Su Cheng didn't say anything more.

In fact, Xiaoxue's decision was unexpected.

With her temperament, she would never take this news lightly.

Zhuqing was able to reluctantly accept it. Apart from speaking tough words, she actually acquiesced. That was because she had been deeply affected by her living environment since childhood.

Similar things are not surprising in the aristocratic circle, and Su Cheng is pretty good in comparison.

Coupled with the various pressures brought about by her cruel family environment and royal tradition, her blood and family ties are extremely weak. Under that thick, cold and hard shell, she is actually very sensitive inside.

What's more, this girl has long known that Su Cheng and Qian Renxue have a close relationship.

So no matter how much she pretends to be strong, she always feels inferior in her heart and puts her position very low.

But Qian Renxue is different.

She has been the daughter of heaven since her birth.

With his extraordinary talent in martial arts and his unique noble background, he has been placed high hopes by everyone since he was a child. Even the many powerful men in the Spirit Hall call him "Young Master" when they meet.

But if it was just like this, after realizing that Su Cheng's relationship was not dedicated, no matter how painful and tormenting her heart was, she should have been able to wake up and break up the two of them.

But the problem is that she also had a deformed and indifferent family environment under the various expectations attached to her when she was growing up.

The only grandfather who had some tenderness towards her was still practicing in seclusion all year round, and the two rarely met each other.

So Qian Renxue actually lacks love just like Zhu Zhuqing.

But the difference is that she has never had low self-esteem.

Ever since she was young, Qian Renxue has always been the strongest among her peers, and all kinds of resources are at her fingertips.

Even in the Tiandou royal family, he can lurk quietly for more than ten years without showing his face, so his mentality is naturally different.

Because of this, when she relied on Su Cheng, her possessiveness was also full at the same time.

She would not allow this relationship to be shared or interfered with by anyone, let alone give up on Su Cheng.

When she learned the truth, her first reaction was neither to question Su Cheng nor to turn around and leave. Instead, she drew her sword and killed people regardless of the consequences.

This is also the reason why Su Cheng has always chosen to delay before.

Because he understands that if this matter is not handled well, it will be a lifelong knot between them.

As a result, problems arise as a result.

In fact, until now, he still didn't understand how the other party suddenly broke out while in seclusion, and who leaked these things.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting next to him, saw that he remained silent and couldn't help but ask again: "Are you going to find her? Maybe she is waiting for you."

"Xiaoxue won't want to see me for a while." Su Cheng shook his head and calmed down.

"In the beginning, she drew the sword against Zhuqing, perhaps just out of anger. But she chose to leave without saying goodbye, which is not out of anger."

Naturally, he didn't know what Bibi Dongdu said to Qian Renxue, otherwise he might not be so sure.

"I still have to look for her. But in my current state, I may not be able to keep her if we meet her. I'd better wait for a while."

He can plan many things, but emotional issues are not that simple.

Qian Renxue is emotionally unstable now. If she can't give her a satisfactory answer after meeting, things will be even more troublesome.

It's better to wait until she calms down, and her thoughts will probably change accordingly.

Maybe it's also a way to let time resolve some conflicts first, and then ferment thoughts.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng asked again: "Did she say where she went?"

"No, it's not like you don't know about our relationship. How could she tell me these things?"

"Well, in the final analysis, I am still too arrogant. I didn't expect her strength to improve to this extent. It's really weird."

Seeing his downcast expression, Bibi Dong came closer, caressing the side of his face with her plain white fingers, and said softly: "I am still here, and I will never leave you. No matter what you want to do, I am willing to do it." Support you."

Su Cheng's body stiffened.

Bibi Dong's sudden initiative caught him off guard.

But before he could say anything more, his soft but pale cheek slowly came closer to him, the power of his soul entangled with him, and he murmured in a low voice: "Su Cheng, my head hurts."

Su Cheng's expression suddenly became serious when he heard this, and he suppressed what he originally wanted to say.

In order to save him, Bibi Dong's consumption was too great. This matter cannot be delayed. It is necessary to carefully observe the situation deep in Bibi Dong's soul now.

If it cannot be alleviated in time, there is no telling how far her cultivation will slip, and maybe even her vitality will escape.

So he did not reject this soul wave, and also used his skills to stimulate the power of his soul.

The next moment, the soul that was faintly burning with a faint golden flame blended with the soul energy that exuded aqua-blue luster at its core.

As consciousness sank, Su Cheng's perspective changed instantly.

Under the gloomy sky, a few lotus flowers swayed gently.

Compared with the grand occasion of the past, the scene here today is more than just "decline", it is simply a ruin.

In the huge lotus pond, there is only a thin layer of water left, and the water color is no longer clear.

The mud at the bottom of the pool is like a living thing, constantly churning, muddying the water and dyeing the lotus roots black.

There were originally countless lotus flowers, but now there are only a handful of them left. Without exception, all of them have traces of being burned by the fire, and both the petals and leaves are incomplete.

Looking at the withered scene in front of him, Su Cheng couldn't help but be silent.

Bibi Dong's injuries were far more serious than he imagined.

I'm afraid that the other party is definitely not as simple as having a splitting headache at this time. Even staying conscious requires a lot of mental perseverance.

But even so, while she was in a coma and sleeping, she was still working hard to infuse herself with the power of her soul...

At this time, a graceful figure wearing a plain white slim-fitting dress appeared beside Su Cheng.

He turned to look.

Bibi Dong's face was finally no longer as pale as in the outside world, she had regained some of her former glory, and even her hair and dress had been adjusted a lot.

Under the clean and delicate calves, there is a pair of snow-white bare feet with perfect lines.

The long, slightly curly hair is no longer tied up, and is naturally spread behind the shoulders, flicking gently.

Although her appearance has not changed, her temperament has become much younger, much like how she looked when the two of them got along in the previous simulation world.

Su Cheng couldn't help but be in a daze for a moment.

Only those eyes were still dim and dull, so weak that it made people feel distressed.

In this place, she can condense her body with her consciousness, and her appearance can naturally be adjusted as she wishes.

However, the eyes are the windows to the soul. When the soul is so weak and depleted, it is natural that the eyes can no longer be as radiant as before.

Snow-white bare feet walked silently across the ground, and came to the edge of the pool to stand next to Su Cheng.

Bibi Dong looked at him and asked softly: "How is it? Is there any hope?"

"Of course there is help." Su Cheng came back to his senses, "If it doesn't work, even taking jelly grass can make up for some of your foundation first. But I want to check the situation first."

He said no more words of gratitude.

The other party has done this for him. At this time, any words seem too pale.

Staring at the dilapidated lotus pond in front of him, Su Cheng thought silently.

For ordinary people, the soul is integrated into one body, and there is no such thing as a soul core.

But Bibi Dong was different. That starlight created a higher level of soul energy gathering place for her out of thin air.

Therefore, the nature of this world of consciousness is actually somewhat special.

But for the treatment and adjustment of injuries, this is a good thing.

As long as this place where the soul's foundation is located can resume normal operation, Bibi Dong's soul as a whole will not be in any serious trouble.

"What you said before is indeed correct. The parasitic and polluting power of Rakshasa power is too strong to be completely suppressed. With the loss of the origin of your soul, those evil thoughts have begun to make trouble again, and they also try to continue to affect your mind and will. "

After observing and thinking for a moment, Su Cheng slowly pondered: "So, in addition to the damage to the soul's origin, the remaining Rakshasa power is also a huge hidden danger."


Bibi Dong lowered his eyes and remained silent.

In fact, these endless evil thoughts were not all caused by the power of Rakshasa. She knew in her heart that the power of Rakshasa only affected a very small part.

More than anything, it actually stems from her own evil thoughts and greed that have been suppressed for a long time.

But there's no need to explain it to Su Cheng in detail.

After all, no matter how old a little fairy is, she is still a little fairy.

How could the little fairy have bad intentions?

It's all the fault of that despicable and hateful Rakshasa God!

"Can I touch it?" Su Cheng squatted down, looked at the little water left in front of him, and said softly.

"...As you wish." A blush appeared on Bibi Dong's face.

The moment his fingers touched the water, their bodies shook violently at the same time.

Especially Bibi Dong, whose figure blurred for a while and almost disappeared on the spot.

After all, this body is just the incarnation of her consciousness.

The essence of her soul, the location of her senses, and her true soul "body" are exactly the lotus pond in front of her.

The clean water, the flawless white lotus, and the surging mud at the bottom of the lake together constitute the most real and full version of her.


Bibi Dong bit her thin lips tightly, holding back a moan.

The touch just now was like a finger gently stroking the tip of her heart.

That kind of intimate contact without any barrier almost made her lose consciousness and tremble...

But before the two of them had time to say anything to ease their embarrassment, ripples suddenly appeared on the shallow lake.

The next moment, Su Cheng, a conscious body composed of a small amount of soul origin, suddenly appeared on the surface of his body with dense pale golden firelight.

Then, as if being attracted by something, the flames quickly gathered towards his fingertips.

The pale golden flame seems to form a delicate balance in the water of the pool.

The flames dissipated little by little, some of the pond water turned into steam and filled the air, and the mud at the bottom of the pond receded.

"Water and fire?"

Su Cheng looked at this scene in surprise.

There was only time for such a thought to flash through my mind, and then I was overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure.

Bibi Dong on the side was even more unbearable. She snorted and disappeared on the spot.

Although Su Cheng had completed the Five Elements Perfection at the martial soul and even the physical level, and had also realized the powerful sword intention of the Great Nirvana, he had a very deep understanding of the attributes, but those were only conventional attributes and did not involve the soul.

At this moment, no matter the remnants of the sun still burning in the soul, or the pure water in this lotus pond, they are different from ordinary water and fire. They cannot be seen through by his current eyesight, and it is very difficult for abnormal situations beyond his control to occur. normal.

Of course, Su Cheng was not taking risks for no reason.

Before that, there was no warning sign in his heart, and now that his body's ridiculously powerful instincts didn't give any warning, he dared to try it.

What's more, the scale of the soul origin he entered here this time is not large.

No matter it dissipates here or the remaining fire of the sun that he passively carries, it will not cause too serious damage to Bibi Dong or himself.

After a long time, Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes.

There is a wave of light in front of your eyes, and the clear waves around your body are silently infiltrating your skin.

At some point, he was already lying in the shallow water of the lotus pond.

Although there is mud all over the body, the layer of mud that is close to the body appears peaceful and calm. It no longer looks like it was boiling and boiling before. It has been completely purified by the remaining fire of the sun.

Not only that, his own soul was also extremely relaxed and pure at the moment.

That is not only the cooling and refreshing feeling brought by the elimination of the flames that always burn the soul, but also the essential improvement, which seems to be more complete than before.

Without enough time to carefully check his condition, Su Cheng quickly stood up and looked around, looking for Bibi Dong.

But there is no one there at this moment.

The graceful figure in the plain white dress has long disappeared.

"Bibi Dong? Are you okay?"

Su Cheng walked out of the pool, his voice slightly hoarse. The feeling just now was so comfortable that he almost lost it completely.

If the fire in this part of the soul's origin had not been exhausted, he might not be able to wake up.


After he asked the question, there was silence and no one answered.

Su Cheng didn't pay too much attention at first.

His gains were considerable, but it was obvious that he could not benefit from this kind of dual cultivation of water and fire, as evidenced by the change in the mud beneath his body.

But seeing no response for a long time, he couldn't help but start to worry, "Bibi Dong? Mr. Pope?"

"No, it's okay..."

Bibi Dong's figure did not appear.

Only very soft sounds came from all directions, echoing over the pool.

The voice was hoarse and sticky, like stringy spring water lingering between the mouthpiece, and it sounded extremely sultry.

Just from this voice, you can know what state the other party is in at this time.

Su Cheng was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said: "The practice method just now seems to be effective. Do you want to try it again?"


No one answered.

"Your Majesty the Pope?" He asked tentatively again.

"You leave here first!"


After a long time, Su Cheng's figure disappeared, and Bibi Dong reappeared in a plain white dress.


Accompanied by heavy breathing, her whole body went limp and collapsed to the ground. Her half-opened eyes were filled with water, and she looked up at the sky absentmindedly, filled with a love of spring that was so rich that it could not be dissolved.

At this time, suddenly a head blocked the sky and occupied most of the field of vision.

"Although it's a little embarrassing, it seems that this method is the only way to use it now. Otherwise, the damage to your soul may not be fully recovered in a short time."

"I, I didn't say no!" Bibi Dong's face turned red instantly, and her tone was a little angry, "Can you get out, do you want to see my joke?"

"That's not what I meant..." Su Cheng looked embarrassed.

"Forget it, I'll just go out first."

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