"You can do it, but I can't? Why, now that you have recovered with your strength, are you bullying your savior like this?"

Bibi Dong looked at him without giving an inch, with a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes that were a bit sharp.

"Okay, okay, you say it, whatever you want."

Su Cheng waved his hand feebly.

There was no need for him to argue with Bibi Dong over this matter.

The other person is in a bad mood right now, so it’s okay to say a few words of cheer.


Bibi Dong snorted lightly, but didn't say anything more.

After quickly skimming the page of text in front of me, I continued to look behind it.

Next, it was her turn to talk about her own cultivation.

Compared with the previous three pages of Wuhun Palace's follow-up planning and arrangements, the following part has much more text, densely filled with more than ten pages, covering all aspects.

It's not just soul power, body, and soul.

Even blood, martial souls, soul rings and even soul skills are involved.

Bibi Dong gently turned over the manuscript, and a strange light appeared in her eyes.

She had witnessed the whole process of Su Cheng's rapid transformation in strength during the nearly one year of healing, and she was really a little envious.

In comparison, my own improvement seems a bit insignificant.

Although she is not as obsessed with these things as before, in life, especially in a world where strength is respected, who doesn't want to become more powerful?

In particular, Bibi Dong has been a rare genius in the soul master world since he was a child. He has always been at the top of his peers, so it is natural that he will be disappointed.

In addition, Qian Renxue's exaggerated strength that day also made her jealous.

It is for this reason that Bibi Dong has been pestering Su Cheng in the past few days to ask him to write down the principles of "true power" in written notes for her to study.

It's a pity that Su Cheng's situation is special. Bibi Dong can't even understand it, let alone imitating and learning.

But she didn't expect that although Su Cheng had never spoken out directly before, he was extremely concerned about her situation and spent a lot of effort.

The content in front of him was obviously not something he could think through quickly by just patting his head in this moment.

It must have been well thought out.

For example, Bibi Dong was browsing this part about the use of grass jelly.

It not only includes Su Cheng's research results on Ju Douluo who has taken QiRongTongtianChrysanthemum, that is, how to maximize the properties of the fairy herb, deepen her soul power and enhance her martial soul, but also explains how she should use it. The power of one's own blood cleanses the spirit of the fairy grass and prevents the poison from penetrating deeply.

"...Is this a method you researched specifically for me?"

Bibi Dong carefully chewed on the method of operating blood power described in the article word by word, then raised her head and looked at Su Cheng with bright eyes.

She has a good vision and can see the feasibility and general effect of this method of operation.

It can be said that it is extremely consistent with the operation of her bloodline power and is perfect.

"Yes, yes, who made you my savior?"

Su Cheng responded lazily.


Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment when she heard this, then she lightly pursed her thin lips to hold back her smile and continued to look back.

Below is the use of soul rings.

Different from the way a normal soul master absorbs soul rings, it details how she should use the power of the Soul-eating Spider Emperor to completely convert all the energy of the soul beast into what she needs after killing the hundred thousand year old soul beast.

In this process, you can take the opportunity to balance the heterogeneous energy in the body. The soul power in a hundred thousand year soul ring has a wide range of uses and is extremely precious, and can play an excellent harmonizing effect.

The fundamental reason why a hundred thousand year soul ring is so much stronger than a ten thousand year soul ring lies in this soul energy.

The perfect transformation of soul ring energy is also difficult for other soul masters to achieve, because other martial souls do not have the overbearing and weird devouring ability of the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

After operating in this way, the effect of absorbing the soul ring can even be comparable to that of the self-generated soul ring, but the emphasis is different.

The advantage of the latter is that it can perfectly adapt to the soul master, giving the soul master the best benefits, and the accompanying soul skills are most suitable for the soul master himself; while the former can bring about a deeper accumulation of foundation.

However, this is not without its flaws——

"If we absorb the soul rings in this way, wouldn't there be no corresponding soul skills?"

Bibi Dong subconsciously asked.

"Yes, you are very sharp." Su Cheng smiled.

"It's just a loss of a few soul skills. Unless there is a hundred thousand year soul-eating spider emperor soul ring for you to absorb, doing this will definitely do more good than harm to you.

"You must know that there are few opportunities to greatly enhance one's own foundation. The improvement brought by the soul ring is almost all-round. If it were me, I could only achieve this by crushing the soul ring, and that's just Temporary gain.

"But you can achieve similar effects through the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor Martial Spirit. Although the effect is somewhat different, you can retain the spirit ring, and it is a permanent blessing. Just have fun with it."

After this period of soul cultivation, the remaining Rakshasa power in Bibi Dong's body and soul has been completely eliminated. There is no need to worry about future troubles in this area, so she can make full use of the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor to improve herself.

In front of the fire of the sun, even the power of Rakshasa, which has a strong ability to pollute and corrode, has no room to hide or lurk. This is complete restraint in terms of attributes.

Without the Rakshasa divine power to cause trouble, the evil spirit in the Soul-eating Spider Emperor could be easily suppressed with Bibi Dong's current character and soul power.

In addition, the physical aspect can also be further improved by relying on the fusion of soul bones.

Seeing that she was browsing the content carefully, Su Cheng thought for a while and said again: "You can have a little understanding of soul bones and soul rings, so don't worry yet.

"Spend more time and use the other cultivation methods I wrote for you to further solidify your foundation. When you hunt soul beasts in the future, I will accompany you to the Star Dou Forest to prevent accidents."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked up in surprise, then nodded quickly.

Although she didn't think anything unexpected would happen with her current strength and flawless soul foundation.

But the fact that the other party had this intention made her extremely happy.

Seeing this, Su Cheng didn't say any more. He picked up the tea cup and gently blew away the mist above.

The two just sat next to each other and occasionally talked softly.

Enjoying the last few moments of silence.

"Bibi Dong."

After everything was explained, he was about to leave the room.

Su Cheng turned around and stared at her, calling her name softly.

"There are some things that I haven't fully thought about yet, so don't be impatient. There are other things that need to be done right now, and my strength is not at the level where I can ignore all obstacles.

“We still have a lot of time.

"Mortal life and death last only a hundred years, but we can sit back and watch the passage of time and the change of dynasties. Many difficulties that seem insurmountable at the moment may not matter in a few years."

At this point, he paused for a moment.

Then he looked more serious and said seriously: "At least, we can always support each other on the way forward, right?"


Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng blankly, her eyes suddenly turning red.

She nodded happily, her heart suddenly feeling like it was stuck in her throat.

In the end, I could only say "hmm" in an inaudible voice.

Bibi Dong understood that this was a promise made by Su Cheng.

About the future, about each other.

"Okay, then I'll leave first." Su Cheng smiled and raised his hand to open the door.


"What's wrong?"

Bibi Dong said nothing, silently took two steps forward, stretched out her hands to straighten his collar.

Compared to their past interactions, this action was actually not very intimate for them, but a blush appeared on her cheeks.

The scene at this time is like a wife saying goodbye to her husband who is about to leave.

It made her feel ashamed, and she felt extremely at ease in her heart.

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