Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 291 The new host of Rakshasa’s evil thoughts

After leaving the city square, the two of them walked to the busiest area in the center of Tiandou City, before Tang Hao stopped in front of a tall building.

"Dad, where is this place?"

Tang San looked at the word "Yue Xuan" on the plaque and the nobles in gorgeous clothes coming in and out, and frowned and asked.

Until now, his emotions have not completely calmed down.

"This is the place where you can wash away all your troubles."


Tang San couldn't help but hesitate when he heard this.

The wanted notice posted all over the city was undoubtedly a huge security risk to the father and son.

Although I am not afraid, once it is exposed, it will be very troublesome to deal with it later.

"Don't worry, just follow me in. The owner here is trustworthy."

With that said, Tang Hao took the lead and walked towards Yuexuan.

But as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped.

Two handsome young men in neat green clothes each raised a hand to block the front and said calmly: "I'm sorry, please stay. Yuexuan does not accept disheveled people."

Tang San's brows frowned tightly under his mask.

Although he was also dressed simply, he was very neat. Obviously, the other party was talking about Tang Hao.

He took a step forward without hesitation, looked at the two young men on the steps who were not even soul masters, and spoke cold words from his mouth.


He was already in a bad mood at this time.

The two people in front of them obviously had the misfortune of running into the muzzle of a gun.

The next moment, strong murderous intent emerged, and the two young men retreated and fell to the ground as if they were electrocuted.

When he looked at Tang San again, his eyes were already filled with fear.

Upon seeing this, Tang Hao glanced at his son silently, but without saying anything else, he strode inside.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to let Tang San vent properly.

After the Wuhun Palace wanted order incident, Tang San's emotions were already showing signs of losing control, and it was better to relax than to block.

If conditions hadn't prevented it, Tang Hao would have allowed him to kill one or two people appropriately.

After casting a cold glance at the two of them, Tang San followed his father and walked into the Yuexuan together.

The two young men who fell to the ground just felt the strong killing intent emanating from each other, and no longer had the courage to step forward to stop them.

They didn't let out a breath until the opponent's back disappeared from sight. Their whole bodies were already soaked with sweat, and one of them hurriedly ran towards Yuexuan's back.

When Tang San walked into the lobby on the first floor, he realized that the decoration here was extremely impressive, and the materials used were all expensive and precious woods, emitting a faint aroma that lingered in his nose.

The girls who were in charge of receiving visitors in Yuexuan were a little surprised when they saw Tang Hao and his son. Apparently they didn't understand why someone dressed like Tang Hao could be let in.

Tang Hao didn't pay attention to their looks. He walked straight to the desk and said to the tall girl in the lead: "Tell Yuehua that an old friend is visiting."

"you are?"

"Just tell Yuehua, when the full moon is missing, she will know who I am when an old friend comes."

Looking at Tang Hao, and then at Tang San beside Tang Hao, the girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said softly: "Please wait a moment."

After saying that, he quickly went upstairs along the side stairs.

Not long after, slightly noisy footsteps came from upstairs.

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao frowned slightly and saw a group of four people walking down the stairs.

The tall girl from before also followed the four of them, pointed at Tang Hao, and whispered: "Manager, he is looking for his wife."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man in purple clothes at the head immediately fell on Tang Hao, with a trace of disgust naturally showing on his face. Looking at Tang San next to Tang Hao, who was wearing a mask and not showing his true face, his eyes were even more displeased.

Tang Hao's clothes were ragged, and even his beard and long hair were almost completely tangled together. He looked like an old beggar.

Even if there is no foul smell on his body, it is still disgusting.

What's more, the guests that come and go with Yuexuan are all imperial nobles with good status.

Even if you don't consider your own mood, other guests will inevitably feel resentful if they see such a person upstairs, which will affect Yuexuan's reputation and business in the future.

The man in purple frowned and said to the two men in blue behind him: "Yue Xuan only accepts elegant guests, please ask them to go out."

After hearing this, the two men in blue immediately hurried downstairs, accompanied by bursts of soul power and invisible pressure.

Tang San naturally took a step forward and looked at the purple-clothed man with an unkind expression above him. The only description he could think of was that he looked down upon others.

Two men in blue quickly came to Tang Hao and his son, raised their hands and said: "Please leave here."

Tang Hao said calmly: "What if I don't leave?"

"..." The two of them did not answer. At the same time, they turned back to look at the steward in purple clothes on the stairs.

The man in purple waved his hand, "Do you still need me to teach you? Ask them to leave."

The two men in blue immediately moved, raising their arms to grab Tang Hao and his son.

Tang Hao glanced at Tang San and said calmly: "Don't kill people, don't destroy this place."

The next moment, Tang San moved.

He just took a step forward, and the two men in blue felt a strong suction force coming from him at the same time. The two of them almost involuntarily grabbed Tang San with their outstretched hands.

Tang San also raised his arms at the same time, catching the wrists of the two men in blue.

The soul power fluctuations of these two men in blue are only at the soul sect level. With his current strength, such an opponent would not be taken seriously by him at all.

Illusive white shadows flashed past, and the two men in blue retreated at the same time, their outstretched arms already hanging limply.

Tang San looked at the two of them coldly, disdain and ridicule appearing in the eyes exposed on the mask.

"Extend one paw and I will remove one of you. Extend one more and I will remove the other. We are here to meet the master, not the watchdog."

As he spoke, strong murderous aura spurted out of him.

Cold, bloodthirsty, gloomy, and evil, the strong negative emotions swept through the entire first floor of Yuexuan almost instantly.

The waitresses behind the desk looked at each other and turned pale, their bodies trembling and retreating.

The middle-aged man in purple clothes was stunned for a moment, and then he flashed and came down the stairs.

He put his hands on the shoulders of his two subordinates respectively, and his expression suddenly changed as soon as he felt it. He stared at Tang San and said in a deep voice: "What a vicious method."

At this time, the bones of the arms hanging down by the two men in blue were broken every inch.

This kind of injury is extremely difficult to heal. Even if it can be cured, it will no longer be able to use force in the future, and it will be no different from being a semi-waste.

Tang San's lips slightly opened under his mask, revealing a faint sneer, "I'm already showing mercy to those who look down upon others."


The man in purple laughed angrily and pointed at Tang Hao.

"Has he ever respected us Yuexuan when he was dressed like this? Has he ever considered other guests? Not to mention you, even if the imperial nobles come, you can't even think of stepping into it dressed like this!

"I see that you are not very old, but you are pretty good at cultivation and can be considered a genius. You can't even afford decent clothes, right?"

"So, you still think you are reasonable?" Tang San said in a calm voice, "Open the door to welcome guests. With your kind of hospitality, this place is destined to not be open for long."

"It's a joke, Yuexuan has been in the imperial capital for more than ten years, and you can't continue to operate it? When you come up, you ask to see the master of the mansion. How can we, the master of the mansion, be a female, just let you come at your request?

"Does it mean that we have to report any random cat, dog, or beggar on the roadside? If we do this, Yuexuan will really not be able to continue operating, right?

"What's more, these two men of mine have never had the slightest intention of hurting anyone, but you are so cruel that you can easily break someone's arm. Which college are you from? Is this how your elders taught you to behave?!"

As he spoke, a faint halo flickered next to the purple-clothed steward, and huge soul power fluctuations were released.

At the same time, six soul rings quietly appeared at his feet, revealing his identity as the Soul Emperor.

In fact, with his temperament and his powerful strength as the Soul Emperor, he would never talk so much nonsense to others, especially when facing evil guests who did not pose any threat.

But more than a year ago, Elder Su from Wuhun Palace left a deep impression on him.

The young man obviously looked ordinary, and his sharpness was not even as good as that of the girl walking beside him. However, it turned out later that he was the youngest elder in the history of Wuhun Palace, and his strength was comparable to that of a Titled Douluo. .

The masked young man I saw today easily destroyed two of his soul masters without even releasing his martial soul. He also had a bloody and terrifying aura. It was hard to say whether he had any hidden strength.

It wasn't until he saw the other party's sharp words and aggressive attitude that he obviously couldn't be reconciled that he was ready to take action.

However, Tang San obviously didn't accept this trick.

No words or strength could shake his mind at all.

To Tang San, his father was his nemesis. Anyone who dared to look down on Tang Hao would have to pay the price with blood.

No matter how ragged Tang Hao's clothes were, it was definitely not something these people could slander.

"Who are you talking about?" His voice became colder and harsher.

The man in purple narrowed his eyes slightly, and lost the interest in continuing to argue, and said calmly: "You may have good talents, but when the young elders from Wuhun Palace came to Yuexuan more than a year ago, they were not like you. You are so domineering and domineering. Don't think that because you have some strength at a young age, others should give you face as a matter of course."

"Elder of the Spirit Hall?!" Upon hearing this title, Tang San's eyes were immediately filled with blood, and his whole body felt as if his hair had exploded. It was no longer possible to suppress the rich blood energy all over his body.

"Originally, I was merciful to you, but I was too soft-hearted! You are a villain who is colluding with Wuhun Palace, and you have already found a way to kill you!"

Before he finished speaking, murderous intent was already boiling like a tide.

However, at this moment, a hand pressed on his shoulder, and the cold murderous intent was poured down like ice water.

"Don't be impulsive." Tang Hao frowned.

Suppressing Tang San was not because he had any sympathy for the person in front of him.

In fact, for today's Tang Hao, he doesn't care much about other people's insults and ridicules, whether it's life or death.

What he was worried about was Tang San's condition.

If Tang San could barely control himself and take the initiative to kill to vent his anger, the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages, but he could never be stimulated to the point of losing control. There was a huge difference between the two behaviors.

Tang Hao, who also possesses the God of Killing Domain, knows this very clearly.

But apart from that, Tang Hao actually felt a little weird and awkward in his heart. There seemed to be something wrong with his son's aura.

But after thinking about it, I can only attribute it to the reason that Tang San's current cultivation level is relatively low.

When he himself experienced the experience of the Killing City, his strength was far stronger than Tang San's today.

If Tang San hadn't made much progress in spiritual training in the past few years than ordinary spirit masters, and had that kind of wonderful hidden weapon and self-created spirit ability at his side, he wouldn't have asked him to go to the Killing City to be tested so early.

It is not difficult to achieve victory in the Killing Fields of Hell, but the road to Hell is by no means an easy place.

It was precisely because he was worried that he had been secretly observing Tang San's performance and progress in the past two years.

"Everyone stop it."

At this moment, a slightly cold voice suddenly sounded.

After hearing this, several people looked up the stairs at the same time, and saw a beautiful woman in silver palace clothes, whose true age was difficult to tell, slowly walking down the stairs, followed by two beautiful girls.

A flash of surprise flashed in Tang San's eyes, and a faint black mist flashed across his eyes.

Although the beautiful woman in front of her is not top-notch in appearance alone, her graceful and luxurious temperament is definitely incomparable to others.

In his memory, only Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace could be slightly better than this person.

Even Qian Renxue, who was also extremely beautiful, looked a little green in comparison. The extreme arrogance in that person actually weakened a bit of his magnanimity.

However, no one noticed the fleeting change in Tang San's eyes at this moment.

Even Tang San himself didn't notice anything wrong.

The beautiful woman walked slowly downstairs. Every movement she made seemed extremely elegant and natural. Even her slightly frowned brows had a strange beauty.

"Consultant Odd, what's going on?" she asked softly.

The middle-aged man in purple hurriedly took a few steps forward, carefully watching Tang San's side, and whispered: "Madam, these two people came to make trouble, why did you come down?"

"How could I not feel such strong murderous intent?"

At this moment, a strange scene appeared.

Tang San clearly felt that a soft wave was released from the beautiful woman in palace clothes, which seemed to be able to heal all the sadness in the world.

As soon as his murderous aura came into contact with her special aura, it disappeared as quickly as ice and snow melted. The entire first floor of Yuexuan has become clean and natural again.

field? !

Tang San's expression changed.

He didn't feel any fluctuations in soul power, but he had a special field. Is this a titled Douluo? !

He suddenly felt nervous. Looking back at his father, he saw that Tang Hao just shook his head slightly, which made him feel more relieved.

On the other side, the tall girl who lost the influence of the murderous aura and came back to her senses hurriedly ran to the beautiful woman in palace clothes and whispered to explain the situation.

When the beautiful woman heard the words "a vaguely old friend is here", the fluctuations originally emanating from her body disappeared almost instantly.

The next moment, her body began to tremble violently, and she quickly walked downstairs. Her movements and expression looked a little panicked, and her original elegant and harmonious temperament was completely destroyed.

The beautiful woman quickly walked up to Tang Hao, not caring about Tang San next to her, and stretched out her hands to grasp Tang Hao's shoulders tightly.

His eyes were already filled with mist, and he choked with sobs: "Hao, is it really you? You, how can you..."

"It's me, Yuehua, don't you recognize me?" Tang Hao sighed softly.

Tang Yuehua's lips trembled, and she suddenly threw herself into his arms and cried loudly. Her arms tightly hugged Tang Hao's waist, as if she wanted to completely integrate her body into the other person's body.

Tang San's eyes widened slightly.

He actually saw his father gently patting the beautiful woman's back, with a gentle look on his face.

It was hard for him to imagine that such an expression would appear on his father's face.

What is the relationship between these two people?

As his mind wandered, a looming black mist once again passed through his eyes.

After a long time, Tang Yuehua finally stopped crying. She raised her head and took a deep look at Tang Hao, then turned to look at Tang San standing aside, "Is this your and her son?"

Tang Hao nodded silently.

With tears in her eyes, Tang Yuehua straightened up and raised her arms, touching Tang San's face, wanting to take off his mask and see his face clearly.

But then he seemed to think of something again and quickly stopped his movements.

"You guys come upstairs with me first."

After saying that, Tang Yuehua took Tang Hao's hand, turned around and walked upstairs.

Tang Hao didn't resist, and just let the other party pull him to the stairs. Tang San silently followed the two of them without saying a word.

At this time, Tang Yuehua turned to look at the manager Ode and said: "Everything you saw just now, treat it as if it never happened. You are responsible for this matter, do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

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