The intense pain that continued to come from his soul made Su Cheng's consciousness begin to become a little blurry.

The innate power that was originally able to move freely like an arm and fingers began to gradually become dull and sluggish.

At this time, some of the problems with the innate power were actually exposed.

Even if it is twisted into one and used perfectly, it is only a status blessing after all, and cannot be easily driven by instinct like the body or soul power.

Now, as his soul is being burned and eaten away bit by bit, Su Cheng's control over his power is still slipping further.

It was extremely difficult to stay awake, and there was no energy left to take into account the chaotic state of the body.

Just as he was becoming more and more confused, a cool breath suddenly spread into the depths of his soul.

That is extremely high quality and extremely pure soul source energy.

Different from ordinary soul power that can be restored and regenerated, the soul source is like the soul master level. It needs to be slowly strengthened over time. For anyone, one point will be lost by one point.

And if the loss is too much, it may even be life-threatening.

At the last moment of the simulated world, Su Cheng himself burned the origin of his soul in a similar way to break through the final bottleneck.

After the battle, he used the soul's original energy to wash away a large number of evil thoughts deep in Bibi Dong's second martial soul, strengthen his soul, and reshape the Poseidon martial soul for Bo Saixi.

However, Su Cheng, who was nearly unconscious at this time, obviously had no time or energy to think about this.

The next moment, he began to instinctively entangle his soul.

Just like a dying drowning person, he clings to the last ray of life to extinguish as much fire as possible in his soul.

Little did he know that as this instinctive move progressed, Bibi Dong, who was holding his body in her arms, suddenly lost all color on her face.

The originally beautiful red lips became as pale as paper.

The light in her beautiful eyes was blurred, and the severe pain, burning, and sense of emptiness in her mind almost made her faint on the spot.

At the same time, on the lotus pond deep in the soul, the fire suddenly took on the potential of starting a prairie fire.

Even the color of the flames instantly changed from golden-red to blue-white, and the temperature increased several times.

In just the blink of an eye, large tracts of lotus flowers withered away, and the pool was evaporated layer by layer, revealing the lotus leaves and rhizomes below.

Maybe it won't be long before this place becomes completely silent again.

Fortunately, Su Cheng made new moves soon.

As the temperature in his soul dropped sharply, Su Cheng, who was much more awake, suddenly realized where the souls coming from the outside came from.

He was too familiar with this breath.

The complex emotions in my heart disappeared in a flash, now is not the time to think too much.

He first quickly suppressed the instinct to entangle the opponent with his soul. Otherwise, if he continued like this, Bibi Dong might not be able to hold on any longer and die of soul exhaustion.

Only then did he start to endure the severe pain and think about countermeasures.

Under the continuous burning of the sun's fire on the meridians, the molten gold spots that originally appeared bit by bit have begun to gradually connect into pieces, turning into dark streaks like glass.

But more of the small branch meridians have been charred and blackened, and many of them are even directly broken.

This is because his five elements are perfect, his vitality is strong enough, and his innate power does not just flow through his meridians like soul power.

Otherwise, just this kind of injury will directly cause his whole body's strength to be unsustainable.

"It's completely useless this time..."

Su Cheng sighed in his heart.

But being able to save one's life right now is already a huge blessing, how can one ask for anything else.

However, the crisis is not completely over yet.

If the large amount of residual fire in the body cannot be dealt with in time, it may not take too long for it to resurge.

If you want to get rid of the current predicament, the first issue is to improve your physical condition.

Without the support of the body, the innate power is like rootless duckweed. It will only become weaker and weaker, and then it will be completely burned away by the power of the sun that no one can control.

The auto-spirit fusion skill that was once regarded as a trump card has long been useless.

His perfect innate power is based on the Eternal Life Sword, and the key lies in the seventh soul ring.

Su Cheng has already conducted in-depth research on martial soul fusion techniques. Its essence is the completion of bloodline information. Part of the effect of the first version of the innate skill he developed, the Nirvana Sutra, is to achieve martial soul fusion.

But the problem is that now the Eternal Sword bloodline has been sublimated.

In this state, the blessing effect of the second martial spirit that has not yet been improved is almost non-existent. Even if you are not careful, it is very likely to destroy this martial spirit that has not yet fulfilled its potential.

After all, the fire of the sun is too domineering.

In fact, Su Cheng was not unable to accept the loss of a second martial spirit.

The critical moment is a critical moment of racing against time. If the opportunity for self-rescue is delayed because of this, it will make people want to cry without tears.

So there is only one solution left.

Broken ring!

It is true that the side effects of using this kind of soul skill are serious.

It is also true that the lost soul ring will disappear forever.

But now that my life is almost gone, I can't care about these trivial matters.

If your strength declines, you can rebuild it; if your potential is exhausted, you can find ways to make up for it. But there is only one life, and if you die, it will really be over.

The next moment, the Eternal Life Sword stuck in the ground suddenly trembled slightly.

Then, the first soul ring shattered and disappeared bit by bit.

As the ring of law was completely broken, the powerful power of law began to pour into the body explosively.

The flesh and blood of the meridians are like dead trees coming to life, re-injected with new vitality.

The charred body surface also showed a little luster following his movements.


Su Cheng panted lightly, trying his best to contain the power within his body to reduce the loss.

At the same time, he finally felt the pain coming from the surface of his body again.

This is a good thing.

This means that those nerve fibers that were completely destroyed are slowly being remodelled.

Immediately afterwards, the second soul ring shattered.

The third soul ring, the fourth soul ring, the fifth soul ring...

It wasn't until all five soul rings attached to the Eternal Life Sword disappeared that Su Cheng finally stopped moving.

Not that he was holding back.

It is true that his body is too seriously injured now, and his sixth spirit ring is extraordinary. It is a hundred thousand year old spirit ring that condensed on its own, and is also integrated with his Bright Moon Sword Intent.

The energy in it is more powerful than the previous five soul rings combined, so it may not be able to withstand it.

He needs to first use the energy and blood brought by the previous broken rings to regain some form before continuing to try.

After all, although the first five soul rings are only at the limit level of ten thousand years, the resonance of the five elements is still very beneficial to repairing the physical condition.

After the pressure eased slightly, he used the sixth soul ring to extinguish the sun's fire in his body in one fell swoop.

This is also his last resort. If he fails, he will have no choice but to break the seventh soul ring.

But the seventh soul ring is the foundation of the immortal body. If you really get to this point, there will be no retreat, and you will be benevolent if you don't succeed.

Without the protection of the perfect innate power of the second stage of the Immortal Real Body, he was simply unable to continue confronting the power of the sun.

This terrifying sun fire in the body can burn almost everything, and the low-level energy is just the material to continue to help it burn.

Fortunately, the situation was not that bad.

Even from the outside, the huge fire ignited outside Su Cheng's body was no longer the pure blazing white color before, but revealed a faint blue light.

Although the temperature is still astonishing, it is much lower than before.

The slipping speed of his life breath also began to slow down, seeming to form a delicate balance with the powerful destructive energy in his body.

At this time, Bibi Dong, who was wearing dark green armor and showing the soul-eating spider emperor's true form, finally left the flame core and stood in front of several people again.

The arms wrapped in armor were charred black, and the ten exposed fingers were almost like burnt bones, looking withered and ferocious.

His aura was even more depressed to the extreme.

Even the extremely hard Spider Emperor's armor had long since melted, becoming pitted, and no longer as smooth and sharp as before.

Obviously, Bibi Dong chose to voluntarily withdraw from the Flame Center at this time. In addition to Su Cheng's improved condition and temporary health, it was also an important reason that she herself was no longer able to survive.

However, at the moment, only Bibi Dong herself knew that Su Cheng's condition had improved, and she even knew that the other party had the secret method of breaking the ring, which could greatly improve her own strength. She should be safe, but Qian Renxue and others did not know.

Looking at the powerful flames still burning outside Su Cheng's body, he saw that Bibi Dong's aura had reached the bottom.

The two Qian Renxue's movements were exactly the same. They were about to break away from Qian Daoliu's hand and rush into the high-burning fire.

"Qian Renxue! Haven't you caused enough trouble? Is your life really that worthless?!"

Sharp scolding sounds rang in his ears, and the two men's movements stopped at the same time.

Bibi Dong's voice was mixed with heavy breathing, and her towering chest was rising and falling violently, "If it weren't for your willfulness, if you didn't want to save your life, with Su Cheng's strength, would you have ended up like this?! You guys? Look at his soul ring!"

Over the years, her feelings for Qian Renxue, her daughter, have been extremely complicated.

They are obviously flesh and blood relatives that cannot be separated, but they are filled with disgust and hatred that cannot be eradicated.

But no matter what, she never had the thought of hoping that the other party would lose his life.

After hearing Bibi Dong's angry rebuke, Qian Renxue surprisingly did not get angry or refute.

They all heard the implication of each other's words.

At this moment, everyone could see that there were only two lonely soul rings left at Su Cheng's feet.

"H-how is he?"

Qian Renxue, who was wearing golden armor, couldn't help but ask. Although her expression was slightly relaxed, she still couldn't hide her panic.

Although the other figure in silver armor didn't speak, his eyes were still staring at her.

Looking at these two people, Bibi Dong's heart moved, and her tone suddenly became calmer, "It should be no longer life-threatening."

Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Then he pursed his lips again, looked at the ruined Bibi Dong with complex eyes, and whispered: "What about you... are you okay?"

It was this mother, whom she hated and rejected, who saved her lover's life.

"I can't die either."

Bibi Dong said coldly.

After saying those two venting remarks before, she quickly calmed down.

Because she suddenly realized that this was a perfect opportunity.

A moment ago, she only wanted to save Su Cheng's life, and it didn't matter even if she burned her own soul.

But at this moment, after Su Cheng was out of danger, she suddenly felt that she should consider other things.

The first is that people cannot be saved in vain.

Although she had previously thought of risking her life to save others, she had no time to think too much about it.

But now, if he had done such a thing, he had to find a way to let Su Cheng know.

As for how it should be expressed, we can wait until later to consider it in detail.

Anyway, she will never be the kind of fool who pays silently.

And with Su Cheng's character, what he did today would undoubtedly be a crucial bargaining chip.

Secondly, it is true that things are progressing fiercely today.

But since the sudden change has reached the current situation, she must take advantage of it.

Especially Qian Renxue.

Although she had a blood bond with Qian Renxue that she would never let go of, she actually didn't want to see this daughter, in every sense of the word.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu, who was standing a little far away and said nothing, "Can the great worshipper please stay away for the time being? I have something I want to talk to them alone."

Qian Daoliu frowned when he heard this, feeling a little uneasy.

But then he thought of Bibi Dong's previous sacrifice of his life to save others and prevented Qian Renxue from taking risks, and felt that there should be nothing serious.

And since Su Cheng was out of danger, the situation must have been under control, so he nodded lightly and said, "That's fine."

After saying that, he moved and left here.

After he left, Bibi Dong turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing behind her, "Zhuqing, you also leave here first."


Zhu Zhuqing showed no reaction, staring blankly at the pillar of fire in front of him.

Huge white flames with a slight blue light were reflected in her eyes, swaying unsteadily.

Bibi Dong frowned upon seeing this, a hint of boredom flashed in her eyes.

But he immediately restrained himself and endured the bursts of severe pain in his mind. He used up the remaining little soul power to mix it with the sound and spread it into the depths of Zhu Zhuqing's soul.



Only then did Zhu Zhuqing come back to his senses and looked blankly at his nominal teacher.

"You go back and rest first." Bibi Dong said softly, "What happened today has nothing to do with you. There is no need to blame yourself. Su Cheng is out of danger. After he gets better in a few days, he will naturally go to you."


Hearing this, the girl who had seemed extremely determined when faced with Qian Renxue's terrifying power before, now her eyes suddenly turned red.

She didn't say anything more, and after taking one last look at the figure in the firelight, she turned and left the place.

Watching her retreating back, Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly.

Then he turned back to look at the two tall figures in front of him who looked exactly the same but had completely different temperaments, and said coldly: "Do you see, this is the gap between you and her."

"Do you know about her?"

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and her face darkened.

Although she understood that now was not the right time, this was a knot in her mind and she had to ask clearly.

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