The moment the blazing white light beam plummeted straight into Wuhundian Academy, the entire academy fell silent.

The overwhelming pressure instantly shrouded the sky, and the scorching air waves scorched the earth.

The tall human-shaped light and shadow that made everyone tremble attracted the attention of everyone present.

Then, the scorching white light gradually dimmed, and everyone was able to see the man's true face.

The blazing white self-cultivation armor shimmering with bursts of light covered the entire body's exquisite and embossed perfect figure.

Underneath the high and smooth breastplate, the flexible and slender waist, and the round and straight hips, the straight and slender legs are stepping forward gracefully and powerfully.

The hard bluestone paved on the ground of Wuhun City Academy left a series of footprints of different shades as she walked, and a faint white mist rose above it.

Obviously, at this time, she was still unable to perfectly control the powerful and terrifying energy in her body.

At the end of his right arm, which was also wrapped in armor, his long and powerful fingers were firmly holding a broad-edged sword burning with white flames.

The surrounding space seemed to be slightly distorted by the hot air that continued to emit.

The huge light wings with a wingspan of more than five meters spread out wildly behind it.

That's right, those are not pure white wings, and the feathers that once flew can't be seen.

The three pairs of wings, which are much longer and larger than the body, seem to be made entirely of light, dazzling and dazzling.

Her waist-length blond hair, which was originally as flowing and smooth as flowing clouds, now also shows a dazzling blazing white color, like countless beams of light flying and dancing.

The cheeks with delicate and three-dimensional facial features like sculptures, the high bridge of the nose, and the slender eyebrows are still the same as before, so perfect that they make people feel ashamed.

But the long and narrow eyes were also filled with blazing white light, making it difficult to see the expression behind them.

Others could only feel a hint of cold and sharp murderous intent from the tightly pursed red lips.

Qian Renxue ignored the strange looks from others.

The blazing white eyes, whose pupils could not be seen clearly, seemed to pass through the barrier of space and look directly into the depths of the academy, looking at the graceful figure wearing a black windbreaker.

At the same time, in the training ground inside the academy, Zhu Zhuqing, who was staying with Feng Qingyu and others, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

She felt the incomprehensible powerful aura and saw those terrifying eyes filled with murderous intent and divine intent.

What kind of divine power is that...

At this moment, she felt like a small, defenseless mortal, standing helplessly on the ground, looking up at the huge meteorite that fell from the sky and covered the entire sky.

As far as the eye can see, except for the flowing fire on the meteorite, there is no glimmer of light, and the shadow of death as black as night directly presses down.

Zhu Zhuqing's face turned pale instantly.

Big beads of sweat overflowed from the pores, and then rolled down the delicate cheeks.

Every nerve in his body was roaring and wailing.

Her long dark red hair moved without any wind, and her body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

This is not because she is timid. But the instinct of survival is driving her crazily to escape from here.

She wanted to lift her feet and stay away.

However, under the pressure of that extremely powerful divine will, his body was like an insect solidified in amber, unable to move at all.

The reason she was able to hold on and not collapse to the ground was because her willpower was strong enough.

With the absolute gap in strength, any struggle would be useless and futile.

will die!

She knew this very well.

This will be her inevitable end.

The end of life may be in the next second...

The other students in the college also looked solemn at this time.

They also felt the powerful aura of compulsion at the same time.

The residual power alone has already made these young soul masters, whose cultivation level is higher than soul kings, tremble.

However, because he was not locked by it, he was just frightened and solemn, but not unable to move.

"Then, what is that?"

Feng Qingyu stammered and murmured in a low voice, then turned her gaze to the people around her.

He looked frightened, like a frightened little animal.

She asked "what is that", not "who is that".

Because in her understanding, it is impossible for humans to have such a strong sense of oppression.

Even those Titled Douluo and Peak Douluo who stand at the top of the mainland pyramid can't do it.

Just like when a volcano erupts, a tsunami rolls back, or a giant mountain overturns, in the face of natural disasters, human power is as small as dust.

"Don't worry, this is Wuhun City, nothing will happen."

Feng Xiaotian calmly comforted her and moved closer.

At this time, Shui Bing'er finally noticed something unusual about the girl in black next to her.

She asked softly with a slightly trembling voice: "Zhuqing, what's wrong with you?"


Zhu Zhuqing didn't answer, and looked into the distance aimlessly.

Not only was she unable to speak at all at the moment, but she could not even hear the sounds from the outside world at all.

Apart from the loud and harsh tinnitus, only the still powerful heartbeat in the chest was still pounding.

Behind her, the shadow of a tiger with white fur and blood stripes loomed.

"...You don't have to worry about my affairs for now. How are you practicing your skills? After such a long time in the past, you still haven't been able to get started with the integration of power?"

Su Cheng didn't want to talk more about those personal matters, and instead asked about Bibi Dong's progress in practice.

"No." Bibi Dong sighed lightly.

"You, a great scholar, are unwilling to help me. My accumulation is insufficient and my talent is limited. I really can't go any further."

"It shouldn't be like this. Your accumulation is actually enough. Even if the energy in the body is not balanced and the fusion efficiency is low, there should not be no progress for such a long time. I think you are not paying enough attention? Are you half-hearted and slacking off? ." Su Cheng didn't believe her words, frowned and said bluntly.

"Do you think I don't want to improve? The Shenqiu exam is completely messed up, and all the decades of hard work have been in vain. My understanding is not as good as yours, so I can only improve step by step. Looking at it now, I'm afraid I can only wait until further fulfillment in the future. Only with the potential of the twin martial souls can we have a chance." Bibi Dong gave him a pitiful look.

"If it doesn't work, you should do what I said before and study what's going on with my soul. Anyway, your cultivation has reached a bottleneck now. Why not take this opportunity to try it? It will definitely be of great benefit to you. .”


This time Su Cheng didn't hesitate like before and refused directly.

Although his progress has indeed been slow recently, he still has a lot of troubles waiting to be dealt with, and he really doesn't want to have any troubles in his life.

If that doesn't work, just wait until the simulator returns to normal and enter the next trial to see what happens.

He had a hunch in his heart that the next simulation would be crucial.

In fact, Su Cheng has already guessed what the nature of some simulators is.

This time is the final verification.

"Wait for Xiaoxue to come out of seclusion first. If she has no problem, I will accompany you to add a soul ring to the Soul-eating Spider Emperor. As long as your second martial soul is upgraded, you will truly get started in the cultivation of innate power, and there will be room for improvement later. It will open instantly.”

"Alas, it turns out that all the others put together are not as important in your eyes as Xiaoxue alone."

"You misunderstood, that's not what I meant."

Hearing what Bibi Dong said, Su Cheng looked at her in surprise, then shook his head and explained patiently.

"You may be slow in your cultivation, but you are actually on the right track. But Xiaoxue is different. Her situation is quite special. To be honest, I have never experienced her twin soul situation, so how can I completely see through it? secret.

"All the suggestions I put forward for her cultivation are only theoretical feasibility based on my own knowledge accumulation and inference, and they may not be truly correct. In the end, whether it works or not depends on her.

"So I must keep track of her progress at all times to prevent an irreversible situation. If nothing else, at least I should be strong enough to suppress her."

When he said this, his voice suddenly stopped.

I feel like an old general on the stage at this moment, with flags all over his body.

But then he burst into laughter again, secretly saying that he was thinking too much.

No matter how talented Xiaoxue is, she will never be able to improve her strength to such an extent in such a short period of time.

His worry is not about anything else, but that special artistic conception.

In fact, Su Cheng was a little worried from the very beginning.

That kind of true meaning is too lofty and ethereal. Qian Renxue's own potential is astonishing, and there is a possibility of losing control even if she makes rapid progress.

But this is her own will, and there is no other better route to choose from.

From the moment the souls were twinned, there was no turning back for Qian Renxue. Unless one of the two souls is sacrificed and they become one again, the only way is to keep moving forward.

Therefore, Su Cheng could only choose to believe in her ability, believe that she could stabilize her mind and maintain her original intention.

After a short pause, he continued:

"If it is just a mutation in the soul, although it is troublesome, there is at least a temporary solution, which is to absorb the hundred thousand year soul ring. Then use the soul power in the hundred thousand year soul ring to stabilize her soul core and reduce the mutual interference between the twin souls. of wear and tear.

“But the problem is, Xiaoxue’s own talent is far beyond ordinary people, so unpredictable situations are very likely to occur.

"It is easy for people like her to have special insights during the cultivation process, either by chance or accident, which will lead to rapid growth in strength.

"I even guessed that she is the person originally destined for this world, the so-called child of destiny."

"Son of destiny? Destiny..." Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng in surprise and repeated the title in a low voice.

"That's right, the Son of Destiny. The darling of the world, the favored one by fate, the opportunity that may change the future direction of the world."

Having said this, Su Cheng raised his eyes and looked at Bibi Dong.

"Actually, you are very much like a child of destiny. You are extremely talented, have experienced ups and downs, and have many opportunities.

"But you're not.

"You are a role similar to a protector. The meaning of your existence is to be the pioneer of the king and pave the way for the true son of destiny."

"Being a pioneer for the king...?"

Bibi Dong frowned subconsciously, feeling that this statement was very unlucky.

Could it be that all he is doing now is just making wedding clothes for his disciples?

Thinking of this, a gloomy look flashed across her eyes.

She didn't believe in such a thing.

"Be specific."

"That's not necessary." Su Cheng waved his hand casually, "It's just my guess. What's more, everything is in the past tense."

"Past tense? What do you mean?"

"Because you are no longer destined, you will fail."

He stared into Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes.

His eyes seemed to see through the depths of his pupils, seeing another possible life trajectory.

Although she didn't know what Su Cheng meant by "will definitely fail", Bibi Dong also heard that it was something completely unrelated to what she imagined.

He breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief in his heart, and his voice returned to its previous calmness, and he said casually: "Since Xiaoxue is not the one, then who has become the son of destiny in your mouth?"

"'s me..."


Bibi Dong looked stunned.

Looking at Su Cheng's solemn and solemn expression in front of him.

Her expression also became serious.

But after a few seconds, he finally couldn't hold on and couldn't help laughing.

"Pfft! Hahaha..."

Su Cheng: "..."

"I...I knew you were were pretending to be mysterious and said some turns turned out that you wanted to go back and brag...haha, are really interesting... "


Ignorant woman!

Su Cheng cursed secretly and felt embarrassed.

Of course there was a reason why he just said that.

But it would be too troublesome to tell all the reasons, and it is not necessary.

So these words seemed a little funny to Bibi Dong.


However, after a few breaths, the suppressed laughter was suddenly cut off as if a mute button was pressed.

There were still tears in the corners of her eyes, but there was no longer any smile on her face.

Su Cheng's eyes also flashed and he sat upright.

The two of them turned their gazes at the same time and looked in the direction of Douluo Hall.

There, there was an extremely powerful aura rising into the sky.

In Su Cheng's senses, its aura was no less powerful than the power fluctuations of the second stage of the Immortal Real Body when he exerted all his strength.

Even where he is domineering and brilliant, there is more.

"So strong!"

"That's Xiaoxue?!"

The breath disappeared in an instant, and then landed in Wuhundian Academy.

The next moment, a surging murderous intention that was as solid as a substance soared into the sky.

"not good!"

Su Cheng was horrified and without any time to say anything, he left the Pope's Palace in a flash.

"How could it be so strong..."

Bibi Dong's expression changed drastically, and her fingers clenched into fists unconsciously.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly followed and rushed towards the college.

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