
A light cyan edge suddenly appeared, and the sharp sickle blade instantly slashed across from bottom to top.

Su Cheng looked calm and moved his head back a few inches, avoiding the blow by a hair's breadth.

There was no wave on his face, only his hair fluttering gently in the strong wind.

Bibi Dong stood up suddenly and gritted her teeth.

His eyes darkened, and his five fingers were like hooks and he grabbed forward. The sharp fingertips swept out the afterimage, causing a harsh sound to break through the air.

The aura exuding from outside was so strong that it had returned to its past peak.

And this was just the offensive she created before using her martial soul.

Su Cheng remained calm. He turned his upper body sideways and dodged in a weird and twisted posture. The sight of such ease made Bibi Dong feel angry.

Behind him, the sofa was torn apart instantly, and the aftermath rippled across the ground, leaving five bottomless holes.

Bibi Dong retracted her five fingers, put them together into a fist, and moved horizontally.


With a loud noise, the huge square table was smashed directly by the white and small pink fist.

There is no doubt that this blow failed again.

Looking at Bibi Dong's pretty face that was gradually turning red and her increasingly excited aura, Su Cheng sighed in his heart.

Before the next palm wind struck, he suppressed his instinctive reaction and did not continue to dodge.

That's right, those previous actions were just the body's instinctive reactions.

Now that Su Cheng's body and mind are united, attack and defense are as natural as breathing.

Even the influx and movement of energy can move on its own without the need for mental control.

The speed at which one can adapt within a few inches during a battle is not at the same level as ordinary people.


The sharp fingertips pierced his chest, and hot blood mixed with a touch of golden sparks flowed out.

"Why don't you hide?"

"Gotta let you vent."

"Hmph, this method can be used against me."

Bibi Dong turned away her eyes and sneered, but still pursed her red lips and circulated her soul power.

The next moment, cold, soft and delicate fingertips gently brushed the wound. The pain seemed insignificant in comparison.

It didn't take long for the hole in the chest to completely heal, and apart from the damage to the clothes, there didn't seem to be any traces of injury.

She was indeed just venting her emotions.

Over the past year, in order to recover from their injuries as soon as possible, the two of them have been getting along almost day and night.

Except that Su Cheng went out to look for Qian Renxue half a year ago, and occasionally went to Wuhundian Academy to see Zhu Zhuqing, they had always stayed together.

Bibi Dong had become accustomed to such days, and even forgot about the existence of A Yin and others.

In other words, she was trying to avoid thinking about those disturbing things.

However, Bibi Dong was in a bad mood at the moment, not just because Su Cheng was about to leave Wuhun City and go to the Blue Silver Grass Forest to meet his old lover.

The most important thing is that as he recovers from his injury, it also means that the days when the two of them get along like this are gone forever.

Su Cheng also understood this truth, so he allowed the other party to vent his emotions.

"You should think about how to explain it to that little girl Zhuqing."

Bibi Dong calmed down quickly.

After the fight, he no longer mentioned sleeping.

She turned around and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking towards the back hill of Wuhun City.

It’s spring again, the breeze is warm and the sun is still warm.

"Ever since Xiaoxue left here, Zhuqing has been happy without saying anything. But now you are going to see another person, a married woman. How can she feel better?"

"...I will explain it clearly to her."

Su Cheng's eyes twitched when he heard Bibi Dong mention the words "married woman" again.

He couldn't say much, so he could only ignore it.

But on Zhu Zhuqing's side, Su Cheng wasn't too worried.

Ever since she risked her life to block Zhu Zhuqing's sword, she has become astonishingly well-behaved.

Although she still has to maintain a cold attitude on weekdays, she actually cares about him very much.

Even his personality has become a lot more cheerful, but in terms of cultivation, he has become much harder.

"Su Cheng..."

After a while after his words fell, Bibi Dong spoke again.

The voice was soft and slow, as if he was hesitating to speak.

Su Cheng looked up.

The outside of Bibi Dong's thin white dress was dyed with a light golden halo by the sunlight, making her look gentle and holy.

"What's wrong?"

"...Do you think life like this is not good now? Let's settle down first, don't think about so many rights and wrongs, and don't make any big moves.

"Even if you want to place that Yin girl in Wuhun City, that's up to you, but I can't do anything to you. Why take the risk?

"Actually, what does the existence of those gods and the structure of the divine world have to do with us?

"We can live for a long, long time in the future, there is no need to be so anxious."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Bibi Dong's eyes were lowered, and her long eyelashes blocked the sunlight, casting a shadow between her eyes to cover up the nervousness in her expression.

She actually made a lot of determination to express these true thoughts in her heart.

If she had only a partial understanding of Su Cheng's goals and ideas before, she could probably guess a thing or two.

So after this period of soul exchange, she has obviously become clearer about many things, and Su Cheng will occasionally talk about them.

In the past, she was willing to support the other party to do those big things, complete the grand ideas, and lay out the plan on the mainland, because she only had such a bargaining chip in her hands at that time.

The power of the Wuhun Palace given to her by her status as pope is her only advantage over the others.

But after nearly a year of close contact, her relationship with Su Cheng has gone far beyond friends.

Her act of risking her life to save her that day made Su Cheng extremely trust her.

Therefore, those bargaining chips in the past have become dispensable.

In her opinion, she no longer wants to take risks. Her current life makes her very satisfied.

Bibi Dong was afraid of losing everything in front of her.

Even Qian Renxue's all-out attack could almost kill Su Cheng, let alone those gods who were more powerful?

After that incident, Bibi Dong completely woke up.

Su Cheng is not omnipotent.

He will also be injured and possibly die.

In this world, no one is invincible.

Whether it's the aloof gods or Su Cheng, a mortal who wants to break through the constraints of order.

After listening to what Bibi Dong said, Su Cheng silently walked to her side and also cast his gaze out the window.

"You are wrong, stability is just a facade.

"Choose your Rakshasa God, inherit the Shura God in the Killing City, create the first-generation Angel God of the Spirit Hall, and even the Poseidon Island far away overseas...

"This continent has witnessed so many strong men and left behind so many divine inheritances, which proves that this planet is not ordinary. The sights of the gods will occasionally come here.

“How long do you think we can hide it with our specialness and presence in this world?

"Maybe they've even noticed us."

At this point, Su Cheng sighed.

"Unless we are willing to be ordinary soul masters, or choose to take the path of divine inheritance.

"But the question is, are you willing?

"The soul master's cultivation method has a limited lifespan. Although I don't pursue eternity, at least for now I am far from living enough. What's more, after thousands of years, what will this small planet have to us and the cage? the difference?

"If I choose to inherit the divine throne, it will just be a bigger and higher cage. That is not what I want."

After hearing what he said, Bibi Dong couldn't help but remain silent.

After a long time, he turned to look at Su Cheng, "Is there no other way?"

There was a pleading hidden in a pair of beautiful eyes, which seemed a little weak for a moment.

She was not such a timid person originally.

Otherwise she would not have chosen to burn her soul without hesitation a year ago.

But when the beautiful future that we dreamed of finally became within reach, there was a weakness in my heart.

"No way."

Su Cheng looked directly at her pleading eyes, hardened his heart and shook his head. He said bluntly: "Even without the reasons I just mentioned, I would not be able to stand by and watch."

"Sit back and watch?" Bibi Dong was slightly startled when he heard this, "What do you mean?"

"This world has given me a lot of help. If it weren't for the existence of those opportunities, how could I, a useless person with less than first-level innate soul power, be able to reach this point in such a short period of time?" Su Cheng said calmly.

"Although I can't understand why such a good thing would happen to a soul master with extremely poor talent, and someone like me was chosen as the most critical chess piece."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong, who had been racking her brains to think about the profound meaning of Su Cheng's words, subconsciously retorted, "No, you are wrong. You have many unique qualities. Your cognition, and Most people in this world are different. No, they are completely different from everyone else. Anyone who cultivates soul power and ascends to the throne of God will choose such a path to the sky. Only you have the courage to go Go the way you want to go.”


Su Cheng didn't dwell on this issue.

You choose your own path and walk it yourself. There are many reasons why you reach the end. There is no point in thinking about these.

He turned to continue talking about the topic just now, "This game of chess is very important to Him. Although I am just a chess piece on the chess board, I can determine the fate of the chess players. I am His chess piece, and also His future." ally."

Su Cheng looked up at the endless blue sky.

The "world" he spoke of might be some kind of instinctive will of the planet beneath his feet, or it might represent some kind of higher existence. He wasn't sure.

In fact, Su Cheng is more inclined to the latter.

That kind of mysterious origin power with extremely high personality, as well as the simulation of destiny involving the level of gods, cannot be bred by the power of a planet alone.

"If I choose to surrender, I might be able to save my life, but He has no other options."

At this point, Su Cheng's voice paused, and he suddenly turned around and said with a smile: "However, you really don't need to be involved in this matter. This is just my own wish."


Bibi Dong said nothing more, just stared at him steadily, with a complicated look in her eyes.

Don't you understand yet?

The current comfort and joy, as well as the bright future that seems to be within reach, are all because of your existence.

Now that you have made such a choice, I can only continue to accompany you.

Although my strength is insignificant...

Bibi Dong let out a long breath, smiled and said, "Do you still remember what I said to you in the back mountain more than a year ago?"

"Remember." Su Cheng nodded, not understanding why she suddenly mentioned this.

"Then let me tell you a few more stories."

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, her eyes filled with confusion, as if she was stuck in a long memory.

“Many years ago, I had a very bizarre dream.

"In the dream, after practicing for many years, I finally completed the divine examination and became a real Rakshasa God. But just when I was most proud, all my hard work was ruined by a mere mortal.

"Haha, that person is obviously very talented and pitifully weak, but he can always come up with some weird things to fool me, the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and lay the foundation for my path to becoming a god. Hidden danger.

"And he also trained a powerful angel god to specifically oppose me."

Su Cheng was slightly startled.

He didn't know before that that Bibi Dong also had some memories of that experience.

"A few years later, I had another dream. But compared to the first time, the memory this time was much clearer.

"Nearly twenty years...

"Twenty years of experience are all gathered in a dream. When I wake up from the dream, that long life has disappeared.

"Now that I think about it, it's really disappointing..."

Su Cheng said nothing.

Just stood there quietly.

"...In the dream, I met a very important person when I was nineteen years old, and that was also the beginning of all the stories.

"He spent a long, long time and taught me a lot. It's such a blessing to be able to meet such a person at my best age.

“But I didn’t know it at the time, but he was supposed to hate me.

"Because he knows what I will be like in the future. Selfish, greedy, stupid, arrogant...

"However, when I was most desperate, he still stood up and stood in front of me. Unfortunately, there was never such a person in reality who saved me at that time.

“I later realized that it was at that moment that I truly fell in love with him.

"That person was like a light that lit up my whole world."

Bibi Dong's voice became choked.

Maybe it's because of regret that I didn't meet the right person at the right time.

Or maybe it's because of love that you can't express your feelings, and you can only wait slowly, and you can't even be sure whether the seed will have a chance to take root and sprout in the end.

Su Cheng said softly: "Maybe he just wants to use you? The owner of twin martial arts souls with full innate soul power, the only top talent among soul masters, anyone will be tempted, right?"

"If you are really using me, that's not bad."

Bibi Dong's expression quickly returned to calm.

The emotion shown just now seemed to be just an illusion.

"However, compared to a peerless Douluo who has profound knowledge and knows how to advance and retreat, and the Pope of Wuhun Palace who is blinded by hatred, ignorant, stupid but powerful, wouldn't it be easier to use?

"Qian Xunji's strength and planning are not worth mentioning in that person's eyes.

"He can definitely wait a few more years. There is no need to do unnecessary things at the risk of offending Wuhun Palace."

Her voice became deep and firm, "So, no matter what this person wants to do, I will do my best to help him do it."

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