"I know roughly that the relationship between the two of them seems to have been good.

Of course, Bibi Dong would not admit that she actually knew everything, which would cause people to be wary.

While she was using her soul power to recover from her injuries, she was also adjusting her soul state.

In just a few breaths, the origin of her soul had been severely damaged, to the point where it could shake the foundation.

The water soul core place deep in the soul is even more dilapidated.

From the originally bottomless lotus pond, one can already see at a glance the undulating layers of silt at the bottom of the lake.

There are not many lotus flowers left above.

The remaining dead branches and leaves were all traces of being destroyed by the fire, none of them intact.

However, she obviously had no intention of showing this state in front of Qian Renxue.

That makes no sense.

Bibi Dong just stared at the other party with dim eyes, her pale paper lips gently opening and closing, "At least I know that she can understand Su Cheng better than you."


Qian Renxue's expression moved slightly, and she moved her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

But he forced himself to endure it and waited for her next step.

"Qian Renxue, you think that your talent is extraordinary and you have always been arrogant. But in reality, everything you have gained so far has not come from Su Cheng?

"If he was willing to use the thoughts he spent on you on others, how could his achievements be any different?

"What's more, others won't be as willful as you.

"You think you can help him, but in fact you can't do anything. It's useless except adding trouble!"

"What did you say?!" Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue became furious.

The long sword in his hand instantly condensed, and the blade burning with silver-grey flames pointed directly at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong didn't move, just looked at her and sneered.

"What's going on between me and Su Cheng, I don't need you to point fingers here!"

Qian Renxue gritted her silver teeth, but it was impossible to really take action.

The other party was seriously injured, but he was in such a mess just to save Su Cheng.

She suddenly drew her sword, which was also an impulsive move that struck her heart.

"Bibi Dong, what happened today has nothing to do with my strength. It was Su Cheng's promise to me!"

In fact, what Bibi Dong said just now was a bit too one-sided.

Qian Renxue's ability to reach this height is definitely not something that ordinary people can achieve, even with Su Cheng's painstaking guidance.

If nothing else, not everyone can possess the special talent of twin souls.

This requires a naturally extremely powerful soul.

If it were anyone else, even if soul splitting happened by chance, the end result would only be that both of them would be eliminated, and they would not be able to escape death.

"It has nothing to do with strength? That sounds nice." Bibi Dong sneered softly to herself, "If Zhu Zhuqing is far stronger than you, how dare you draw a sword against her so easily?"

"Don't dare? What a joke!" Qian Renxue laughed angrily.

"Listen to me, there is nothing in the world that I dare not do!

"What does Zhu Zhuqing's strength have to do with me?

"Isn't she your apprentice? Then you might as well tell her that if Su Cheng blocked a sword for her today, I will let her go.

"But sooner or later, I will kill her!"

There was something strange in Bibi Dong's eyes when he heard this, and then his voice slowed down and he said calmly: "If you ask me, since the situation has developed to this point, you might as well just choose to accept it. After all, you all achieved what you have achieved because of Su Cheng. Today’s achievements. You see, that little girl Zhu Zhuqing is very sensible. She has known about your existence for a long time and never complained. "

It would be better for Bidong not to say this.

Hearing her comparison, Qian Renxue became even more angry.

Especially for the negative personality with more extreme emotions, a pair of phoenix eyes seem to be vaguely ignited with a faint fire.

"Just her? She deserves it!"

The other figure in golden armor who had always remained silent also had a cold light in his eyes.

There has never been any disagreement between the two consciousnesses in this regard.

"You don't understand at all what Su Cheng and I have experienced together. You also don't understand how high and far-reaching his ambition is. To us, the Star Luo Empire is nothing, and the Spirit Palace is nothing. ?”

"Sounds pretty impressive."

Bibi Dong first complimented her casually without any sincerity.

Then he softly mocked: "But I'm surprised. Since you said you were collaborating on big things and kept saying 'we' and 'us', can Su Cheng really use you? In this regard, both you and Zhu Zhuqing Is there any essential difference between being taught and trained by him? Or do you think the difference is that you can kill him with one sword, but Zhu Zhuqing is not strong enough to do this?"


Qian Renxue's fingers holding the sword trembled slightly.

The flames on the sword's edge flickered on and off.

After all that, we still come back to this issue.

Who is Qian Renxue?

She is so calm that she can face life and death, and she is so conceited that she is almost arrogant.

Therefore, no matter whether there was any exaggeration in Bibi Dong's statement, she could not refute it, nor did she bother to refute it.

And this matter was actually a knot in her mind that she had always found difficult to talk about.

Su Cheng is her teacher. It can be said that most of her strength comes from Su Cheng's teachings. She is the one who is pulled away by the other party.

Even the techniques she is practicing now were tailor-made for her by Su Cheng.

But the problem is that Qian Renxue never wants this.

I don't want this situation to continue forever.

So some time ago, she took advantage of Su Cheng's departure from Wuhun City to absorb the 100,000-year-old torso bone on her own initiative, and then entered the Douluo Hall to practice in seclusion, including always wanting to surpass Su Cheng in strength. It was not because she wanted to compete with Su Cheng. He competes, all just to prove himself.

She doesn't want to exist as an accessory.

Bibi Dong, who had been observing silently, was naturally aware of this.

Not only that, she is also very aware of Qian Renxue's character weaknesses.

This man is too proud.

He is arrogant and has an extreme personality.

This has been the case since childhood.

Otherwise, when she was young, she would not have agreed to go to the Tiandou royal family to lurk and carry out the task of usurping the country.

After Su Cheng appeared and his soul mutated, Qian Renxue's extremes not only did not get better, but became even more intense.

People with extreme temperaments are easily swayed by their emotions and guided by words.

This has nothing to do with intelligence, just her bottom line.

Therefore, in the conversation just now, Bibi Dong seemed to be admonishing, but in fact he was constantly teasing and stimulating her, putting her on the same level as Zhu Zhuqing.

How could Qian Renxue agree with this statement?

But the problem is, there are still two stumbling blocks in front of her, and she can't do anything about it.

Su Cheng is not professional in her feelings, and she lacks confidence.

Of course, this situation is not completely unsolvable.

If Su Cheng could spend more time at this time, even if he couldn't resolve his knot, he could at least alleviate this problem.

But it's a pity that Su Cheng has too much time to take care of himself at the moment, which leaves Bibi Dong with room to shine.

So whether it was her initial irritation or her subsequent persuasion, she finally forced Qian Renxue to accept Zhu Zhuqing's existence.

No matter how calm the words are, no matter how the words are used to present facts and make sense, they are actually adding fuel to the fire.

When she guided the topic and centered the conversation between the two around talking about strength instead of talking about the ownership and sequence of relationships, the outcome was already doomed.

Bibi Dong knew what was going on.

Now that things have happened, Qian Renxue seems to have many choices, but in fact, she has no choice.

"...You don't need to say any more."

After a long silence, the two people standing opposite Bibi Dong looked at each other, determination flashing in their eyes.

Qian Renxue, who was wearing silver-gray armor, put away her sword and said calmly: "I can't accept that guy's existence."

Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, "Then what do you want, kill her now?"

"I will kill her, but not now. I want to go out and practice for a while. I will go and say hello to grandpa later. You can just discuss it with Su Cheng and grandpa about the future affairs of Wuhun Hall."

"You don't wait until Su Cheng wakes up before telling him in person? He almost died because of your impulsiveness."


Qian Renxue stared at the fire that had turned blue for a final moment.

Reluctance, hesitation, and deep sadness flashed through his slightly red eyes.

But she didn't speak.

Then, two figures left this place one after the other.

After a long time, a voice came from far away, "No need, he's fine."

Su Cheng didn't know what was happening in the outside world at this moment.

Of course, even if he found out, he would only talk to Qian Renxue and would never blame Bibi Dong.

Although her words were too intense, after all, what she just said was indeed from Su Cheng's point of view to defend his behavior.

Not only that, but he also had the loyalty to not reveal the fact that he and Zhu Zhuqing had been close to each other for a long time.

In fact, at this time, Su Cheng was still trying to stabilize the bad condition in his body that was gradually improving.

As the first five soul rings were shattered, his innate power increased explosively, finally overpowering the power of the sun.

Under this situation, his powerful vitality was finally able to take effect and began to quickly repair the severely damaged organs, bones, flesh and blood in his body.

Especially those meridians that were burned and carbonized are also being reshaped rapidly.

However, it seemed that due to the continuous burning by the fire of the sun, his body underwent certain changes during the recovery process.

A large amount of innate power gradually integrated into the bones and flesh as the sun's fire burned, creating some kind of subtle connection that he could not understand for the time being.

And those new meridians are much tougher than before, with a light golden glaze glowing on them.

But Su Cheng didn't dare to take it lightly.

Having been with the power of the sun for so long, he has long been aware of some of the characteristics of this powerful energy and the flames it derives.

In addition to the extremely overbearing and terrifying high temperature that can even burn the soul, another point is that it becomes stronger when it encounters strength, and can use the same level of energy as fuel to intensify its own combustion.

Although these terrifying white flames have been suppressed by the sudden increase in innate power, it may not take too long for the intensity of the sun's fire to increase accordingly.

The status gain brought by the broken ring was unsustainable, and he didn't have much time left.


Su Cheng composed himself, and the next moment, one of the only two soul rings left on his martial soul, the scarlet sixth soul ring, shattered and disappeared!


There seemed to be a thunderous explosion reverberating deep in the soul.

The violent energy of blood and surging soul power poured into the whole body.

Not only that, but also the power of the soul!

Soul energy as full and pure as moonlight merged into his soul.

At this moment, he even felt like a rapidly expanding balloon, and his whole body might explode at any time.

Fortunately, it was just a fleeting illusion.

Although his sixth soul ring was very strong, and with the help of the power of law crushing, it even erupted with energy fluctuations that were comparable to the god level, but after all, it was still within the range that Su Cheng could completely bear.

The three surges of energy quickly blended together, and under the influence of the Immortal Real Body, they instantly turned into a massive amount of perfect innate power that washed through the body.

The energy conductivity of the new meridians was exaggeratedly good, and in a short time, it completely suppressed the remaining fire of the sun.

The color of the flame also changed from the initial blazing white to blue-white, then turned into faint blue, brilliant gold, and finally stabilized at golden red, clinging to the meridians and bones of the body.

Feeling the changes in his body, Su Cheng felt both happy and worried.

Fortunately, he found that after this fierce battle of high-level energy using his own body as a battlefield, part of his perfect innate power had transformed into an ideal permanent state.

To be precise, a very small part of the energy is integrated into the physical body, completely integrated with the body, and then regenerated in the flesh and blood, endlessly.

Perhaps this kind of power can no longer be called innate power, and its nature has changed somewhat.

It's just that Su Cheng can't tell what the specific changes are and what the principles are.

But what worried him was that it was only then that he discovered that the sun's fire had a third hidden characteristic - the ability to resonate with the sun.

That's right, it's the real, huge, terrifying fireball in the sky with nuclear fusion reactions happening inside all the time.

Although this resonance is not strong, because of the existence of this resonance, the energy of the same level cannot completely extinguish the remaining fire in the body.

Unless he can find a place that is not affected by the sun's energy, well, such as some other planet where the sun cannot shine...

"Xiaoxue is too outrageous. How come you suddenly realize this level of energy? Is it an accident?"

Su Cheng was secretly speechless.

After much thought, he decided to leave these remaining fires alone for the time being.

If the seventh soul ring, this extremely special soul ring, is broken, it will definitely increase his strength to the level of a first-level god in a short time, and it is even possible to touch the threshold of the god king realm.

But Su Cheng didn't dare to do such a thing.

Although the fire of the sun is still burning, it is only a little bit of residual fire, and the temperature is not too high.

He only needs to continue to consume a small amount of innate power to suppress it. Although it is a bit troublesome and will further limit his strength, it no longer poses much of a threat to him. He just needs to endure the constant burning pain.

But if the seventh soul ring is broken, his body may not be able to withstand it.

Even if the burst of power lasts only a moment, it is very likely that he will burst to pieces.

And if there is still no way to completely extinguish these flames by then, he will really have no trump card.

What's more, he is too tired now.

Not physical or soul fatigue, but mental fatigue.

The long and uninterrupted extreme pain caused his mental consumption to reach an extremely terrifying level.

In this state, trying to manipulate too powerful energy is almost the same as seeking death.

"After all this trouble, I don't know how much my strength has been lost. I'm really embarrassed..."

Su Cheng secretly smiled bitterly.

With the disappearance of the first six soul rings, his martial soul and domain will inevitably undergo drastic changes.

Even if he obtained a small amount of permanent innate power integrated into his body, he didn't feel very happy.

If given a choice, he would rather rely on himself to slowly transform and find a path that truly suits him. Rather than getting such a little "post-war compensation" that is better than nothing because of an accident.

What's more, these powers have to be used to suppress the remaining fire in the body. They will not be of much use in the future and can only be used as research materials.

Not to mention, he also lost forever the five five-element soul rings that could resonate with each other, as well as the sixth soul ring with the Mingyue Sword Intent attached to it. It is conceivable that after today, the strength of his martial soul and domain will definitely drop sharply.

In the outside world, when the innate power exploded after the final sixth soul ring was shattered, and the power of the sun in Su Cheng's body was completely suppressed, the huge pillar of fire that continued to burn finally dissipated.

The next moment, his body that fell forward fell into a soft embrace.

"Do you think I brought it upon myself..."

After murmuring in a low voice, he could no longer suppress his mental exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep in Bibi Dong's arms.

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