Palace, it was against the rules to make an exception for Qian Renxue to come in and practice when she did not accept the divine examination. He had to supervise her due to his responsibilities.

Because of this, he has witnessed all the changes in the other party during this time.

This change is not an improvement in breath, but a transformation in temperament.

As time went by, he felt that his granddaughter became less and less like a "person".

Although Qian Renxue used to be arrogant and arrogant, she was definitely not this indifferent and lofty.

Just like the blue sky and the white sun, everything in the world is just a passing cloud in his eyes.

Rather than saying "divine will", it is more appropriate to say "divine will".

At the same time, what appeared in Qian Renxue's eyes was another scene.

The perspective seems to be continuously zoomed out, all the way to infinite heights.

The vast Wuhun City has shrunk rapidly, and the endless Wuhun Mountains are just long and narrow walls and fences...

Then there are the two vast empires, the vast and endless Star Forest...

Soon, the entire continent turned into a mere snail's land in her eyes, not worth mentioning.

A similar scene has actually happened before.

That night, Su Cheng took her straight to fly outside the clouds, overlooking the earth in the night sky.

In that warm embrace, the entire continent under the starlight can be seen at a glance.

As if she remembered something, the sun in her eyes flickered slightly, and there was a trace of struggle in her eyes.

However, the starlight eventually dims.

The moment the sun appears, the stars are destined to recede.

What's more, the perspective back then was far less lofty than it is now.

Her attention was quickly diverted.

The universe shines brightly, and all things shine.

Compared to the vastness of the world, the entire continent is just a corner.

Wherever the sun shines, there is no shadow. She seems to be able to see through all the mysteries of the world.

Mountains, forests, sea...

Powerful energy is rising steadily in the body.

If Qian Renxue looked inside her body at this time, she would find that her meridians were glowing, and what flowed in them was no longer transparent soul power, but a dazzling beam of light whose essence was difficult to discern.

Countless beams of light condensed into blazing white streams, flowing through the meridians throughout the body, containing extremely terrifying and powerful energy.

But none of this energy leaked out, and it was condensed and peaceful to the extreme.

After the eight extra meridians are filled, it begins to expand outward from the main meridians, and countless small meridians are also quickly filled.

Her soul power cultivation began to grow rapidly, and soon broke through to the level of Contra, and continued to rise without any signs of stopping.

In the process, her expression became more and more indifferent...

"where is that……?"

Her expression was suddenly startled. In her eyes now, the huge mountains stretching across the continent were no more than a thick line about a foot long.

On the mountain range, the hexagonal noble city is just a small dot.

But she could see everything clearly.

She could feel that an extremely important person was there, in that city.

That person is even more important than your own life.

If you lose that person, the future will be meaningless.

"I want to see……"

As this thought appeared, his originally indifferent and ruthless mind also fluctuated slightly, and his perspective dropped again.

Then, in the past month or so, in Wuhun City, under the sun, many scenes that had happened quickly reappeared before our eyes...

On the wide streets of Wuhun City, a man and a woman walked side by side, wandering in and out of the surrounding shops.

The woman took the man's arm affectionately, and her well-developed breasts rubbed back and forth on the arm, but she looked unconcerned.

Occasionally, I don’t know what the man said, which made the woman dissatisfied, and then she would laugh and play for a while, until a smile appeared on her cold cheek again...

In Wuhun City Academy, a man and a woman left side by side.

The breeze blows, and the woman's long dark red hair floats, lingering around the man's arm.

Not far behind them, a girl with long fiery red hair looked at the young man beside her, her lips opening and closing.

It seemed to be saying something like, "Elder Su and Zhuqing went on a date again"...

Of course, when the two get along, the most common scene is fighting and discussing.

But is that still a battle?

Qian Renxue is not sure what Zhu Zhuqing's level is, but she understands Su Cheng's strength very well.

It's more of a flirting than a fight!

what is this?

The concubine Lang loves the sword? Dry firewood palm?

Sure enough, not long after the battle ended, the woman threw herself into the man's arms, and then the two hugged each other tightly and kissed each other on the lips.

At first, the woman would struggle symbolically for a few times, but soon her whole body collapsed, her face flushed, her eyes blurry, and she looked like she was alluring...

Sadness, pain...but most of all, uncontrollable anger!

The rage that surged into the sky was like thunder exploding in his heart.

Anger may not be the most lasting emotion for humans, but it is definitely the most explosive emotion.

It can easily overwhelm a person's sanity and lead them into an extremely emotional world.

Gao Miao's perspective quickly returned.

What power of the sun, what being above all living beings, what selflessness...

Those are all illusory things!

At this moment, Qian Renxue just wants to kill someone!

The resonance with the sun was instantly cut off, and in the depths of his eyes, the two condensed light and shadows of the sun also scattered at the same moment.

Not only that, the originally peaceful beam soul power in the meridians began to riot.

Qian Daoliu, who was standing in the distance, was surprised to find that Qian Renxue's entire body seemed to have turned into a dazzling white.

But when he looked carefully, he realized that only the wings, long hair, and eyes were actually made of light beams.

It's just that those rays of light are so intense that if people with low cultivation level look at it, it's like looking directly at the blazing sun at noon. They can't distinguish the specific appearance at all, and can only vaguely see the light of the human form!

In other words, only those with advanced Qiandaoliu cultivation can see the details.

"Zhu! Zhu! Qing!"

The next moment, the blazing white light pillar disappeared in an instant.

As for the door of the Douluo Palace that symbolized the supreme glory, it opened a huge hole without even making a sound.

In the entire hall, only Qian Daoliu was left, standing under the statue in astonishment.

"Xiaoxue...what happened just now?"

He glanced distressedly at the dilapidated palace gate not far ahead, and a feeling of guilt surged into his heart.

You know, since the establishment of Wuhun Palace tens of thousands of years ago, Douluo Palace has never been damaged.

But he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief deep in his heart.

Compared with foreign objects like the Douluo Palace, Qian Renxue's ability to return to "normal" is the most important.

Although, she doesn't look particularly normal now.

"Forget it, let's leave it to Su Cheng to worry about..."

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