In the huge empty square, Su Cheng looked around blankly. There seemed to be fire coming from further away, but he couldn't see clearly.

The red-gold mist that surrounded him was extremely hot, and it already made him sweat profusely in just a moment.

On the ground of the square, there are countless ravines and cracks crisscrossing each other, with lava flowing in between, and bubbles and sparks splashing from time to time, which is a bit scary.

Not far ahead, a huge statue stood proudly.

It seemed to be a young man, with a long sword on his back, and he looked amazingly powerful.

But the humanoid statue only had a body and no head, and the fracture looked extremely smooth and smooth, as if it had been cut directly by a sharp blade, giving him an inexplicable sense of familiarity and chilling his heart.

The scene here is obviously extremely weird, but everything seems to be natural.

Su Cheng was a little confused.

But before he could think clearly, a burst of white light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth directly dispersed the red mist.

In the pillar of light, a beautiful angel descended from the sky with six slender wings spread out from behind and holding a broad-edged sword.

The pair of phoenix eyes covered in white light seemed to be staring at him closely, and there was a hint of murderous intent coming from them.

The angel raised his sword high.

Su Cheng felt a chill in his heart.


Before he finished speaking, the long sword was cut down decisively!

"So this is what it feels like to be beheaded..."

Only then did he realize that the statue in front of him looked like him...

However, it was too late to mourn his death.

The next moment, Su Cheng suddenly realized that he had somehow come back to life, and escaped from the scene just now and appeared in a jungle.

The huge ancient trees towering into the clouds were burning with raging fire, and the surrounding low shrubs looked ferocious with teeth and claws.

Suddenly a gust of fishy wind surged, and a terrifying shadow shrouded from behind, blocking out the firelight.

Su Cheng suddenly turned around, and could only vaguely see the majestic tiger lowering its head, opening its bloody mouth with sharp teeth, and swallowed him in an instant...

"Depend on!"

In excruciating pain, he opened his eyes again.

The sight was red, and the fire rain that filled the entire sky fell from the sky, and the scorching temperature scorched the earth.

Su Cheng hurriedly turned around and ran away.

But the coverage of the rain of fire was so huge that he was enveloped in flames before he could escape.

Fiery flames instantly ignited from the ground, and his whole body was ignited by the fire.

Not caring about extinguishing the flames on his body, he panicked and dodged the rain of fire from the sky and ran away.

Strangely enough, even though the fire rain falling from the sky was extremely dense, he managed to avoid all of them without being hit by any of them.

At this time, suddenly a deep sea appeared in front of us inexplicably.

Su Cheng felt relieved and jumped into the boundless sea without hesitation.

There doesn't seem to be any water pressure in the sea.

He easily dived an unknown distance into the deep sea.

Waves of coolness spread throughout his body, and the burning pain that he couldn't get rid of before finally gradually subsided. The indescribable comfort almost made him want to moan.

But within a moment, a huge shadow enveloped him.

One moment it was far away, and the next moment an indescribable and terrifying monster was approaching.

Several slender tentacles surrounded him...

"Why is it endless!"

Su Cheng's eyes suddenly opened and he sat up on the bed.



Along with a cry of pain, someone faintly fell to the side.

Su Cheng turned around and saw a slim figure wearing a thin and slim dress sitting on the ground.

The pretty face that was already pale and haggard looked extremely painful at the moment.

A large red mark appeared on his smooth forehead.

Only then did Su Cheng realize that he had just been dreaming.

He looked at Bibi Dong sitting on the ground and quickly got out of bed and came to the side.

"Are you OK?"

Bibi Dong covered her forehead with her hands, looked at Su Cheng with tears in her eyes, and complained in a low voice: "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

She is now extremely weak.

The cultivation of soul power also dropped significantly due to the damage to the foundation of the soul.

In addition, he had just tried his best to use the power of his soul to stabilize Su Cheng's injury.

Being hit like this at this time almost caused his soul to leave his body.

"Hug, sorry..."

Su Cheng apologized quickly, and then explained with an embarrassed look: "I was just dreaming..."

"Were you being chased in your dream? You had such a big reaction."

Bibi Dong muttered, feeling dizzy in her head and having a headache that was almost splitting.

Seeing that Su Cheng was still stunned, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Don't you know how to help me?!"

"Oh." Su Cheng quickly grabbed the other person's waist and arms and helped her sit on the bed.

After Bibi Dong sat up against the bed, Su Cheng's fingers subconsciously kneaded the soft flesh around her waist.

Under the light clothes, it feels extremely delicate and tight, without a trace of excess fat.

Following his movements, Bibi Dong's delicate body immediately trembled violently, and then her whole body became visibly stiff.

Two red clouds appeared on the originally bloodless pale cheeks.


Su Cheng retracted his palm with horror on his face.

He clenched his fists, then unclenched them, his expression fading into confusion.

He first looked at his own hand, and then at Bibi Dong, whose eyes were evasive, and hesitated: "If I said that it was my hand that moved on its own just now, would you believe it?"


Bibi Dong remained silent.

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Su Cheng felt helpless.

This wasn't him deliberately looking for a reason, it was really his instinctive action.

It seemed that his self-control suddenly dropped a lot, and his body also experienced some abnormal changes that he could not explain.

Now that I think about the strange dream from before, there seems to be something wrong with it.

At his level of cultivation, no matter how tired he is, he will not fall into too deep a dream when sleeping, let alone have weird dreams, and he will not realize that something is wrong.

Even if it was really a dream, he should have reacted instantly.

In fact, after he woke up from the dream, he had clearly felt the abnormal changes in his body, so he subconsciously felt the state of his body and did not immediately help Bibi Dong who fell to the ground.

Now when he took a closer look, he suddenly discovered many differences that surprised him.

However, the situation was much better than expected.

His meridians were all dimmed with a layer of light golden colored glaze. Not only the branch meridians that were burned and regenerated, but also the main meridians, including the eight extraordinary meridians, have also changed. They look extremely transparent and flexible, and the energy operation efficiency is frighteningly high.

It's just that compared to the reshaped small meridians, the color of these main meridians is lighter, and it seems that not all of the transformation has been completed.

On the inner wall of the meridians, there are still a large number of tiny golden red flames attached and burning. Fortunately, the temperature was still within a tolerable range, and the burning sensation was not as intense as before.

The texture of the bones in the body has also changed. The outer layer has a crystal-like luster, and both the hardness and toughness have been significantly improved.

The vitality in the flesh and blood is extremely abundant. It seems that the energy generated after the soul rings were shattered has not all dissipated. Instead, a lot of it has been left behind due to the burning of the sun's fire, and has truly been integrated into the body.

However, these physical changes are not the most important. The biggest change is in his innate strength.

Before this, the innate power that Su Cheng developed through research and development was said to be composed of the three energies of essence, qi, and spirit, but in the end it was only extraordinary power.

But now, this is no longer pure energy, but more like a new organ, growing and disappearing in the flesh and blood meridians, forming a new cycle in the body.

During its operation, it was as if his consciousness was dispersed throughout the body along with the operation of this energy, completely integrating his thoughts with his body.

It was as if all the limbs in his body had thoughts of their own, and his senses were very strange.

Of course, this is just a description.

In fact, it's just that the operation of his mind has become almost instinctive.

for example.

If in the past, if he wanted to touch Bibi Dong's slim waist, he must have had this idea in his mind first, then the nerves would conduct it, and the next step would be to take action.

But just now, he directly skipped this transmission process, just like having an idea in his brain and hands at the same time, and then directly put it into action.

That's why Su Cheng felt unbelievable and frightened at that time.

In fact, the essence is that his own self-control is weak.

And this involves another hidden danger in his body now, there is something wrong with his soul state.

The burning flame not only remained in his body, but also in his soul, and it continued to suppress his reason.

It's easy to talk about the flames in the body, but it's more difficult to deal with the burning of the soul that affects the mind.

Although there seems to be some signs of complete integration between his soul and body, his cultivation is obviously still far from reaching that state.

And what is the nature of the innate power that resides in the body?

Even with his knowledge base, he is completely unable to judge the consequences of this change now.

Bibi Dong, who had been secretly observing Su Cheng since the beginning, was also a little uneasy.

From her perspective, after Su Cheng finished playing the gangster, he was shaking his head and winking, moving his fingers from time to time, and then kicking his legs and shaking his feet, just like a child with ADHD, which was very wrong.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Bibi Dong asked softly and cautiously.

I thought to myself that he was really burned to death, right? Why do I feel that the other person has become a little different from before.

Thinking of this, she suddenly no longer cared about the pain in her forehead, nor the numbness in her waist just now, but looked at Su Cheng with concern.

"Huh? I'm fine. It's just that my body seems to have undergone some strange changes. I just felt it a little bit."

Upon hearing Bibi Dong's question, Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then felt a strong sense of guilt in his heart.

Just now she was checking her own condition, and Bibi Dong was obviously in a very bad state now.

The delicate and beautiful face no longer had the noble temperament it had in the past, and looked pale, haggard and exhausted.

Even on the road to hell, she was not as weak as she was now.

"Did you never rest while I was in coma? Are you just pouring soul energy into me again?"

While talking, Su Cheng raised his head and scanned the layout of the room.

This is not his own house. The layout and decoration are very similar to Bibi Dong's residence in the Pope's Palace.

The tables, chairs, teacups in the room were not brand new, they all showed signs of use, and there was still a faint fragrance coming from the bed. It seemed like this was the bedroom where she usually slept.

Looking at Bibi Dong sitting beside him, Su Cheng originally wanted to ask about the situation of Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing, but for a while he was at a loss to ask.

The root cause of Bibi Dong's weakness was naturally not the bump she had just received from him, but that her foundation had been damaged.

Although Su Cheng's cultivation level was severely damaged, it did not affect his senses. To be honest, even if his strength has declined now, as long as he has the seventh soul ring, he is still the strongest person below the god level.

He could clearly feel that Bibi Dong's cultivation level had dropped to level ninety-eight, even close to level ninety-seven.

Unlike Su Cheng, his own strength has little to do with his level. Losing his soul ring has opened an unknown door. It's hard to say what the gains and losses are.

In addition to having a profound soul background, Bibi Dong is actually still a regular soul master.

There is a world of difference between level ninety-nine and level ninety-eight, not to mention that the original Bibi Dong's real strength was far higher than level ninety-nine. The losses in this battle were extremely heavy.

But she could have been unharmed.

What happened that day had nothing to do with her at all.

In the previous conflict, Qian Renxue had her reasons, Zhu Zhuqing was mentally prepared, and Su Cheng brought it upon himself.

Only Bibi Dong was a complete disaster.

It was entirely to save Su Cheng's life that he suffered fundamental trauma.

In fact, until this moment, her cultivation level was still slowly declining.

Although the speed is not fast, if the situation continues like this, it will never stop even if it reaches level ninety-seven.

Su Cheng looked at her worriedly, "Do you know that if you do this, you will greatly damage the foundation. It's hard to say whether it can be repaired in the future."

"So what? I can't just watch you die. Even if I risk my life, I will still try to save you. Now I'm just losing my cultivation, but I'm actually making a profit."

When she said this, Bibi Dong looked extremely calm, and her tone was as calm as if she was talking about what she had eaten this morning.

No complaints or feeling like it's not worth it.


Su Cheng's eyes flickered.

After a moment of silence, he whispered: "You don't have to be like this. Your life is yours. How can you risk your own safety for others?"

"That's a good thing to say. Don't say it next time." Bibi Dong smiled, her pale cheeks looking a little weak, "When you blocked the sword before, why didn't you think about whether you could survive?"

"...Our situation is different."

"What's different, are you amazing?"

"What, that's not what I meant."

"Then don't say such things. I know you are soft-hearted, otherwise you wouldn't have nearly died. Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you."

Su Cheng looked at the other party blankly.

Inexplicably, he recalled a series of events that happened in Wuhun City during this period of time.

Then the image of a massive amount of cool energy coming from his soul came to mind when he was almost comatose after being burned by the fire of the sun.

At this time, Bibi Dong suddenly whispered: "Xiaoxue has left Wuhun City."


"Are you going to find her?"


After a long silence, Su Cheng spoke again, with a slightly dry voice, "Did she say anything before she left?"

"She said she would not accept Zhuqing's existence."

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