In Wuhundian Academy, Su Cheng walked slowly on the road.

His figure swayed slightly, as if he was integrated with the surrounding natural environment. No one even noticed his arrival until he entered the depths of the academy.

Looking at the young soul masters who were practicing, Su Cheng nodded secretly in his heart.

Although the college is nominally under his management, in fact he doesn't come to the college very often.

Even if he came, he would only look for Zhu Zhuqing alone, or give guidance to Feng Qingyu's cheap apprentice, and not have much communication with other people.

In fact, compared to Su Cheng's casual attitude, Bibi Dong paid more attention to these young people.

"It would be good for you to pay more attention to the affairs of the academy, even if you just mention a few words. They are all young soul masters with extraordinary talents, and they are in the golden age of cultivation. It would be a pity to waste them. If it weren't for their status, I will definitely go there often to check it out."

The above-mentioned original words of Bibi Dong surprised Su Cheng at the time.

He really didn't expect that the pope, who has a higher vision than the top, would actually have this kind of intention.

Because of this, although Su Cheng had no time or interest to teach here, he still teamed up with Ju Douluo and Poison Douluo to come up with some potions that could assist in their cultivation to improve their foundation and cultivation efficiency.

Those medicines are made from the precious spiritual grass from the back mountain. Although the medicinal properties are not as powerful as the fairy grass, they will not accumulate too much medicinal power in the body, which is suitable for assisting students in practicing innate skills.

That's right, now everyone in Wuhundian Academy has already had the opportunity to learn two volumes of innate skills.

Of course, the first volume is just a incomplete version. It only contains methods for cultivating soul power, but it cannot be used to improve the qualifications of martial soul bloodline.

After all, the young soul masters who can practice here are inherently talented, and none of them has an innate soul power level lower than level six.

In this case, unless Su Cheng is willing to spend time to study a set of targeted exercises for them like the "Nirvana Sutra", even if he teaches them the first volume of innate skills that can purify their blood, it will increase the efficiency of their qualifications. It is also extremely low.

Even if you learn it, it won't bring about much change in a short period of time. This thing will actually be more effective for soul masters whose talents are more rubbish.

But if it accidentally spreads, it will be a huge trouble, and it will cause Wuhun Palace to suffer heavy losses and lose a key chip that can determine the situation.

You know, for this reason, he didn't even teach it to Xie Yue and others before, so how could he possibly teach it to these people.

As for the second volume, Su Cheng disclosed part of the content on how to use soul power to feed the physical body.

All the methods of cultivating soul power were temporarily hidden by him. For regular soul masters, unless their qualifications are extremely outstanding, there is really no need to consider soul level cultivation before the Soul Emperor.

What's more, these things are all bait.

The complete version of the first volume of Xiantian Kung is an irresistible temptation for middle and lower class soul masters and ordinary people. Then the entire content of the second volume is even more attractive to the powerful soul masters.

It didn't matter to the former students in the academy. They were either civilian orphans or the children and orphans of members directly affiliated with Wuhun Palace. Of course they were worthy of trust.

However, the young soul masters who came to study from several major element academies had different ideas.

If you want them, as well as the major colleges behind them, to fully join the chariot of Wuhun Palace, you need to use more methods.

With the help of various excellent conditions of Wuhundian Academy, the speed of improvement of young soul masters is naturally extremely amazing.

Unfortunately, the number of raw materials for preparing cultivation potions is limited, and it is not yet available for everyone to take.

Ju Douluo treasures his flowers and plants very much. Picking them appropriately without damaging the roots of the plants is already the limit of what he can compromise.

What's more, even if you don't take into account what Yueguan thinks, when Ah Yin comes back in the future, if she finds out that the "children" she cherishes so much have been brutally tortured by Su Cheng, it will be hard for him to explain.

Therefore, today's Wuhundian Academy is divided into two parts: the inner court and the outer court. Only members of the inner court have a share of the medicine.

However, the way of division is not based solely on martial soul qualifications, but on the progress of Xiantian Kung practice.

Whoever works hard enough, who makes faster progress in learning the exercises, and whoever has stronger understanding ability can enter the inner courtyard.

But even so, all six people from the Elements Academy still entered the inner courtyard.

Su Cheng also had to admit that the reason why these people stood out in the original academy was not only because they were the generals among the students, but also because their quality was indeed excellent.

He has never placed any restrictions on the freedom of these "exchange students", and they can take leave to visit relatives at any time.

These people are here to learn, not to be hostages. Su Cheng does not need to use such low-level methods that are not worth the loss.

After they have stayed for a year and a half, they can even decide whether to stay or leave.

However, if Xiantian Kung dares to spread without permission, then you must be prepared to bear the wrath of Wuhun Palace.

In fact, among the six students who came from the Elements Academy, none of them have gone home more than twice so far.

There is no way, the cultivation conditions here are really good.

Compared to when they arrived, the progress over the past year has been astonishing.

Even Huo Wushuang, who had the smallest improvement among the six, had increased his soul power by nearly three levels.

As the cultivation results of these people became known to the teachers in several major colleges, their attitudes also changed extremely obviously, and they all wanted to recruit more outstanding students.

In the inner courtyard of the academy, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Binger were standing in the rest area next to the training ground, chatting casually.

This place is called the Inner Courtyard, but it is actually located further inside the academy.

The so-called inner courtyard and outer courtyard are just a distinction in terms of cultivation resources. In fact, the location is not too far apart, and it can be regarded as a thought for the students of the outer courtyard.

Su Cheng never thought of completely segregating these people into two classes.

"...You seem to be in a good mood?"

Shui Bing'er carefully examined the girl in black standing opposite her. Although she was speaking a question, her tone was extremely determined.

"Did you see it?"

Zhu Zhuqing was a little surprised at first, and then a smile bloomed on his face, blooming like an epiphyllum for a moment, making Shui Bing'er a little distracted.

Such obvious mood swings are not often seen in her.

"Su Cheng's injury is almost healed."

"No wonder."

Shui Bing'er suddenly realized and said with a soft smile: "Except for things about him, I think no one can make you so happy."

She and Zhu Zhuqing get along very well.

Neither of the two girls have particularly flamboyant personalities. In addition, they are similar in age and have far higher talents than ordinary people. Over time, they have become good friends.

Moreover, Shui Bing'er and Feng Qingyu are the only two young soul masters besides Zhu Zhuqing who have received the complete inheritance of the second volume of Xiantian Kung.

Among them, Feng Qingyu is Su Cheng's apprentice, so it goes without saying.

The reason why Shui Binger was taught was rather special.

Her martial soul has great potential, which Su Cheng had noticed as early as the soul master competition.

Different from the soul fusion skill Nether White Tiger, which is composed of the dual cores of Nether Civet Cat and White Tiger Wuhun, although the Wuhun fusion skill "Ice and Snow" used by Shui Bing'er seems to be a joint effort between her and Xue Wu, in fact, the real core There is only Shui Bing'er's own ice phoenix martial spirit.

Even in this process, Xue Wu's martial spirit "Fiber Dance Snow Satin" is replaced by other high-level ice martial arts with good quality. As long as it can resonate with Ice Phoenix and improve the compatibility between them, , and also have the opportunity to display similar martial soul fusion skills.

If the power of the soul is strong enough, Shui Bing'er's martial soul may be able to undergo other changes. This is why Su Cheng is interested in her.

In addition, Su Cheng is actually somewhat grateful to Shui Bing'er.

The reason why he was able to comprehend the true meaning of immortality and the Bright Moon Sword Style back then was that the immortal core displayed in the Ice Phoenix soul skill gave him great inspiration.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for that opportunity that allowed Su Cheng to have the immortal true meaning as a spiritual balance support, his future growth path would have been greatly affected by the Will of Annihilation. It's hard to say whether it was a blessing or a curse.

After all, at that time, his soul background was too shallow, and that kind of extreme will might unknowingly erode his sanity.

Su Cheng didn't have a deep understanding of this in the past.

But as his understanding of the path of spiritual practice deepens, he can truly feel how huge the potential risks are.

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