After finishing speaking.

Bibi Dong pursed her dry red lips and turned to look at Su Cheng, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Su Cheng did not respond to her gaze, but slowly said: "That was just a dream."

"Yeah, it's just a dream..."

Bibi Dong heard the implication of this sentence and her eyes dimmed a little.

But he immediately returned to his usual calmness and calmness. He raised his head, and his delicate face like white porcelain shone with a moving luster in the sun.

She stretched slightly, turned around and said with a smile: "After talking a lot of nonsense, I suddenly felt much better. Come on, didn't you say you want to make a follow-up training plan for me and arrange the affairs of Wuhun Palace? Let me Let me hear your opinion."

At this time, she suddenly focused her eyes and noticed that the huge desk in the room had been broken by her during the fight.

"Forget it, I'll have someone send a new one over."

After Guzi said this, she turned and left the room.

It wasn't until the moment he closed the door that he sighed softly.

She raised her head and closed her eyes, but she still couldn't stop tears from pouring out of her eyes and falling silently from the corners of her eyes.

Maybe you really shouldn't expect more.

Keeping the status quo is already good and you should be satisfied, right?

Why continue to force things that cannot be yours.

Qian Renxue just left, not dead.

Bibi Dong felt a little helpless.

What she can plan to fight for only goes so far.

Going forward, she was not sure whether Su Cheng and Qian Renxue would have a chance to get back together in the future.

But it's impossible to actually do something irreversible.

"Actually, it's not that important whether we can go further..."

Bibi Dong smiled, wiped the tears from her eyes, and walked out of the hall.

In the room, Su Cheng frowned and said nothing.

For things like ordering people to tidy up the room and deliver tables and chairs, a message is enough. There is no need for the Pope himself to say it in person.

Soon, under Bibi Dong's instructions, the damaged room was repaired as before.

Su Cheng walked to the table, took out a pen and paper, and started writing.

Bibi Dong sat quietly beside him, silently boiling water to make tea.

After half a moment, Su Cheng wrote down a rough outline of the content.

Then he picked up the teacup, took a few sips, and said, "You take a look first."


Bibi Dong responded, leaned to the side, took over the dozen manuscripts, and read through them slowly.

The first part is about the layout planning of the Wuhun Empire.

Regarding this matter, the two have actually discussed it many times in the past.

Especially in the past year, it has been mentioned frequently.

After all, it is naturally impossible to practice all the time during the healing process. There are many opportunities to chat and chat on weekdays.

Regarding cultivation, Wuhun Palace, and even the history of this continent, as well as various historical materials and books, they were all covered in the conversation.

It’s just that the planning at the time was not so detailed.

In this part, Su Cheng mainly made plans for three things.

One is related to the incorporation of the forces of the kingdoms and principalities surrounding Wuhun City.

This matter has been started for a long time. The surrounding small countries have an ambiguous relationship with Wuhun Palace. However, Wuhun Palace's methods are relatively gentle, which has led to slow progress. Recently, they have begun to use force to speed up the process.

If that doesn't work, you can consider using high-end combat power to dispatch the Elder Palace.

In the past, Bibi Dong could not fully mobilize these manpower, but now these titled Douluo all owed Su Cheng a favor, so it was easy to arrange them.

As for those small countries, they do not have directly subordinate Title Douluo-level combat capabilities.

The second is about the arrangements for the Tiandou Empire.

Unlike the Star Luo Empire, the ruling class of the Tiandou Empire was not particularly powerful.

It's just that there are many sects in the empire, and there are a lot of high-level soul masters, and many of these soul masters have more or less feelings about their family and country.

Therefore, if the Tiandou Empire is in trouble, it is estimated that many soul masters will choose to defend it voluntarily. Even the soul masters under the Spirit Hall, it is difficult to say what choice they will make.

Fortunately, after Su Cheng's lobbying a year ago, the positions of several major colleges have wavered.

Of course, even if these bulk forces do take action, they essentially rely on the powerful power of the soul masters to carry out guerrilla harassment.

When it comes to the battlefield, it really doesn't look good enough and can only be used as an off-board move to cause trouble.

And Su Cheng's intention was not as simple as recruiting them to carry out such operations.

"You want them to join the Tiandou Empire, integrate into the high-level forces, and then lead your subordinates to defect in battle? Are you confused? Are you taking it too much for granted?"

Bibi Dong frowned, her words filled with doubt.

With the relationship between the two of them, she didn't have any scruples when speaking, and directly pointed out the absurdity of Su Cheng's plan.

"The Tiandou royal family is not a fool, how can it be possible for these outsiders to hold important positions? What's more, the people in the army are loyal to the royal family, and it is difficult for the high-level soul masters from the sect and the academy to get involved in a short time. , on the contrary, it is extremely easy to be exposed. What you wrote has no chance of success!"

"You are right. This kind of unflattering method will have limited impact in a national war. Large-scale wars will ultimately need to rely on troops and human lives."

Su Cheng was naturally aware of these issues, and he explained calmly: "But this kind of casualties must be controlled as much as possible. You have to understand that if we can really unify in the future, Wuhun Palace will need talents from all walks of life to govern the country, and soul masters are not omnipotent."

"Of course I know this, but I still haven't explained clearly how to instigate rebellion against high-level officials in the military and empire."

"We have a big killer weapon in our hands, the first volume of Xiantian Kung Fu. This is a training technique that can improve the qualifications of soul masters and even help ordinary people have the talent of soul masters."

Su Cheng stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly on the table in front of him.

"Among the three forces of Tiandou, Xingluo, and Wuhundian, the Tiandou Empire is the weakest. They are in urgent need of high-end combat talents. Even if they know that there may be problems, especially after Xiaoxue's incident, they must be very vigilant. .

"But so what, they have to use these people. At most, they just don't give out too much power. However, we have innate skills in our hands. As long as we spread some of the content as a hook, there will definitely be no shortage of people who switch sides. "

In this extraordinary world, for ordinary people and soul masters with low qualifications, almost no one can resist the temptation of innate skills.

"Have you already thought about it?" After hearing this, Bibi Dong straightened up and his expression suddenly became serious, "The impact of this matter is not small."

"It is indeed not small, but with our strength and power, it should be enough to settle future troubles. The first volume of Xiantian Kung changed the pattern of the continent, and only the third volume can attract the attention of high officials. If you want to fully cultivate Xiantian Kung, It’s not that easy, so let’s take advantage of this opportunity to start planning early.”

In fact, Su Cheng has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

The influence of a technique that can change ordinary people's cultivation qualifications is absolutely unprecedented.

However, due to constraints from many parties, subsequent changes are still within control.

And as long as things like innate power are not involved and may affect the pattern of the God Realm, I think there won't be too much of a reaction there.

As Su Cheng said just now, for ordinary people, it takes too long from the beginning to the completion of Xiantian Kung Fu. The first volume should be released as soon as possible.

Although the second stage of the Immortal Real Body will eventually be eliminated in the future, the original power is by no means useless.

After the ring is broken, this part of energy will be incorporated into his body, which will definitely improve him greatly.

And Su Cheng also considered another issue.

Since when others fully master the innate skills and develop innate power, they can feed Su Cheng's original power.

That means that this situation may be of some benefit to the world, otherwise he would not be rewarded for no reason.

Now he stands on a united front with this "world will" that does not know its essence. So naturally, you should help your allies if you can.

What's more, integrating resources, even if it doesn't have much effect on him, will be of great help to others.

There are still many people standing behind him today.

Those allies who are willing to believe in him include the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, several major element academies, and even the many elders and great worshipers in the Spirit Hall.

He always wants to find ways to obtain more benefits for these people.

When people get along with each other, there is always some distance between them.

Next to him, Bibi Dong saw that he was resolute and no longer raised any objections. She nodded and said, "You just have to know what's going on."

After speaking, he pointed back, "This side of the Star Luo Empire, are you going to go there in person?"

"Well, I'll take Zhuqing there in person in a few days. Apart from you and me, in the Wuhun Palace, only a large tribute can save her. But for this kind of thing, it's better not to bother him. If you leave, it will attract too much attention, so it would be better for me to go."

"Relying on just one Netherworld Zhu family, no matter the reputation or strength, is probably far from enough."

"One Zhu family is not enough, but two owners of the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit are enough." Su Cheng chuckled.

"Two Netherworld White Tigers?!"

"Yes, you should have guessed that Zhu Qing's god-level martial spirit was created by me. As for her eldest sister Zhu Zhuyun, I think she has also made some moves in the past few years."

"I see..." Bibi Dong curled her lips, "You are really ruthless. What will happen to the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire?"

"I don't know about that. It depends on Zhu Zhuyun's methods."

"The eldest daughter of the Zhu family is quite ambitious, right?"

"It doesn't matter how big or small her ambition is. There are so many owners of the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit in the Clear Sky Sect. Has there ever been a second Tang Chen? You have to understand that there is also a gap between the Netherworld White Tiger Spirits."

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes slightly when she heard this, "I knew how you could be so kind."

"Don't accuse good people unfairly. This is a fair and voluntary transaction, focusing on an innocent person."

"Wait, if I remember correctly, the Zhu family daughter is a great beauty..."

Having said this, she looked at the carefree man beside her suspiciously.

When she collected information about Zhu Zhuqing before, she also learned a lot about the Zhu family.

Even the information about Dai Mubai's unexplained disappearance is known clearly.

"What's that look in your eyes? I'm warning you, don't talk too much. It's nothing."

Su Cheng looked unhappy and felt underestimated by her.

"It's best this way." Bibi Dong muttered, turning a page and looking back.

What is written here is the part about the above three sects.

"...The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family has almost penetrated. Their second leader, Yu Luo Mian, who is a Soul Douluo cultivator, agreed to join the Soul Douluo Hall. However, he has two conditions. One is to help him advance to the Title Douluo , and the second is not to let their family bleed too much."

Looking at the words on the paper, Bibi Dong also talked about the results of her previous infiltration into the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect.

Su Cheng nodded and said, "No problem, promise him. But that sect leader can't stay."

"This is natural. Yu Luo Mian understands it himself. He is a smart man who knows how to advance and retreat."

"Ah That's good."

Among the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, only the patriarch Yu Yuanzhen is relatively respectable.

Being able to reconcile various conflicts that have accumulated within the clan for a long time, his strength and means are remarkable, and he is much stronger than others.

But it's a pity that this is also a staunch anti-Martial Soul Hall member.

If you continue to keep this person, although it will not pose much of a threat, it will be very troublesome and unnecessary.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time for you to go to the Killing City to pick up people, right?" Su Cheng asked casually.

He was not worried about the safety of those students.

They had an agreement with the King of Slaughter, and that guy was very afraid of his and Bibi Dong's strength.

As the nominal controller of the Killing City, the opponent can influence the order of battles in the Killing Fields to a certain extent and ensure the safety of several people.

Of course, Xie Yue and the others did not know about this, otherwise it would affect the training effect.

"It's rare that you still remember them." Bibi Dong responded.

"Of course I remember." Su Cheng suddenly thought of something and reminded: "By the way, when you go there, if you meet Yu Xiaogang and Tang Hao again, don't touch them."

"I understand." Bibi Dong frowned, "Are they so important?"

"Tang San is conceited, and only these two people can influence him to a certain extent. If you want to train Tang San, you need to lend their hands."

"..." Bibi Dong silently turned the manuscript to the next page.

After seeing the above content, she raised her delicate eyebrows, "So, your so-called 'adult warrant' is also to temper Tang San?"

"Yes, he puts too little pressure and motivation on himself now. I have to put some pressure on him."

"Tsk, tsk." Bibi Dong smacked her lips and couldn't help but sigh: "When he sees the crimes you listed for him, I'm afraid he will be angry to death..."

However, when she saw the last one, her expression suddenly became weird.

"Forget the rest, how did you have the nerve to write about the crime of 'acting as a traitor, colluding with other people, and living with a transformed 100,000-year-old soul beast'?"


"What do you say to that married woman?"


"Are you talking?"

"You've already convicted me, what else do I have to say?" Su Cheng frowned and said angrily.

"If Tang San had the strength and channels, he could naturally list the charges for me at will. If you look at the front, aren't those contents arranged randomly? There are so many things like this in the first place. Could it be that with these charges, he would Can you obediently punish him? I just wanted to make him angry."

"How shameless!"


Seeing that he didn't retort, Bibi Dong continued to provoke, "Are you ready to recognize Tang San as your son?"

Su Cheng pinched his fingers and looked at her sideways with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, do you want to fight again?"

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