After hearing that joking remark, Zhu Zhuqing next to Shui Bing'er didn't show any shy expression.

She is not that kind of pretentious little girl, at least not in front of others.

So he nodded calmly and admitted: "Yes."

As she spoke, her eyes were lowered and the smile on her lips softened.

"I thought no one would do that for me."

There was some self-deprecation in the voice, some fear, some emotion, but more of it was some unknown and strange emotion.

"My background is different from yours. I was born to be a stepping stone for others. I am very lucky to have reached this point. I should be content. To be honest, I am not that afraid of death. I just can't let him go."

"Do you think you will die?" Shui Bing'er was a little surprised, "Don't you believe in Elder Su's strength?"

"You don't understand, Qian Renxue was forcing him. If Su Cheng chose to take action directly, Qian Renxue's life would not be saved." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, his eyes a little hollow, "I know he will not hurt Qian Renxue for me. It’s Ren Xue’s, so I thought I was dead at that time.”

"...That sword is really terrifying."

Shui Bing'er sighed softly.

To this day, she still feels frightened when she recalls the scene.

That was true divine power, powerful beyond what a soul master could understand, and capable of destroying the heavens and the earth.

She didn't know that it was because Qian Renxue was still unable to fully control the powerful power in her body at that time, which caused some energy fluctuations to escape from the sword light.

And just that little aftermath almost made the onlookers breathless and trembling.

"Anyway, that man has left Wuhun City now, and it seems that he has completely broken off with Elder Su. In this way, wouldn't you become the final winner? I think you can't wait anymore, shouldn't you be ready to drink Have you had your wedding?" Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was a little dazed, Shui Bing'er quickly changed the subject and chuckled as if joking.

"Well, if he is willing, I will... naturally..."

Speaking of the latter, Zhu Zhuqing's words suddenly became a little stuck, and her fair and pretty face turned red instantly.

Shui Bing'er looked puzzled for a while. She didn't understand why her friend who was talking and laughing freely just now suddenly changed his face.

What's more, this isn't the first time the two of them have talked about Su Cheng, and they haven't seen each other show too much shyness in the past.

Follow her line of sight.

Only then did they realize that Su Cheng himself had arrived nearby and was standing not far away, watching the two of them silently.

I don’t know how much of the conversation just now was heard by him.

"...I won't disturb you anymore."

Shui Bing'er smiled awkwardly, nodded to Su Cheng, and left here first.

"How about you, naturally? Keep talking."

When there were only two people left here, Su Cheng put his arms around Zhu Zhuqing's shoulders and lowered his head close to the beauty's cheek.

The faint fragrance lingers in the mouth and nose. In the warm spring light, the delicate earlobe is white and red, exuding an agate-like luster.

He didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but as his level improved, his movements became more natural. If no one deliberately probed, it would be extremely difficult for others to detect.

The conversation between the two people just now gradually deepened, and naturally they paid less attention to their surroundings.

Zhu Zhuqing did not respond.

The sound in her ears was carried by gusts of hot air, seeming to pass through the auricles and ear canals, seep into the eardrums and penetrate into the bottom of her heart, making her heart tingle and her earlobes become redder.

The expression on his face was pretending to be calm, and he asked calmly in an extremely calm voice: "Has your injury been completely healed?"


Su Cheng nodded, stopped talking and joking, stretched out his finger and tapped in front of the two of them.

There is obviously no energy fluctuation between the fingers, and it is not like in the past, where the faint sword energy condensed by the innate power is lingering, and the sword fingers are just passing through the air in a normal way.

But this seemingly ordinary feint brought an extremely strong sense of threat to the keen Zhu Zhuqing, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

"Have you gained a new understanding?"

"It's not really an understanding. It should be said that I have completely integrated all the powers. From now on, there is no need to distinguish between the so-called soul power, qi and blood, or innate power. There is no distinction between my body and various energies. The most I can do is use them. The martial spirit acts as a weapon. But if we wait a little longer, maybe we won’t even need the martial spirit anymore.”

"That is to say," she looked at Su Cheng's fingers with thoughtful eyes, "you also have god-level strength in your normal state?"

She knew that in the past, Su Cheng could rise to the level of a second-level god in a short time with his martial soul avatar.

"That's right. But the peak strength is still not as good as before. It's just that it has steadily crossed the threshold of a third-level god."

"That's right..."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slowly, she could understand the difference. The level 3 god's strength that can be maintained stably is definitely more meaningful than the explosive state in the past.

For a moment, I was happy for Su Cheng, but also felt a little disappointed in my heart.

She has obviously worked hard enough, and the so-called family missions that troubled her in the past have long been ignored by her.

And since he resolved the accumulation of immortal herb power in his body, he successfully entered the third volume of the innate power and cultivated his innate power. Now his strength has already surpassed that of ordinary titled Douluo.

When he is promoted to Soul Saint in the future and becomes the true body of martial soul, he will undergo a qualitative change, and he will be able to compete with peak Douluo.

But even so, she could realize that the gap between herself and Su Cheng was getting wider and wider.

Not only Su Cheng, the strength Qian Renxue showed that day was equally terrifying.

Even if the opponent's state at that time cannot be maintained for a long time, as long as he has experienced a peak-like experience, it may only be a matter of time before his strength becomes normal in the future.

"What, no more confidence?"

Su Cheng saw the strange emotion she showed for a moment and asked with a chuckle.

"A little bit."

But what he didn't expect was that Zhu Zhuqing didn't refute this time, but nodded and admitted his inner thoughts, which made him startled.

In Su Cheng's heart, Zhu Zhuqing's greatest advantage is his character and will. She neither believes in fate nor limitations in talent, and has always been tenacious and hardworking.

"Haha, I have never been so confident before. How do you see that I am very confident?"

Seeing him stunned, Zhu Zhuqing raised his head. Between her beautiful eyebrows, there was a bright smile, and her almond-shaped eyes sparkled.

She turned around and stretched out her slender fingers as tender as green-white, and gently touched Su Cheng's cheek, sending a little chill.

"Whether I have confidence or not, it doesn't affect my continued efforts. I will try my best to do my best. You don't have to worry about me. Thank you for letting me see the real future."

Su Cheng's action of risking his life to block the sword for her that day brought her more than just emotions such as emotion and shock, nor was it the joy of saving her life.

The most important thing is to give her enough confidence and hope for the future.

However, Zhu Zhuqing was not prepared to elaborate on these words with Su Cheng. She just asked softly: "Now that your injury has fully recovered, what are your next plans? When should we leave for the Star Luo Empire?"

"Let's wait for a while. I'll deal with other things first."

"What's the matter? I can accompany you."

"Well, I'm planning to leave for the Blue Silver Grass Forest in the next few days."

After hearing this, the smile on Zhu Zhuqing's face faded little by little and disappeared.

Finally, he returned to his frosty look.

"get out."

She said calmly.

Just when Su Cheng went to the Blue Silver Grass Forest to meet A Yin.

On the other side, Tang San, who rejected the King of Slaughter's solicitation, was walking alone on the road to hell with a terrifying atmosphere and full of endless murderous malice.

Although he has never taken fairy grass, his strength is still very good because he has practiced the Clear Sky Hammer in advance.

However, after all, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit had not awakened to become the Blue Silver Emperor, and naturally could not possess the innate fields rich in vitality and purification abilities that the Blue Silver Emperor came with.

During the nearly two years of experience in the Killing City, his mind was severely eroded.

His face, which was already as stiff and lifeless as a dead tree, now looked a bit distorted, and his eyes were filled with blood, which was extremely terrifying.

But he finally reached the end of the road to hell.

A smile without any smile appeared on Tang San's face, looking even more ferocious.

Compared with two years ago, although his cultivation level has not improved much, his strength has undergone earth-shaking transformation.

Now, he is confident that he can easily defeat the three of himself a year ago.

He finally understood why he, who had the Tang Sect's unique skills, was unable to fight back in front of Su Cheng that day.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the use of power, and there is nothing profound about it.

"Haha, Wuhun Palace..."

Tang San licked the corners of his lips that were chapped due to the high temperature, and murmured in a low voice.

"It's so sanctimonious to even continue to preserve this kind of place where filth and evil are hidden. We even arrange for juniors to come here to practice and use this degenerate power derived from the darkness. How can Wuhun Palace still have the nerve to claim to be bright and righteous?"

In the abyss on both sides of the narrow road, dark red blood rolled and flowed, exuding heat like magma.

During the two years in the Killing City, he had carefully studied the filthy drink called "Bloody Mary". Its properties were not essentially different from the plasma here. It should be the evil blood of countless fallen people mixed over thousands of years. Concentrated poison is the root of the killing city.

And what kind of place is this city of killing based on this?

Dark, evil, scary, dirty...

Such a world should not exist at all. No matter who left it, it would be best if it disappeared.


Tang San glanced at the hot and rich poisonous plasma at his feet, secretly feeling troubled.

With his current strength, it is obviously impossible to destroy it.

Moreover, there was not much time left for him to leave, and his body had already reached the limit of what it could bear.

"Xie Yue, Hu Liena, Yan..."

Thinking of the few people he met by chance in the Killing City before, Tang San couldn't help but secretly grit his teeth.

Based on the performance and number of wins of these people in the Hell Killing Fields, it is almost inevitable that they will enter the Hell Road after some time.

In addition, they are both members of the younger generation of Wuhun Palace, so they must trust each other and be able to work together. With each other joining forces, it doesn't have to be as difficult as him to pass the test.

You don't need to guess to know that there will definitely be several new "Killing Gods" in the Killing City in the future, and most of them will be under the command of Wuhun Palace.

"...If we continue to stay here, we don't know how many people with treacherous and evil minds will benefit from it. It will really be a big disaster!"

With a cold snort, Tang San turned back and continued moving forward, temporarily leaving behind the fantasy of destroying this place.

The situation ahead was just as he had expected. As the temperature increased and the plasma on both sides rose, less than half an hour later, the exit was visible.

The top of the black cave was at a height of about two hundred meters, which was not a big problem for Tang San.

He first used the powerful power of the Eight Spider Spears to jump up, and then with the help of the martial soul Blue Silver Grass and the hidden weapon Feitian Divine Claw, he successfully reached the entrance of the cave.

At this time, Tang San suddenly discovered that the murderous aura around his body seemed to be constantly being pulled by a special force.

Finally, he looked back at the hell road he had just walked, and he secretly made up his mind.

"Whatever the Spirit Hall doesn't want to do, let me, Tang San, do it. I will definitely destroy this place completely in the future!"

The two years of training in the Killing City were experiences he would never forget in his life.

But he didn't want anyone to experience this terrifying world in the future.

"Righteous soul masters, it's better to take the right path. It's too dangerous here. As for evil soul masters, don't even think about getting benefits from this place..."

The next moment, his entire body rushed into the white light curtain.

Everything around him seemed to be changing, and he felt as if he had entered another extremely special world.

All he could see was snow-white nothingness, and his martial soul was restricted by a special force, forcing it all back into his body.

In this vast white world, I couldn't use any strength in my body, and the only feeling was coldness.

It was the chill brought by the murderous aura, coming from the outside world and being released from the body, over and over again, making Tang San tremble.

When his consciousness began to fade away quietly along with his consciousness, he felt the gradual formation of the realm. It was a powerful realm formed by the condensed murderous aura...

I don't know how much time passed, but when Tang San woke up from the pain and was about to turn over and sit up, he suddenly found that his left hand was a little heavy.

Turning around, he saw the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

On the top of the hammer head, there is an extra pattern, which looks like the blood-striped bat form on the ground of the Hell Killing Ground when the Hell Road is activated. It's just that it's much smaller and white.

He tried to feel the white lines. In an instant, surging white light was released from the Clear Sky Hammer, but it quickly turned colorless, and Tang San's perception of the world around him immediately became different.

Even the surrounding vegetation seemed to tremble slightly in this invisible air current.

"It turns out this is the realm of the God of Death..."


At this time, a deep voice suddenly sounded in Tang San's ears.

Tang Hao didn't know when he was standing quietly not far in front of him.

After not seeing each other for two years, the other person seemed a bit older. However, Tang San felt a certain similar aura from his father extremely keenly.

Tang San's body shook, and he quickly turned over and jumped up.

"Dad." He quickly walked up to Tang Hao. The look on his stiff cheeks was still cold. It was the painful experience in the past, coupled with the sequelae of two years of living in the killing city.

"I have successfully passed the experience of the Killing City and obtained the Killing God Domain."

Tang Hao nodded when he heard this, with a complicated expression on his old face.

Compared to the tremendous pressure Bibi Dong and Su Cheng put on him, Tang San was really far behind now.

"...You are very good. You have worked hard enough in the past two years. Let's go."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward.

Tang San was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He didn't wait for more compliments, but he still hurriedly followed in silence.

The appearance of his father invisibly brought waves of warmth to his heart.

After Xiao Wu's death and Zhu Zhuqing's rebellion, Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang were the only remaining pillars in his heart.

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