Wuhundian Academy, internal training ground.

When the angel with its blazing white flames descended, everyone felt an uncontrollable sense of awe rising from deep in their hearts.

That is a normal physiological instinct for ordinary people when they first face extraordinary existence beyond their cognition.

Of course, they are all outstanding young people with outstanding talents. They have met many titled Douluo, and have seen the strength of the powerful elders in Wuhun City. They know how terrifying those top soul masters are.

However, they have never seen the power of "god".

At this time, Qian Renxue's aura fluctuations were already comparable to the level of a second-level god.

Its presence is as strong as the scorching sun in the sky, and no other light source can compete with it.

Facing this extremely tyrannical and terrifying power, they were like frogs in a well seeing the vastness of the sky, and the horror in their hearts was simply indescribable.

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

Holding back the soreness in his eyes that was on the verge of tears, he silently stared at the tall figure hanging in the air, shining as bright as the sun.

Qian Renxue stretched her wings of light behind her and looked at the girl in black who was trembling slightly in the crowd with her eyes shrouded in white light.

With just this glance, Zhu Zhuqing felt as if he had been struck by thunder under the entanglement of his aura.

The looming white tiger shadow behind her instantly shattered and exploded into pieces of blood mist. A large mouthful of blood spurted out from her mouth.

By this time, Qian Renxue calmed down.

Except for the blazing white eyes whose expressions cannot be seen clearly, the facial features are completely unchanged.

Even the surging murderous intent that was so solid a moment ago has disappeared.

She stretched her arms forward and pointed her sword straight at the girl in black who was spitting out blood.

On the sword blade, the flames burned more intensely.

"Qian Renxue, what are you doing?!"

The next moment, several angry shouts sounded one after another.

It's the teachers at the college.

Qian Renxue moved so fast that she disappeared from the sight of these people in just a few flashes.

Even the person with the lowest cultivation level among them all had the Soul Saint level, but they arrived here a moment late.

Fortunately, Qian Renxue didn't have the idea or ability to hide her aura, otherwise these teachers might not be able to know where she went.

"Qian Renxue, please calm down first. If you have anything to do, wait until Elder Su comes." This was the words of an ordinary college teacher who didn't know the truth.

"Young Master, what are you doing, offering sacrifices to his old man?" The person who said this was a direct member of the Qian Family of Wuhun Palace.

"Miss Zhuqing is the direct disciple of the Pope, Qian Renxue, you must not be impulsive." This person is a soul master from the Pope's Palace faction.

"Qian Renxue..."

"Little Lord……"

"Shut up."

Qian Renxue tilted her head, opened and closed her red lips, and uttered cold words.

The sight hidden behind the white light seemed to sweep across the people behind him.

As the breath passed by, all the teachers in the college suddenly seemed to have their necks strangled, and they could no longer say a word.

"...Xue, sister Xue..."

At this time, Feng Qingyu, who was not far ahead, suppressed the strong fear in her heart and whispered in a trembling voice: "Teacher, the teacher is still with the Pope..."

Qian Renxue glanced at the other party and ignored him.

She knew that this man was Su Cheng's new disciple, who came from several academies in the Tiandou Empire.

However, judging from the many scenes she had just seen not long ago, the relationship between her and Su Cheng was indeed a simple master-disciple relationship.

In this case, she had no idea of ​​taking action against him.

Of course, there is no interest in giving this weed face.

Zhu Zhuqing is her only target.


Suddenly, Qian Renxue turned her eyes for a moment and noticed the beautiful girl with red hair.

"Elder Su and Zhuqing went on a date again..."

Although from the previous perspective of the sun, she could only see the picture but could not hear any sound, it should be something similar.

This guy has a really bad mouth.

Between thoughts, a wisp of breath locked onto Huo Wu.

The faint shadow of the sun flashed between Huo Wu's eyes.

The terrifying shadow that Zhu Zhuqing had just felt also clouded her heart.

The next moment, the beautiful and flamboyant red-haired girl collapsed on the ground, sweating all over her body, and her clothes were soaked in an instant.

At the same time, he was still breathing heavily "ho ho", and his face suddenly turned purple.

It was a suffocating feeling brought about by intense fear, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

Feng Xiaotian looked shocked and angry when he saw this scene. He suppressed the fear in his heart and stepped forward, trying his best to mobilize the solidified and stagnant soul power in his body.

But then another person grabbed his sleeve tightly.

He looked back and saw Feng Qingyu shaking her head at him anxiously.

Her beautiful eyes were full of pleading, signaling him not to be impulsive.

At this time, you must not go up to cause trouble, let alone say any nonsense.

Huo Wu was just frightened, and the other party had no intention of killing her.

But if Feng Xiaotian forced himself to stand out, it would be like adding fuel to the fire. At that time, they might really be killed!

At this time, Feng Xiaotian also reacted, and the impulse he had just receded like a tide, turning into a wave of fear.

After he calmed down and nodded gratefully to Feng Qingyu, the other party let go of his hand.

But during this process, Qian Renxue seemed not to notice the little movements between them, and didn't even look at them.

It was only now that these young soul masters truly felt how terrifying Qian Renxue was at this moment.

Not to mention things like martial soul fusion skills or self-created soul skills, even the soul power is difficult to mobilize, and the martial soul cannot be released at all.

That is the difference between man and God, a chasm like a chasm.

Zhu Zhuqing's Netherworld White Tiger martial spirit has already entered the threshold of a god-level martial spirit. With the particularity of her own domain and the martial spirit's mysteries, she can use her soul power to hold on and barely confront Qian Renxue.

But the other young soul masters obviously don't have this ability.

He could only look at the girl in black facing the divine power with worry.

In fact, let alone them, even those academy teachers with Soul Saint cultivation and even Contra cultivation were suppressed and unable to move by the powerful force field that enveloped the inner courtyard.

After all, when it comes to hard power, they are still not as powerful as Zhu Zhuqing today.

Feng Qingyu even lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Qian Renxue again.

Her intuition was amazing and she could feel it, even though the other party seemed calm and calm, without the earth-shattering and terrifying murderous intention before.

But in fact, under the calm sea, there are surging magma and fire springs hidden.

It could burst out at any time and burn everything.

However, Qian Renxue seemed to be waiting for something at this moment.

Even though the murderous intention boiled in his heart, he always restrained himself from taking action in a hurry.

"Don't you want to say something? What's going on between you and Su Cheng?"

Qian Renxue finally spoke.

The sound was as cold and cold as the clash of gold and iron.


"I will give you a chance to explain and talk about your relationship with him. Tell me that you have no feelings for him. Then promise me to stay away from him from now on and go back to your Star Luo Empire. .I can let you go today."


Facing Qian Renxue's questioning, Zhu Zhuqing remained silent from beginning to end.

Behind the perfectly curved body, long dark red hair flew like a blood-stained flag.

Her eyes were also covered with a layer of blood mist at some point, flashing with a faint fierce light.

A low "Woo" sound sounded next to him.

Like the howling of a strong wind, and the roar of a tiger.

This is both her own unyielding will and the fighting instinct from the Netherworld White Tiger.

Even if she is at the end of her rope, even if she is struggling to her death, she will never bow her head.

Just like the name of her sixth soul skill - bloody battle.


Qian Renxue stopped talking.

The blazing white eyes narrowed slightly, and the anger and jealousy in his heart became more and more surging.

But she still had no intention of taking action.

Although her special state, like Su Cheng's second stage of immortality, cannot last long.

However, the situations of Qian Renxue and Su Cheng are different.

She is not just a state blessing, but has truly achieved a qualitative change from the inside out.

This has both advantages and disadvantages for Qian Renxue.

The benefits are obvious. From today on, she has essentially undergone a life-level transformation.

If you look at Qian Renxue's body at this time, you will find that not only the blazing white powerful energy flowing in the body like a beam, but also her meridians, bones, and muscle fibers are now stained with little bits of blazing white energy. luster.

The power of the blazing sun has been integrated with her entire body, blood, and soul.

Even the soul is radiating a blazing white light from the inside out.

It is conceivable that even after her twin souls are separated again, the nature of the two is completely different from the past.

In the future, as long as we practice and improve step by step, we will be able to realize these potentials into real strength sooner or later.

It's just that it's hard to predict how this transformation will ultimately manifest itself.

However, this situation is not without its disadvantages.

After this period of time passed, after she fell from the powerful state at the moment, it would be difficult for her to return to such a powerful strength comparable to a second-level god in a short period of time.

It takes continuous practice in the future to slowly realize these accumulated potentials.

But in fact, Qian Renxue had a chance to reach the sky in one step.

In the Douluo Palace, the moment she completely resonated with the blazing sun outside the sky.

The power of the sun had been continuously integrated into her body.

Her will and soul were constantly assimilated by this power and realm that far exceeded ordinary people at that time.

That is the temptation that no living being can resist, the temptation to become stronger, evolve, and even exist forever.

If she continues like that, after a certain critical point, she will either be burned to death by the extremely hot power of the sun and turn into nothingness, or she will become transcendent and become the incarnation of the sun walking in the world.

However, with just a thought, the strong obsession and surging emotions in her heart made her finally break free from that strange state.

Although he lost the opportunity to reach the sky in one step, he still retained his emotions and will as a "human being".

Qian Renxue looked at Zhu Zhuqing with her white eyes, "Don't worry, I won't kill you directly, I will let you die clearly..."

Her voice deepened, "Or let me die and understand."

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment.

Then, she saw the woman hanging in the air directly in front of her, turning her head to look in the direction of Mount Pope.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the other party's expression has never changed since he appeared, but it seems to have fluctuated.

To be precise, it was the corners of her mouth that seemed to have an almost undetectable slight arc.

But there was no trace of smile in it, instead it was filled with unspeakable pain.

Or is it reluctance?

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't see clearly and couldn't understand.

The next moment, Xuanhe's transparent sword light streaked across the sky like a meteor, and a series of huge sonic booms sounded from behind.

Another existence with second-level divine power!

It was Su Cheng who arrived here.

Behind him was the much slower Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace.

Of course, others did not understand the specific divisions of god-level strength. They could only feel the terror that both Qian Renxue and Su Cheng were equally powerful, far exceeding the limit that a soul master could imagine.

It's all a long story, but in fact from the time Qian Renxue showed up to when Su Cheng arrived, she only said a few short sentences to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Xiaoxue, no!"

"……finally come."

Qian Renxue sighed softly.

Then, he raised the broad-edged sword in his hand, the wings on his back trembled slightly, and handed the sword out without hesitation.

The flames burned on the sword blade, and its temperature was so high that even the surrounding space felt a vague sense of distortion.

This sword incorporates all the power she can mobilize, and will also release all the power that comes from the sun and does not really belong to her.

Then, she will fall from her current god-level strength and become an ordinary human with a twin soul.

This also means that after the sword is thrust out, even she herself will no longer be able to control the subsequent direction.

Facing this irreversible sword, Su Cheng, who arrived at this moment, had only two choices.

Or use your sword to intercept.

With the strength he is showing now, he can do this.

But in this case, all the power of the sun attached to the lightsaber will explode directly.

The backlash caused by this, Qian Renxue's current defenseless state, and her body that has just begun to transform, will undoubtedly be burned to ashes, and she will eventually die.

Or just sit back and let her successfully thrust the sword.

Then Zhu Zhuqing, who was completely locked with no way to escape, would definitely die!

Come on, teacher/Su Cheng...

Let me see, will you choose me or her.

If I am redundant.

If my presence embarrasses you.

Then it would be better to just die.

Die in his own attack.

This way, you don't have to feel guilty or regretful, this was my choice.

This is not a bad way to end a boring, meaningless life.

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