A powerful sword light flashed like the scorching sun.

This moment is like the real sun falling into the world. Except for the powerful Su Cheng and Bibi Dong, the remaining onlookers' eyes stung, and light red blood tears welled up in their eyes, making it difficult to look directly at its dazzling brilliance.

Even the fluctuations in mental power detected by the Peerless Douluo Qiandaoliu far away in the Douluo Palace were also shaken away by the aftermath of this energy.

The reason for this situation is not only because the power of the sun is too strong, but also because Qian Renxue's own lack of control ability causes too much energy to escape.

Now that things have happened, Qian Daoliu can no longer sit back and watch.

He also didn't expect Qian Renxue to be so extreme.

Even with the state of mind he had cultivated over the years, he couldn't help but feel impetuous and unable to control himself at the moment. He was worried about his granddaughter and felt unworthy of her actions, but also secretly resented Su Cheng's lack of professionalism and disappointment.

As soon as he moved, he rushed out of Douluo Hall and rushed towards the academy.

Qian Daoliu was like this, and Su Cheng's expression changed drastically as he was so close.

Is this sword strong?

In fact, it's not that difficult for Su Cheng to deal with.

Even if Qian Renxue could really control the unparalleled power in her body, this kind of overbearing and extreme offensive method would be relatively simple when used in combat, and its actual combat power would be far less than that of Su Cheng himself.

Not to mention that Qian Renxue's aura was unstable and it was obviously difficult to control the subsequent direction of the sword.

With Su Cheng's control and use of power, he could easily cut into it and then detonate it in advance without hurting him.

In terms of strength, Qian Renxue has indeed reached the level of a second-level god.

But if she really wants to fight head-on, it is actually impossible for her to defeat any second-level god. Even in a battle with a third-level god, the outcome is unpredictable.

Although she has the memory and experience of becoming an angel god, her experience also requires physical reactions as support.

Regardless of her physical foundation or soul, her current potential is only transformed, and it still takes time to realize it. There is still a long way to go before reaching the god level.

It is impossible to twist the whole body's energy into one force like Su Cheng's innate power. Every improvement is a leap in true strength.

This is why there is little point in endlessly boosting energy.

If the accumulation is not enough, the efficiency of energy use will naturally be astonishingly low, and it may even have the negative effect of being a hindrance in battles at the same level.

A child wielding a heavy divine sword and slashing randomly may not be as effective as a handy dagger.

Of course, with her level of power here, it would be easy to destroy a hundred and eighty peerless Douluo with one sword strike.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing had no time to think too much.

When the real killing move came, I realized that the previous divine power was just an appetizer.

Her eyes were directly blinded by the strong light, and her mind was completely blank. She was shocked on the spot.

Even his own existence seems to be invisible.

After the sword strike, the light of the wings behind Qian Renxue dimmed and turned into countless light spots that disappeared. The blazing white flame in his pupils extinguished, and his long hair slowly fell down.

The next moment, the long sword in her hand disappeared, and her figure split into two, turning into two figures wearing golden armor and silver-grey armor.

The aura that was originally extremely strong suddenly slipped away.

Although it is still powerful, it no longer has the terrifying power it had before.

Watching this scene from a distance, Bibi Dong, who was chasing behind, looked horrified.

She understands Su Cheng, at least when it comes to emotional issues, she knows more than Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing, and she sees things more thoroughly.

She guessed what choice the other party would make next.

"Su Cheng!! Don't-"

The sharp and harsh shouts have not yet ended.

The transparent sword light deflected in an instant and landed directly in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Su Cheng had no choice.

Five colors of light flowed, and the field of talent expanded.

But facing the terrifying sword light in front of him, there was almost no resistance in this realm, and it was immediately destroyed as soon as it appeared.

As soon as his hands were released, the sword of longevity fell down and stuck on the ground.

He couldn't block it with his sword.

If you do this, Qian Renxue will die.

The next moment, hands filled with transparent energy were directly shrouded on both sides of the dazzling white sword light.

The perfect and pure innate power comes into contact with the domineering and scorching power of the sun.

It's not a direct collision, but trying to buffer and melt.

However, it's almost useless.

The power of the sun is already extremely violent, and its domineering aspect is even more powerful than the innate power.

Innate strength is better than balance. In fact, neither defense nor attack is particularly outstanding, let alone resisting in this way.


With an almost inaudible subtle sound, first the energy in the hands was quickly burned and evaporated, and then the skin, flesh and blood...

The sword light slowed and weakened slightly, and then penetrated into the body without any suspense.


Su Cheng couldn't help but let out a groan.

The instant pain almost made him give up resistance.

Fortunately, the critical point was avoided and he was not killed on the spot.

Even so, the continuous power of the sun was still rapidly devouring his life force.

The burning sensation outside my body quickly disappeared and was replaced by numbness.

This terrifying energy that seemed to be able to burn everything was raging wildly in the body without any scruples. Organs, meridians, bones, and even souls...

From the moment Qian Renxue thrust out the sword to Su Cheng choosing to take the blow without hesitation, everything happened in the blink of an eye.

When everyone regained their vision, they were immediately shocked and speechless by the horrific scene in front of them.

A terrifying flame several meters high burned on the ground.

No, in the slightly bluish white flames rising to the sky, there was a vague figure of a man kneeling on one knee.

To be precise, the white flame seemed to be emanating from the inside out of his body.

That man seemed to be the fire itself.

The burning sensation brought by this huge fire pillar-like fire was several times stronger than the heat wave emitted from Qian Renxue's body before.

The ground paved with hard bluestone dissolved quickly, and a deep pit soon formed.

Without Qian Renxue's control, the incomparably powerful power of the sun finally revealed its ferocious fangs in front of these mortals.

When the sun is high in the sky, He is the source of life that people respect and admire.

But this kind of existence can only be viewed from a distance by mortals. If you dare to get close, you will only die.

The many academy soul masters who were watching, regardless of their level of cultivation, felt unbearable bursts of burning pain all over their bodies at this moment.

Even in the soul, there seems to be a flame growing.

You must use all your strength to mobilize all your soul power to resist, in order to barely avoid being burned by this heat wave.

Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly at the fire in front of him and the blurry figure that could not be distinguished from it.

For a moment, it seemed that he didn't realize what had just happened.

"Is not likely to……"


Apart from their clothes and hair color, the two tall figures, who looked exactly the same, murmured in a low voice, and their eyes filled with tears at some point were full of panic.

Even if you want to rush into the fire, find that person, rescue that person, or bear the terrifying sun fire with him.

But there was someone faster than her.

A dark green figure descended from the sky, not caring about the terrifying heat of the white flames, and went straight into the fire, holding the figure in his arms.

A strong burning sensation came instantly.

Under the dark green visor, tears couldn't stop sliding down Bibi Dong's face, and were quickly evaporated.

She had no time to care about others.

Qian Renxue, Zhu Zhuqing, and the college members who were watching have all disappeared from sight.

There is only one person in her eyes.

Perceiving it, Su Cheng's life breath was slipping away rapidly.

The last scene in the dream seemed to reappear before my eyes.

"don't want……"

In just a moment, the hands holding Su Cheng's body had turned black, as rough and shriveled as burnt wood, and extremely ugly.

Even Bibi Dong, who displayed his martial spirit true form and whose strength was much stronger than ordinary peerless Douluo, ended up like this upon contact.

One can imagine what was going on inside Su Cheng's body when he took the sword forcefully.

"I will help you, just hold on..."

The depths of the soul that no one can see.

The holy and pure lotus pond is in full bloom as usual.

At the bottom of the lotus pond, there is a large amount of bottomless silt.

At this time, as Bibi Dong's state of mind fluctuated violently, the layers of mud suddenly began to churn and roll little by little.

Then from the rhizome of each lotus, it slowly starts to climb upward...

However, before there were any other subsequent actions, a large fire suddenly appeared out of thin air.

On the large piece of clean lotus that could not be seen to the end, clusters of flames suddenly ignited.

Burn the soul!

Bibi Dong's delicate brows suddenly frowned, and the severe pain made her face pale for a while.

But this was the only way she could think of.

She is certainly very strong.

However, whether it is compared to Su Cheng's innate power or Qian Renxue's power of the sun, it is still far behind.

There had never been a moment when she regretted it as much as she did now.

Why are you slacking off in your cultivation during this period of time? Why don't you try hard to integrate your innate power...

She put her forehead against Su Cheng's.

The power of the soul pours out without reservation.

If this is really another dream, then this time, I can choose to end it with you.

In addition to the fiercely burning fire, they noticed Bibi Dong's figure thrown into it, and neither Qian Renxue thought much about it.

In fact, they were completely panicked now.

Without making any eye contact, the two of them prepared to leave at the same time.


Suddenly, a figure fell behind Qian Renxue, pressing two palms on their left and right shoulders at the same time.

Qian Daoliu arrived.

"If you act blindly, you will only cause trouble to Su Cheng and distract you from taking care of you. Wait a moment, and you have to trust him."

While using a delaying tactic to prevent Qian Renxue from approaching, he scanned the crowd and said, "All college teachers, take the students and leave here immediately!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and used the domain to block the heat wave a little.

Seeing the great worshipper appear in person, all the teachers breathed a sigh of relief.

They couldn't hold on any longer.

As for those students, their performance was even worse. Except for Zhu Zhuqing, most of them had to hold on to prevent themselves from collapsing to the ground.

Soon, the young soul masters were all taken away one after another, but Zhu Zhuqing stood there without moving, with a dull expression as if he had lost his soul. No matter how much others shouted and pulled, it was of no avail.

The teachers were immediately embarrassed when they saw this scene.

Qian Daoliu glanced at her and then at his two lost granddaughters. He hesitated and waved his hand, indicating that others should not worry about her.

Then he turned his gaze to the two figures in the fire and sighed secretly in his heart.

Seeing that Su Cheng's life and death were unpredictable at this time, all the anger he had originally had dissipated.

Putting aside today's incident, he actually admired Su Cheng very much.

She is young and promising, and has extraordinary qualifications. Although it has subtly affected the inheritance of the Angel God, Qian Renxue can find a better path, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

It's a pity that the shortcomings in emotional processing are really disappointing.


Extremely painful!

Su Cheng has completely lost the ability to perceive subsequent changes in the outside world.

Even if Qian Renxue attacks Zhu Zhuqing again, he can't stop her at all.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong was following behind, so he must be able to control the situation.

The clothes, soul guides and other things he was wearing were burned to death in an instant.

The hair and other connective tissues on the body surface have long since turned into ashes.

The first pair of palms that faced the divine power became even more charred black, and all the flesh and skin were necrotic. If it weren't for the innate power flowing between them, these hands might not have been saved.

As for the continuous and intense pain, it does not originate from these tissues and organs.

In fact, he no longer felt the burning pain coming from his body surface.

For ordinary people, when the pain reaches a certain threshold, the brain will block this signal to protect itself.

However, with his level of cultivation, it is obviously impossible for a similar situation to occur. The sense of pain can play a great assisting role in both combat and cultivation.

The real reason is that compared to the blazing white flames burning in the body, the pain on the body surface is really insignificant.

Even in the second stage of the Immortal Real Body, with flawless innate power protecting the body, it is inevitable to suffer heavy losses.

The power of the sun was so overbearing that in a head-on confrontation, it almost overwhelmed his innate power.

Even the main meridians are now covered with a layer of molten gold color, and some of the branch meridians are completely tangled and stuck together.

This is a real internal burning, and the whole body seems to be melting.

But all these injuries added together are no more than one-tenth of the pain caused by soul burning.

In the soul, little bits of blazing white fire ignited one after another.

Although the number was small, it continued to eat away at his soul slowly and continuously, and innate power could not erase it at all.

This is the horror of high-level power.

The flames inside the body, outside the body, and in the soul resonate with each other, and even use the battlefield where they confront each other as fuel.

Unless they are all extinguished at the same time, they will have to wait until they become exhausted.

But looking at the current situation, I am afraid that by that time, Su Cheng himself will have taken the first step.

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