"Do you know what the function of the Killing God Realm is?" Tang Hao suddenly asked as he walked on the road.

Tang San's eyes flashed, and he replied in a deep voice: "Aura."

"That's right, it's momentum. The momentum and pressure created by murderous intent can prevent your opponent from exerting their full strength.

"You now have the most basic Killing God Domain. In the future, with the help of domain battles, you can weaken your opponents while strengthening yourself. Moreover, this domain will continue to grow as your martial soul improves.

"It can be said that if you own this field, your future will be unlimited."

Hearing this, Tang San was immediately shaken, feeling a little more confident in his heart.

The man walking beside him was the elder he respected and admired the most, and he would never doubt his judgment.

So after hesitating for a moment, Tang San took the initiative and asked: "Dad, when can we start preparations to officially take revenge on Wuhun Palace? Also, my mother..."

After these years of hard work, he has become an eighteen-year-old young man.

The transformation of his strength, the growth of his temperament, and the potential impact of the addition of the God of Killing Domain to the Clear Sky Hammer's martial spirit all made him look a lot different.

Compared with the past, the improvement of Tang San's soul power is only secondary. The key is that he has finally regained the feeling and confidence of being a leader of his generation.

"And Xiao Wu, at the very least, I want to take back her soul bones..."

He added silently in his mind.

On the other side, when Tang San mentioned Ah Yin, Tang Hao's footsteps stopped, the gloomy look in his eyes flashed away, and the scene when they parted a few years ago came to mind again.

But he calmed down quickly and said calmly: "Now is not the time, you have not met my requirements yet."

Tang San was stunned when he heard this, "How can we meet the requirements?"

After completing a hundred victories in the Hell Killing Fields, successfully passing the Hell Road test, and possessing the Killing God Domain, he believed that he was strong enough at this time.

Perhaps there is still a certain gap compared to those Titled Douluo who stand at the top of the continent's strength, but at least compared to geniuses among their peers such as Su Cheng or Qian Renxue, it may not be much worse.

If he adds his trump card and prepares all kinds of hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

To this day, Tang San still clearly remembers the humiliation two years ago.

This time he would take back the lost Xuantian Kung and the dignity belonging to the Tang Sect disciples one by one.

"Your current aura is too impetuous and needs to be washed away. Only then can I decide the next step in the future."

"Washed away?" Tang San was a little confused, "Are we going to start a new period of practice next?"

Speaking of this, he felt a sense of joy in his heart.

"Instead of following me, I will take you to meet someone." Tang Hao shook his head.

After thinking in silence for a moment, he decided to reveal some plans to Tang San, "After settling you down, I will go to the Bluesilver Grass Forest again. If your martial spirit Bluesilver Grass can be awakened and become Blue Silver Emperor will be of great help to your future.

"I can tell you that the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit also has its own unique talent field.

"Moreover, the talent field of a martial spirit will not be restricted by the fact that twin martial spirits cannot be used at the same time."

At this point, his voice paused. He couldn't help but think of Su Cheng, who used two martial arts at the same time and formed a special martial soul fusion technique in the battle in Wuhun City a few years ago.

That guy is a freak.

Does his son really have a chance to defeat him...

Tang San didn't expect what happened that day. At that time, his mind was completely affected by Xiao Wu, and he had long lost his previous observation and judgment.

At this time, he just asked with a puzzled expression: "You mean, if the twin martial souls have two areas of talent, they can be used at the same time? How do you know?"

Tang Hao stopped and turned around to look at him, "Because a similar situation has happened to another person before, and she also has the realm of the God of Death."

Tang San's eyes fluctuated violently.

There are only two other owners of twin martial souls besides himself.

But it was obviously impossible for Tang Hao to be talking about Su Cheng.

The other person is similar to himself in age. In the past two years, except for one conflict in the killing city, they have never seen each other again.

Obviously, the other party did not participate in the experience of the hell killing field.

So that person’s identity is about to come out——

"Pope Bibi Dong?!"

At this moment, Tang San thought he had figured out many things.

No wonder, no wonder Wuhun Palace indulges in killing the city but never destroys it. No wonder Xie Yue, Hu Liena and so many other members of Wuhun Palace can enter it to experience...

This bloody and evil place should indeed be destroyed.

Tang Hao also nodded at this time, confirming his guess, "But from now on, there will be three people who own this field."

Tang San didn't feel very happy this time.

Judging from what her father meant, Bibi Dong obviously had two areas of talent, but she only had one.


"But dad, didn't that Blue Silver King say that it's impossible for my martial spirit to awaken and become the Blue Silver King?"

"It's just a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast. What it says may not be credible. Besides, even if it doesn't succeed, I still have to figure out the reason."

What Tang Hao didn't say was that he wanted to ask more information about Ah Yin from King Blue Silver.

Is the reason why Tang San couldn't awaken related to Ah Yin's current condition? Does King Blue Silver know about Ah Yin's resurrection?

Even if you really find nothing by then, you must tell the other party that the king of their Blue Silver Grass clan has been captured by the Wuhun Palace, and multiple allies can work together to rescue him.

In fact, he had wanted to do this for a long time, but because of Tang San's experience, he couldn't get away from it. If this son, whom he regarded as his hope, could not truly grow up, the cards in his hand would not be able to compete with the Wuhun Palace, which had a profound foundation.

Only now could he finally start making preparations.

However, the two people who were rushing to talk at this time did not know that Tang San's wanted notice had already been posted in various cities in the Tiandou Empire and other principal kingdoms in the Northern Continent, and he had truly become famous all over the world.

Ten days later, Tiandou City.

Tang Hao was leading Tang San towards the city.

Although the father and son are dressed in low-key and simple clothes, they are still somewhat eye-catching.

Tang Hao still looked down and out, but the main problem actually lay with Tang San.

Even though he wore a mask on his face to cover up the strong blood energy that could not be hidden between his brows, the cold murderous intention emanating from his body was still chilling.

At this time, the chatter and chatter coming from the surrounding pedestrians unknowingly reached the ears of the two of them.

"...The eighteen-year-old Soul King can be considered a rare genius soul master. I never expected that he would be such a person."

"The Wuhun Palace has never made such a big move before, right? One person is wanted across the entire continent?"

"Is it aimed at Haotian Sect?"

"Probably not. How can Wuhun Palace be so stingy? The wanted order does not have any intention of targeting the sect, but this kind of thing has little to do with us."

"Why doesn't it matter? Look at that Tang San, he is simply a beast among beasts! You can even do that kind of thing. If you don't be careful, it might be your turn to be the next one to suffer."

"In fact, it's not surprising. Like father, like son. His father, Tang Hao, was originally a lunatic. Not only did he kill the previous pope, he also caused his own sect to be banned for decades."

"Speaking of which, in the past few years, the Wuhun Palace's pursuit of Tang Hao has not been as intense as this time, right?"

"You don't understand this. The dangers of the two people are different. No matter how crazy Tang Hao is, he will only attack soul masters, not ordinary people like Tang San. Alas, it's no wonder, it is said that he is a human being What about the product of animal hybrid..."


After hearing this discussion, Tang Hao and Tang San, father and son, frowned and looked at each other, immediately realizing that something unexpected might have happened recently.

But this is the main city of the empire after all, with many powerful people and the Spirit Temple nearby. Although strong anger and even murderous intent have arisen in his heart, he still dare not do anything after all.

It's easy to kill someone to vent your anger, but it's much more difficult to escape safely afterwards without leaving any trace or attracting other pursuers.

"Wanted order..."

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out."

Tang Hao interrupted Tang San's whisper and led him directly towards the city square where a large number of people gathered.

Nowadays, portraits of Tang San have been posted everywhere in major cities where there are branches of Wuhun Palace, not to mention the core square of Tiandou City.

Of course Tiandou officials have strong objections to this, but this is a wanted order issued by the Pope's Palace personally, so the Wuhun Temple will not back down even a step.

Faced with this situation, Emperor Xueye could only let it go. After all, Tang San and others had nothing to do with them and had never really joined the imperial faction.

Although this move is detrimental to the majesty of the empire, in comparison, there is really no need to directly conflict with Wuhun Palace because of this matter.

What's more, the more intense the conflict between Tang San and his son and Wuhun Palace, the more they would like to see it come to fruition.

In front of the huge bulletin board in the square, a large number of people surrounded the area, making it impossible for people behind to see the specific content on the wanted notice.

Upon seeing this, members of the Wuhun Palace at the front began to recite loudly. After everyone listened, they immediately started talking.

"This Tang San is really not a human being, he doesn't even let the spirit beasts go!"

"Oh, I've seen his portrait elsewhere before. He looks pretty energetic, but I didn't expect that he was secretly having sex with animals, and he was just a female rabbit who had lived for who knows how many years..."

"Be careful, keep an eye on your own backyard. You see what's written here, that guy is a master at using poison."

"What happened to using poison?"

"Isn't your family just raising pigs? Why are you asking such silly questions?"

"What! Doesn't he only attack soul beasts?"

"Of course not! The Holy Soul Village where this person came from has had a shocking terrorist poisoning case before. Those were more than a dozen old sows, which screamed all night long, frightening the villagers. I thought a pack of wolves and thieves were coming."

"The wolf thief isn't that exaggerated, is he?"

"Who says otherwise? Even a wolf thief wouldn't attack so many old sows..."


Listening to the list of crimes arranged for him by the Wuhun Palace, the masked young man standing behind the crowd was so angry that the three zombie gods jumped, and his whole body could not help but tremble slightly.

His eyes were even more blood-red, and the surging murderous aura was almost coming out of his body.

If someone takes off his mask, they can recognize that this is Tang San, the most perverted Tang San in the northern half of the Douluo Continent.

If Tang Hao hadn't been by his side to suppress him at this moment, he might have lost control and gone berserk.

"...Wu! Hun! Palace! This is really too much!"

Until he was pulled away by Tang Hao, the anger and murderous intention in Tang San's heart still couldn't dissipate.

And the people who were watching were talking about Xiao Wu unscrupulously, describing him as a "female rabbit" on the left and a "beast" on the right, which made him even more furious and wanted to tear these people into pieces.

As for the "wolf thieves" that those people call them, they are actually a special species that is neither human nor soul beast.

It is a cross between the wind demon wolf and human blood. It has a body shape and IQ similar to that of humans, but also possesses some of the lewd and evil characteristics of the wind demon wolf.

In fact, this kind of creature is not very powerful alone, but they live in groups, and are promiscuous by nature. They like to rob human women and use them as tools for breeding offspring. It can be said that all humans hate these creatures.

Not only that, the human villages that the wolf thieves passed through were all left by women, and all the others, old and young, were slaughtered, and their temperaments were very cruel and bad.

Now that Tang San himself was belittled by them to the point where he was even worse than a wolf thief, how could he not go crazy?

After going through the hell road experience, his mind had been extremely worn out. Now that he was stimulated again, even the blood in his body began to show signs of being faintly hot.

Even if Tang Hao unleashed a strong killing intent on him, he couldn't completely calm down.

The content on the notice was so exaggerated that even Su Cheng himself would be stunned when he saw it.

It can even be said that Tang San was responsible for more than half of the various difficult and miscellaneous cases accumulated over the years across the mainland, as well as the evil spirit master's violations of law and discipline.

If he had never appeared in the Star Luo Empire, he might not just be the number one pervert in the North, but truly the number one villain in the history of the Douluo Continent.

In fact, most of the content behind the wanted order was not written by Su Cheng.

He just left a rough template and let the people below have their own ideas and add fuel to the fire, but he didn't expect to pull out something so outrageous.

As for whether there was Bibi Dong's instruction or other meaning of criticizing Sang and Huai, it's hard to say.

However, Wuhundian has always had an excellent reputation among the people and has always been an authoritative representative. Even if the content on the wanted order is not consistent with the actual situation, and the various perverted behaviors described in the Tang Dynasty are extremely exaggerated, the doubters are really not convinced. many.

With so much publicity, at least in a short period of time, he will not be able to wash away this dirty reputation.

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