The several supreme gods in the God Realm have different thoughts, but those high-ranking beings have many things to worry about, and their sight of the lower realm is only vague, and after all, it has not really affected the operation of the mortal world. ̮̦͖̥͈̳̭̭̋̏͝ŝ̸̢̜̳̱͈̹͓̀̆̔͋͛͠ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸ ͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶ ͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇ ͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

In Douluo Continent, in the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, in the hall dedicated to the Pope's personal residence, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong sat together.

Nearly a year has passed since Qian Renxue left and the two healed their wounds through soul blending.

Su Cheng briefly left Wuhun City half a year ago to look for traces of Qian Renxue.

But he had traveled through every province of the two empires, and still could not find any trace of the other party. Come to think of it, Qian Renxue still didn't want to see him.

If Qian Renxue chooses to hide, Su Cheng doesn't have much else to do.

At that time, his injuries had not yet healed, and he was unable to conduct sensory exploration over a large area.

What's more, when it comes to strength, Qian Renxue, who has been practicing for half a year, must have improved a lot. Even if her strength is different, it may not be completely concealed.

Qian Daoliu's Su Cheng also went to inquire, but the Angel Douluo didn't know the specific whereabouts of his granddaughter.

At that time, Qian Renxue only mentioned that her cultivation had reached a bottleneck and that she needed to increase her soul power level and add soul rings, but did not elaborate on anything else.

Except for that outing, he stayed in Wuhun City the rest of the time.

Occasionally I would go to the academy, but most of the time I would mainly practice and heal with Bibi Dong.

In the room, Su Cheng was sitting on the huge sofa with a calm expression.

Now there is no trace of the soul master's aura on his body anymore. He is just like an ordinary ordinary person. Only his dark eyes look unusually deep.

Next to him, Bibi Dong, who was wearing a casual dress, looked calm.

The morning glow spread over her thick hair and long eyelashes, casting a soft silhouette on her delicate cheeks.

The priceless white slim-fitting long skirt has a simple style, and the dark golden lines on the surface are decorated with floating light and shadow, which perfectly outlines the waist curve of the body-hugging body.

Unlike Su Cheng, Bibi Dong was sitting diagonally on the sofa, with her long straight legs taking up most of the entire sofa. Her smooth calves and a pair of flawless bare feet were all exposed, swaying gently.

She leaned against his side with her soft back, flipping through a notebook with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

Neither of them seemed to find anything wrong with this slightly intimate way of getting along, and they seemed to be used to it.

This is actually not surprising.

The union of souls is actually far more intimate than the union of bodies.

In particular, the two of them can benefit greatly from it and complement each other's foundation, which is even more rare.

This type of communication is not carnal in nature, and it does not necessarily occur between men and women who are in love.

This kind of relationship may be more appropriately called "Taoist couple".

It can even be said that if there are two people of the same sex who are very compatible and practice and communicate in this way, the two people will also become extremely close, so it is not impossible to change their sexual orientation.

Not to mention that Su Cheng and Bibi Dong had ulterior motives in their hearts, but they never really made it clear due to some special reasons and various obstacles.

After nearly a year of getting along, some subtle changes naturally occurred between them.

What's more, Bibi Dong's methods are also very clever, and he has just the right sense of proportion when dealing with each other, staying firmly on the edge of the bottom line.

It not only ensures that all actions are within the acceptable level of Su Cheng's psychology, but also is much closer than ordinary friends.

Obviously, after such a long period of soul cultivation, she has a deeper understanding of Su Cheng.

She enjoyed this subtle feeling of spiritual connection.

As for Su Cheng, he probably has similar thoughts, right? She often speculates in her mind.

But Bibi Dong was not in a hurry to go further.

Being able to get along like this now has far exceeded her initial expectations.

"I can't understand what you wrote."

Looking through the notes in her hand, Bibi Dong sighed and moved slightly, complaining lazily.

The back, which was only blocked by a thin layer of shirt, rubbed Su Cheng's arm, and the smooth and silky muscle lines were clearly reflected in his senses.

The hair brushed across his neck inadvertently, and a subtle fragrant breeze came faintly.

There was some doubt in Bibi Dong's voice, "Don't you even fully understand what's going on with your strength?"

"Of course I understand. It's just that I can't imitate it at all, and it's normal that I can't understand it. If you didn't insist on me writing, I wouldn't bother to write. This kind of thing cannot be expressed clearly in words."

Su Cheng retorted casually.

As the injuries in his soul fully recovered in the past two days, his physical condition finally stabilized.

In terms of combat power alone, it has indeed dropped a lot compared to before.

The duration of his second-stage immortal body requires sufficient innate power to support it.

The original power in the seventh soul ring plays a catalytic and lubricating role, improving the efficiency of the use of innate power.

But a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

After losing six soul rings, his soul power reserves were reduced by more than half, and his strengths in energy and energy suddenly turned into shortcomings, and his domain was half-waste.

In this state, even if the seventh soul ring is still intact, it will be difficult for him to use his full strength with a sword, and it is not even as good as when he first condensed the seventh soul ring.

However, what we are talking about here is only the ultimate combat power.

His normal combat power is far higher than before, firmly standing at the level of a third-level god.

The most important thing is that his physical foundation and strength level have been greatly improved.

Looking inside the body, the meridians show a faint bright yellow color. No matter the eight main meridians or other small branches, they are all as transparent and pure as glass.

Even the tiny bits of residual fire that originally clung to the inner walls of his meridians now only brought a slight numbness and could hardly cause any trouble to him.

Physical fitness has improved by leaps and bounds. The muscles and bones are like dragons, and the qi and blood are like mercury, flowing all over the body.

But the most important thing is the energy running in the body.

Perhaps it is no longer pure energy. It is neither ordinary soul power nor the innate power after fusion.

Instead, like muscles, qi and blood, they have become body organs, blending with the organs, flesh and blood, repeatedly growing and disappearing in the instinct, as natural as breathing.

This can be called true fusion energy, and there is no longer any distinction between "soul power" and "qi and blood power".

Although the total volume dropped sharply due to broken rings. But its level is extremely high and stable, and it can continue to grow with practice, opening up huge room for improvement for him.

This kind of energy obviously can no longer be called "innate power" because its nature is completely different from the form of power bred in innate power.

For Su Cheng, this can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Under the burning of the sun's fire, a power at the same level as the innate power, all the energies in the body were forced to truly merge. In addition, the first five five-element soul rings that were shattered one after another, and the unique sixth soul The ring, the strong immortal true meaning contained in it, created the prototype of this energy.

Until the end, after a crucial step, Bibi Dong was nourished by her special water soul.

Just like a divine sword being tempered, after nearly a year, all the energies in his body were finally fully integrated.

"...You call this kind of power 'true power'? Isn't it innate power?"

Turning to the last page of the note, Bibi Dong's expression showed a hint of surprise.

"Well, it is different from the innate power. As long as you practice along this path to the end, your body and soul will be perfectly integrated, and your whole body will be unified without any distinction. This is the path to seek truth to understand your true self. That’s why I named it ‘Genius’.”

Su Cheng felt a little emotional.

I have to admit that the word "chance" in the process of cultivation is really wonderful and extremely important.

He has always been a person who seeks stability and likes to make decisions before taking action in everything, including cultivation.

Do research first and make sure the path is feasible before you start trying. This can be seen from his refusal to take the grass jelly.

If he hadn't turned into an elbow, it would have been difficult for him to make up his mind to scrap the foundation he had worked so hard to accumulate in the past and choose to start over.

Innate power is already a very high-level power.

Su Cheng was able to reach this point and transcend the constraints of Douluo Star's original power system. It took a lot of hard work, research and ideas, as well as countless previous experiences to achieve this achievement.

The path of integrating power is definitely correct, but there should be problems with status blessing. A Yin's reminder makes sense.

As for how to solidify this state, he still has no idea.

In the past, when he completed the technique, he had almost exhausted all his resources.

There may be opportunities to go further in the future, but more materials and accumulation in other directions are needed.

If you really want to succeed, you still don’t know how many years and months you have to wait.

But for Su Cheng, he actually didn't have that much time. He knew that there was something out there, and many beings were eyeing the Douluo Star, so he had to be more vigilant.

Therefore, he took a different approach. After discovering the wonderful use of the original power, he chose to use this method to take advantage of it.

No matter how much this change caused his strength to decline, it was by no means a bad thing.

Now he has finally entered the period of rapid improvement in cultivation again.

Su Cheng had a hunch that one day in the future, when his soul and body were truly inseparable, he would return to the level of second-level god.

He no longer needs to use his martial soul avatar to increase his combat effectiveness, nor does he need the so-called perfect innate power to provide gains, because his normal combat effectiveness is the strongest combat effectiveness.

At that time, he might give up his seventh soul ring, smash it into pieces and integrate it into his body, and even his martial soul would return to his bloodline.

And his foundation will undergo earth-shaking transformation.

"The perfect fusion of body and soul?" Bibi Dong murmured in a low voice, with a hint of desire in her eyes.

Her own soul has a special nature. If she can do this, the benefits can be imagined.

"Stop having such dreams. You're still far from it."

Su Cheng heard her whisper and denied her fantasy without mercy.

Bibi Dong actually knew exactly how the power in Su Cheng's body worked, but she just couldn't figure out the principle.

After such a long period of soul communication, among other things, they have a thorough understanding of each other's physical condition.

But when she wanted to learn for reference, Bibi Dong found that she had no way to start, so she pestered Su Cheng to write it down so that she could study more.

"Annoying." Bibi Dong curled her lips and threw the notebook on the table nearby.

"Don't move around, I'll take a nap."

"Go to bed in your own bed."

Su Cheng frowned.

With the opponent's current cultivation strength and soul foundation, she doesn't need sleep at all. Her injuries have been healed long ago, and she recovered earlier than Su Cheng.

Bibi Dong ignored him, moved her body slightly, and leaned closer to the far end of the sofa.

Then he lay down on his own, resting his head on Su Cheng's thigh, and folded his hands between his smooth belly.

The high bulging arc on his chest came into Su Cheng's eyes without any concealment, making his mouth go dry for a while.


Su Cheng opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing and looked away helplessly.

The whole room fell silent for a moment.

Bright sunlight penetrates into the room. The man sitting on the sofa has his back straight and his eyes are deep. The woman lying on his knees with a pillow is beautiful and has soft curves.

Together, the two formed a vivid picture of peace and meaning.

After being silent for a long time, Su Cheng suddenly said softly: "I have to leave Wuhun City in a few days."


Although Bibi Dong's voice was calm with her eyes closed tightly, he was still aware of the unhappiness in the other party's heart.

Su Cheng was a little embarrassed.

He had just healed an injury and was about to leave again. It was a bit like treating the other party as a tool.

Although both of them benefited a lot from this process, it was obvious that he benefited much more from the other person, and he was essentially the one who received the favor.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng spoke again and added: "In the past two days, I will help you plan your follow-up training focus and various affairs of Wuhun Hall."


Bibi Dong obviously didn't care about these things, she just responded casually.

Then he asked casually, as if unintentionally: "What are you going to do when you go out this time?"


Seeing his silence, Bibi Dong couldn't help but frown, opened her eyes and looked up, "If you can't just say it, forget it."

"There's nothing I can't say..."

After hesitating for a moment, Su Cheng coughed lightly, "I'm going to go to the Blue Silver Grass Forest."

"Haha, being a married woman is exciting, isn't it?"

Su Cheng was speechless when he heard this.

You didn't have this attitude before, and weren't you the one who took the initiative to leave Ah Yin in Wuhun City? Why are you mocking me now?

Although he cursed in his heart, he obviously would not say such stupid things directly.

So he took the initiative to explain: "Her current power is very special. Regardless of her level, it seems to be more suitable for this world. If you can study it, it might be of great help, even to you. Besides, this I made an agreement with her before to let her leave Wuhun City temporarily, and I will go to the Blue Silver Grass Forest to find her within a year."

"Since it's your agreement, of course you should abide by it. Why bother explaining to me." Bibi Dong closed her eyes again.

Then he whispered in a sinister tone: "Mr. Su is knowledgeable and charming. He doesn't even care about his husband and son, but he insists on being devoted to an outsider like you. I can't stop you and make you a broken promise, right?" "

Su Cheng could only remain silent.

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