Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 283 The storm is coming (transitional chapter, can be skipped)

The clouds and mist were billowing, mixed with an extremely rich energy aura.

If an ordinary human being could come here, even if he just breathed, his life would be extended by more than ten years.

However, ordinary people obviously do not have the opportunity and ability to seize the energy of this place.

Because this is the world of gods.

The divine interface is so vast that it cannot be measured on the scale of mortal space.

Even the flow of time is different from that in the human world. One day in the divine world is one year in the human world.

In the center of the infinite distance, the majestic palace shone with a faint golden light under the halo of the divine world.

There is the commanding heights of the entire God Realm, and it is also the place that controls all the rules of the God Realm - the God Realm Committee.

The Council of the God Realm is jointly run by five supreme gods, namely the two god kings of good and evil, plus the three law enforcement gods of Shura, Destruction and Life. They have the responsibility of judging the gods, and they also have the task of taking charge of the divine world and maintaining the rules.

But most of the time, all the gods in the God Realm, including the five of them, live in their respective territories.

One of the three major law enforcement gods, the Goddess of Life who likes tranquility by nature, lives in the Forest of Life on the edge of the God Realm.

In this place, she can more clearly observe the changes in the entire divine world and protect the divine world.

Under the light green sky, a large forest spreads out in a long strip, exuding a strong breath of life. Even gods can gain great benefits by walking into it.

Through the light clouds and mist, countless stars can be seen, shining with strange colors.

The trees in the Forest of Life are all strange. The trunk seems to be carved from jasper, but the leaves are transparent dark green. The breath of life in the forest emanates from those dark green leaves, which is breathtaking.

Not to mention the exotic flowers and plants collected by Ju Douluo, even the many precious and rare fairy grasses in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi cannot be compared with any plants here.

In the deepest part of the forest, a man and a woman were standing close together.

The man was covered in a large purple cloak, covering his head so that his appearance could not be seen clearly. Only vaguely visible, there were two groups of red light beating in the cloak, implying an extremely profound aura of terror.

The woman's temperament is completely opposite to his. She wears a long aqua skirt to cover her body, and always has a faint smile on her face. Her appearance is not stunning, but she has a strong affinity and vitality, which can easily make people fall in love with her. .

These two men and women are none other than the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life among the three major law enforcement gods in the divine world.

As a light-faced deity whose power is second only to the good god-king in the divine world, the goddess of life controls the laws of creation and life, so she can create such an extraordinary and special environment.

The mist around the God of Destruction was dark purple, which seemed a bit out of place with the atmosphere of this forest.

If you observe carefully, you can find that all the water vapor around his body will instantly burst into nothingness, and the deep purple light will become deeper and deeper.

"Is there anything that's bothering you?" A soft voice sounded.

The two have been intimately together for countless thousands of years, and the goddess of life can naturally tell that the other person is in a bad mood at a glance.

The God of Destruction remained motionless, and a deep voice came from under the cloak, "You can also feel the subtle changes in the sun star just now."

Although the fluctuation was only fleeting, he still clearly captured it.

As an extraordinary world, this universe is formed in a very strange way and is not a conventional spiral galaxy.

The stars that shine in the night of Douluo Star are actually not the light from other stars in the universe, but the many projections of the sun star.

Even though this supreme divine realm is not directly exposed to the sun, it is still affected by it, and there is a change of day and night.

In other words, the "sun" of this world is actually much more powerful than Su Cheng imagined.

The Sun Star, which can bring light and tropics to many worlds, is also a kind of extraordinary power and is of extremely high status.

But precisely because of its strength, it is unable to produce real consciousness.

This has been the case for thousands of years, and the gods have long been accustomed to his presence.

"I feel it." The woman nodded lightly, as if she didn't care, "But since the two god kings didn't say anything, I guess it's okay."

"They..." The God of Destruction paused, and after a moment he continued hesitantly: "Their minds are no longer in the God Realm."

"Destruction, don't talk nonsense. No matter what the two God Kings want to do, they must have their own considerations."

"I hope that's what you said." He shook his head. Thinking of the cynical attitudes of the God of Good and the God of Evil, as well as the vaguely mentioned idea of ​​"reincarnation" when I went to the God Realm Committee several times before, I felt a little disapproving.

"By the way, there seems to be a son of nature appearing in the lower world, but it gives me a paradoxical feeling, which is very strange." At this time, the goddess of life seemed to have thought of something and said softly.

As soon as he said these words, the God of Destruction suddenly turned around, and the blood-red eyes under his cloak instantly became extremely sharp, and the biting meaning of destruction surged up.

"You can't even see the other person's condition? Who is he and what planet is he on?"

Wherever the deep purple divine power passed, all the energy of heaven and earth was shattered and became part of the destructive power.

However, when this huge divine power approached the goddess of life, it was reassembled and restored to its original appearance. Life and death are very mysterious.

"Don't be so excited."

The Goddess of Life didn't care that the strong idea of ​​destruction was lingering beside her. She moved her body close to the God of Destruction and leaned against him gently.

"That person is on Douluo Planet. To be precise, she is not a pure human being, but a soul beast that has been transformed for a hundred thousand years. But she seems to have had some kind of opportunity, and her form of existence is very special."

"It's Douluo Star again..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's a matter of Rakshasa." When the goddess of life approached, the mood of the god of destruction also stabilized.

He explained lightly: "She reported to me proudly some time ago, saying that in the place where the Shura God's throne was inherited on Douluo Star, she had sneak attacked and intercepted two inheritors of the Shura God, and their talents were extremely extraordinary. .

"As a result, they told me in the past two days that the inheritor of the divine throne whom she had cut off was obviously safe, but suddenly and inexplicably disconnected from the Rakshasa Divine Examination. I don't know how it was done.

"Logically speaking, unless a god takes action, how can a mortal in the lower world have the means to interrupt the divine test?"

Hearing this, the goddess of life frowned slightly, "It's better for her to do less of this kind of thing. It's because of your support that the Rakshasa God dares to be so unscrupulous, and be careful of making the Shura God angry. You are not I don’t know, but he has been worrying about the inheritance of the divine throne for a long time.”

"You are worrying too much. If God Shura hadn't allowed himself to let it go, all the arrangements of Rakshasa would have been wiped out by him. God Shura has made many arrangements and made many attempts to inherit the throne. You also know that God Shura He is unique, his murderous aura is too strong, and his divine power is too overbearing, making it difficult for ordinary people to control him. The intervention of Rakshasa divine power is equivalent to helping him. Only by surviving the erosion of evil thoughts, can he have a better chance of successfully inheriting the divine throne. "

In fact, it's not just Shura God.

As the God of Destruction, it would be extremely difficult for him to pass on his throne.

This kind of dark aspect is extremely corrosive to the mind.

However, he doesn't need to worry about these things. He has no idea of ​​inheriting the divine throne.

"It's better to restrain yourself after all." The Goddess of Life pursed her lips and said softly: "And the Rakshasa God has too many evil thoughts. Since the fall of the Angel God, the position of the Angel God has been vacant, and no one has competed with her, the Rakshasa God has She became even more crazy. She was eager to get rid of the divine throne, maybe this is also the reason? "

The God of Destruction looked at her and said nothing more.

The gods of the dark phase and the gods of the light phase have different positions, and their divine powers are also very different.

God Shura is the god of killing, responsible for killing, judgment, and laws. The killing aura it possesses is extremely powerful. If you are not an extremely determined person in your inner world, it will be easily affected, causing your personality to change or even fall into madness. It is very difficult to choose a successor.

Even though the goddess of life is also one of the supreme gods in the divine world, it is difficult to understand the mystery of the existence of opposites.

So he changed the subject and said: "About the matter of the Sun Star and the Son of Nature you discovered, we cannot ignore it. And the inheritor of the Rakshasa God, I also want her to see what is going on. I don't know why , I always have some bad premonitions.

"Now the two great god kings are not interested in belonging. God Shura is also obsessed with finding the successor, and then leaves the god world to explore the universe. I can't count on anyone else.

"Fortunately, I have you by my side. Moreover, the laws you control are naturally peaceful and far more suitable for peeking and observing than me."

The goddess of life sighed: "I know that you have always been very concerned about the development of the divine world, so I will naturally help you."

On a relatively remote plain in the hinterland of the God Realm, the solid dark red blood energy was like a majestic sword with unparalleled sharpness reaching straight into the sky.

In all directions, there is a blood-colored mist that is so rich that it cannot be broken. Even if the gods walk into it, they will lose their minds in the omnipresent aura of killing.

Compared with the environment here, the Shura's divine power and bloody murderous intent on Hell Road are as simple as children's playing house.

This place is the Shura Temple, which is feared even in the God Realm.

At this time, a figure whose whole body was wrapped in dark red magic pattern armor was sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall.

In front of him, there was a huge crystal ball. The scene in it seemed to be accelerated hundreds of times. Except for the dark red city background that hardly changed, all the characters in it seemed to be turned into afterimages moving back and forth. Can't see clearly.

However, with the strength of God Shura, it is obviously more than enough to see clearly the contents.

What was playing in the crystal ball was clearly the scene in the Killing City.

Tang San, Xieyue, Yan, Hu Liena and others were all among them.

There is also the King of Slaughter, Tang Chen, who was once the inheritor of God Shura but is now possessed by nine-headed blood bats, and the current Haotian Douluo, Tang Hao, who is hiding in the dark and silently watching his son's progress. .

"Tang Chen, Bibi Dong, Tang Hao, Tang San..."

God Shura muttered these names in a low voice, his voice as sonorous and powerful as gold and iron clashing.

Su Cheng actually only guessed half of it right.

Tang San was indeed the person chosen by God Shura and his chess piece, but he was not his only chess piece, and he was not even the person he valued most in the first place.

At that time, after Tang San's soul accidentally drifted into this universe, it was accidentally discovered by God Shura, so he protected it with divine power and placed it in the body of Tang Hao's son, occupying the magpie's nest.

Except for some big issues of right and wrong, God Shura is actually not a very rule-abiding person.

What's more, he has been waiting for the successor for too long, and he has long had enough of being the law enforcer of the God Realm.

However, Tang San's matter can only be regarded as his backup, and the priority is not too high.

Before Tang San, there were several people on Douluo Planet who were also attracted by God Shura.

The first was Tang Chen, the ancestor of the Haotian Sect and Tang San's great-grandfather.

If we talk about talent alone, no matter Bibi Dong, Tang Hao, or Tang San, they are far inferior to the first generation Haotian Douluo.

Even if it weren't for bad luck and a bad background, he would have had the chance to rely on his own strength to collect faith and create a god.

It's a pity that when going through the Asura God Test, Tang Chen made a mistake in his haste and was possessed by the nine-headed blood bat under the Rakshasa God.

After this incident, Tang Chen's physical foundation could be said to be completely ruined, and it was impossible to pass on Shura's divine power.

It is true that God Shura is powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that apart from the two veteran god kings in today's god world, he is the strongest one.

Even the two god kings may not be able to suppress Shura God in terms of combat power alone.

But there is a specialization in the art, and his divine power characteristics obviously cannot cure Tang Chen's problems, unless God Shura condescends to find the Goddess of Life for help.

Of course he wouldn't do that.

When Tang Chen's will failed to overwhelm the nine-headed blood bat, in the heart of God Shura, the successor had already been eliminated.

Shura's will is so terrifying.

Even the erosion of the nine-headed blood bat cannot be resisted. Even if it is really cured, it will be difficult to succeed in inheriting the Shura divine position.

After Tang Chen, the person Shura God liked was Bibi Dong.

As a result, the Rakshasa God messed up the matter again and snatched away the inheritor first.

In fact, compared to Tang Chen, Bibi Dong's performance was even better, and he was more suitable for the Shura god position.

But the problem is that according to the rules of the divine world, when the gods select successors, they have a first-come, first-served basis.

What's more, the Rakshasa God is still under the command of the God of Destruction, so it's not easy for him to go there to accuse or rob people.

Later, God Shura fell in love with Tang Hao.

But compared to Tang Chen and Bibi Dong, this person was far behind.

After encountering some setbacks, he fell into despair. This kind of mentality was completely impossible to withstand the overbearing power of Shura.

Now there was only one Tang San left.

In the eyes of God Shura, regardless of anything else, this person is actually very suitable for inheriting the position of God Shura in terms of his character.

Gods' concepts of good and evil are different from humans.

The narrow distinction between good guys and bad guys in the human world is not important to them.

What's more, one of the five supreme gods in the God Realm today is not of human origin.

What he was looking for was Tang San's self-awareness that was so strong that it was almost twisted. The last person he saw with a similar situation was Bibi Dong.

The difference between the two is that Tang San thinks that the decisions I make are all right, while Bibi Dong thinks that the whole world is wrong.

From a spiritual perspective, this is actually not a bad thing.

Only by being firm on my own path and having this understanding that everything I do is correct will I not fall into self-doubt.

At this point, Tang San's twisted view of good and evil clearly met the requirements.

However, God Shura was still hesitant.

Because the current Tang San still cannot meet the standards in his heart.

If you want to inherit the Shura position, a paranoid character is the most important criterion, but it is by no means the only requirement.

If there is not enough foundation and foundation, and there is no certain strength as support, it will be difficult for ordinary people's bodies to withstand the subsequent tests of the Shura Divine Examination.

And Tang San's will also needs more tempering.

"You have to think of other ways. This alone is not enough..."

The middle and later stages of this volume will involve the world of gods, and some settings and characters need to be laid out. This chapter is the transition.

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